New Earth Update February 2021

Hi folks, I haven't been able to post or comment on this forum for a couple of weeks, so this blog article is shared from February 14th, with Love to all here  💛✨



Soft focus photo of the star Sirius, January 26th 2021.


Dear Friends,

Love to all navigating the shifting inter-dimensional dynamics of the global field in these early stages of 2021. Amid an intense combination of clearings, exposed chaos points and resistance points that call for (and are prompting) deeper clarity and collective responsibility in multiple arenas now. Budding aspects of New Earth consciousness, new co-creations based in loving, and unified/unifying visions, are also amplifed, since the December 21st 2020 Solstice/Great Conjunction-to-January 1st’s New Year ‘Shift window’. Another strong adjusting alignment has just come through the start of the Lunar New Year celebrated in Asia and communites around the world, on February 12th, overlighted by the meeting of seven planets in Aquarius on February 11th, and strengthening through the collective ‘Love Wave’ of Valentine’s Day (Happy Valentines everyone, beloved Gaia, and all beings here)! 

From our perspective, overall the collective travelled through the Shift window into this year in ‘full spectrum 4D’ vibrations, with the 5D light-fabric coalesced and radiating all Universal Love and Oneness potentials, in the background. In the foreground currently, 4D vibrational layers are expressing broad range (or like high-speed broadband); from the unity consciousness and expansion-from-stillness of the zero-point to the outer extremes of a polarity field in flux, and everything inbetween. Nonetheless, the 5D+ frequencies are secured and simultaneously vibrating through the light-grids at a whole new level of cohesion. I/we are hearing from many who are feeling an immediacy this year, a clarity and depth of connection with the 5D New Earth reality, whenever their focus goes there, whenever their heart connects, even if it may seem obscured (for now) behind the commotion of ideas, stressors, personalities, timelines wavering and vying for energy.

When we connect through our heart with the 5D+ light-mantle shimmering in and around the planetary field, let ourselves BE, in trust and love and compassion, the Love-based co-creative field within and around the planet is so accessible this year, and can be seen, felt and heard, in our various ways, however we each internally ‘translate’ them. 4D amplifies everything, all that is in disharmony and illusion, but also all that is in harmony and love, which does open the space for new vibrational potentials and effects. So while energies in the collective field can at present seem more swirly and uncertain in many areas, the ascended New Earth is present, gleaming through in shafts of light, joy, wisdom and kindness wherever it can, micro to macro, while the human collective transitions through the 4D bands deeply enough to connect with the subtle but unshakeable presence of peaceful wholeness and well-being constantly rippling through Gaia’s field.

For anyone feeling a pull to the sea, the water element ~ especially the oceans and large bodies of water ~ is holding and radiating the heightened 5D vibrations strongly, so if you have access to the sea or a large lake, take a swim, immerse and merge with the high vibrations pulsing through the water molecules (for our northern hemipshere friends, maybe not just yet in the winter chill!). But if that’s not possible, wherever we are on the planet, we’re all primarily composed of water, and we can invite the presence of the 5D+ vibrations within the fluid and crystalline aspects of our bodies to Amplify Now. We can hold the intention of this amplification coming in smoothly and gently, becoming clearer in our conscious awareness, as we align with the inner impulse of Ascension (remembrance of ourselves and all creation as Univeral Love) radiating from the Divine Source through the Omnivers…and enveloping this planet, to a level that can be naturally connected with in our hearts and senses, transcending dense, unstable vibrations, when we give it our focus an unconditional trust.

Back in November/December 2020, we shared about the high vibrational Blue Wave coming in from the soul of Neptune, radiating through many beautiful Neptunian lightships and beings, creating optimal course adjustments and preparing the water element for higher vibrational receptivity, for the Shift of energies to unfold into and through, this year.

We’d like to touch back on December briefly, to an activation that took place at the ‘landing pad node‘ in this patch of the Perth hills on December 4th…now in full swing in the light-grids, continuing to trigger release and clearing of the deepest layer of vibrational debris meshed into the collective subconscious connected with the fall of Atlantis. Sticky ‘end of Atlantis’ (and its interplanetary and galactic-connected imprints) are being guided by the Light Realms to deeply transmute back to Love now, as they’re still vibrating a survival rather than thrival mindset that is lower astral in nature, rooted in the subconscious. Vibrations of judgement, loss and impending doom, 4D-amplified coming into this year, have a clouding effect on collective awareness of the infinite, expansive light of Grace and Providence that is truly at humanity’s fingertips (and can be connected with in any moment in our Inner Heart). Yet concurrent with this multi-facetted dis-ease vibration, the 5D+ frequencies are welling up through the New Earth light-grid to expose fear/ego-based constructs as shadows-without-substance, and transform them, in the instant of recognition with love, empathy and unity.

