
How you can help now - and on the 10th October 2013 (10:10)

Some people think that something is only valid if it sounds complicated. Truth is simple and regardless of how deep a concept it needs to convey, it can be simply stated.

The Earth Mother ascended on 21st December 2012 without her physical body (Earth). As we know, it is quite normal to ascend without a physical body. The goal of the Light Force on Earth was to assist the Earth to ascend. This was achieved.

The ascension of her own physical body was not a part of that brief, although she was given a lot of help by the Light Force and the Higher Light Realms to assist her with her own goal for her life forms (which includes humanity) to increase their light sufficiently so as to move with her as she ascended.

The Earth Mother had a personal desire to increase the frequency of Light of her physical body (Earth) in addition to her other subtle bodies. But she recently realised there were too many humans who weren’t yet ready for that level of Light acceleration.

So she continued on her own evolutionary plan of ascension and replaced herself with a team of highly evolved custodians, new Divas and new (but much less in number) Elementals. Most of the older divas and elementals that were operating here have been slowly leaving the planet up to the 21st December.

The new team is in place to keep everything functioning normally as the influx of light continues to stream into the Earth to assist the final return home of the remainder of the Light Force, allow the ascension of the physical body of Earth and the remaining population of Earth to continue on their own personal Ascension path. Light will continue to flood into the planet in preparation for those events to occur.

For some time now a wonderful new intergalactic matrix spanning many dimensions, has been in a state of creation. This matrix will link the Earth with all its galactic neighbours. The intention is to create a huge new interplanetary network which can be used by many planets and their populations including Earth’s Lightworkers which will speed everything up.

The final movement and locking into place of this Matrix is destined for 10:10:2013 (10:10:2013 = 8 Infinity.) At that point, a huge influx of Light will be able to be accessed by Earth and all those individuals who have a sufficient quotient of light to be able to access those frequencies.

Its creation will allow the other dimensions to be more transparent and hence more easily accessed and viewed. If you have children who suddenly start telling you they can ‘see things’ that others can’t see, they probably can.
Over the period of time that covers the 10th October this year, many groups of Lightworkers have found themselves planning to go to different locations around the Earth.

10:10:10:10 of 2013 (=10)
Please read the detailed explanation ahead.
(The procedure is ALSO written as a LIST ahead.)

It is to be considered a special day and groups joining together on that day can greatly assist the ease of the anchoring process. This can be done by forming a circle with friends (Note: if you are alone that is also OK) and becoming as still and as ‘thought free’ as you can.

You need to be standing (not sitting) at this stage. This will allow the anchoring of the higher dimensional light rods and silver cord connections that are about to be used. Begin at 10 minutes past 10am local time. (10:10:10:10:2013 =10). (10:10:2013 = 8 Infinity)

At that time, each individual to say out loud - ‘I Invoke the Gold Ray of Christ’ (say three times). Then say - ‘I Invoke My Mighty I Am Presence of my Highest Evolution’ (say three times). If it is impossible to do it at 10 past 10am, it is still better to do it than not do it.

As a group together you may like to invoke out loud the following, to ensure that you are functioning in the best possible cleared space.

“Through the Christed Light of God, I Am One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I Invoke the Sacred Violet Flame to transmute anything within my space that is not in alignment with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.” (say three times)

Be still and wait several minutes to allow the Violet Flame to transmute anything that may be needed. It is OK to have things that need transmuting. Many do. So what! Don’t block things needing to shift, because you want to appear perfect! Ego has no place on this day.

Allow yourself to be drawn upwards (by your I Am Presence and the Light Ascended Realms) - so that you span as many dimensions as you personally can comfortably handle. You don’t need to know how many you are able to handle. It will just happen.

Remain standing as still as you can for about 15 minutes. Stillness is needed so a network of cords can be created while you are in a standing position with chakras aligned. But you don’t need to be totally still like a statue!

Then you can sit if you wish, as the cords will now be established. While you are still in this quiet space, you can say the decree ahead. It may be an idea to do this as an individual.

