NEW READERS! Read Here First

AbundantHope :NEW READERS! Read Here FirstLast Updated: Feb 19th, 2009 - 19:26:52ATON from the Phoenix JournalsBy ATONFeb 19, 2009, 07:53Hi everyone, while journeying on GodLikeProductions , I discovered someone calling themselves Urantian. This dedicated individual has been doing a lot of Phoenix Journal posting on at least 3 threads. The links are below. There are several full copies of some of the Phoenix Journals and it would be easy for any of you to copy these into word documents on your computer. I have pulled some of the material by ATON for new readers. I have possibly posted some of these already in the Phoenix Journal section, but thought some of you might enjoy reading them again. There are a couple in which Urantian did not mention which PJ the commentary came from. -Candace ATON :WOE UNTO THEM THAT TURN ASIDE THE JUST FOR A THING OF NAUGHT AND REVILE AGAINST THAT WHICH IS GOOD, AND SAY THAT WHICH IS OF NOT WORTH. FOR THEY SHALL BE THRUST DOWN! FOR THE DAY IS UPON THEE THAT YE SHALL BE VISITED; AND IN THAT DAY THAT THEY ARE FULLY RIPE IN DISHONOR THEY SHALL BE IN PERISHMENT. HE, HOWEVER, WHO WILL ASK AND SEEK PENANCE, SHALL NOT BE ANNIHILATED. BUT THE WHORE OF THE EARTH, THE ABOMINABLE CHURCH WHO CLAIMS TO BE, BUT IS NOT OF MY BODY, SHALL FALL. ON THAT DAY THOSE WHO REMAIN IN THE SERVICE OF THAT WHICH IS SATAN SHALL PERISH. THEY WILL BE CHEATED BY THE DEVIL AND HE SHALL CAREFULLY LEAD THEM INTO THE VOID, APART FROM ME.I SHALL CONTINUE TO SEND UNTO YOU WORDS OF TRUTH THAT YE MIGHT STUDY AND TURN FROM THINE SLOVENLY WAYS. I WILL REMEMBER MY PROMISES UNTO THEE ONES, SUCH AS NEPHI, JOB, PAUL, JESUS AND THINE OTHER BRETHREN WHO BROUGHT TRUTH, FOR I AM JUST. BUT MINE WORDS WILL BE HEARD AND THEY WILL BE HEEDED OR THY CHOICE IS ONE OF CATASTROPHE AND YE SHALL BE IN THE REAPING OF THAT WHICH YE HAVE ROOTED. THREATS? NAY; TRUTH, FOR IT SHALL COME TO PASS AS IT IS SO WRITTEN. MAN SHALL TURN TO THE PATH OF THE CHRIST LEADERSHIP IF HE SEEKS ETERNAL LIFE IN THE REALMS OF HEAVEN. IT IS AS IT IS! THESE ARE NOT MEANINGLESS WORDS OF THREAT; THIS IS ANOTHER OF THY LAST FEW AND FINAL WARNINGS.************************************************************PHOENIX JOURNAL #4 "SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER" - CHAPTER 11REC #1 GOD (ATON)FRI. JUN. 30, 1989 6:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 318FRI. JUN. 30, 1989I AM ATON, THY SOURCEI see thee with head bent that thy words be truth; they can be naught but truth for ye have yielded unto me. I AM ATON OF LIGHT. I AM THY SOURCE, CHILD. I HAVE SENT FORTH MINE SONS AND ANGELS UNTO THEE AND I COME FORTH UNTO THEE, LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE UNI­VERSE, THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THY TRANSITION.DO NOT WEEP AT THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO HEAR THEE NOT FOR IT IS ME THEY REFUSE TO HEAR FOR MY SONS AND ANGELS SPEAK IN MINE NAME. THEY ARE THE TRUMPETERS AND CLARIONS OF MY VOICE. I AM THY GOD WITH­OUT/WITHIN AND YE ARE BUT ENERGY FRAGMENTS WHICH I HAVE CHO­SEN TO GO FORTH AND EXPERIENCE THE UNIVERSE OF MY CRE­ATIONS. UNTO YE ARE GIVEN THE GIFTS OF LIFE AND CREATOR, BUT YE MISUSE OF THE PRECIOUS GIFTS.LET HIM WHO DARES, TURN HIS FACE FROM MYSELF AND REFUSE THE WORDS OF MINE MESSENGERS. THAT ONE WHO DENIES IS DESTINED TO PROFOUND TRIBULATION. HEED CAREFULLY, CHILDREN OF THE FLESH, YE ARE BUT EN­ERGY FRAGMENTS IN A PASS­ING INSTANT OF MINE THOUGHT. HE WHO DENIES TRUTH DENIES ME; HE WHO DENIES ME WILL BE CAST FROM MY THOUGHTS TO EXPERIENCE THE VOID FOR THY PERSECUTIONS OF MINE ONES IS COM­ING TO TERMINATION IN THY CURRENT TIME. THINK MOST CAREFULLY BEFORE YE PUT TO THE SIDE THESE WORDS FOR THEY ARE MINE WORDS AND AS I CREATE THUSLY I SHALL DISSOLVE. YOUR TIME OF TREMBLING AND TERROR IS CLOSE IN THY TIME. YE ONES OF EARTH WILL HEED MY MES­SENGER’S WARN­INGS OR THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MIGHTY FOR THAT WHICH HAS BEEN PERPE­TRATED UPON MINE MAG­NIFICENT CREATIONS, IN DARKNESS, SHALL CEASE. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO HEAR, YE HAVE CHOSEN THE WAY OF THE VOID AND WILL BE IN PERISHMENT WITHIN THE TIDES AND UPHEAVALS OF LABOR AND BIRTHING. SO IT SHALL BE, THY GAMES OF PUNINESS ARE DRAWING TO A FINISH. I SEAL THESE WORDS THAT YE MIGHT UNDERSTAND THAT YE “WAIT” FOR THAT SPECIAL ONE TO SPEAK FROM “SOMEWHERE” BUT NOT FROM THIS SOURCE; YE ERR GREATLY FOR “I CHOOSE WHO SHALL BE MINE SCRIBES AND BEAR THE BUGLE—NOT YE ONES.”MOVE OF THY FINGERS, DHARMA, AND CONTINUE THY ALPHABET UPON THE PAGES FOR THIS, MAN HAS WAITED, AND YE FEAR NO MORE FOR THIS IS THY PORTION AND OTHER MAN WILL ACCEPT OR DENY; IT IS FOR HIM TO CHOOSE, YOURS IS TO WRITE. YE ARE IN THE PROTECTION OF MINE ARMY SO PEACE SHALL BE THY GIFT.YE PLEAD FOR SIGNSI shall pick up where my Son left off on the yester morn for ye shall not say ye were not told of these things. Ye plead for signs and warnings, timing and reassurance; they are falling all about thine noses—open of thine eyes. Stop thy worry as to whether or not there is “time” to do of thine things—do what­ever thee can. It is the foolish waiting when ye know of what ye should