October Earth Entering 5th Dimension

In achieving and manifesting a process of ALL CHANGE beginning on October 3, 2016, Mother Earth will be serving to lead every Soul upon her body to likewise achieve and manifest his or her own Soul’s Purpose for the Fifth Dimension!

The concept of ALL CHANGE is seemingly easy to conceive and perceive in our mind’s eye, dear Ones, as we have all witnessed at one time or another an individual undergoing a personal crisis that leads him or her to the achievement of a Life changing transformation, maybe even our own! Although a Life changing transformation is predominantly a personal event, change and transformation can also affect a group of people or a geographical region as a whole. Events such as an economic downturn, for example, not only lead to a personal crisis affecting the individual workers of the lapsing industries but also directly affect the worker’s families and the economic viability of the geographical region.

Circumstances of war similarly induce a mass scaled crisis of many on both sides of the war’s participants. Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE, however, will not be limited just to one individual, one group of people in one geographical region, or even one hemisphere of our Earth! Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE will be simultaneously occurring all at once upon the entirety of the Earth! Although many places will be slow in introducing and manifesting their transformation and changes for the Fifth Dimension, there will be some exemplary exceptions!

Chaos and confusion will be the new “normal” throughout the Earth as crisis after crisis will be symptomatic of Mother Earth’s ongoing process of ALL CHANGE! Where we are today, dear Ones, is only a minute vestige of Mother Earth’s entry into the Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011!

The seemingly endless stage of our chaos and confusion we will be witnessing on Earth after October 3, 2016 will not be remedied by the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, but will only be remedied through the actions of our Souls – the acknowledgment of the role our Soul’s Third Eye Chakra serves, to promote our Soul’s Social Self, our individual Self operating to increase and expand our concepts to promote and enhance our relationships with others!

READ MORE: http://alexandriankosmos.blogspot.com/2016/09/all-change.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AlexandrianKosmos-AstrologyForTheNewMillennium+%28Alexandrian+Kosmos+++-+++A+Cosmology+of+our+Solar+System%27s+Integration+into+the+Universal+Community%29

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  • "Though the vast majority of Souls on Earth will still be absorbed upon the deteriorating economic conditions of the world, it will primarily be those awakening to the cadence of Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE who will succeed through the introduction and manifestation of his or her innate gifts and talents, leading to the transformation every Soul will need in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!"

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