We were expecting it, and it happened. Trump nearly succumbed to an Assassination attempt and a close call doesn’t begin to define the drama when a bullet zings your President’s ear. What are the chances he would turn his head at the moment it would save his life?

Capt. Kyle has told us that we will all remember where we were when the fake alien invasion/WWIII happens, and I will always remember the assassination because I didn’t even know about it until I arrived at our Texan friends’ home for dinner and they had Newsmax on the TV and asked if I heard.

I’d been preparing my food contribution, getting dinner for Eli, making the drive there, etc. so I had no time for checking my iPad but I knew it was just theatre and told them it wasn’t really Trump but a body double or clone and that we had been expecting it.

Newsmax went on and on, showing the shooter, snipers, people in the crowd injured by the bullets, and the details continued to pour in. As soon as I saw Secret Service surrounding Trump to usher him off the stage and saw the flag in the background and a bloodied Trump stabbing the air with his fist and commanding, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” I knew it was staged.

Another aspect of that floating around on the Internet was reminiscent of the image of the firemen in the rubble of the World Trade Center and of course the iconic shot from Iwo Jima.


The old 2019 Q Drop containing those same “Fight!” words wasn’t lost on many patriots, and there were numerous drops.

Dec 23, 2019 11:28:05 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 723a57 No. 7599136


Important to read and understand.
Why do [D]s want to flood the US w/ illegal immigrants?
This is not another [4] year election.
Our democracy is at stake.
Do not mistake this backchannel [tool] as a means to be complacent.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Your voice and your vote matters.

We had a chatty seven-year-old where I was and lots of dinner prep yet to do so I couldn’t sit down and focus on what had happened at the Pennsylvania rally until I got home later that night but it was for me a positive event, a marker, showing the Plan is moving right along and I was pleased. We don’t even want a clone to be killed, never mind President Trump but the normies have to be shown that the world has been run by psychopaths.

I was pretty sure I saw Vincent Fusca the Trump fan in the crowd behind Trump where he usually is and images posted the next day showed him calmly watching as though he knew what had happened and expected it. Some believe it is JFK Jr. in one of his many disguises and it may be sometimes, but he’s not always tall enough to be a 6′ JFK Jr. so it might be Fusca on some occasions. Or someone else.


Since Q the Storm Rider told us in June there would be an assassination attempt, we weren’t going to jump on the drama bandwagon overly much. It’s nice to be read in on some of the operations in advance so those of us in the know can keep the energies calmer and provide sensible commentary afterward.

The crew dredged up the June post from Storm Rider and dropped it in the Telegram chat.

From June 14

Q) The Storm Rider

TRUMP Assassination>
This important Event will lead to EXPOSURE of CIA ops/
MAJIC Majority Intelligence Communitee deep state operations and Arrest wars
( Just like JFK)
The deep state is already planning the operations.
(White Hats WILL STAGE their own EVENT before the [ DS] ops .
> You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens that white hats staged the EVENT… You will know this because TRUMP WILL survive<

meme by Intelligence Officer Boreal, Starship crew posted on Starship Earth Telegram chat July 13

In the round table on Friday night with Capt. Kyle and LTC Riccardo Bosi, Kyle told us to get our Depends now—the super absorbent kind—and get used to wearing them. I suspect he knew the shooting at the rally was going to happen the next day and that plenty more is en route.

Phil Godlewski also told us in his subtle way in one of his shows awhile back that his contact had given him a clue as to what was going to take place in July. Phil told us he said but one word: “Boom!” So there you go. If we’re paying attention and can connect the dots from multiple insiders, we will have a good chance of knowing what will unfold in the future. Nothing is off the table because most of it isn’t real. It’s “the movie” with the blockbuster script.

I hadn’t even watched the Right Side Broadcasting coverage of the event until just now. This is the first part of the rally while Trump began his speech and until he was escorted away from the podium.

Since the drama has gone kinetic, let’s not forget this is still an information war and judging by the gargantuan amount of conflicting facts out there, it’s only getting worse. Be careful who and what you believe, because the goal of some of it is to deceive, cause chaos, uncertainty, fear, to divide us, and more. The White Hats need Americans to pay attention and engage.

From the identity of the shooter to anything else related to the rally shooting, it’s all enveloped in the fog of war. I had to think a shooter named, “Crooks” was apropos for the movie.

But then Mark Violets entered, stage right. Link to Telegram. 

Shooter is Mark Violets, an Antifa member.

Prior to the rally Mark Violets uploaded a video on YouTube claiming “Justice is coming.

