I would like to request a short meditation for North Korea. In terms of getting what you want out of life you can either make requests to some deity in the form of prayers, or you can take upon your shoulders the mantle of a creator and create whatever it is you want. Depending on how strong your conviction, faith and ability to visualise, you can create some very positive results. Many people have written books, given seminars and coined phrases that relate to "creating your reality". Much of it based around the idea that using techniques such as visualization, positive thinking and affirmations, you can create wealth, love, happiness etc. for yourself.
This is all well and good, yet the focus of these techniques is usually self centered. i.e. it is assumed that you use these methods to create for yourself, not others. What I am after here is using the technique of visualization, faith and emotional conviction in a compassionate way to help the nation of North Korea.
The meditation:
Visualise Kim Jong Il as dissolving into nothingness.
You see the concentration camps closed in North Korea closed.
North and South Korea are peacefully reunited.
The army of the North disbanded.
The people of North Korea have enough food to eat instead of starving.
The people have jobs and are content.
There is freedom and happiness.
There is a fair and just judicial system in place.
There is medical attention available for all.
There is peace and safety for all.
The state of North Korea is like a curse on the whole of humanity. If things are not transformed positively there, then the rest of the world will lose their freedoms. That the rest of the world has stood by and done nothing to help their dear suffering brothers and sisters in North Korea and other such nations, is a damning indictment of the failure of the collective conscience. As such if we continue to stand by and do nothing. the fate of North Korea will become the fate of the world.
Through the power of love may we transform ourselves and the world.
Count me in as well...
And it shall be done! (=
Love and light all
I will hold the vision of peace in North Korea, thank you fr this, the meditation and prayer is powerful...Thank you Flash-storm, your words resonate with truth!
I know we must not forget how much suffering is going on in North Korea because we are all suffering if this misery continues....Their is a great download from eraofpeace.org that I play sometimes continuously and it is amazing for helping add to the collective light and bring the necessary changes quicker for heaven to manifest on Earth. With heart joined we will create a New Earth where only love and light exist! ;-)
Kim Jong Il is dissolving into nothingness
The concentration camps in North Korea are shutting down and closing for good
North and South Korea are peacefully reunited
The army of the North is finally disbanded
The people of North Korea have great amount of healthy food to eat
The people have jobs and are content
There is freedom and happiness for all
There is a fair and just judicial system in place based on the heights principals of good
There is medical attention available for anyone and everyone if needed
There is peace and prosperity for all
...and so it is.
I had to update this a little. :)
I felt high vibrations and waves resonate from me while visualizing this. My whole body was in goose bumps the whole time I was visualizing this.
i dont say that meditations dont do anything... but, that they dont do much...
... put 100 people of the one side, and a "not so bright" person on the other side, and let the 100 people use their mental intention, and the "not so bright" person on the other hand use even his low mental energy for to do the simple action of pressing a single button for to launch a rocket towards them..... and we will see who's mind will make which result....
...if meditations only were doing much good... we would be living in a Heaven on Earth right now... which is not the case...
I strongly disagree with you Vangelis. If enough people engage in meditation on a principle cause they can change the future. In fact even one person who is sufficiently trained in meditation and powerful concentration can change the fate of nations. This has happened and does happen. Without mental actions of adepts and bodhisattvas through their meditations out of compassion our current world would be far worse than it is. All activity in the world passes first through the mental plane, then the astral plane then the physical plane. In other words all physical actions extend out of a basic mental action. Master the mental plane and you can create magic on the physical plane. Education is fair and good. Yet the future predicts dark mushroom clouds over North and South Korea. In other words a miracle is needed. Enough people who meditate single pointedly on a purpose can create a miracle. It is only the disbelief and lack of conviction that prevents them from achieving almost anything. Never underestimate the power of the mind. Through the use of the mind, we can create conditions whereby the necessary education is made available and accepted. There is nothing a sufficiently trained mind cannot do.
Human beings sorely underestimate the power their thoughts and emotions have on the world. So they are lazy with their minds and allow all kinds of thoughts to enter their mind, which they project into the world. They do not realise that their negative thoughts and emotions contribute to the planetary negative karma, out of which wars and hatred comes. They also do not realise that thoughts and medtiations on Love and Compassion have an extremely powerful effect. This is due to the gross ignorance of this civilization at this time. It is extroverted and believes that physical action is the cause of any change or impact on the world. Yet all physical actions are predicated on mental actions. The more powerful the mental action, the greater the physical effect.
There are beings on this world who have the power just through the use of their mind to turn rocks to dust, cause cities to crumble, make entire armies fall asleep on the battlefield, cause nations to fall, and transform entire civilizations. This is solely through the use of the divine power of concentration. That this does not happen is because communities of human beings must take responsiblity for themselves, for the world and for their karma. Thus they must use whatever tools are at their disposal to create better conditions for themselves and for their fellow men. And the greatest tool a person has is their mind.