To say that there has been a lot going on in the astral is an understatement! Back in late October the new 3D hologram came online and began shredding the sewage that was blocking the lower levels.
This sewage was unauthorized or unlawful astral creations that were not supported by the new hologram. Previous to this Gaia’s ascension process had been brought to a stand still.
After clearing the sewage the 3D hologram began to process new stuff. Yet, like prior activations at higher levels, everything began from an as is basis. This was not to last long since for the past two weeks those not in harmony with the new 3D hologram have been grasping at straws and feeling the loss of their own earth connections.
Then the week up to this past new moon was when all the previous higher densities that had already ascended needed some final calibrations in order to harmonize with the 3D hologram.
This really shook things up as an unbelievable amount of inner black shit was released from those working with these energies. The upshot is that we no longer have a crystalline 3D hologram, we have a crystalline 10D hologram!
During this past week the energetics sorted the players out by energy signatures and sequenced them so that the highest and most advanced players would be given the chance to make the first alterations to the cosmic fabric in this new multi-verse.
The various energy grids of each density were integrated and re-activated in unison so that they were all playing the same script and centered around the same events and people but on different levels.
The culmination of this was the finalized ascension bridge to an ascended Gaia. I had a vision of my partner and I being fused together into one human shape and then that human shape being fused together with the godhead itself.
Later for most of the day I could sense or see my partner standing next to me dressed as I was dressed in something like a star trek uniform! Now that symbolism is not my symbolism or that of my partner.
It was placed upon us as a sign of some type of graduation and we were standing at a door or portal looking out onto a new world that was to be explored. We both felt excited and honored to be able to participate.
These “star fleet” uniforms suggest integration, recognition and advancement in the higher levels occupied by our space brothers and sisters as well as the lower earth levels of the new elves where I normally am focused.
I interpret this as a new 10 D hologram that is in association and cooperation with all life on all levels in support of the “new elf” blueprint which is empowered by the connection between divine counterparts, male and female. This is a pattern that doesn’t support “collective” efforts.
In contrast the “new human” template follows the “hive mind” pattern and is not supported by Gaia’s new “Unity Grid” which is compatible with the “new elf” pattern. So collective efforts and movements are no longer supported by the new 10 D hologram.
This past week has seen a deep disturbance of “new humans” as they felt their connection to Gaia being severed.
This included changes in relationship dynamics of all kinds as old connections were broken and new connections made. What is happening is a major “grace period” for all those compatible with these new energies to integrate and establish themselves in new ways prior to the more general global activation of the 10D hologram for the first time at the winter solstice.
What I mean is that the new 10D hologram is processing these people that are in connection with it at this time, but nothing else. As the new energies come in for the new year at the winter solstice a more global processing of all astral events and creations will begin for the first time.
This will see some major disruptions of the global power structure and the new year unfolds. We are in for an exciting time!