It has been a very long road for many of us; well over a decade for me, double that for some, and longer. We have been anticipating what seems like an eternity for this journey to end so we can rest our weary bones and enjoy some semblance of a life. Those who toil endlessly in the background have sacrificed much. Many paid the ultimate price and their loved ones suffered. We are ready for this odyssey to at least bring us to a rest stop along the way so we can catch our breath and prepare for the next leg. Have the innocent not suffered enough?

I hope a lot of Patriots are engaging in co-creating the next step. Queen Romana tells us how.

How will it look? Sound? Feel? Taste?

Let’s see…#CoCreating the EBS, continues…
1) EBS announced
2) Military Special Forces in town 

3) Queen Romana announced on TV broadcasted around the world  that all corrupted, criminal and evil Politicians, Bureaucrats , Healthcrats and Business Executives have been arrested and taken to the City Centre for We The People who wish to see in person can see.

They will be there for 9 hours then they will be given their last meals #Milkshakes.

Describe what you, your family, friends and Neighbours did. Did you go to the City Centre or watch it on Military TV?

Someone on Telegram advised that this is next and to stay strong. The storm is upon us. Let’s hope, because it’s about time. It’s about time we see accountability and justice.

Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt  in “Twister”.

A lot of very interesting news came out yesterday afternoon, and when I saw this, I sat up and took notice.


There was also this Durham update.

Durham unloads thousands of documents to Sussmann defense

This is big news, too. In-N-Out does good, basic burgers and a lot of patriots will now support them whereas they may not have frequented their chain in the past in their desire to stick together and support each other.


From the crew… “plandemic”. They leave nothing to chance, and always tell us what they’re going to do. Link to Telegram.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is like an extension of Trump. He never stops standing up for the People of Florida—which, in turn, also supports the People in other states with the precedents he sets. Clawing back the People’s power begins at the state level and when People feel empowered they will also get to work at the local level as we are seeing the parents doing in front of school boards. So far, the ex-military are working hard to lead the People back to freedom and to inspire them to unite and stand strong.

Florida Governor Calls for Special Session to Counter Vaccine and Mask Mandates

Just now… the headline below.

White House Collaborated With School Board Association On Letter Comparing Parents To ‘Domestic Terrorists’

This is comical, to a point, but hold on; maybe the jabs are very efficacious as far as what the cabal is trying to accomplish.


We know the truth.

Harvard University study finds most vaccinated countries have highest number of Covid-19 cases per million people suggesting the jabs do not work

The challenge remains to clear all the good people who got the jab in good faith, of the potentially lethal components deposited in their bodies—in short order.

In case there are still people who are unaware… we present the history and efficacy of Ivermectin. Did we mention how inexpensive it is?

Because of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, Budesonide, Vitamin C & D, Azithromycin and other products which address inflammation, etc., we can see that there really isn’t a pandemic in the true sense of the word—and there never was. It’s all been the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on Humanity. People who get the above remedies as soon as they feel ill are healed in a very short time with no hospital visit required.

Ditch the masks, refuse the fake tests, boost your immune system and stay healthy. It’s that simple. If you don’t have symptoms, you’re not sick. Live your life and refuse to be bullied into relinquishing your rights.



Our world is disintegrating and falling apart because it needs to. Our civilization is so tainted and broken it is beyond repair so we have to start fresh in most cases. Little is salvageable and we will find better ways of doing things. We have only just begun to learn the depth of the corruption. Trump’s new social media platform is one way to circumvent the old, controlled systems. Here’s another example of judicial impropriety and illegality.

8 Florida federal judges had illegal stock ownership conflicts

It’s not easy to drain the swamp because the control freaks are ruthless and only too happy to simply eliminate those who threaten their agenda or stand in their way. Many have been “suicided” or “disappeared”, and many were tortured first. These monsters are unhuman and it’s näive to think they would not resort to these tactics. It’s well documented.


Matt Gaetz Assassination Attempt Thwarted…

Jason Shurka gets into a brief example of just how desperate the control freaks are to try to control the narrative. If they believe they have to hit people over the head to get them to comply—they are not in control. They know things are spinning wildly out of control.  2 min.


The event discussed below is a clear indicator of the degradation of our society. Being momentarily frozen in place out of shock and disbelief is one thing, but for no one to come to the aid of a woman being attacked by a man for this long—whether sexually or otherwise—is shocking in itself.

To stand by recording it on a cell phone is beastly and disgusting. Unfortunately, it is well understood that many Humans are in a trance-like state in a situation like this—so reliably that there is a name for it: the bystander effect. Regardless of the psychological attributes of this or similar events, we continue to ask, WHERE ARE THE MEN?

What happened to real men who used to jump to protect the weaker sex with less provocation? Once upon a time you might have had to hold them back from pummeling the attacker senseless. Surely women’s lib doesn’t diffuse the innate drive to protect someone under attack… so what did?

Has the violence on television and in movies and computer games numbed the qualities of empathy and compassion that make us Human? It’s mind-boggling. The fact that the “system” protects perpetrators of heinous crimes like this and does not deliver appropriate consequences only allows it to continue and proliferate. Not everything that happens on this planet is fodder for Tik Tok. 6 min.

Judge Jeanine: We should all be speechless over this story

For those who may need healing, this is where we’re headed. The controllers have never allowed us to know as a society how to truly heal because what they desire is customers to fund their medical industrial complex. See how easy life will be in the near future? We will relearn this reality and discard the old. THIS is science. 7 min.

How Does Sound Heal your body? Solfeggio Frequency: Sound of the Stars

Mr. MBB covers curious events and situations and mentions a meteorite that crashed into a British Columbia woman’s bed next to her on October 4. I didn’t hear about that until now. It’s an odd shape for a meteorite, isn’t it? Why does it have some flat sides? That’s not what I would expect. She’s a lucky lady to have avoided that projectile ripping through her roof.

Here’s more on the [con]current meteor showers and a sky anomaly from Tuesday night. How does this figure into your worldview of our station; space or no space?


Earth Plummeting into THREE Meteor Showers at the SAME Time! – *Major Event* seen from 9 States!

We’ve heard that our friends upstairs are going to be putting on some shows for us to hasten Disclosure. It’s hard to believe that some people still think it’s science fiction to suggest that other life forms and civilizations exist outside our own. It’s long past time for the “break it to them gently” strategy to end. Let’s get real. Clearly we are seeing intelligently guided craft in the video below that are in no way simply “falling”.

Well, they certainly weren’t expecting to see THESE up there!!

Over the past couple of years we have come a long way toward understanding the situation on this planet. What comes to mind is a good old tune from 1970. I guess it never went out of style.

Joe South – Walk A Mile In My Shoes (1970)

We still need to temper our judgement because we’re all struggling in a multitude of ways in a most unnatural life that was never intended for us by our Creator. This slavish existence is about to come to an end, and hopefully we will rise to the occasion and be better people to fill that void between who we are and who we could be.

We can see from what has been unfolding the trajectory the controllers planned for Humanity and we also know we don’t want to continue it. Every day we see the threads unravel like a cheap sweater and new bonds forming. It’s happening… and every little bit of effort counts.

Gratitude to all who put out a little bit of effort. It will be a beautiful fall.  ~ BP

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