SaLuSa said recently:
“Your place on Earth is almost as an onlooker as you live your life within your own energy field, largely unaffected by events occurring outside of you. Sometimes you will need to step outside, but you can return unaffected by the lower energies.” (1)
If you “stepped outside” recently, you’d have read that 10,000 people were killed in Nepal in what Ben Fulford characterizes as a U.S. weather-warfare warning to China.
Turn the pages and you’ll encounter stories about more than 40 Mexican students in a bus being killed, some shot initially by police, who then turned them all over to Mexican gangsters to kill and dispose of.
Say what?
I have to tell you that for eight years I listened to stories and read country reports on such things as the violence in Mexico. The body parts, missing women of Juarez, ill treatment of the native population, bodies stuffed in oil drums, police officers killed by drug lords, government ministers growing marijuana for sale in the United States.
The corruption among government officials, the police, and the military is rampant.
And not just in Mexico, but Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia. And that’s just in the Americas. Don’t get me started on Europe, (2) South Asia, or Africa.
Yesterday I listened to a Somalian woman describe how, when she gave an American immigration officer her passport for renewal (she was a student), she was treated extremely harshly and found herself deported to Canada without even a chance to return to her apartment and with all her identity papers taken. And all she wanted to do was renew her passport. (3)
All of this – the war on terror, the tightened airport security, the harsh treatment meted out by officials – is based on a subterfuge that a state of threat began with terrorists attacking America on Sept. 11, 2001, when it was really the American government itself which staged the attack.
So it isn’t just “over there.” It’s right here.
During those eight years, specializing in gender issues, I listened to stories of women having acid thrown in their faces for rejecting a suitor, being jailed on trumped-up charges, being raped in jail, being forced to marry a man not of their choosing, being sterilized, having female genital mutilation practiced on them, being denied medical treatment or education because they were women.
I’ve suffered secondary traumatization listening to a young Russian girl describe being repeatedly taken from her parents’ home to be drugged, chained, and used as a sexual plaything by the Chechen mafia.
I listened for two and a half hours to a Bangladeshi woman who needed to tell her story of gender persecution, even though I’d heard enough to render a positive decision a half hour into the hearing. I didn’t need to listen any longer. But I knew she wanted and needed to be heard by someone in authority.
I’ve paid my dues.
I am one of those people, like garbage collectors, police, firefighters, immigration officials, soldiers, who rescue us, protect us, and clean up after us. We do the scarey and dirty work that society doesn’t want to do. Who wants to hear about rape, torture and mutilation? Step forward please.
I know what’s going on in the world. But do you know what’s going on much, much less and is the small ripple that will turn into a big wave? The writing and the channeled messages that you find on blog sites such as this.
I could continue to follow the manmade and natural tragedies happening around us or, given that I have only so much time in a day, I could explore love and the heart opening, the emergence of leadership through assimilating the gifts from our soul aspects, and similar things.
Someone needs to do this work and I choose to do it.
For a time yet, the cabal will continue to maim and kill. They may also continue to commit grievous and heinous collective crimes against humanity like the Nepalese earthquake.
But the best weapon against the cabal is exactly what we’re doing here: causing the love to grow in ourselves and standing forth for new leadership in a new world that features none of the things I’ve just named.
This is our weather-warfare weapon: Love. And it will overpower and dissolve their most threatening weather-warfare weapons. It has and it will.
So, no, I’m not ignoring outside events. I’m focusing on creating a new wave of Love.
(1) SaLuSa, April 24, 2015, at
(2) If you don’t believe it happens in Europe, perhaps I could ask you where I should start with my new list. How about the top echelons?
(3) She may have been referring to her “visa,” probably a student visa.
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