Greetings dear friends and light workers. I just wanted to clear out a few things, before i return to work. Many people have been confused, due to some spelling errors in the holy texts, saying that Jmmanuel "is" Michael. Dear friends, let me now correct this once and for all. The name Kumara and even Michael in this case, is not just a name. It is also a title. Jimmanuel, is a Master Michael, and that my friends is a title. He is one of the ancient elders and also the heavenly host. I take only orders from Jmmanuel and from God, the others takes my orders as well as Jmannuel's including gods, what ever the all mighty god wishes so it shall bee done. So hopefully now you all understand that Jmmanuel is not me, and I am not Jmmanuel. We are 2 different souls, with 2 different personalities and traits. A master Michael is a tittle and that is what they left out from the holy texts "a master Michael" and this in turn have mislead people in to thinking I am Jmmanuel, which I am not... My blessings to you all...
Mike (Archangel Michael)