So I have been meditating alot, and just discovered this great new spiritual tool, the shamanic journey. Reasearch into Shamanism has become really interesting and after my first couple trips i feel like i am really making progress. My first trip was into the lower world, in a jorney to meet my spirit animal. I won`t explain the entire journey, it is all written down in my journal, but after the experience i was unsure if what i experienced was "real" or "right". I had come across a small red and blue bird, spotted a squirrel, and then met an eagle, who said it was my spirit animal. I felt the presence of a snake as well, which sort of creeped me out. (I eventually accepted that the eagle was my true animal and set of on a journey with it. Like i said earlier, up on leaving i was not sure if i could take the vision seriously, was it just my imagination? After my meditation i had the random thought to look up the significance between zodiac signs and power animals, to my shock i found it read gemini: dog, serpent, squirrel, eagle, linnet, finch. I had encounted the serpent, eagle, and squirrel in my vision. And after google imagine a linnet (no idea what that was) i was even more shocked to find a picture of a tiny red and blue bird, matching the one that had flown out of my tunnel before i reached the lower world. So naturally this has to be more than coincidence, I happen to see nearly every animal common to my astrological sign having NEVER read anything about it beforehand. So I am convinced, and feel as though i have finally made a forward step in my spiritual development.
My second journey was to the upper world, where i met with a spirit guide and healed myself there, transferring the energy to my body in the present. The feeling was incredible! Anyway i know this is kind of badly worded but its only hear for me anyway. I doubt anybody will read this any how :-]
Yay for shamanism!!!
I read your blog...keep journeying. Always choose a path with heart and you will never go astray...and even if you do fall from grace you may be blessed enough to have an angel pull you back by the hair and keep you alive until the morning comes. This world you are entering is for for the bravest of you must be one! The eagle is a wonderful companion to have along the way, as well as the squirel! Make good friends with these spirits for they will be with you for the duration of your life, living in your "lodge" ; that sacred place you will go from time to time to gain wisdom and perspective of who you are and what it is you are meant to do in this world. Remember teachers are only there to show you the truth and beauty of who you are deep within, trust in you gut feelings about those you meet on the path (there are many tricksters who would try to steal your power). Be strong and humble before teh elegant power of Mother Earth. Seek the advice of your ancestors when in doubt. Wait four days when you can't make up yuour mind about something...if it can't wait four days then it is potentially dangerous. If you call upon the Black Bear he/she will be your ally because you and I are friends now!
Beauty to your right, beauty to you left, beauty below you, beauty in above you, beauty behind you, beauty in front of you, and beauty within you!
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