See how crazy this is getting? We knew as we watched Newsmax coverage on Saturday evening that the next few weeks were going to be rife with information, disinformation, lies, coverups, diversions, distractions, rabbit holes, and every form of info war imaginable.

Second, we have heard all kinds of names thrown out there EXCEPT for JFK Jr. They’re not going to give away the ending of the movie. Many are expecting John John to be Trump’s VP when the dust settles. Others are saying he will be the President, and Trump will be a world ambassador.

I believe Capt. Kyle went so far as to say John Kennedy may be President this time around and Barron Trump may be the President at some point afterward.

Bottom line—this show is far from over and I don’t take anything as fact until it happens. J.D. Vance isn’t the VP until he is. We’ll see what happens.

The following is from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and reposted on Telegram.

In the days ahead, YOU ARE GOING TO SEE MANY VIDEOS of JD Vance trashing Trump many years ago, saying he’s a “never-Trumper” and that he supported Mitt Romney. This will be deployed to drive a wedge between Trump supporters. The video compilation I’ve seen is several years old. Notably, JD Vance in 2024 is NOT the same person he was 4+ years ago. None of us are! We have all been dramatically changed by the constant terrorism of the Biden regime, the weaponized bureaucracy of regulatory agencies, the outrageous and malicious bias of the courts, the lawfare targeting #Trump and of course the recent failed assassination attempt. None of us can be judged TODAY for what we thought or believed in 2020.

You and I are not the same people we once were, and neither is JD Vance. Or Trump, for that matter. Voting for Trump + Vance is not an endorsement of every single thing both men have uttered over the last decade, it’s a vote to put pro-America champions in a position where they can fight for liberty (free speech), justice (honest courts), accountability (prosecutions against the treasonous actors), honest elections, economic abundance (domestic energy production) and much more.

By the slight turning of Trump’s head on Saturday, GOD GAVE THIS NATION ONE FINAL CHANCE to embrace Him and denounce evil. We must take that opportunity as it is presented, with the all-too-human beings who are willing to rise to this challenge, as imperfect as they are. They will face enormous obstacles, threats and challenges ahead. They are not perfect, but they love America and they represent the one remaining chance, granted by God, to set this nation on a course of freedom, justice and prosperity. I’m voting for Trump / Vance.

And then I’m going to call for determined, courageous action on their part to put America first, close the open borders, lock up the treasonous criminals, defund the deep state agencies and de-escalate wars around the world where the USA has been provoking conflict or supplying weapons of violence to rogue nations. DEFEAT THE DEMS first, or we have no nation remaining at all. And yes, a great financial collapse is coming no matter who’s in the White House. Plan accordingly.

I see Ariel/Prolotario commented subtly on JFK Jr. :


We keep in mind that the situation can change at any moment of any day. We are months away from a planned election and anything can happen. Relax and enjoy the show is great advice. Get your popcorn, and your Depends, and settle in for high drama and intrigue like you’ve never seen it before.

Before this is over, every fibre tying us to the fabric of the current establishment will be severed so we can never go back. The Secret Service and every government/alphabet agency will be stripped down and upended to air all the dirty laundry and unearth all the skeletons. Until Humanity innerstands that every organization was infiltrated, corrupted, weaponized and turned against us, this movie will continue. Fortunately, we all have front row seats.

The same scenario applies for ousting Joe Biden the actor and putting in a Democrat presidential candidate. How many names have they thrown out there? Kamala, Hillary, Big Mike Obama, and I’ve seen others. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

This is the crème de la crème so far:

Deep State Concocting Crazy Conspiracy Theories to Blame President Trump for the Attempt on His Own Life


Here is Q the Storm Rider’s update for today. It’s long, and conveniently confirms my “fog of war” and other dialogue above. I love synchronicity.

( Remember i have been giving you DROPS this EVENT was going to happen.. Long before Tucker Carlson stated it could happen. I have mentioned several times this was coming . But the last week’s i gave you the full Intel that this event was going to happen <)

So what really happened?

First you must understand the Secret Service always scouts the location days and weeks before the president’s arrival the building from which to shooter took the shots was an obvious location and #1 priority to lock down and have police there and secret service use that building to surveillance the perimeter . THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT WHITE BUILDING TOP ROOF WOULD HAVE BEEN LEFT UNATTENDED. ( It was the closest #1 building rooftop for a shooter to use and the police. Secret Service. Military intelligence surveying the area would have noticed days before. Even Secret Service trained snipers who shoot up to 1000 yards knew that building was only 130 yards away and was the perfect place for a sniper to be )

So how did 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks crawl the building with hundreds of people watching him. Video him. Calling police. Screaming to Secret Service that a man on the building has a gun
How did drones , helicopters and thousands of police officers stationed near by not see the sniper in the 5 minutes he crawled the building and set up for the shot.
This includes news helicopters , secret service counter snipers, hundreds of contract Military guards with Intel, and over 3200 Military satellites including USSF sats monitoring the event did not see Thomas Crooks ?