do that is thy bother. Turn to thy labors and ye will not note the “waiting”.Within the time which is allotted unto the Earth which is in the present part wherein she is, there shall be a great and mighty change upon her surface and within her bowels. She has been most tormented and active within; she is seething and restless. She is a living, breath­ing creation who has been badly used. It is not in anger she throws thee from her body but rather, she is in the throes of death from thee. She has carried her burdens in honor and is released therefrom. Instead of moaning about thy displea­sures and larking ye had bet­ter be in the writing of the new sto­ries to present unto thine brothers. What will be in the second, third and hundredth motion picture? Your purpose is to tell the world my truth that ones can know of their plight. Do ye believe there are no stories within these words? Have ye ones no visions left to serve unto thy brethren? YE CHOOSE TO DENY AND WAIT FOR “PROOF”? SO BE IT—WAIT. HOWEVER, YE WHO CHOOSE TO TAKE EXCEP­TION TO MY WARNINGS AS UNCOMFORTABLE AND PRODDING, TAKE HEED—STOP OF THY WHINING FOR THIS WAS THINE AGREEMENT WITH ME! I CARE NOT ONE WHIT WHETHER OR NOT YE LIKE OF MY METHODS OR OF MY SCRIBES. I AM NOT PLEASED WITH YOUR AC­TIONS; I WEEP OVER THAT WHICH I HAVE PLACED INTO CREATION THAT HAS DEGRADED AND DE­BAUCHED MINE OTHER WONDROUS AND BALANCED EN­TITIES. IT IS THY GIFT OF FREEDOM OF CHOICE, FOR I GAVE THAT TOO, UNTO YOU, BUT YE SHALL BEAR THE DIFFI­CULT ROAD IF YE HEED NOT THE CALL THAT MAKES OF THINE WAY, EASY AND BEAU­TEOUS.Look about thee and see that some things might be in the fit­ting. For ye have been told that when it is near the fulfilling of these things, it shall be that there shall be great ship­wrecks, and the ships of the air and the ships of the sea shall go down. ARE THEY NOT DOING SO? And the fish of the sea shall seek new places wherein to spawn. ARE THEY NOT DOING SO, FROM THY POLLUTION AND FUEL SPILLINGS?AND—THERE SHALL APPEAR UPON THE EARTH NEW PEOPLE WHICH ARE NOT INDIGENOUS OF THE EARTH, AND THAT WHICH HAS NOT BEEN SEEN BE­FORE. YE HAD BETTER TAKE NOTE; STOP OF THY DENIAL AND WELCOME THY SIBORS, CHELAS—YE ARE IN GRAVE CIRCUMSTANCE AND I HAVE SENT MINE OTHER CHILDREN OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE VERY ANGELS OF MY REALMS TO ASSIST YE. REFUSE THEM IF YE CHOOSE BUT KNOW ’TIS YOU WHO HAVE REFUSED. WALK WITH MY CHILDREN AND THY NEW SIBORS AND YE SHALL WALK IN GLORY. THEY ARE COME TO SHOW YOU THE WAY; MY SONS HAVE COME AGAIN TO RECLAIM MINE HOUSES.THY MOTHER EARTH HAS SUFFERED ENOUGHThy very Earth Source has been seized with convulsions within her entrails, and she has belched forth that which is from within her interior—and, these things shall increase and in­crease. She has been in such great pain for such a great time, for thy Mother Earth that she is, is not without great travail. Oh, and such is the pity of it, for man has been unmindful of her; and as she has nurtured him, fed him, clothed him and moth­ered him, he has re­mained more and more unmind­ful of her—he has been unto her a carnal and lech­erous son. I RECOGNIZE, IN HONOR, THOSE WHO HAVE CHANGED OF THEIR LAS­CIVIOUS WAYS AND NOW REACH OUT TO ASSIST. BE­WARE, HOWEVER, OF THOSE WHO FORM “MOVEMENTS” IN FALSE INTENT. KNOW OF THAT WHICH YE CHOOSE PAR­TICIPATION. Man has been much like the salamanders and moles who burrow within her body and has taken and taken from her and given nothing in return. He is blind in his li­centiousness, for he has had no thought given of that which has nursed him and healed of his injuries and infir­mities.So be it that he has but added suffering unto insults which have been given unto the Mother Earth wherein man has had his birth into the physical parts of me. And therein is great commisera­tion of him which is in dark­ness. They see not with the eyes which are blind­folded, but they see only that which is unreal, unholy and filled with greed; for I am whole and I can see that which is won­drously complete, and I have not want for I am unto myself all that of which I have need.I AM THE CREATORIn this time of casting off I rejoice that I shall make myself into newness for I represent the Creation of Earth for I become one with my creations and ye have forgotten. Unto this end do I create. I have brought up races of men that they might become Gods and that they might become wise creators also, and that they might become one with myself. This is every man’s inheri­tance. Man shall be in no wise the poorer for having experi­enced in his growth. I am the Creator and I have created wisely, though I often weep at thine poor choices; and, I have sent man into all the worlds wherein there is life, and oh, pre­cious ones, there are many! All who have gone forth from me have returned unto me richer and more glorious for their experi­ences.There is naught place wherein is the form of man wherein is not the parts of Me. I have divided myself into parts, and I have endowed each part with the part of myself, that which is eternal—infinite—and that part of Me changes not but remains ever unchanged by anything which is or shall ever be.In my own timing shall I bring