Nibiru, from an Ashtar Command perspective

I’d like to share a series of photographs I first posted in 2014. Today I’ll go into detail about what they represent – what has occurred since mid-2014 with the planet Nibiru – and will speak about them in the context of what we on Earth individually and collectively energize with our focus, thoughts and emotions, and in the context of actions by our star family of the Ashtar Command – which holds the position of vanguard of the Intergalactic Confederation. I’m sharing this now because the ‘planetary threat timeline’ of Nibiru continues to be invoked in the alternative media/community, without understanding it presents no threat and has not been on a trajectory that can connect with Earth in the planetary ascension period we are currently engaged with for more than a year.

Much has been written about Nibiru, so I will just state here in brief that yes, it does exist, as a 4D planet that was established as an outpost by degenerate reptilian hybrid ET factions who unintentionally locked the planet in a space-time ‘bubble’ while feuding among themselves, and in the process depleted their atmosphere, among other imbalances – and have looked to other sources, including Earth, for substances to refresh it. At a time during mid-2014 when Nibiru reappeared in alternative media, I attuned with star family about it. Along with verbal communications, over a period of a few months they gave some very precise visual information, which I’ll share now.

The first ‘asking’ (does it actually exist?) brought back a ‘yes’ that was visualized really spectacularly on June 6, 2014, with the clouds that day forming into the shape of a giant rolling moon or planet. It was so huge I could only capture part of it in a photo from the tree-filled valley I live in, but you’ll get the general idea. The small white speck midway between the cloud and the tree on the right is the crescent Moon, which will give you some idea of the scale of this ‘cloud-planet’.


This sight came with confirmation that Nibiru was indeed moving on a course toward Earth at that time, and in galactic terms, was already close to our Earth’s localized space-time ‘fold’, with an objective to interlock the two planets’ specific space-times. It became very clear to me at that point how certain timelines have been evoked – and invoked – in the human group consciousness in order to use the inherent magnetism of collective focussed thought-emotions to energetically strengthen the pull of catastrophic timelines. Nibiru is one of several crisis event timelines that the collective focus has been trained toward repeatedly, harnessing group fear/anger/anxiety and subconscious disaster drama addiction (that has its roots in latent collective memories of Atlantis and Maldek) as an energetic pull for those crises. Others include Fukushima/nuclear destruction, WWIII, and global warming (which is not the same thing as climate change being activated by the flux stage of a magnetic pole reversal). Now I’d like to show you what the Ashtar Command did to dissolve the ‘Nibiru effect’ (according to their scope of intervention from the Galactic Councils ie; aligned with Source) as they depicted it in the sky on June 22, the Summer Solstice of 2014.

I was ‘called’ outside to look at the Sun, which was above a thick bank of cumulus clouds. The following symbolic’cloud depiction’ happened swiftly, like a timelapse sequence (this is showing energies from 4D+, not 3D linear time). Two parallel rings of cloud formed slightly above the Sun (this signified the presence of a ship, in this case the Shem Arua, indicating the fleet’s position relative to the Sun ie; ringing around it from ‘above’, meaning higher frequencies).


The rings marking the fleet’s presence lowered around the Sun, while the large swirling ball of cloud directly above the Sun and fleet intensified.


The rings continued to drop and ‘meld’ with the Sun, while the spinning ball of cloud above the Sun condensed into a thicker form.


The cloud ball began to flatten as if it was being compressed and sucked down toward the Sun.


The ball shape disappeared as it kept pouring down toward the Sun, while the surrounding clouds formed a kind of ‘blanket’ around it.


The Sun was completely engulfed in the cloud blanket, which smoothed and firmed above and around it.


While watching this spectacle and feeling the energy of it from an ‘on the ground’ perspective, I was also witnessing what was being symbolized here from a higher dimensional perspective – that as Nibiru’s trajectory closed toward Earth, it was intercepted by the fleet, the planet was tethered into the Sun’s magnetic field, and sealed into that field with an energetic ‘compression blanket’, so to speak. You may recall that over a few months last year there were a large number of X and M-class solar flares, and I can tell you the fleet did a lot of work to stabilize the Sun and its magnetic field while containing Nibiru in there until it could be harmlessly ‘relocated’. Mid last year, a number of ships the size of planets were stationed around the Sun, with the focus of holding its stability.

There was an attempt by control forces on August 31, 2014, to wrest Nibiru out of the Sun’s magnetic field and reignite the ‘Nibiru crisis timeline’. The way this symbolized to me in the sky that day was of a ball of storm-clouds that formed around the Sun, with a ‘dark angel’ shape that condensed at its centre, covering the Sun.


As the Sun darkened, the attention of the fleet turning toward it visualized as the face of a lioness (Sesherat), with an eagle above her (Ashtar), and the profile of a lion behind them, all looking toward the Sun, their gaze angled upward.




What I saw from the fleet’s viewpoint is that they placed a cube of higher dimensional frequencies around the Sun, that could not be penetrated by the ‘global disaster group’, which visualized as the Sun’s light through the clouds turning ‘cube shaped’ (way preferable to things going pear-shaped!).


The purpose of sharing this information now is to show, with the example of Nibiru, that there has been and continues to be a great deal of intervention going on to keep Earth protected and intact through its transition to 5D, and that the Intergalactic Confederation aligns with Source’s decree in acting on our planet’s behalf. Please feel deeply in your heart what we are saying here. We are each asked to take complete responsibility for what we energize, what we give energy to with our focus, expectations, speculations and reactions. What kind of ‘magnet’ do we wish to be, within our our life experiences and the collective human family, with Gaia, with our star brothers and sisters, and all life on this planet? Do we energize ‘crisis’ in our own lives and on Earth? Do we decide daily to BE a focal point of highest love, peace and joy, no matter what is ‘happening’ in 3D, without conditions or ego projections? Do we trust our soul to know exactly what it is doing through this ‘now self’ extended into the experience of physical life?

As I perceive and feel it, when we BE that focal point of love and trust, we are like a straw – or a prana tube – through the ‘fog’ wrapped around the planet, the human collective psyche, letting the higher frequencies flow through us, and anchor through us into the heart grid – the higher template – of Gaia. Feel it like this: as the true Light of Love flows through us unimpeded, collectively we are creating a pool of higher frequencies with Gaia, that is building and building within the fog. Simultaneously, those higher frequencies are pressing in from around the fog. Since our starfleet is charged with preserving the planet through its ascension process, the more extreme measures the control-oriented factions take to bring about a new global control order through devastation, the more they are magnetizing the intervention of higher loving beings. So feel into how both those who draw in our star family as love-to-love and those who draw them in – albeit unintentionally – by taking actions that stress or imperil the planet are, ironically, gradually diminishing the fog that maintains the illusion of separation.

The Light of Love is building from the inside, and pressing around, like a compression blanket. If it keeps building in graduated steps, there will be a point where the fog totally disintergrates and the tipping point of consciousness into unity naturally restores itself. If resistance remains heavy, the compression will at some point ‘pop’ the fog band, and we’ll get more of a ‘flash ascension’. Either way (or maybe another way), stay in peace, sweet friends, and keep gently aligning with joy, for your higher dimensional self to unfold within you in this Now. You are beautiful, and you are loved, always.



* This post in its entirety, can be found at:

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