Open your arms to the truth

Ok , CM and the starfleet has landed , and lightsoldiers are right now working to take away the power from the dark hats.

They are not visible for the moment so that they can work effective.

You can espect some drastic changes - both geological and political.

In light


Update #1
By Christ Michael thru Hazel
May 15, 2010 - 5:08:03 AM

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Christ Michael

Update No 1

We are well and truly here. Yes and the work have begun in earnest to cleanse those institutions governed in darkness. We have been fortunate to have secured some co operation which will facilitate infiltration into certain ranks. You see dear ones we already had divine beings on the ground who were expecting our arrival.

Those who are a liability are going to betaken down post haste. We mean business now and will not tolerate anyone standing in our way.

In the coming days you will hear of strange things taking place without understanding what has happened. We are not disclosing what they might be but if you pay sufficient attention you will know. The dark will try to cover up many things from you during this time but we will take every measure necessary to ensure that the population is able to hear and see the truth. We have mobilised some of our ground resources and soon results should be seen physically.

There is an interesting development about to take place in the world of politics and finance and we suggest that you pay close attention. We are going to pull the necessary strings needed for a timely collapse to occur. We now assume the role of the puppet masters and those who have reigned with the dark wand will become the lowly minions.

We are primed in our plan and ready to start making things happen. Yes the occurrences and results in your coming days and weeks will shock the population into opening their eyes and ears. Gradulally at first, but then the severe repercussions which will flow shall create enough confusion to spark greater awareness not to mention fear and anger. This is going to be time of exposure. The events we are orchestrating will cause sequential demise of systems whose timeline has expired or has you ones say reached its "pass by date". The gluttons for punishment will receive such if they do not surrender to the light now. The ride has started so to you ones hold on tightly.

You do not need to know specifics. Just know that the process of disintegration has commenced with divine fervour.

To my light workers soon your work will be at hand. I suggest you get your "houses" in order.

I am Christ Michael Aton and these are my words. I place the seal of the Father hereto." width=1 height=1>

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Update #2
By CM thru Rubens
May 15, 2010 - 8:44:42 AM

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Start: 12:07

Rubens: Yes, who am I communicating with?

CM: This is CM, your Supreme Advisor (smile)

Rubens: (smile) At your service, as always dear Father.

CM: I place my seal on the update that you are about to write and I want you to call it update 2 which is a continuation to the 1st one. Redundancy is justified here. We are about to force the hands of the ones in your military by encouraging them very strongly to take the necessary stands in order to prevent any harmful measures to reach the populace since the ones who give the orders do want to create the chaos mentioned on numerous times but, it is a waste of time and energy on their parts. The upper echelon of such military apparatus do know of unequivocally of our presence and they must comply or else.

You will not have a hint as of yet as to how we are coming down on them with enormous force and pressure but, you just wait and you will eventually understand the repercussions of our uninvited forceful roles.

That will be it for now and expect the unexpected, in our favors, of course.

I place my blessings upon the update. More will be forthcoming. Just be ready.

CM, Your big cheese of Nebadon on the very ground that you walk on.

Rubens: Thanks." width=1 height=1>

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Update #3
By CM thru Rubens
May 15, 2010 - 12:05:11 PM

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Start: 13:20

Rubens: Yes, who am I in touch with?

Aton: This is CM again. I am here already with yet another update for you to take since our other dear one is taken and is unavailable.(Probably with S333 at the time-C) We have regained control of an important section of the command base of the military and we have received full cooperation; I have given the command to go ahead and implement orders that were purposely being tampered with. That is a great victory since it has secured an essential apparatus of control that the dark ones cannot afford to be taken away. It is done.

In the coming days, we assure you that we will issue some announcements, the source of which will not be named for now but, you will understand beyond the shadow of a doubt that we are behind the maneuverings. We are creeping pretty rapidly into their circles of control and will gain full control of those means of empowerment over you; we will change completely the way in which the operations are being used for the benefit of all. We are way past victory already and are satisfied thus far with the manner in which things are flowing.