them all in again, to become again one with Me and they shall all be made whole. From the body of my­self have I created all things, both of the land and of the sea, and of the air; and therein are the things, both of land and sea, and the words become manifest. The things which I com­mand appear, and they take form, and then I breathe into them, life. They are the animated parts of Me; and they cannot be less than the Gods, because I have created each after a like­ness which I have conceived within my own being. It is the pos­itive that I am, and creation is the negative.That part which ye “see” is the part of Me which is subject to change and which shall return to the ele­ments from which it came. Not a person shall change the Law, nor shall he bring unto Me one part of himself which is of the earth; for I bring back unto Me that which is eternal, and that which is of the earth I shake off. It gives Me great joy to bring back that which I send out for it is this for which I have made provision.Positive/negative, night/day, ah yes, there are two poles of force called “life”, as in darkness and light, soul/spirit and body, LIFE AND DEATH. Many are the la­bels placed upon the posi­tive and nega­tive; yet there is only ONE AND THAT ONE IS ALL IN­CLUSIVE, FOR IT IS OF MYSELF AND FROM MYSELF THAT I HAVE CREATED ALL THINGS, AND FROM ONE SUBSTANCE HAVE ALL THINGS COME INTO BE­ING.WE SHALL AGAIN BE ONESo shall man learn these things of Me for they shall be made to sit in the council with Me and We shall again be ONE.There shall come forth a new order upon the Earth, for I have cre­ated wisely, and when a portion of Myself of­fends Me, I cast it off and I begin anew. I shall bind up mine wounds and I shall heal My­self, and I shall be as whole again. It is not with pity for My­self, but that which I have created, that they know not that which they cut themselves off from, nor do they know their own identity. For this do I weep; for they have blasphemed and been disrespectful unto Me and unto Mine other creations.I have wept that I have created man, for he has become foul, and has become so often as the stench of the Earth; he has poi­soned his own food; and he has given unto his brother the potion of the asps; and he has been unto himself renegade, for he has not kept his covenant with Me. Most often he has not been an honor unto me upon the Earth. As I sent him forth he was per­fect but he has ceased his perfection upon Mine Earth globe. He has com­mitted all of the forbidden crimes against Earth and brother and has become blind as the creatures that burrow in the ground or live within the darkened caves. I am most often given into shame for that which I created and placed, as man, upon Earth—yet, beloved of Mine, I love without limits that which errs, for that too, is my creation and ’tis for him I created and sent him forth.In due time he shall be purified with fire, and he shall return unto Me as the SONS OF GOD. There shall then be much re­joicing, for it shall be as nothing man has ever experienced, for there shall be much ecstatic rejoining and alas, much weeping; for it is given unto man to be purified by his tears and his sor­rows. So be it that he shall have them so he may know joy. Ah, chelas, in this there truly is wisdom.I say that I am his joy and I am his tears, and by his tears shall he come to know me. With my own hand shall I then wipe away the tears from his face that he has shed in my name and for my sake. He shall then be whole.HOW IT WILL BEBeloved, the events will not be stayed for actually, it is fin­ished. When it shall come upon the Earth that which shall be, it is said that there shall be great suffering, and there shall be. Of all things, the fire and the wind shall be worse, for it shall be mighty spouts of fire and molten lava from the pits of Earth, and it shall be liquid and white with heat, and the winds shall fan it and it shall not cool, nor shall they put out the fire, for it shall burn as it touches, and it shall scorch the Earth for miles—and it shall have enormous velocity. With the blowing winds it shall be flung unto widespread portions of the coun­trysides. Those who recognize and have builded their hovels against that day can be shielded from the rain of burning fragments but the hovels must be built above the flows in those places near the cinder cones. Thy Mother is releasing the eons of stored corruption from within. The pressures are beyond your ability to mea­sure. It shall be thus in the places where ye are, chela, for I speak now of thy locale for there are oth­ers who will speak of other.There shall, within a short duration of time from the first, an­other within the place where is now the Ocean of Peace (Pacific), and a third within another shorter period of time, within the east­ern part of the Atlantic Ocean (the places of At­lantis); and it shall not be within the confines of the land which is above the wa­ter. It shall force that which is now the bottom of the Atlantic to the surface of the water and there to tower far above and be­yond. Go forth and tell mine children how it will be for it will be given unto you to make wondrous vi­sions that they might see and know