
Dear friends,

In the UK, many of us feel strongly that we don't want to be just another star on someone else's flag..

Things will have to change, as we feel like a prisoner locked in the boot of a car, going the wrong way...WE DEMAND OUR NATION BACK....Time for a change, with regards to the British "star" in Europe...Time for rebellion against the evil empire of the European Union.

The European Union is remote, in terms of caring about our national interests, yet highly intrusive and controlling, in so many areas of the national life...It can override our sovereign Parliament, in London....In terms of legislation created by the unelected Commission and in terms of the European Court rulings...Laws cannot be changed, legitimately....We cannot trade freely with the world, as we once did. We need INDEPENDENCE from the European Union, as so many countries have historically achieved, with regards to our former British Empire...Now it is our turn to fight for sovereignty and independence, the turn of Britons....We, as a nation represented on the European flag,  are becoming a restless REBEL STAR, which is not comfortable within the Euro-constellation....Now we must fall off that flag and rise in renewed sovereign independence, as a free United Kingdom, outside of Brussels diktats and rulings, that largely stunt our nation, rather than enhance it... 

We must vote to leave the EU on June 23rd and make that date, an historical date for UK independence...Our version of July 4th.....We need a new constellation to shine in. One we can shine brightly within and not suffer a lowered luminance, as forced upon us by Brussels...A one size fits all, in which we are simply another "small" European, among other little European nations....That can never be acceptable to us...We have a long and proud history. We must rebel against Brussels and regain the sovereignty of our United Kingdom...

That independence of the UK, will brighten our national sovereign star, taking us from one defunct Euro-constellation of stars, to a new and worldly constellation of stars, alongside Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth lands, under a British Trade Federation, free of tariffs and uniting all our peoples of these lands of common law, language and values...After independence, we could also join up again with EFTA and co-operate to the full with Norway, Iceland and Switzerland....We will be free to choose our national destiny.....

That can only be good and fair for our people and all those who respect national and individual sovereignty.

Vote to LEAVE the EU in June and make this dream of sovereignty and prosperity, manifest...

Thankyou, Drekx Omega

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  • The Irish don't like this one bit and I can't blame them...But I suppose, from an illegal migrant perspective; the threat of being sent to Rwanda, by the United Kingdom, will become much akin to the old Russian Empire and Soviet Union, sending their undesirables to Siberia....??

    "Pass the parcel" is the new diplomatic game, being played among nations....Now it's the Irish Republic's turn, to lose this game...Maybe they will find another nation, to pass their buck onto...?? My advice is, join the UK...send them to Rwanda, too..👍🏻
  • The UK's Rwanda plan seems to be deterring illegal migrants from staying in the country, as now, since the Parliamentary vote for Rwanda exile, 80% of Irish republic migrants, are now flooding into their country from Ulster.....

    So basically, the UK is passing on the problem of these illegals, to the Irish Republic, just as the French have been passing on the problem to England...

    Well, frankly, no sane person wants millions of illegals settling in their countries, sponging off the welfare state and being lavished with FREE STUFF, from lefty councils...The illegals are taking resources away from national citizens, which is deeply unfair.......Several illegals have also committed murders and rapes, in the UK. Now the Irish will be flooded with these parasites....It's a shame, but also a relief for Great Britain...
  • It's hard to believe, but actually a fact, that the UK is now the 4th largest exporter of goods and services, in the world...Behind only China, Germany and the USA....And amazingly, ahead of Japan...
    More on services, less on goods, however...

    If we ditched the green policies, we could be a much greater energy exporter, also...

    "Brexit BOOM: Britain crowned world's FOURTH largest exporter ahead of JAPAN." ✌🏻🇬🇧

    In 2021, the UK was the 7th largest exporter, so a very rapid rise, even within this current financial system, that is falling, everywhere, based on the US Dollar, aka, Federal Reserve Note.....Since Brexit, our exports to the EU have gone up....
  • A few weeks ago, a British nuclear submarine (HMS Vanguard,) positioned off the coast of Florida, fired a test missile, a Trident D5, which failed after launch...

