Dear All,
Through the loosening and clearing of the lower astral (4D) and deeper aligning of the planetary high vibrational Shift flowing through this extraordinary year, we’re glad to be able to share here about a widespread defusing of lower 4D energies and devices during a high-aligned gateway of the weekend of May 19-20th, still continuing, in the context of the current stage of steadying and strengthening the New Earth Grid.
The New Earth Grid imprints the higher light codings of the fully realized ascended Earth, radiating from the planetary core ~ Light-Heart of Gaia in the fifth-sixth dimensions and higher ~ in a fluid, pliable interweaving of light strands of the Unity Consciousness Grid, Crystalline Heart Grid and the meridian network (chi/life energy channels) flowing through the planet’s etheric layer…which is gradually aligning to the unified loving energy being rebirthed through Gaia’s divine planetary template, lifting frequencies, and purifying energy channels (see this post if light grids are new to you).
During 2018, two ancient interconnecting light grids have been blessed with increasing activation, with a lot more to come; the Mu grid (ancient Lemuria) and the Avalon grid (carrying the wisdom and joy of the Golden Age of Atlantis, before its vibration fell). Hawaii, capital of what was once the Mu continent, is currently in a high activation phase, translating through to the 3D physical layer as floods followed by heightened activity of the volcano Kilauea on the Big Island, as adjustments and higher aligning of the subtle light templates reflect into physical and reverberate energetically into and through the planetary meridian channels, clearing, flushing and raising the overall vibration another notch.
As the higher light frequencies continue to flow and shift everything back into alignment with Universal Love, resistances in the density of 3D polarity are obvious, whether in orchestrated distractions or personal mental/emotional looping. Prioritizing staying peacefully open in our hearts to the ascending vibrations allows increasing inner clarity and innate attunement to the beautiful loving support all around us multi-dimensionally, and joyful awareness of the shifts occurring in various dimensional layers around this planet and Solar System.
The photos below show some of the purifying transmutation (vibrating through cloud formations) currently sweeping through old control imprints and layers of ‘energetic debris’ that have lain in the lower bands of 4D around the Earth, and what we would call the ‘3-4D interface’, including surveillance and transmission devices like the one below that have been widely dissolved during the last week.
The way this ‘clean sweep’ appeared to me was in dreams and visions of whale-like beings whose energies had dropped and become misaligned in some parts of the Cetus constellation (Cetus being depicted either as a whale or a sea monster, as the human unconscious carries memories of the dual energies in that constellation, some high and loving, others distorted ~ which is where most of the myths of sea monsters, sirens luring ships onto rocks, and dangerous merman/maid type tales originated from) being set free from entanglements, control devices planted in them expelled and dissolved, and the liberated beings assisted to sanctuaries located in the Arcturian Angelic Light-worlds, for healing and recouperation.
Vibrations of aquatic beings in the 4th dimension reflect through cloud waves rolling over the Sun, with an Angelic Arch of White Light starting to form around a Sunbow, a sign of Archangelic presence, May 16, 2018.
This is a truly blessed release, and the photo below shows one of these whale -like beings (which had called for help) in the moment that a device was dislodged from within its head, and literally flew up out of its blowhole as it vented etheric vapours (which you can see in the photo). The device popped into very clear visibility for a moment before Star Family dissolved it.
Whale-like being vents a transmitter up through its ‘blowhole’, with Angelic assistance. The device came clearly into focus within the 3-4D interface before being dissolved. May 16, 2018.
These devices have been used to transmit frequencies leading to confused, imbalanced decision-making among humanity, with many clustered over ‘hot spots’ around the Earth (implanted in beings with whale origins because they naturally amplify frequencies over a long range). The removal of this network is fantastic for the planet, for high energies to move freely and unobstructed through the New Earth Light-Grid into 4&3D, along with the ongoing clearing of the 4D layers in general!
Ashura (my Twin Flame, here in his 5D light-form, Arnap) can be seen guiding one of the hybrid whale souls free of the lower 4D in this sequence of May 23rd; first, his silver pod-ship flashed (circled upper right) above a passenger plane as it flew past a ‘whale cloud’ that moved clearer into view in the second photo.
Arnap’s pod-ship, from the mothership Meri’Ashar, flashes at the upper right of this photo, with plane below, and whale cloud behind tree lower left, May 23, 2018.
Can you see/feel the whale soul ‘shaking itself loose’ of etheric/lower astral bindings as it flies/swims free?
Whale being shakes free of lower 4D bindings, also releasing connected souls whose faces are visible within and around it, May 23, 2018.
Miracles are happening in and around this world, beautiful friends. If you feel an inner call to assist, meditating with the intention and/or visualization of Purple Light (violet for clearing, purple for compassion and aligning with Divine Will) and Silver Light (for transcendence of all limitations) flowing through your Heart of Love, bathing your own energy field and the whole planet in purple and silver light, in the spirit of Universal Love & Joy, all contributes to Shifting personal and overall vibrations higher.
We’d like to send a loving hug to our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters here too, as their work has been instrumental in preparing the way for the current stream of transformations, thanks beautiful beings. Here they are, signing their presence with a ‘horseshoe in the clouds’, leading into this clearing phase.
Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with faces looking through it, May 10, 2018.
I could feel an energy trying to grip onto the horseshoe from below (ie; attach to a sphere of light an Alpha Centauri lightship was anchoring from 5D into the 4D levels), and the Alpha C’s said to turn the next photo upside-down.
Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with dolphin & whale energies, May 10, 2018.
Instantly, a large dolphin’s face could be seen on the left side of the horseshoe, and a whale diving toward it from above ~ representing the beautiful whale and dolphin beings of the higher dimensions coming in to support and steady the energies. Centaurs flowing as ‘sea horses’, so to speak, anchoring through the liquid light-waves in union with Cetacean souls and energies. So you can see how the higher dimensional star families, groups and beings all work, flow (and play) together…just feel the easy, graceful unity of the loving light-realms in your heart, flowing around all of us, the Earth, the Solar System, in every moment…and let this peaceful unity anchor through your being, for all.
With Love, wishing everyone a blissful ‘Flower Full Moon’ on May 29th, as this gateway culminates,
* For a gorgeous photo of an uncloaked Alpha-Centaurian lightship over this area, with its horseshoe ring of lights visible, see our friend Rob Hartland’s photo on the Guest Photos page.
*For more about the Silver Flame see this post: Transcendence