of these things which will come. Ye will be shown the methods and given unto you that which is needed; my creatures must be in­formed and given expec­tation. So be it. Ye who think ye cannot write, go within and pen that which is shown unto thee. Paint the visions for those who have no vision for I shall hold my wrath un­til warning might go forth. I plead with you, little ones, to heed the assistance of thy brethren whom I have sent unto you.THE LIGHT AND THE LAWI AM THE LIGHT AND THE LAW AND I WILL SPEAK UPON THESE THINGS.It is fortuned unto man to be within the Law, yet he has chosen to not be a worker within the Light. With the Light which is given unto him he has been thought­less of his Source and his ONENESS with ME. He has cast himself into utter darkness and degradations while writhing in carnal activities within the great cities having been trapped by the Satanic tentacles of the lie.Now I say unto you that all might come to know in this time at hand. He shall come to be most mindful of this Source and this, within this time, for ye are only in the beginning. Thy present generation will see and ex­perience these things come to pass as projected by the great and humble prophets sent to prepare thee.There will come forth a loud cry for peace and man shall franti­cally seek and search for balance and peace. Some who seek will find it for they will look upon truth; others will not find it for they will ac­cept the lies and call the truth—”lie”. So be it and I speak, for to them which find it shall be deliv­ered up, and they shall be placed within safety where abides peace.BACK TO SQUARE ONEUnto those which find not peace, they shall be put into a place wherein they may labor for their bread and wherein they begin anew.They shall have for their tools only their bare hands for they shall be again as in the beginning. They shall learn that which is Lawful and that which is profitable unto them; that which is of the eternal. Again, they will not, from the onset, be given to remem­ber their past, nor will they know of their fu­ture. So shall they work from day unto day in blind­ness; for it is the Law that “EVERY MAN UNTO HIS OWN” and with his own hands shall he build up his tem­ple or tear of it down. (Might this sound as a “rerun of the play” to ye chelas who are coming into knowledge and truth?) Rejoice ye ones who have seen the way. I say re­joice!Now I say unto you again, for I said it once before unto my scribes, they shall be as the beasts of the fields, for they have not prepared for the day when they shall be brought in. They have wasted their inheritance and have been unto them­selves, betrayers. Oh, beloved ones, the compassion is beyond en­durance but so shall it be for all will mature and learn that they might walk in the presence, one with Me. For man will ei­ther have chosen the way of the Law or he will have chosen to walk in separation with the fallen angels.FOR THOSE WHO SEE THE LIGHTFor those which have been mindful of the Law and the Light, and worked therein, they shall be brought into a place of new­ness wherein is total light. They shall be relieved of all stresses, for it is Lawful to say that they shall be brought into the place wherein I AM; for I have prepared for them a place and I have pro­vided well; and for this day I have provided. At no time do I for­get the “little ones” in darkness, for I have reached out within the darkness for them and they have turned away and denied of me and of my messengers.NOT A PERSON SHALL DENY THAT THIS IS SO! THEY HAVE BEEN MOST FOOL­ISH. SO BE IT AS IT MAY BE, I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THEM IN THEIR SLUMBERS YET AND IN THEIR DRUNKENNESS. THEY DO NOT YET REMEMBER FROM WHENCE THEY CAME, NOR DO THEY YET KNOW WHITHER THEY GOEST. I SEND THEE THAT YE MIGHT TELL THEM—THE ULTI­MATE CHOICE WILL REST WITH EACH. SO BE IT FOR IT IS SO AND I GIVE UNTO THESE WORDS THE SEAL WHICH IS OF GOD FOR IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN THIS MANNER AS I HAVE GIVEN IT UNTO THEE. THE TIME HAS COME TO RISE FROM THY BEDDINGS AND CHOOSE OF THY PATH LEST YE CHOOSE WRONGLY. I AWAIT THEE FOR THE FINAL CURTAIN OF THIS CY­CLE IS READY TO FALL—FOR EVER. I CALL UPON YOU TO TAKE THE OFFERED HAND OF THY BRETHREN WHO HAVE AGAIN COME AMONG YOU TO LEAD THEE HOME.I URGE YOU TO TAKE GREAT CAUTION; I AM THY GOD, YE TURN FROM MY MESSENGERS AND MINE SONS SENT FORTH AGAIN UNTO YOU AND DENY THESE WORDS AND YE ERR BEYOND THY COMPRE­HENSION. SO BE IT.I AMGo, Dharma, for ye have finished of thy work this morn­ing. Man must digest a bit of the lead and denial he will be feeling from the words; he has but a short time to be in the deciding. The years dwindle down to such a precious few—even in thy physi­cal time frames. Do not depress yourself as thy job is well done and I cherish of thee for thy faithfulness. Go and rest and allow of the energy to settle and calm; ye are in the care of my most beloved Son in whom I continually re­joice. I place mine hand upon thy head in blessings, ye who stand with me.