As this drama unfolds the most beautiful angel, the one responsible for the division of the astral into two cells or worlds, has returned to once more complete the divine counterpart pattern of the new elves.
The cell or earth of the new humans remains in strict quarantine and new humans retain "observer status" only as Gaia's ascension continues. They may watch but may have no direct or indirect influence in the unfolding of coming events.
They may not have "outside contact" and are enclosed in an energetically balanced enclosure where they can work things out for themselves in total free will without outside influence.
The cell or earth of the new elves with its complete and balanced divine counterpart male/female pattern is now finished and a new energetic stage begins, the galactic grand opening of new Gaia!
Gaia guardians are now in place and all barriers have been removed to allow free access to our galactic visitors.
New Gaia is now a free and open planet! Mortal physical 3D is dissolving and full disclosure of non human life and civilizations has been authorized along with public appearances of space craft when appropriate.
New Gaia makes her debut in a grand way! We have arrived!
You may expect an awakening and increase in s0 called psychic phenomenon and abilities as the energies continue to rise and then stabilize.
Our world is on the brink of unprecedented change and opportunity! People will either rally to the new energies or hurry to leave their physical bodies as the changes become too disruptive to deal with.
Those leaving physical bodies will find opportunities to be born into new ones at appropriate times if desired.
Already the astral has changed and allows new types of communications between souls that have not functioned in the old energies.
We have been waiting for this and now it is here!