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(Will Justice) A lot of people are confused. But when you know what to look for it makes sense. Something huge is about to happen.

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by Will Justice, December 7th, 2020

A lot of people were disillusioned by what Barr said last week. Even more have waited for weeks and think that maybe there isn’t any hope to stop cheaters like Biden.

But they’re wrong, and a three Star General seems to agree.

The War Room:

“If you were going to run a sting operation on election fraud, well you would let the criminals engage in all their election fraud with the dead voters. You would let them stuff the voting machines so that you would get voter turnout higher than any other election ever, so that when you audit that you can find that information out. You would allow them the use of mail-in ballots so that when you audit the mail-in ballot you could find the counterfeit mail-in ballots. And then do the forensic analysis data analysis finding out they were all for Joe Biden. You would film it. You would have dozens of poll watchers, which they did. And so it all ran successfully. And we all saw it. Now we’re waiting to see justice happen.”

Play the Long Game

For years we’ve heard about mass arrests. That some positive group in the military, in intelligence, in the militia was going to finally do the right thing and take down all the corrupt players in the US and beyond.

Trump came along and talked about the “calm before the storm.”

Another well-known military insider on 4 Chan talked about arrests of Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and dozens of other deep state actors. They said “Nothing can stop what’s coming.”

But here we are four years into Trump’s first term and there seems to be no end in sight.

Unless, of course, things have actually been unfolding just as the good guys wanted all along.

In Game Theory and The Art of War, you want to appear weak to draw the enemy out. In a covert war—which is the kind we’re in right now—the bad guys aren’t seen. They hide behind the media, big corporations, big tech, big pharma, and so on. And they’re very good at convincing uninformed people that there’s no enemy at all—”there’s nothing to worry about, just go back to sleep.”

This means that the battle isn’t just to take out the bad guys. It’s also to show billions of people the world over that there are bad guys, to begin with.

How do you catch a liar (the Mainstream Media and the Fake NewsPress)? You make them think they can lie, let them lie, catch them in the lie, and then show everyone incontrovertible proof they’re lying.

Hasn’t Trump been doing that for years? Didn’t the media just declare Joe Biden President-Elect, completely breaking 244 years of history and violating the constitution? Didn’t the media just lie to the people when it said, like the NY Times, there was no election fraud, even though there clearly is evidence thereof?

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How do you catch a cheater? You make them think they can get away with cheating, then you catch them in the act.

How do you catch a robber, an abuser, a murderer, a crime boss? The same way.

Criminals won’t act out crimes if they believe law enforcement is there to stop them. They wait until they can get away with it, and then they act out their wicked deeds.

A sting operation is designed to make the bad guys believe they can get away with it. It’s what’s become known as a Psy-Op, a psychological warfare operation.

At this point, we’re in the phase of the takedown where the evidence from the sting operation is starting to be brought forward. It needs to happen slowly because people have been so well trained to lap up whatever the lying media tells them, they’ll literally deny what their own eyes tell them.

Just after the election, an interview with Dr. Steve Bieczenik went viral, giving people the world over the hope that cheaters and frauds won’t always win.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik claims to have been given a glimpse into what’s going on, which he shared below.


“Agitating Propaganda,” Dr.Pieczenik calls it.

Trump gave his first major address about the election fraud on December 2nd, which he said “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.”

In it, Trump laid out clear evidence of fraud that should make every honest law enforcement official take notice and initiate major sweeping investigations. Instead, the media and corrupt actors doubled down.

This makes the fraud plain and easy to see for the people, showing them that it wasn’t just the people working to manipulate the election, or Joe Biden and his campaign, or the congressmen and women, but the media too.

The Insurrection Act

Can Trump use the Insurrection Act to round up deep state actors and those aiding the coup? In short, yes.

The wording from The Insurrection Act.

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

The crime is so blatant, and he media coverage pushing the lie so coordinated, that it might not seem possible for Trump to clean house but it is.

Biden, election officials, polsters, corrupt legislators, and the media are all violating the constitution and attempting a coup against a sitting president.

There’s a reason why they have to work so hard to convince you that Biden won—even though he didn’t. It’s because to claim he did—when he didn’t—is literally treason. It disrupts law and order via violation of the law, therefore, according to the insurrection act Trump can “use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

There is a process to follow, which requires that Trump make a clear and unquestionable statement as to who is in rebellion, why (what laws are they violating), and that such persons must disburse or cease and desist. Then he has to wait and give them a fair chance to stop the coup. Mind you, there are so many people involved, it’s unlikely that they will. Big tech companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are all pushing the “Joe Biden won and there’s no election fraud lie.” This means they have to stop their participation in the coup as well. Admitting that Biden didn’t win and there actually is election fraud would be a good start.

If they don’t, then Trump can pull the trigger, and declare a state of emergency that gives him the authority to call in the National Guard and military to round up the guilty actors.

Waking the Sleeping Giant 

The challenge is that the bad guys aren’t waving any flags or banners. The people, who need to believe that the good guys are behind the takedown operation, can’t identify the enemy.

To everyone who’s buying the Joe Biden won lie, Biden et al look like regular people.

And frankly, some of them might be well intentioned people so possessed by fake news and Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they aren’t really aware of what they’re doing. But Biden and the media are aware, and so are scores of other knowing traitors.