*************************************************phoenix journals WORD OF GOD TODAYI AM ATON who bends unto thine ear that ye shall know what to write upon the keyboard. Even unto the end will man turn against mine Church, mine peoples and build unto himself temples of stone and call them in mine name. Each in his own behalf must look unto words handed down through the ages and return to the words sent forth from on High. All else is but man's placement of opinion and decree upon another. The final word shall come unto thee again, through the Higher Realms. For it shall be as it was written through those ones who came before and come forth again, as ones to be given that which is to be printed.Thy peoples of the lands are drunken---drunken with transgression and all manner of abominations. But, behold, for in the last days, both those, who come upon this land and those, who shall be upon other lands of the Earth, behold, they will be filled with disobedience and wrong doing.And when that day shall come they shall be visited of the Lord of Hosts with thunder and with earthquake, and with a great noise, and with storm, and with tempest, and with the flame of ravaging fire.All of the nations that fight against Heaven, and that distress mine places and peoples, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is but void; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is confused, and his soul hath craving; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations that fight against Zion (Creator God's Kingdom).Behold, all ye that do wrongly, stay thine selves and wonder, for ye shall cry out, and lament; yea ye shall stagger as drunken but not with wine or fine strong drink. For ye have had poured upon thee the spirit of deep stupor. See, ye have closed your eyes, and ye have rejected the harbingers, the messengers; and your rulers, and the seers hath been covered because of thine iniquities.And it shall come to pass that there shall be brought forth unto you the words of a book, and they shall be the words of them which have slumbered.And behold the book shall be locked; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof. Do you think these words are less valid this date?The tome shall be kept binded and shall not be delivered in the day of the wickedness and abominations of the people. Yea, the books of insight in totality of vision, shall be sealed from their knowing. The words shall be brought forth when the final days are upon thy lands.When the time is judged precise the book will be delivered unto man, and he shall deliver the words of the book, which are the words of those who have slumbered in the dust, and he shall deliver these words.However, the words which are bound and sealed, he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall be sealed by the power of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the book until the decree of the Lord shall order it to be brought forth; for behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world unto the end thereof.There shall come the day that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the Earth.At that day when the book shall be delivered unto a man of whom I spake, the words shall be hid from the eyes of the world, that the eyes of one shall behold it save it be that there shall be a triune of those who witness; these shall also behold of the ledger. This that man shall have testimony of plural, to validate Truth.And there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few according to Mine will, to bear testimony of this word unto the children of men; for I have said that the words of the faithful should speak as if it were from the dead.Wherefore, the book will proceed to be brought forth; and from the mouth of as many witnesses as appear suitable will the word be established. Tribulation will be unto those ones that rejecteth the word, for it shall be THE WORD OF GOD!It shall come then to pass that it shall be said unto him to whom he shall have delivered the book: Take these words which are not sealed and deliver them to another, that he may show them unto the learned, saying: "Read this, I pray thee." And the learned shall say: "Bring hither the book and I will read."And now, because of the glory of the world and to get gain will they say this, and NOT for the glory of thine Source. They will then be kept from the words which bear of the seal. The learned ones from the academic halls shall not find translation of the words.But it shall come to pass, that the book will be delivered, again, unto him that is not learned; and that man that is not educated shall say: "But I am not proficient nor wise."Then the words shall be heeded: The intellectual shall NOT read these words, for they have rejected them, and I am able to do mine own work; wherefore thou shalt read the words which I shall give unto thee. Ye shall not touch of the things which are sealed, for I will bring them forth in mine own due time; for I will show unto the children of men that I am capable of doing of mine own works.I shall be in keeping of the sealed portions which has been hidden again unto myself, that I will have preserved the words which ye have not read, until I shall see fit in mine own wisdom to reveal these things unto the children of men.For behold I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to