This next level of ‘end-times disaster’ release through the Avalon light-grid came with some very clear soul emanations on December 4th 2020, of the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, in merged subtle form, stepping across the astral planes to open a light portal for all ‘attached shades’ to come Home to Divine Light. At the time of this activation, there had been a recent fire around the node (yet the circle of vegetation around the stone at the centre of the node remained untouched and green, as you can see in the photo below). Three crystals placed on the node stone can be seen in the photos as a white cluster on the stone’s highest point, and as we aligned the energies, the Priest/Priestess appeared clearly, standing on the smaller rock, in side view, gazing toward the crystals.

He/she wasn’t fully materialized (you can see the rock through their long robe) but the energy flowing from this form was so very deep, full of understanding and love, for All. Further down the hill to the left, coming from the ‘burnt land’, the figure of a shadowy woman seemed to walk up the hill straight toward the Priest/Priestess…and I felt she represented all the shadows of Atlantean doom/doomsday energies stored in the lower astral/etheric layers around the Earth. In the last photo, their forms were starting to fade, but you can see the shadow figure lifting her arms, reaching out for the presence of pure Love, that guided the shadows of Atlantis out through an octagonal portal…which became outlined on the node stone below the crystals. The octagonal sides are especially clear on the lower left (the number 8 represents infinity and Divine Order), and I see overlays of a large, gentle eye, like the eye of a Whale, in the centre of the octagon, and a Temple of Light was visible there while this activation was in progress. (I’d just like to share here, that the energy and light streaming through to create this activation was beyond words, a blessed release of energies that had meshed and generated shadow-beliefs in the collective field for many thousands of years in a linear time view).


Robed figure semi-materializes on a stone, representing the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, gazing toward a cluster of crystals on a ‘node stone’ in the Perth hills, December 4th 2020




Receiving nodes around the planet networked the activation (with gratitude to all involved!) and was subtly at work through December, heightening now in 2021’s energies. I see/hear the collective landed predominantly in a ‘tertiary timeline’ through the Solstice Gateway; it could have been ‘higher’ ~ more unified in its light ~ or ‘lower’ ~ more fragmented. We’ve come somewhere through a middle band of the potentials, and the Light Realms are working to clear, uplift and stabilize energies, moment to moment. There’s already enough cohesion in the New Earth light-grid vibration, however, for several Star Family groups that have been ‘in the background’ to bring their warm, gentle soul energies forward, and the group we’ll focus with for this post comes from the Lepus (Rabbit/Hare) constellation, which Ashura&I and soul family connect closely with.



Stellar bunny connections flowed through the December 2020 Solstice, with guidance to focus with the gorgeous nebula below (the Spirograph Nebula), in the Lepus constellation, overlaid on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ for New Age of Gaia birth energies coming through the Great Conjunction. To the left of Jupiter&Saturn’s conjunction, among a pair of flashing lightships, the orb/ship below revealed the Lepus/Rabbit energies present and assisting the light in-flow…with a ‘purple bunny’ beautifully clear.




Following the Solstice shift, with the ‘amplified astral’ around the Earth, certain groups connected with (non-ascended) areas of the Orion constellation, sought amplification via attempts to open lower 4D portal near some of Orion’s stars. The Lepus constellation went into ‘high beam’ from that moment, and on Januray 12th, Lepian star family gave a wonderful ‘visual trail’ of their presence around Orion while keeping watch and transmuting energies. Their soul light appears as silvery cream-white to blueish orbs, with a ‘pearly’ quality (connected with the pearlescent light of the Tenth Ray). Here, their orb showed across multiple photos, starting from Lepus, flowing down to Orion’s Belt, crossing over toward Procyon, back to Orion near the star Saiph, then holding position in straight alignment to the Belt again.


Pearlescent orb floats from the Lepus/Rabbit constellation, in a series of photos, around Orion, on January 12th 2021.








