The is no time to fear any thing yet i see many people still in fear. of what i ask you what is it you fear so much ? is it ascension or is it the life you live. is it the shadows or what lies beyond? dear ones i can tell you that you're life is what you make it if your intention is to ascend and be a better person then it shall happen with time. do not rush perfection less you finish a mess. trying to rush ascension simply wont work all you do is create fear within your self by setting expectations and worrying and fearing for those expectations. be weary of changelings who who perpetuate fear by promising false events and when they don't come make excuses. they perpetuate fear by never keeping a promise with excuses that were thought of the minute the lie was told. if you wish to believe these things i can not stop you but do not hold such high expectations for you only set yourself up for disappointment and fear. be weary of those channels who give lies for example the only one who truly channels arch angel Michel is Ronna herman.
If you fear the shadows i say fear not for the shadows can only exists if something cast it. you must find what obstacle is casting this shadow and shine light on it. do not move it. by moving this object you simply create a temporary fix as a new shadow has ben cast further down the road. Do you see now that light must be cast down on all situations only then will the true solution come to light,
finally for those who fear what lies on the other side of the mountain or around the corner i simply say it will be what you as a collective create it to be.or should i say what we as a collective create it to be. remember to ride on in truth and love of all that is stay close and watch for dis information. ison is just a comment ascension is not a date but a bridge and me sanatana my father sunanda. arc angel metatron and arc angel sandolphon are incarnated on earth so be weary of channels that say other wise.
before i sign off i would like to ask you to visit a face book page i have set up to quick and easy , get more information out such as information from metatron about the child self and god self and simple common knowledge from sananda about things that are mainly lied about. this page i have named paa tals because those who watch over and admin this page will be that of the paa tal soul group of the Golden races not born of this universe.
I am Sanatana Kumara of the 7 holy kumaras and i cast to you the light and love of heaven Itself.
isaldoth fly's well feather . ride on ride on