Then if someone slips up while saying it, that person can quietly restart. It’s OK to slip up. I have done so many times. It’s OK to make mistakes, we just correct them.

Once the Decree is done you can talk to each other and have a ‘cuppa’ (English slang for cup of tea, etc.) How good is that - we help the planet and socialise. It would be ideal if you could stay together for around another 20 minutes.

Ahead is a decree you can do if you wish to and it resonates as truth for you. Decrees assist the Higher Light Realms to act on behalf of the Lightworkers on Earth. Universal Law requires that Lightworkers repeat a Decree 3 times (power of three/holy trinity) using exactly the same words.

If you slip up on a word while saying it, you need to stop and start it all again. And it does sometimes happen that we stumble on a word right in the last line of the third time through.

What a good test of patience! It is vital you redo it - or else it has not been done. After the Decree has been said 3 times, please say the remaining two lines once only which brings it into being. (i.e. Anchor, Lock and Seal. So Be It, etc.)

By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to contact the I Am Presence of every Lightworker and Starseed on Earth who is currently unprepared for the vast increase of light due upon Earth on the 10th October 2013 as Earth connects to the new higher dimensional inter galactic matrix, and to rapidly but safely, bring each of those to a conscious state of preparedness, where this is in alignment with their own Divine plan.

Anchor Lock and Seal
So Be it. So It Is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done

WHAT TO DO ON THE DAY - laid out as a list of 10 steps to make it easy on the day

1. Stand in a circle with friends and become as still and as ‘thought free’ as you can. (Note: if you are unable to connect to a group, do it alone.)

2. Begin at 10 minutes past 10am local time. (10:10:10:10:2013 =10) by each person saying out loud - ‘I Invoke the Gold Ray of Christ’ (say three times).

3. Each person to say out loud - ‘I Invoke My Mighty I Am Presence of my Highest Evolution’ (say 3 times)

4. As a group, say out loud - “Through the Christed Light of God, I Am One with Divine Creation and through this Presence, I Invoke the Sacred Violet Flame to transmute anything within my space that is not in alignment with the Highest Source of All Creation and the Divine Plan for Earth.” (say three times.)

5. Then be still and wait several minutes to allow the Violet Flame to transmute anything that may be needed.

6. Allow yourself to be drawn upwards by your I Am Presence and the Higher Ascended Realms of Light so that you span as many dimensions as possible.

7. Remain standing, as still as possible, for about 15 minutes.

8. Then you can sit if you wish.

9. Say the following decree, as an individual, out loud three times word perfect.
By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to contact the I Am Presence of every Lightworker and Starseed on Earth who is currently unprepared for the vast increase of light due upon Earth on the 10th October 2013 as Earth connects to the new higher dimensional inter galactic matrix, and to rapidly but safely, bring each of those to a conscious state of preparedness, where this is in alignment with their own Divine plan.

Anchor Lock and Seal
So Be it. So It Is. So Mote It Be. It Is Done

10. You can now have a chat and a drink, preferably for a further 20 minutes together as a group.


The Decree mentioned above to be done on the day of 10:10 is intended to ensure that all Lightworkers are prepared. But we can also start doing that Decree now which can give the Ascended Realms of Light additional time to prepare some Lightworkers.

Read the decree. See if it resonates as truth for you. It needs to be said 3 times using exactly the same words. If we are in the right space when we say a Decree it only needs to be done once (but 3 times through). If you slip up on a word, start again.

Become still, connect to your highest place. Say ‘I Invoke My Mighty I Am Presence of my Highest Evolution.’ Begin the decree above. After the Decree has been said 3 times, say the last two lines once only


Lightworkers are leaving all the time. The after mission banquet ‘up there’ is filling up! We often get a feeling when our true work is finishing and our time here is coming to an end. We can always find good work to do, so that in itself is not a sign.

