
Many lightworkers are stepping into roles as New Earth shamans capable of traveling in consciousness to past, parallel and future timelines to facilitate healing and awakening for themselves and others. Having spent early years deeply enmeshed in denser, third-dimensional realities, some find it hard believing in their visions and perceptions. As we move further into the energies of the New Time, fifth-dimensional awareness and spiritual telepathy deepens, helping new teachers and channels build a belief in their perceptions. This is already happening for many lightworkers who are now stepping more fully into their role as New Earth shamans.

Stepping Free of Virus-Engineered Time Loops

One of the first things these shamans learn is how to step free of time loops that ensnare consciousness. Time loops are, in a sense, realities engineered by thought viruses. In earlier stages of development, time loops keep souls retrograding through old segments of consciousness. Whenever a crossroads arrives that offers the opportunity to step free, emotional triggers are evoked that keep one from stepping free of the time loop. As we enter deepening steps of awakening we are able to see through thought viruses which magnify and feed the fear-based emotions that keep us moving through time loops.

It is possible to be held into a repeating loop for long periods of time and even for indefinite periods. In the past we spoke of thought viruses, now we will go a step further to trace the source of some thought viruses. There are those on Planet Earth who are adept at projecting thought forms into mass consciousness. Not all of these adepts have the highest and best intentions. It is possible to cultivate inner technologies without fully clearing fear and fear-based intentions from the energy field. Advanced capabilities are able to operate in the midst of fear and lower intentions. Time loops can be a destructive force. Even this is part of divine order. When we collectively and as individuals enter higher realms of seeing, we’re able to perceive virus-engineered realities and step free of time loops.

Each Timeline has a Higher and Lower Octave

Anytime we feel ourselves under attack or mired into thought viruses and other snares, we can go within and merge with the ocean of higher consciousness. This allows us to shift to a higher octave of the timeline we’re in. Every timeline has higher and lower octaves along its spectrum of potentials. As we shift into the higher version of our present life track, we are able to glimpse other life tracks of even higher resonance and potentials. We can then set our intention to shift to one of these life tracks. We can shift to any life track we can perceive.

Traveling Life Track Meridians to Unify Consciousness

It may happen at times our focus self shifts to a new life track yet other aspects of our consciousness remain attached to our previous timeline. When this happens, we can travel back along life track meridians to work with these aspects. Rather than try and convince these aspects to abandon the life track to which they are emotionally tethered, it’s best to offer them visions of new possibilities along new life tracks. If aspects of your consciousness are deeply rooted in a past timeline, you may undertake multiple journeys back to visit them.

You won’t want to spend too much time traveling back in time, however. Often, when you have first entered a new timeline, it’s important to begin developing this new outpost, cultivating potentials and gaining a firm footing here. This may mean allowing other aspects to remain in the old timeline until your new outpost is firmly in place. When you are strongly focused in the new life track, you will find it easier to bring reluctant aspects into resonance with the new timeline. There can be feelings of less focus and a sense of ungroundedness when your energies are divided between timelines. This is not uncommon as major shifts sometimes result in such short term divisions. This condition is often short-lived, especially when you approach such transitions with awareness.

Tracking your Multitude of Selves through Time

We’re all multifaceted, comprised of many aspects or selves. You may be familiar with the concept of the inner child. We are each comprised of numerous inner children, inner teenagers, inner 20-year-olds and so on. If you keep a journal, you can look back over past years and months to find many different facets of your own consciousness. You are not the “you” of a year ago, two years ago etc. The acceleration of energies is shifting us through life tracks at warp speed these days. At times we have hardly centered ourselves in a new time frame when new potentials appear.

At any given time we have a focus self in charge of navigating the segment of the energetic field through which we are presently moving. This self coordinates aspects of self, researches potentials and makes decisions designed to move us along our life path. In the past, focus selves were heavily weighted in managing third-dimensional realities. Those who are further along their spiritual path now find this is changing. As we move further into the new time our focus self becomes shamanic in nature, traveling time and dimensions as needed. Our focus self knows how to shift at will between third and fifth dimensions and is able to incorporate the higher frequencies of the new earth as they are encountered. Many focus selves are now exploring beyond the fifth dimension.

Creating ‘Doorways’ of Access to the New Time

The timelines of the new earth have always existed. Time is just a human construct created to measure and quantify segments of life experience. Time does not exist in the higher dimensions. We began collectively tuning into the timelines of the new earth years ago and used this beacon as a homing frequency. Many light-workers are already transitioned to these timelines and are energizing these new life tracks, creating user-friendly “doorways” to make these timelines more accessible to increasing numbers of people.

Steps to Activating New Earth Timelines

If you are reading this you are here to help shift human consciousness to timelines of the New Earth. It is time now to bring yourself into a state of inner unity and physical alkalinity so you can carry out this mission of activating collective timelines of love, peace, and harmony. Some steps to facilitate this activation are:

1)Meditate. Meditation is more important than ever now. It helps harmonize all aspects of your being with New Earth timelines and brings you into direct communion with your higher self. As a shaman of the new time your first task is to bring about unity among your differing aspects so you can function as one unified being instead of a loose consortium of warring entities. When we are at war within ourselves, we project this state of disharmony into the outer world. Meditation is essential now to entrain all your ‘selves’ to frequencies of love, peace, and harmony.

2)Engage in regular creative “play”. Creative play helps to harmonize your inner selves. It also helps keep your imagination active and alive. Your imagination is the tool you use to envision and create the future.

3)Alkalinize your physical system. It’s important to bring your body into a highly alkaline condition to be able to adapt more quickly to timeline shifts. When we fine-tune our physical system, we are able to access and hold higher frequencies of light and make these accessible for others. Maintaining a light, alkaline diet of green smoothies, green soups and green juices greatly accelerates your movement along an accelerated path. You will find there are numerous non-animal sources of protein so there is no need to consume animals to live a healthy life. Consuming meat keeps you shackled to the dense, lower vibrational energies of the slaughterhouse.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

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Have a nice weekend...
Thanks...take care...^^
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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