THEIR FAITH.Again, it shall come to pass that the words will be delivered forth.Forasmuch as this people draw near unto me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men---, therefore, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, yea, a marvelous work and a wonder, for the wisdom of the wise and learned shall perish and the understanding of their prudent shall be most completely hidden.Woe it shall be unto them that seek to hide their counsel from Me. Those who place of their works in the dark; and they say: "Who seeth us, and who knoweth works, for the work shall say of him that made it and will bespeak of Truth.I will show unto the children of men that it is in this time that Lebanon shall have been again turned into a fruitful field; and the fruitful field is come unto harvest time.Ah yes, in the day which has come unto you, the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall be enabled to see out of obscurity and out of the darkness. The meek shall be increased, and their joy shall be with Me and those which you deem inferior shall rejoice.They shall be given to see that the terrible one of darkness is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off; and they that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of naught.When these ones of evil see mine children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of themselves, they shall turn to hallow mine name and they shall again turn in respect and honor unto my Truth. So be it for it shall come to pass in thy generation upon this blessed land.In the days that are in the time of confusion, the so called Churches which are built up, and not unto Me, will say one unto another: "Behold, I am the Lord's," and the others shall say: "Nay, I am the Lord's"; and thus shall every different and separate one claim to be "The One" of God---Nay, nay, nay; those who have built up churches and are NOT of mineself, shall fall. And a great cry shall go forth from those temples to a false God to prove unto us by miracles, ad nauseam. No, beloved chelas, for behold, even though man will say "The Lord and the Redeemer hath done of his work, and he hath given his power unto men; harken ye unto my precept; if they shall say there is a miracle wrought by the hand of the Lord, believe it not; for this day he is not a God of miracles; he hath done of his work." YE ARE IN GRAVE DANGER IF YE HARKEN UNTO THESE FALSE TEACHERS.There are many which shall teach after this manner, false and vain and foolish doctrines, and shall be puffed up in their hearts, and shall seek deep to hide their counsels from Mine eyes; and their works shall be performed within the darkened places. But the blood of the saints shall cry from the ground against them: "Yea, they have become corrupted."Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are blown up in their minds. They rob of the poor because of their fine sanctuaries; they rob because of fine cloth; and they persecute the meek and the poor in heart, because in their pride they are blind.WOE UNTO THEM THAT TURN ASIDE THE JUST FOR A THING OF NAUGHT AND REVILE AGAINST THAT WHICH IS GOOD, AND SAY THAT WHICH IS OF NOT WORTH. FOR THEY SHALL BE THRUST DOWN! FOR THE DAY IS UPON THEE THAT YE SHALL BE VISITED; AND IN THAT DAY THAT THEY ARE FULLY RIPE IN DISHONOR THEY SHALL BE IN PERISHMENT. HE, HOWEVER, WHO WILL ASK AND SEEK PENANCE, SHALL NOT BE ANNIHILATED. BUT THE WHORE OF THE EARTH, THE ABOMINABLE CHURCH WHO CLAIMS TO BE, BUT IS NOT OF MY BODY, SHALL FALL. ON THAT DAY THOSE WHO REMAIN IN THE SERVICE OF THAT WHICH IS SATAN SHALL PERISH. THEY WILL BE CHEATED BY THE DEVIL AND HE SHALL CAREFULLY LEAD THEM INTO THE VOID, APART FROM ME.I SHALL CONTINUE TO SEND UNTO YOU WORDS OF TRUTH THAT YE MIGHT STUDY AND TURN FROM THINE SLOVENLY WAYS. I WILL REMEMBER MY PROMISES UNTO THEE ONES, SUCH AS NEPHI, JOB, PAUL, JESUS AND THINE OTHER BRETHREN WHO BROUGHT TRUTH, FOR I AM JUST. BUT MINE WORDS WILL BE HEARD AND THEY WILL BE HEEDED OR THY CHOICE IS ONE OF CATASTROPHE AND YE SHALL BE IN THE REAPING OF THAT WHICH YE HAVE ROOTED. THREATS? NAY; TRUTH, FOR IT SHALL COME TO PASS AS IT IS SO WRITTEN. MAN SHALL TURN TO THE PATH OF THE CHRIST LEADERSHIP IF HE SEEKS ETERNAL LIFE IN THE REALMS OF HEAVEN. IT IS AS IT IS! THESE ARE NOT MEANINGLESS WORDS OF THREAT; THIS IS ANOTHER OF THY LAST FEW AND FINAL WARNINGS.Do not be misled, beloved ones, by those who will tell you there will be no writers and receivers in this time of transition; there will be many. No man shall place upon mine lips that which he chooses to be pleasant unto man's ears. I SHALL SPEAK THAT WHICH IS TRUTH AND YE SHALL HEAR OF IT OR THEE SHALL NOT; YE WERE GIVEN FREE-WILL CHOICES AND THE ABILITY TO GIVE "REASON". THY TIME FOR CHOOSING GROWS NIGH. SO BE IT!I PLACE MINE SEAL UPON THESE WORDS THAT THEY BE HEARD IN TRUTH; FOR I AM THAT I AM.I AM ATON.