Well like I told you and the recent weeks the white hats were planning to Stage the EVENT for several reasons.. This included beating the CIA in a time frame for a real assassination event.
( The events UNFOLDING of the assassination attempt WILL lead to intelligence CIA agencies operations, connected to Military COUP operations that helped the police and Secret Service stand down and several agencies given orders not to secure the top perimeter of the building )
WIRES>]; Here’s what really happened BEHIND THE SCENES>[;
>Thomas Matthew Crooks was already dead before the assassination attempt. White Hats already knew Thomas Crooks was a loner and was already being handled by CIA operations> MK ULTRA ( Just Like Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter ///
It has been proven since the 1960s the CIA created mind control programs to create super killers that kill opposition. From several hearings including Rockefeller committee hearings, The Church Committee hearings and senators and direct CIA testimony that the CIA had mind control operations that started in the 1953.)

White hats Intel were aware that Thomas Crooks was already being used by MK ultra Operations and was going to be placed to help assassinate Trump in the late fall real CIA ops assassination attempt ( Crooks would have been used just like Lee Harvey Oswald and placed the blame on him as a single shooter)

The CIA knew white hats intelligence operations were tracking Thomas Crooks.
So CIA killed Crooks and tried distance them selves from the Mk ultra Ops with Crooks.
> The White Hats got a hold of Thomas Matthews Crooks real body.

On the day of the shooting white hats intentionally had the secret service. Police and intelligence operations monitoring the building to stand down. *. At this moment a fake ACTOR was placed to crawl the building and the STAGED EVENT continued
As snipers MOCKED the killlig of CROOKS<
(Only a few agents part of the military PLANned operations tended the body double of CROOKS and in a few seconds the bodies were switched )

The next part of the story is highly classified information and operations taking place for decades and the operations began in Russia and the U.S. copying the Russian operations in the 1960s… These important intelligence operations created families of spies that included children who turn into teenagers and go into CIA Junior Training academy’s and trained in rural areas and villages.

Part 2

Alot of these completed family spy operations sets become SLEEPERS and hold normal jobs and academic success and activities
but most of these full fictional Spy agent families don’t have a strong family lineage and descendents and often have a very common name OR a unique unknown family name …. Just like the highly uncommon name of the “Comperatore” family name.

The name Comperatore comes from Argentina. After world war 11 the Nazis fled to South America and several families took up this name of Comperator. Since the last century there are only 156 people in the world named Comperatore and most live in Argentina and only a few live in the United States and there families can be tracked to other descendants.

The person who was shot at the Trump rally
was Corey “Comperatore” who had 2 daughters a wife and a sister who posted on his behalf.

But you must remember the CIA. Fbi. DOD homeland security. NSA + all have classified operations that creates full families of spys, agents and actors that are used in vital moments to pull off some the most miraculous operations in history . This includes white hats operations and black hats operations. Remember the CIA. Pentagon has Junior Agent Academy where young teens are used for several operations .

Not everything is as it seems.

You are inside The Fog Of War.

Military operations are taking place and important STAGED EVENTS are occurring to create a MASSIVE AWAKENING AND MOVEMENT<


You are watching game theory operations taking place.
How did I tell you the STAGED Trump assassination was going to happen just a few weeks ago and I told you Trump WILL survive The Assassination attempt because the white hats were Staging the EVENT
( It’s all for a very VERY important purpose)
Now do you understand why i told you the 2020 rigged election was actually a military white hats operation ( the election was not stolen it was given to Biden) to bring down the global deep state CABAL .

Behind the scenes>]; The military needed 2020 election EVENT to trigger the coming 11.3 Laws of Wars operations

(The EVENT is not a single event… But a secession of events . And in the future when people look back in the 10 year time frame from 2017 _ 2027.. they will call it the time the Great EVENT happened.)

Stay strong Patriots and please support our channel as we have been giving the real behind the scenes Intel drops and operations happening. We place our lives in great danger far from the safety of our homeland ( Arizona) and our families .. We have been helping through the world since 2014 and giving the full information of all EVENTS years. Months and weeks before hand. .. Thank you for your contribution to our Channel

We’re going to close here, folks. Eli’s hungry and I have a pool to clean after the dust storm/thunder storm we had last night. See you next time.  ~ BP

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