The Lepians connect with feline/leonine soul groups of Sirius and Mirzam, and on January 12th, the ‘bunny orb’ was closely watched over by a glowing rose-gold orb of Lyran&Sirian leonine souls, with the large eyes and small nose of a feline face softly formed in the lower part of this orb.



At the soul level, Ashura&I have a close relationship with Lepus. With our 5D soul expressions Arnap&Rowena, there’s a resonance in the name of the alpha star Arneb, which comes from Arabic ‘Arnab’, meaning hare or rabbit. Ashura, in his Arnap form, sent this light emanation from the bridge of a Lepian lightship on January 17th, positioned at that moment above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt (another star with soul connections, with planets inhabited by feline beings and other groups). With the contrast enhanced, his form is visible, facing Mintaka, from within a double ‘light railing’ as if standing on a balcony (or in this case, in the prow of a starship)!


Arnap appears in a light emanation from the bridge of a lightship, just above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on January 17th 2021.



The next night on January 18, this ship flew down from Lepus and stationed in straight alignment to Orion’s Belt, before flying further down toward Procyon, where another ascended star group is based (for our northern hemisphere readers, if you’re looking for these stars in the nightsky, they’ll be the other way up).



Lightship from Lepus flies close to Orion’s Belt, then toward Procyon, on January 18th 2021.


In the southern sky, a lot of Star Family to’ing and fro’ing continues around the star Canopus, and this beautiful rainbow orb to the left of Canopus on January 21st was followed by a detailed photo, with a lit triangular interior view of a lightship at the foot of the frame, flying upward behind a spray of grey pods which it ‘herded’ toward the star.


Shimmery rainbow orb appears to the left of Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, on January 21st 2021.


Lightship flashes below Canopus, herding a ‘swarm’ of grey pods, showing an interior view (see enlargement below), on Januoary 21st 2021.


Enlarged below, there’s a dear star brother in the foreground of this interior view, showing his left arm (on the right to our view) sheathed in white light from shoulder to hand, with his right arm folded over his front, and right hand resting on his left forearm. I see/feel two soul ‘overlays’ radiating through this form; one radiates from our star brother Ka’ree, and one is Arnap’Arein, our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son, on board the Lei’hua with us. Arein is a 5D soul expression of a family member on the earth plane…who around the time this photo was taken, had just been required to have several vaccines. You can see the white light sheath is brightest around his shoulder, with a dense, dark ball of energy to the right of his arm, as etheric aspects of the vaccines were drawn out from his earthly form and transmuted. Arein sends this photo for all, as a reassurance that anything not in resonance with the higher dimensional light integrating within our physicality on this plane can be instantly transformed and realigned to divine harmonics…just ask, peacefully, in your heart, trust you intuition. Your Oversoul, your Inner Divine, is present always, embracing you and within your whole being, as Infinite Love. And be reassured that Star Family continues to transmute and transform many types of non-aligned frequencies and energies, all around the planet.



Throughout January, ships continued to flash around Arneb and the Lepian stars, with the same pearly orbs appearing there and flying around Orion, such as this one on January 22nd, constantly watching over the Earth and defusing intrusions.


Pearly orb from Lepus constellation floats above Orion, on January 22nd 2021.

We came into this year with massive Divine Mother Light pulsing through our Sun’s mother star Sirius (which reaches its annual zenith at midnight on New Year’s Eve). To my perception, Sirius has been flashing rose light this year, as well as the blue-purple spectrum…which showed beautifully on January 26th, with this soft focus shot of Sirius (with a ship flashing right beside her, and Canopus at the right of the frame). In the enlargement below, a glorious Divine Feminine form can be seen within Sirius, in a long rose dress, standing between pillars of light, framed in royal blue (supported by the Blue Ray/Divine Masculine energy). The ship beside her was also flashing bright rose in a ring of green lights, the heart chakra and higher heart colour vibrations aligning to the Earth as the Sirian stargate poured Mother Light here to support Gaia and all love-based co-creations here.


Sirius appears in soft focus with a ship flashing close at her right, with Canopus at upper right of the frame, on January 26th 2021.



Earlier that day Arnap brought his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, and appeared for a few seconds below the clouds, before anchoring the Sirius Light that night (with a companion ship mirroring him very subtly to the left).


Arnap flies his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, on January 26th 2021.


