Earlier over the week I had a dream, I met a group of men in uniform, one man out of the group didn't have uniform he had on something different, like a commander outfit.
I don't remember their faces, But i do remember clearly hearing the men arrive. One of the men hit the springy door stopper in the living room "Thoing!" I was able to estimate the height of these men of average american heights 5'7" -5'9" and pale european complextion very humanoid like. The leader that arrived with the group of men saw me sitting up in my bed and approached me. He leaned over to talk to me, gently held my hand, and he was talking but i couldn't hear him :( I told him "I can't hear you!" he then attempted to physically move me, he wanted me to follow him and the men but i didn't want to go. i even told him in thought. soon he got the hint and left...i still wonder to this day who this man was and what he was trying to tell me. I wonder if this man came from the blue strobe i saw in the night sky; couple nights prior to the event.