************************************************888PHOENIX JOURNAL #7 “THE RAINBOW MASTERS” - CHAPTER 1REC #1 ATONMON., SEP. 25, 1989 6:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 040I AM ATON TO COUNSEL, DHARMA, IN THE GLORY OF THAT WHICH IS.There is so much to be written and rewritten for man pays little attention to that which has previously been given unto him. Each time, however, that it is again brought into his attention he pays a bit more attention. That which was brought forth thirty of your years ago can now be uncovered and reconfirmed in truth.You humans of Earth station are caught in a battle of life struggle from which you must be translated, transmuted, for you cannot simply evolve into higher substance. You have worked for too long in the discipline of self-gratification inbred by the Dark Masters.ALL THE SIGNS ARE PRESENTThese portions shall be placed afore the messages of Seven Cohans of the Seven Rays of Life. The purity of these teachers and the “Orders” established have been degraded and the names themselves taken and usurped by the Evil Brotherhood to cause the human to lose of his path unto his greater heritage. It was that these orders were established so much longer ago than you ones can imagine and were only for designation of identification that you might recognize a name, a label—just as the Master Cristos has many labels according to the language and cycle of evolution. I have had as many labels as you have groups of people—it does not mean I bear separate energies—only that man must give all things labels for he can no longer discern “pure energy” in silence. Ye are bounded by need of words to communicate and still you cannot have accuracy. For instance, the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis which was the Order of the Rosy Cross in no way resembles that which was established lo those eons of sequence past and to label yourselves in truth with those labels almost assures that you will not be acceptable as other than workers of Satanic orders. For Satan has cleverly and totally absorbed the compilation of peoples who call themselves by those names in your present days. MAN DOES NOT WISH TO KNOW HIS ANCESTRY. IT IS EASIER TO DRIFT IN A SEA OF MYSTERY AND MYSTICISM OF “WELL, I WAS MOLDED OF DIRT, WAS TEMPTED BY THE SERPENT, WILL LIVE OUT MY LIFE IN EVIL, WILL SOMEHOW RECOVER AND MEET THE MASTER CHRIST SOMEWHERE IN THE AIR, SOMETIME, SOMEWHERE WHEN ALL THE SIGNS ARE PRESENT!” ALL THE SIGNS ARE PRESENT, CHILDREN, AND YET YE WALLOW IN YOUR PRE-SCHOOL IGNORANCE—ACCEPTING THAT WHICH IS THE LIE AND REFUSING THAT WHICH IS TRUTH AND PERSECUTING THOSE ONES WHO ARE GIVEN THE TRUTH IN THIS MANNER. TRUTH BRINGERS DO NOT REAP GREAT REWARDS FROM THEIR TASK, THEY DO NOT HAVE SEMINARS TO ENTERTAIN THE MASSES—THEY DO NOT STUDY THE GREAT ACCEPTED “AUTHORS” OF BOOKS OF “AUTHORITY”, THEY SHUT THEIR MOUTHS, OPEN OF THEIR MINDS AND RECEIVE THE TRUTH—FURTHER, UNLESS YOU RECEIVE OF THE TRUTH YOU SHALL NOT BE DRIFTING ON ANY CLOUDS TO ANYWHERE EXCEPT MORE DENSE RECYCLING IN NETHER WORLDS OR DRIFTING IN THE SAME TYPE OF ASTRAL VOID AS YOU HAVE CHOSEN UP UNTIL THIS SEQUENCE OF YOUR CURRENT SOUL EXISTENCE.THERE IS ONLY PURITY IN THE KINGDOMS OF LIGHT. IF EVIL TOUCHES WITHIN THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT, THAT PORTION IS REMOVED.WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?You ones petition unto Me, “How can I tell if this one or that one is `real’? Is he of Truth or the lie?” Most simply, My chelas, most simply discerned. If he stands or sits before you and teaches less than the Laws of The Creation and the Laws of God he is not of Me. This does not mean that man is not allowed to err, but he is not allowed to condone evil in any measure. Man does not like the Laws of Creation and the Laws of God so he rewrites them in order to make them right unto himself. Man has rewritten all commandments given unto him and if one does not fit into his personal way of practice, he makes new ones, then “churches” are built and reformed and reformed to suit the “needs of current belief”. NO! IT MATTERS NOT WHAT MAN CHOOSES TO REWRITE OR REFORM—IF HE BREAKS THE LAWS OF CREATION AS GIVEN, HE IS COME INTO EVIL. THE LAWS AS GIVEN IN SIMPLICITY BY THE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM CREATION OF EARTH ARE QUITE SUFFICIENT, MY PRECIOUS ONES. IT IS THROUGH THE NEGLECT AND REFORMING AND FALSE PERCEPTION THAT YOUR EARTH IS NOW TO THE POINT OF DESTRUCTION. HU-MAN IS A MOST IGNORANT LOT AND MUST LEARN THROUGH THE MOST DIFFICULT ROUTE THAT HE CAN CONJURE. SO BE IT. DO NOT THINK THAT WHAT THE SO CALLED “CHRISTIANS” OF TODAY, OR DURING THE CRUSADES OR THE INQUISITION WAS OF THE “LAW”—NAY, THAT IS OF EVIL MAN’S DOING.THESE LESSONS WILL ALSO BE TURNED AWAY FOR TRUTH IS NOT THAT WHICH MAN WISHES TO HEAR. HE WILL CONTINUE TO LISTEN TO HIS HUMAN TEACHERS WITH THE LARGE CONGREGATIONS SO THAT HE CAN CONTINUE IN HIS EVIL WAYS AND CONSIDER HIMSELF BLESSED. HE WILL CHOOSE OF THE LARGEST CONGREGATIONS, IN ADDITION, THAT HE NOT HAVE TO GIVE AS MUCH PROPORTIONATELY. HE INNATELY KNOWS THAT HE IS NOT BEING GIVEN THE “LAWS OF GOD” AND THEREFORE HE CAN “FUDGE” A BIT AND NO ONE OF IMPORTANCE WILL KNOW—HE KNOWS IT IS NOT ALL THAT GREAT TO GET WITHIN THE INNER TEMPLES OF STONE. I AM MOST SIMPLE IN BEING, MINE LAWS MOST SUCCINCT AND I CAN MOST SURELY REPEAT THEM UNTO YOU HERE FOR THEY ARE WRITTEN IN EVERY HOLY BOOK YOU HAVE—EVEN IN THE SATANIC VERSES—FOR EVIL MUST HAVE LISTED