So while Trump has the evidence and authority to use the Insurrection Act, he has to be very careful or he could start a civil war. He doesn’t want that—despite what the fake news media would have you believe.

This means, he likely has to wait until the fraud becomes so obvious to so many people that the people themselves demand action.

Healthy Outrage

We seem to be in a phase of the operation where a healthy sense of outrage is being triggered within the people.

AG Barr caught a lot of flak last week when the AP put out a story that falsely reported Barr said there was no election fraud.

Catherine Herridge, who might be one of a handful of honest media people left at CBS, debunked this report.


Barr’s seeming non-response to the blatement voter fraud is enraging many Americans, and rightly so. Trump did little to put out the fires of indignation—which only makes more people demand justice.


Either Barr is an ineffectual AG, as so many are starting to believe, or Barr is intentionally letting the media and world believe he isn’t working to investigate fraud.

What benefit would his have?

Remember, the goal is to “wake the sleeping giant.” The enemy has to reveal itself, and the enemy is everywhere—especially within the corrupt DOJ. AG Barr might be one of a few good actors in the DOJ, but he isn’t in a position to clean house. Thus, by making it appear the DOJ isn’t investigating, more and more people are being activated and made aware—most importantly—that the corruption is everywhere.

A Retired Three Star General

From the Federalist.

General Thomas McInerney is openly calling on President Trump to recognize severity of the cyber war assault on America by invoking the Insurrection Act, suspending Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiate mass arrests under military authority.

This call by Gen. McInerney, a highly-accomplished military veteran and loyal patriot, appears to be stemming from a realization that much of the existing government has gone rogue and is now colluding with enemies of the nation. State governors have gone rogue, court judges have gone rogue and state election officials have willfully engaged in coordinated, treasonous election rigging in order to achieve the overthrow of the executive leader, President Trump.

When government officials go rogue, and courts cannot be trusted, military authority can be invoked by the President, complete with mass arrests of treasonous actors, military tribunals that bypass the civilian court system, and the military seizure of all corporations that are actively working to undermine the United States of America. This would obviously include Big Tech and most of the left-wing media that has been complicit in election rigging and acts of journo-terrorism designed to plunge this nation into despair.

“We are talking about treason”

“These are treasonous acts. Not just fraudulent acts. They’re treasonous acts. Because it means changing the government. Then when you add Russia, China, and Iran, foreigners into it, you complicate it and make it even more treasonous.”

~ Gen. McInerney

Why isn’t the deep state doing something to stop the sting operation?

They are. They’re working overtime to push fake news piece after fake news piece. They’re pushing more lockdowns knowing it causes psychological stress that makes it difficult for people to face and accept the fullness of the coup attempt unfolding before their eyes.

The only thing the deep state can do at this point is keep doubling down and keep painting Trump as a tyrant. But it isn’t working.

It seems, the patriots are more in control than even the deep state is willing to admit.


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An Onion of Fraud

The layers of corruption are deep. Think of it like an onion.

This is what was shared recently on the Awarewolf Podcast, wherein Paul and Justin discussed the lawful basis of the takedown operation.




The center of the onion is the fraud and those in rebellion, that’s Biden and the people knowingly commiting fraud with him.

In the next layer are the people who are supposed to stop the election fraud—that’s election officials.

Next are the state congress men and women.

Next are the judges and court officials who are meant to hear lawsuits brought forward by the Trump legal team and people like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell.

Just beyond this State court layer are the federal powers, the district courts, agencies and US congress men and women. And finally, we have the supreme court.

Everytime evidence of fraud is brought to one of these layers, and they do not act to investigate it and pursue suspects, they paint a target on their backs—they become guilty in the face of open violation of the law.

These layers are supposed to act as checks and balances to ensure the law is maintained. Anyone who fails at enforcing the law needs to be brought to justice.

If all these safeguards fail, and many of them are, then the last safeguards are Trump himself, acting as the POTUS. And if he can’t do it, then it’s we the people.

Like a series of dominos, the fraud has to be brought forward to each layer, they have to decide if they will do the right thing or not.

An official, by virtue of the fact they are an official in an office, has to enforce the law, they have to pursue any valid and reasonable claim of fraud and illegality. At this point there’s so much evidence that there is no real question anymore—despite what the media would have you believe. This means an official that fails to do their duty is either negligent or a willful participant in an insurrection and coup attempt.

— Justin Deschamps

We’re not quite done with the operation just yet. Trump has to let these processes unfold, he has to let the fraud make it’s way through all the layers. Each time a bogus election is ceritified, the election officials, the state legislature, and the governor sign their own arrest warrents when they fail to raise the alarm. When the courts toss out a case of fraud, when the evidence is inarguably valid, they sign their own arrest warrents.

In just a few short days and weeks, we’ll be all the way up to the supreme court. And each time a domino falls, more people wake up, see that there’s corruption everywhere, and properly label these do-nothing officials traitors to the nation.

This, my friends, is somethine to hope for.

 – Will Justice


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The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely. 

About The Author

Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.

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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm

This article (OPERATION Mass Arrest the Deep State is Moving At Pace) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and are provided. If you spot a typo, email

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.

– Justin

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