    The Minister who witnessed this event, put it down to an "anomaly." However, a retired British Colonel gives more depth to the possible explanation, as to what more probably happened...

    We can rely more on military minds, than on political ones, when it comes to explaining such truths...Especially technical matters...
  • New BRITISH drone will change battlefield forever..The RAF’s Jackal drone...
    I do like to keep up to date on military technology developments, both offworld and onworld....This new British drone is actually very special, as far as tactical abilities go, so I wanted to demonstrate it's devlopment history, here...

    As the Taiwanese have purchased a vast order, you can be certain that Red China will not be happy, to be on the receiving end of drone tech, such as Jackal, if they invade that island nation....✌🏻🇬🇧-🇹🇼
  • Islamists hate the UK, just as much as their hatred of Israel and the USA...

    So, I'm more than happy to ally with Israel against these enemies of civilisation...

    Well, many of us knew that UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Works Agency) was aligned with Hamas and co-operating with terrorists, but, thanks to the IDF operations, now we can present some tangible proof of this....Hamas intelligence base, DIRECTLY LOCATED under UNRWA building, in Gaza...

    Tunnels run all over/under Gaza, but some have connecting bases for Hamas operations, with access points within buildings, such as hospitals, schools, but also UN buildings....Of course, the UN knew all about it and support spite of pretending otherwise...
    See this video, covering the topic....

    The Russians are finding similar connections to Nazi bases, in Ukraine, albeit currently, more secretive about the matter...

    Bravo to the IDF....✡️✌🏻
  • The EU dream of their own army, independent of the USA, is a total pipe dream...History has demonstrated how such an international armed force, would only work, within a pact, or organisation, based upon co-operation and shared military interests.....Warsaw Pact, sort of worked, as does NATO, to a significant degree, as it's now a far bigger threat to Russia, than it was during the USSR period...However, an army/airforce/navy structure, based upon PESCO, will never work and will end up as more akin to the absurd Austro-Hungarian armed forces, during WW1, which were described by their German allies, within the Central Powers, as like being "shackled to a corpse." The Austrians had several nationalities, within their "army," not just Hungarians and they insisted upon military orders presented in several languages...German, Croat, Hungarian, Serbian, Czech, Slovakian...

    It did not work on the battle field against the far better organised Russian Empire of the day and they had their own problems...And I suspect that the proposed European army, will go the same way as Austria-Hungary....Down and out...
  • In many ways, Europe, or shall we suggest, the EU, is jealous of "tiny" Britain's military projection of power, globally.....And if they considered that we also possess highly devastating weapons, to deter any country in attempting to attack us, they might feel the need to create a "European army" themselves....Which they are now frantic to put together....

    I sincerely hope that this country never needs to use it's nuclear weapons....And would much prefer peace with great nations, such as Russia...And sometimes peace can only be achieved, if great powers respect each other. So I would warn any potential aggressor nation, not to underestimate the UK's abilities, whatever you may observe on the surface, as weakness...

    "Britain’s expensive Missile, The world's most Powerful weapon - To Confront and eliminate Russia"
  • No sane person wants WW3, but the recent military actions by the UK & US, against Houthi maniacs in Yemen, was a proportionate and necessary series of aerial strikes.....America operating from bases in the gulf and Great Britain, operating from her Akrotiri base, in Cyprus...It is also supported by many sunni Arab states, as well as Europe and even far eastern nations, such as south Korea...

    It's not just another neocon war, but rather a needed defense of international trade and commerce, which essentially flows through the Red Sea, en route to the Suez canal....So Egypt will also have an interest, as their canal revenue is greatly impacted by the pirates of Yemen...

    So I approve of this particular military action, which was a series of surgical strikes....against brigands, threatening British commerce and also world well as the lives of merchant navy sailors, working on the trading ships, of numerous countries...

  • My advice to his royal Majesty, King Charles III, is to please ditch his younger brother from all royal duties, the odious Prince Andrew.......and exile him to the Pitcairn islands, of the South Pacific realm...Thankyou in advance...

    Salutations, Colonel Omega, Galactic Federation....
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