The key is whether our contracted work is completed. That is the issue. A strong desire to leave is also not a sign. This could be the individual expressing a personal desire. Just remember that before anyone can leave here, everything within must be in balance - and that includes being in a space where you are equally OK about staying here as you are about leaving.

Any excess in either direction needs to be rebalanced. If you are not happy being here, you could ask yourself what have you created that you are not content with? If you’re wary about leaving, check there’s no ‘fear of the unknown’ that may be encouraging you to feel ‘you will be here for along time’.

Perhaps you are meant to stay a while, but we need to make sure that thought isn’t coming from some old idea, fear or pattern.
Everything is proceeding perfectly as planned. All is in perfect Divine Order. The Earth Mother has ascended, as she and we and the Higher Realms planned so long ago.

She has left behind her earth body to house the remainder of humanity until they ascend. With major goals and work completed, many Lightworkers have already left and more leave all the time. The planet’s frequency is on a steady trajectory continually becoming lighter and finer.

Large influxes of Light are predicted to assist all bands of reality at the level they can comfortably handle. One of these large infusions of Light is the new intergalactic matrix being anchored into Earth on 10:10. As mentioned in December articles, there are three bands of reality here.

Any areas or countries that lie within one of the bands that still have some dense energy to be released, are creating the change they need to bring this about. One obvious example is the demonstrations and rapidly changing governments.

When we view things from a limited 3D perspective only, little makes real sense. You may have heard, ‘If you can't see the inherent perfection in all things and in all aspects of your life, simply make yourself larger.’ The higher picture is the truth of the situation, not the 3D apparency.

What is happening here on Earth is so beautiful and there is magic and wonder everywhere. It would be a shame if any of us limited our view to only see 3D. It would mean we are reducing the amount of light we add to the planet and are missing the opportunity to enjoy every moment of our amazing final steps in a 3D world.

Let us get into a space of fun and gratitude, enjoying the beauty of this place. It’s time to sit back and reap the benefits of all the discipline we’ve applied in our life as we’ve continued releasing all the universe persisted in showing us what needed handling.

In the past we’ve heard predictions of disaster and countries falling into the ocean. Indeed there was once a time, many many years ago, where this was a possible scenario as this idea slowly gained momentum as agreement and belief were added.

However, enough Lightworkers, understanding that thought creates our world, held fast to what they preferred for this planet, rather than agree to someone else’s idea of what was to be.

Thus the disaster of cleansing with water was averted, which would have caused great hardship, pain and death to many life forms upon Earth, and the reality that the Earth Mother preferred and chose, which was to cleanse the dense energies with Light, moved fully into the fore as the predominant reality, where it remains.

We perceived great lightness permeate the planet on the 21st December 2012 as the Earth Mother ascended. Many experienced the new frequency of finer light and peaceful stillness.

For those who were perhaps caught up in other things at that time and did not notice the change, that new frequency now just seem normal to us. Now we can experience another large influx of light as the new intergalactic matrix is anchored into Earth on 10:10.

I read a channelling recently that I feel contained a very relevant message for all of us. ‘Be open to all that is flowing in. Be the witness, the observer, you don't have to like it, judge it, analyze or react to it, simply know that it is there.

Allow the information to flow through you, you don't have to hold on to it or react to it. Receive what is yours to learn and act upon, decline what is not. Learning to distinguish what is yours and what belongs to others is very important for you now.’

Another thing I read, maybe 40 years ago, was ‘Communication is the universal solvent’. I think it needs clarification. ‘Communication with love is the universal solvent.’ We move closer every moment to a state of unconditional love.

I am heading off to the Alaskan mountains soon to do some work with the new Matrix and then on to other locations for 10:10. I suggest we all stay open to feeling drawn to be in a certain place or area on that date.

It may be your local favourite hill or even another country, but listen to your inner voice. As ever, we are led to where we are truly meant to be.

I just bought a fun sign for my wall - ‘With a coffee in one hand and a wand in the other, I can rule the world.’ Life is such fun…..

Sandy Stevenson

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