Sirius and Canopus work as mirror nodes, with lightships often flashing beside them in unison or zipping back and forth. While the Sirius stargate was open and streaming ‘mother-light codes’, ships were flashing brightly around Canopus, and a few nights later on January 30th, the Lei’hua gave an interior view from beside Canopus, rose-gold light with a tinge of green inside. I’ve circled some of the people inside a cosy sitting area…with figures standing at the left and seated at the right, faintly visible in a soft glow. The clearest figure is at the furthest left, in a dark green outfit.


The Lei’hua flashes brightly to the right of Canopus on January 30th 2021.



This interior scene was followed by another one the next night, from a ship holding an almost identical position to the upper right of Canopus, this time with a soft, ‘fluffy’ feeling orb to the left of the star, forming a straight alignment. The colours and shape are similar to the Lei’hua’s emanation, but revealing an interior scene this time from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem), with light figures ranged around a bright golden-white floor in the foreground, with overlighting forms in the background (I see/feel lovely Sananda in the centre background, in green light).


A ‘light-room’ emanation from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership flashes upper right of Canopus, with a pearlescent orb to the left of the star, on January 31st 2021.


Through all this, our Lepian star brothers and sisters continue containing lower astral Orion entities in light-fields and redirecting them (for clarity, these beings aren’t necessarily from Orion, but coming through portals connected to some of the Orion stars from other galaxies), with assistance from beings of ascended stars and planets within the diverse and complex Orion constellation. The beautiful golden-white orb below floated down from Lepus to align with Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021. Enlarged, there are two especially clear rabbit forms, representing the soul energies of star brother Arturo and star sister Ella (of the Elam’Ashar/Sapphire Star mothership).


Golden-white ‘bunny’ orb floats down from Lepus, on a level with Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021.


Arturo&Ella earthed their soul energies, for a few cherished years, through a pair of very adorable bunny companions, Merlin and Ella, who Arturo&Ella have projected within the orb…with Merlin in the foreground looking this way, and Ella behind him, looking toward a golden light. Ella passed on Christmas Day 2020 during a ‘sudden mission’ connected with the Orion portals, in which her hold on her earth-anchor bunny form slipped away. But in the higher dimensions she is fine, all is re-newed in the instant…and she sends her rabbit form in my dreams, meditations, and orbs. In hindsight, it’s no coincidence that bunny companions first came into my earthly life some ten years ago, at the same time I started dreaming of starships, then seeing them in the sky (and the first time I ever searched the name ‘Arnap’ online, a picture of a white rabbit came up).

Ascended beings assisting the Earth and humanity’s awakening can anchor their soul presences through animals, just as much as through human embodiments (and really, through anything, a tree, a crystal, a light particle, but often soul family members and soul friends are with us, radiating through the forms of animals, whether as our close companions, or fleetingly through our wild friends). Everything is connected, and everything reflects, from the macro to the micro, in these interweaving expressions and co-creations throughout universes. And for any who feel so called, the beautiful ‘Bunny Angels’ are here and delighted to connect! Just ask from your heart of Love (we suggest practices like these ones or similar, for aligning and unifying your vibration, before inviting other dimensional connections).

With the Lunar New Year open now, through the vibration of the Year of the Ox, alignments are now lighting up from many Ox/Cow-connected stars, including the Taurus constellation’s Pleiades cluster, Hyades cluster and alpha star Aldebaran. The Ox vibration radiates stability, kindness, gentle strength, patience and perseverance, all qualities that are a great asset in this phase of the Earth Shift, perfect for stabilizing the field, staying on track and honouring the New Earth’s budding creational potentials within ourselves and all beings.

We wish all readers celebrating this Lunar New Year many blessings of the Light, radiating to All Beings! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to ‘the world and all beings here’, with a photo leading into these beautiful energies on February 10th 2021…of an orb close to the alpha star of Taurus, Aldebaran, containing a pair of Divine Lovers holding each other in a wash of deep rainbow light.


Rainbow orb appears next to the star Aldebaran, with a divine loving pair holding each other, and soul family among the rainbow colours, on February 10th 2021, leading into the Lunar Year of the Ox and Valentine’s Day.



Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends  🥰💛✨


*More photos and video footage of the ships and light-beings appearing here so far this year can be found on the Lightships 2021 page, which I/we will keep updating through the year.



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