Since I tend to ramble and go off on tangents, I will try to be as clear as I can.
For years I have felt like we are living in the past--like back to the future for real.
If we are realized beings -- all of us integrated right here in the now--past present and future is not linear-
(i would picture it kind of like string theory but in circular waves ) LIKE CIRCULAR RIPPLES IN WATER
If we have gotten to the point of realizing that we are magnificent creators creating from the heart,
then we can affect what we call the past if we focus on changing everything that is simultaneously going on in the past as if it is in the now which it is---- we can change all that has happened and create earth right now as we want it including changing the future. We can change the outcome therefore avoid any destruction of Gaia!!!!!!!!!! It has been proven scientifically that we have the ability to excite molecules with our intentions--we can go to every juncture in history and pur in the love to the person that had a deciding factor in war, etc. and affect change so that Gaia doesnt have to be saved she is healthy and loved and cared for.That is why there has been an all out war on primitive shamanic, Indian, aboriginal cultures throughout the world !!!!!!!!! These have the presence of mind to understand how really powerful man is and that we are not bound or limited by time or space and they have cultivated flourishing imagination and spirituality.
Do You believe that we can spiritually go to the past and affect change so that we dont have the word war or kill ?????
If there is no word or understanding or thought of war or killing or greed, they do not exist. It is only through thought that we have it. What if we can go back and change things so that the drug companies care about humanity, humanity has enough food for everyone, each decision that is made is decided on whether it will benefit humanity as a whole.
If we color our world with love and peace and beautiful colors and every negative thought that comes into our brain is faced with love--we consciously infuse all the fear and negative thoughts with love and see a positive outcome and do that also to the past which is happening NOW, We can change the world through our intentions, thoughts, love, and focus on beauty and peace.