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The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
Obviously, there are special forces within the Earth Allies military aspects, but I'm not permitted to reveal the nature of their operations in America.......Who they are "trying to get," etc....I will say that as a puppet only, Obama is the least of their concerns...
I understand your concerns, cornelius and I truly appreciate your good sentiments and longing for disclosure and official First Contact with our space families..However, it is very unfortunate that Obama has been placed, very much in the role of a wolf in sheep's clothing, among the other wolves in Congress...His role being to lull the unsuspecting into believing he offers "change," when in reality he supports the hidden elites that seek to keep the corporate and militaristic status quo...
I'm sorry to have to be straight with you on these points, but the GFL truly does not place Obama above anyone else and he has no special standing, nor special status in our eyes....So sending him a request in his second term, is not the real answer to achieving what we all want...He would not actually make this request a reality and indeed, cannot do so..
So the USA corporation itself must be totally removed first and the true united states of America, with constitution restored, placed in it's stead...Behind the scenes many work to achieve this goal, and will remain incognito for security reasons, until the arrests are completed, under N.E.S.A.R.A...which requires that Obama stand down in his current unconstitutional role...
I do recommend that readers check the following offical GFL .... link:
Check out the search engine at the centre of the page and search for "Obama" and you will discover that he is not mentioned once.....unlike the false outlets that claim to represent us...who mention Obama very often and in error..
Dear Drekx Omega,
It seems that you know much more than me about everything, yet, regarding Obama, instinctively I trust very much Matthew messages, and many other information from Chako Priest books. Much more, even if Obama didn't do too much, his speeches are unprecedently positive ones to me, and so, another indication that he is doing the best he can. He is among the few people in politics talking about loving your neighbour, and peace.
Of course I will appreciate him much more to close Guantanamo and stop the war in Afganistan, but I am in no position to know and to judge him. To me, the greedy, corrupt, and criminal congress is just like a band of wolfs, and Obama like a sheep among them. I didn't hear any more devlish policy ever in congress, especially the republicans. If you side with them, then you are just another like them. Jesus said "After their fruits you will know them", and this is exactly what I am able to do. Do you think that Romney would been better as president?
Ron Paul said a lot of true things, but unfortunately very little about greed and love. Much more, the present voting procedure is no more than a theater farse; because there is no way to control those who count the votes.
Then, who else would been better than Obama?
If only it were this simple, we would have enjoyed full disclosure years ago.....HOWEVER, it is unfortunately NOT this simple and I will again remind you that the GFL requires a change of governance before disclosure is even possible, officially...And that means Obama must stand down and await trial for war crimes. with the cabal he serves...
With respect for the sentiments expressed here, which I agree with, Obama is not the avenue that will achieve these results and is naught but a red herring to the process...
Obama may be committed to manned space flight, BUT the Galactic Federation have placed such possibilities under quaranteen, since the aborted attempt at taking a small atomic device to the moon in Apollo 13, as a sign to Anchara that Earth can defy the GFL....Following that and further moon landings, some in actuality, many in a studio, for public consumption, a total ban was placed on human space activities BEYOND EARTH ORBIT.....So no more moon visits, until a change of governance, especially in the US Corporation...Moon visits and others will again be permitted, after official FIRST CONTACT and only using aetheric energy drive systems....No rockets, nor nuclear powered flights will be permitted...
Note that Obama himself has no special status with regards the GFL...He is not especially protected from harm, over any other human being....
The GFL have prevented global nuclear wars on several occasions, including the Rendlesham incident of 1980, in which the USA was attempting to nuke Russian tanks on the Polish border and had to be stopped through a temporal freeze over the twin bases complex, Woodbridge-Bentwaters and the neutron weapons confiscated...
You will also note that Obama is not held in any special status by the GFL and if you visit our OFFICIAL UPDATES, website, at, and search "Obama" you will not find him mentioned in any update, or any article, EVER.....
I suggest that a change of governance is needed in Amerika, before the changes can be made in disclosure policy there...Note also, that several other countries already officially announce the ET reality....But we need a change in the USA-GB axis.
Dear Elizabeth,
I commend you for this action, yet you may know that our president is directly advised and protected by positive extraterrestrials and inner earth people. Yes he can start the Disclosure, but I can't blame him for not doing this yet.
I am very confused by extraterrestrial secrecy and cloaking of their ships. Long time ago I have seen them. I seems to me that now they are hiding even more than before. Why? There is no any explanation from them.
You have the capability to contact them. Can you ask them why they keep hiding? They have so advanced technology to display their ships in an absolute safety. Why they keep postponing their presence? If they will intensify uncloaking of their ships, this will be an enormous help to president to start Disclosure. Why no more dates and right prediction? They can do that, and will give to people so much hope. Why not? Everybody state that the cabal is almost defeated. The cabal is more dangerous now than in the past? I am so confused, and I think so many others are too. Can we get some more help from ETs and all the other God servants?
I hope you remember that I told you about my actions about free energy, and I asked your help.
It seems to me so important to offer to people free energy, for their independence, prosperity and liberation from cabal slavery. Why no any help from you or ET in this direction? I, and so many others we have so many other questions about so many confused notion told us by so many “channels”. When we will have the opportunity to ask these questions, to get the truth about so many problems and to act accordingly. It is more often talking about transparency of our government; but why not about the transparency of the ETs and others God servants? I am not in a position to blame them; I want just to understand. Can we get any help from you in these directions? Can anybody help me in these directions?
Many thanks, Cornelius Constantine.