THE LAWS THAT THE FOLLOWERS OF SATAN KNOW OF THOSE WHICH TO BREAK. SATANIC FOLLOWERS SET AS THEIR GOALS THE BREAKING OF EACH AND ALL COMMANDMENTS AS GIVEN BY GOD AND CREATION. IT GETS HARDER AND HARDER FOR THEM TO BE INDIVIDUAL IN THEIR PRACTICES FOR EVIL IS SO RAMPANT AND THE RULES SO REGULARLY REWRITTEN TO SUIT A DOCTRINE OF A GIVEN CULT, THAT THEY MUST GET MORE AND MORE HEINOUS IN THEIR ACTIVITIES IN ORDER TO BE “DIFFERENT”, AND YOU ONES MOAN AND WEEP IN PROCLAIMED, “WHAT HAS BECOME OF OUR WORLD?” IT IS DYING, MY CHILDREN, IT IS DYING FOR YOU HAVE BECOME A PART OF THE DESTRUCTIVE EVIL.THE LAWS OF GODYou shall honor the Lord thy God with all thy being and have no other Gods before you. For I have created you in the image of myself in honor, balance and harmony to act and become one with and within The Creation. The Creation, alone, is infinite and omnipotent. The Laws of The Creation are infinite and total. The Laws of God handed down to hu-man are the rules to guide his life and maintain order as should be the laws of government.The greatest of all the laws of The Creation is to achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws thereof. In knowledge and truth you shall act through the Laws of The Creation or you will be in the breaking of them—rewriting them according to man’s translation will not change one whit or tittle of the Truth. When it is said unto you: “Thou shalt not kill.” there is no “sometimes” nor “maybe”. If another man attacks you with intent to kill of you and he dies instead, has he not committed of his own murder? But if you have provoked him into defending himself from your intent to kill—have you not committed of your own suicide?A great problem arises, who shall then execute the murderer, the rapist, etc.? HE WHO KILLS IS ONE WHO COMMITS MURDER. SAYING THAT A MAN HAS THE DESERVING OF DEATH IN HUMAN FORMAT FOR AN ACTION IS SOMETIMES GOOD PERCEPTION (ALTHOUGH YE ARE NOT TO SIT IN JUDGMENT OF THE SOUL OF ANY MAN), IF YOU HAVE CONFINED HIM IN PHYSICAL FORM FROM PHYSICAL LIFE, IS THAT NOT BETTER PUNISHMENT? HOWEVER, GUILTY ARE ALL WHO DO NOT ACT IN SELF DEFENSE OR ACCORDING TO A GIVEN VERDICT, WHEN THAT ONE ACTS TO KILL OR SPEAK AND PRACTICE EVIL. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE OF THAT WHICH I HAVE GIVEN FOR THAT IS MY JUDGMENT! THIS IS TRUE BE IT AT CONCEPTION OR TERMINAL TRANSITION. IF, HOWEVER, YOU DO NOT MEASURE THE WORTH OF THE GIFT OF LIFE WHICH I GIVE UNTO YOUR OWN BEING THEN YOU HAVE LIKEWISE DISCARDED MY TRUTH.IF THE REMAINDER OF MINE LAWS HAVE BEEN HONORED, THERE WILL BE NO NEED FOR ABORTIONS FOR THERE WOULD BE NO UNWANTED HUMAN PHYSICAL BABIES. IF LAWS ARE BROKEN IN LUST AND/OR IGNORANCE BECAUSE OF FALSE TEACHINGS OF MAN, THEN AN ABORTION IS MURDER AND THE JUDGMENT WILL BE MOST HARSH INDEED. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT ONE WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN FOR HIS IGNORANT TRANSGRESSION BUT TO COMPOUND THE CRIME WITH ANOTHER AND GREATER ONE, IS MOST DAMAGING INDEED.Thou shall not commit adultery. Not sometimes or maybe—never. The gift of sexual union is to create offspring that are wanted and carefully accepted. Any other use of such is to have human physical pleasure and is therefore wrong. You wish to claim that it is a man given “right” to fornicate and seek pleasure—no, it is a testing of which you have all failed in 99.9% failure. You have overpopulated your world and now the unbalance will cost you dearly. You have ceased to assume proper responsibility of the outcome of that behavior—you degrade it further by calling it “love”. Think about it. Do not equate it to the animal behavior of The Creation in Nature. Animals will not populate beyond their balanced ability to survive—when they so do they fall into hard times and much death is wrought by nature upon them—SO BE IT.
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Have a nice weekend...^^
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"** Merry Christmas.......and Happy New Year...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"UFO Sightings RISE! New Jersey Drone Frenzy...Now helicopters are chasing our Sirian scoutships......wouldjyabelieveit...!!😲🪩🪩🚁✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👏🏻

6 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"I would say yeah good chance animals may see them sometimes."
8 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Since they have been caught on camera before maybe I should find my video camera and film the area. It's worth a try :)"
8 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Animals may see devas, I’m quite sure about that."
8 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"You don’t need to do much, just sit somewhere or walk around, take your time and look at the trees, birds and other animals. You may feel a tingling sensation but may not see the energetic interaction between you and the devas. I’ve always been…"
8 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Thanks for that. I actually posted something a while back on my health page that talked about forest bathing. I'll have to go back and read that again as well."
9 hours ago