~NEW FORM OF TAXIDERMY AS ART~transspec1-thumb-1031x620-25177.jpg









 lori Tomita- New World Transparent Specimens (2005-)

Fisherman-turned-artist in Yokohama City, Japan, Tomita creates art using the skeletons of various dead marine specimens, which he preserves and then colors with bright shades of dye.

The process strips down each creature to the toughest parts of its remains and Tomita has dyed more than 5,000 dead creatures since 2005, which is amazing, considering each piece takes at least a few weeks to complete, and some up to a year.

"Although these are just transparent specimens, they’re filled with the drama of organisms which I have so much love for. I want people to enjoy the beauty of life, treat life with respect and understand that there is drama happening that is not centered on themselves when they look at the specimens. These specimens which you see here are actually animals that have died for some some reason or whose carcasses were discarded from pet shops or fishermen. I use those animals which passed away and re-purpose them."

(via teslas-assistant)

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  • yes indeed ... it's kind of sad that we  (people) don't come out as beautiful as flowers ... ;) i guess x-ray is not sufficient enough to capture are true inner Essene ... ;)

  • Wow that's cool to Ara thanks for sharing that on here..

  • nice ... the artists lately allowing the creative process take its own course … which is great for the Soul. There are so many new ways of expression ...




    X-ray photography
  • Oh Hey Peter how's things, still a cruzin in your part of the world?

  • Yeah your right the souls of animals or sea life do have another chance to be alive even if they arn't living per say,they are living on in another way via a human visual perspective,like impartial spectators through another regulated force and advanced interest of expression and illustration..Oh I'm into the unique and bizarre to anything that's out of the norm so to say,I get a bit tired of the boring life humans live in and on a daily basis the same old same old, no one ever seems to be intrigued by the depth or beauty of things in deeper ways...they are too shallow as moral impartial spectators of life.They dont know how to escape into realms beyond this 3D one,they are simply just able bodied,able minded humans. 

  • Hey mate,

    How are you?

    This is so cleva..

  • Oh and not to mention the conversation pieces they'd be in your homes,all the questions to how they are made etc etc..I already see people holding them up to the light shade and examining them deeply..can you!!..

  • Cleaver art isnt it,kinda mesmerising to,imagine how time consuming to create them,you'd have to have heaps of patience,plus he's recycling in a new sense of the word,eco biodegradable art products right down to the glass they are cased within...You could also meditate while staring at these,with headphone music in your ears,hense I added a video,they are a great tool.. Well I can not sure about anyone else,I lucid dream often, go to worlds within worlds within worlds and travel back again all while semi awake and coherent,like time bumps, feels like it's either stopped or it's revolving in another direction & speed,I found out ingenuity a modern technique to a starseed how we can do this so natural and at ease to...Glad you enjoyed them to...

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