Dear ones, you should already be excited because you should be able to smell the wind of freedom coming in from the not-so-distant corner of the Earth. We are still cautioning you to be on your guard but, you have every reason to celebrate among you quietly. Much remains to be done and we will inform you pretty frequently.

This is Update 3, dear one and I, Aton, Creator Son of Nebadon place my seal of approval upon it.

Rubens: Thank you again, dear Father/Brother.

End: 13:30" width=1 height=1>

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Update #4
By CM thru Hazel
May 16, 2010 - 4:51:06 AM

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CM- Update No 4

Christ Michael


Calamity is about to beset those dark ones who have decided to interfere with some of our plans. Do not be surprised if you hear news of disappearances in thin air. You will know how it happened. They are trying to undermine the progress we made yesterday by imposing threats on those who have seen the wisdom in co operating with us. They will not be told again, they will just find themselves elsewhere. We have not come here to indulge them. We are here to iron out certain situations in preparation for their eventual removal.

As I indicated to you yesterday the military has been very co operative for they know what the alternative would have been had they refused. We are however experiencing opposition from those who govern the financial institutions. They still feel that they know best. It is not going to be possible for them to avert what is coming which is a major collapse of the system. We are merely suggesting that the reigns of control be handed over to those who could salvage in a measurable way a temporary reprieve. You see this is necessary to ensure that institutions and people could operate and live at a basic level until stasis. They are not budging at this moment. No need for worry as we are about to execute plan B. This they will not be able to stall.

You may be wondering in which locations we are present. We are dispersed all over. We are present in many countries as a matter of necessity for this is a global operation we are undertaking. There is need for a degree of synchronicity. We however know who must be brought down first in terms of priority.

There is a prominent presence however in the US, for this is where the seeds of change must be initially planted. They hold a major key that we need. The routing out starts here and will flow northwards.

There are fresh surges of energies crawling into the organisations and we are going sweep and mop them clean.

I would like to give assurance that our plans will not be subverted by the dark for they do not hold the cards any more. This intransigence being shown by the bankers were not unexpected so we are more than capable of dealing with them. They feel that if they put up a collective front that the opposition and pressures being placed on them will dissipate and disappear. They are so wrong. We are not going anywhere until this is done.

We are executing a clandestine operation that will force them once and for all to forfeit their power hold.

Our next visit will be paid to those high ranking government officials. They will be feeling as if they are hearing things for so loud shall be our orders to them be that they will not be able to ignore the summons. Yes I promised yesterday that we would be the new puppet masters and so be it. Their strings are going to be pulled by those of the light now. It is promising to be a struggle however for this is the forum used by the cowardly sons of the dark to handle their minion workers. Without these minions the dark will not be able to vent their wickedness.

We are forcing them to come out form hiding dear ones. They have 2 choices, run and hide or come out. Since hiding is of no avail there is only one way and that is to show their ugly selves. They are going to face me and they will know that I am God their very Father for I shall remind them. They can call the name of Lucifer and Satan as much as they desire but that will not help them anymore. Against my light shall their darkness be measured and I will render to them a final choice before their ultimate fate is decided. In this way they cannot accuse me of not allowing them to change sides. I will however know their intent and make my judgment accordingly.

We are in happy times dear ones. I have said that I would come for you my faithful children and I have. First I have some pressing business to take care off, ridding the earth of the dark forces so that I could then free you that you may ever more walk in my light.

Do not be concerned by details. Leave them all to me. I know exactly what must be done and what needs to be done and it is with effectiveness and speed that I intend to bring matters to a conclusion that the business of the mother's cleansing may continue into rebirth and life.

Hear me clearly you of my fold. I am here amongst you again in different form but here nevertheless. I come to bring you home for home is where the light perpetually shines, where you can roam freely in your true being and grow in divine stature. I am in the process of removing the manacle of darkness by which you have been bound for aeons. I am freeing you. There will be no excuse left, no reason and explanation why you cannot ascend to your highest being. Prepare yourselves for I have come for you.

These words are mine and my seal is that of the Source of All.


Candace: Just as confirmation I have been told military first, bankers, then government as the priorities of our star fleet boots on the ground. I am kept generally, but not with big specifics, as I do not want to leak something on the phone. Also for my safety I should not know too much and neither should any of you." width=1 height=1>

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Update #5
By CM thru Tania
May 17, 2010 - 3:34:49 AM

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CM - Update #5
Update #5
Christ Michael through Tania
17 May, 2010


CM here. This is update #5. Our plans are going exceedingly well but many still don't want to cooperate. They don't seem to comprehend that they have no choice but to follow our plans. They are trying to stall something that is inevitable to occur.

We are not here to play games with them but to get our plans in action. The bankers and the financial institutions are in ruins and still they try to maintain their power. This situation will not last long as their power is no longer in their hands.

We have arrived here to implement great changes and they know it. You dark ones must stop now, as you don't have no where to run or hide. This is My time now to decide the next steps so my people may realize the prison they have been subjected all this time.

I guarantee you that people will know. Yes they will. Some will react with fear and anger, others with ultimate surprise as they would never imagine the amount of huge corruption upon the globe.

This is it folks, I came to regain the power of my planet and if you stand in our way be prepared to be removed. This is how things are right now. Whether you comply to our plans or you are forcibly removed of our way. There is no more time for your silly games. The games are over. For a very long time you have been warned by us and now that we are here you don't want to lose your place. Cease and desist now because this time there is going to be no more warnings, this is action time now.

Time is up for you dark ones and I no longer am going to put up with your silly and pathetic games. You're like little children that when their parents tell them that the play is over you cry and kick in opposition. If you continue with this you'll stay grounded for good. You have been warned again and again, you can't complain.

In the coming days we are taking your media when the time is right. Be ready as people will know everything. They will see that the world they have been living in is much more different from what they have been told. People will see the truth behind all lies.

I place my seal in these words.

CM" width=1 height=1>

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©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Update #6
By CM thru Hazel
May 17, 2010 - 4:44:16 AM

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CM- Update No 6

Christ Michael

Update no 6

Well since the last message there has been a major breakthrough. We have got into their minds and some have defected to our side. This is a great victory for us and we proceed expeditiously now. I do not wish to utilise the option of removing these dark factions as of yet for I want them to be accountable to me and to the public at large.

Whilst this message is being given there has been some inroad in the governmental sectors. No news as yet here but watch this space as there should be something to report soon. We have a special plan for tackling these ones. It will be interesting to witness.

There are imminent geophysical movements to occur in expected areas so please be on guard. This is going to cause inconvenience and loss of life. I ask that you understand the bigger picture we made you aware of months ago. The mother is going to make a big turn and this will as a matter of course affect many. The volcano in Iceland continues to spurt and this is not going to stop anytime soon. It is going to affect the airline industry and the economy as a whole. The population is becoming more and more disgruntled and this is going to be exacerbated by what we plan to execute which will have disturbing and upsetting ramifications for all.

It is not at all pleasant for me to walk amongst the dark but they too are of me and I am efforting to send them light in more direct ways but some are too far gone. It is a very disappointing situation. I am however most delighted to be so close to my many children of the light who are enlightened. If you think I am close by know that I am.

I expect that there will be some developments to report later on but for now know that all is progressing well enough only with slight hiccups for which we have the remedy. You will start seeing results very soon so please do not think we are a fiction of your imagination. We are real and we are here. We are creating the foundation which will serve us well when we start to pull the various strings which will lead to the ultimate fall of the dark and collapse all that is duly expired.

Please know dear ones that whatever light surrounds your dark world must be dimmed before it can blaze again from the ashes to burn in the glory of the Phoenix.

Expect events and results to be culminating and sequential. For when they do occur you will know that the trajectory has changed.

I am Christ Michael Aton and I give approval to these my words." width=1 height=1>

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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