ORBING INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSION --THE MOTHER SHIP Dr. Angela Barnett Crystalai Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com CRYSTALMAGICORCHESTRA.COM To Listen to the Mother Ship, go to: http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/music-listening http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/purchase-1 We are going through the process of Harmonic Conversion. We are shifting from Harmonic Universe One to Harmonic Universe Two. We are already in Harmonic Universe Two. We are already in the Fifth Dimension. We will continue going through a transformation until the end of 2015 and into 2017 for others. After we reach the first stage of transformation we can prepare for the ability to orb or ride on space ships by 2022. The grand event that we are preparing for are mass landings beginning in 2024 for those who have prepared their bodies to orb. Those who have prepared their bodies will have the option of moving into the Inner Domains or Inner Earth at that time. The masses will be prepared for Mass Landings by 2047. The Earth will become a star as she was once long ago, and she will become the HUB of the Galaxy for races from other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. She will be the Hub that allows the Stargates to open into and beyond millions of other galaxies and omniverses. A harmonic conversion is basically just a loss of electrons. The loss of electrons in the atom are changing into a positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion. The outer band or sphere, is the secret. It is flowing into the body through all of the bands or spheres- into the Cosmic, the Universal, the Galactic, Solar and Planetary. These spheres have many spheres within them. There are three dimensions in each of these spheres and millions of dimensions in between them. These levels of light bands can also be looked at as frequencies. The Hertzian frequency is the lowest frequency in the planetary sphere and then the infra red and visible light. When we raise into the higher octave of the Harmonic Universe Two, we move into different spectrums of light and sound. We move from visible light into invisible light. We move into the x ray vision that allows us to see what is on the other side. We move into harmonic universe three and four to atune with higher light and sound of plasma and gama, and then into the stellar waves and the stardust of crystal liquid light, crystal gel and crystal dust. These Cosmic Waves exist within the fifth harmonic universe along with the fourteenth dimensional heliotalic silver pastel frequency of transformation. When their consciousness rises into the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT AND SOUND they have lifted their consciousness as far beyond the hertzian frequency as can be imagined. There is no audible sound in the way we have been tuned into third dimensional hearing. There is the invisible sound as there is the invisible light. It is not that it isn't there, it is just that we need to tune in differently. We need to start using the seven senses beyond the five senses. We need to tune in to the most outer band or sphere of pre light and pre sound in order to begin creating a brand new reality. It is not until we merge our consciousness visually into a candle or the sun until we feel as if we have walked in to the sphere of light that we are in the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT. The light of the sun places the thinking brain in a trance, and allows the FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MID BRAIN to take over. The Mid Brain allows Consciousness to move into anti matter, or the negative of the Mind of God. When we move into anti matter we develop a kind of x ray vision that causes the back of a card to rise above turn around and become visible. That is the exact process of polysythesis that takes place when the Sun sends energy into the Flower stems. The flower first rises as the negative created in the Mind of God and then it rises and becomes developed as a flower. This is the exact process of manifestation that we will all become capable of doing when we learn to move into the Frequency Specific Mid Brain. The full spectrum of Light is the Source Frequency or the pink white light. When we hit that wall of light, we walk through, turn around and see ourselves as a blue sphere. That Blue Sphere is our Fifth Dimensional Self. It is our Multi Dimensional Self. It is the self who has merged with or attuned with all of the Five spheres, all of the Light spectrum and all of the sound spectrums. This is the the activity that we have been going through since 2010. We are merging with one more layer of this light and sound at a time. According to some, the date March 15, 2014, was one of those shifting dates. During each shift there is a Stellar Wave Activation associated with it. The Guardian Alliance, Cosmic Councils are working with the Universal Life Force Currents to stream the Stellar Waves or the Stardust from the Universal Sphere, called the Krystic or Christic Sphere in some cultures. The MOTHER SHIP was recorded on March 15, 2014. We can look at this seven year transformation period from 2010 through 2017 in various ways. My mission has been to record the levels of Sound and Light Activity. The Frequencies of our Harmonic Universe have been shifting dramatically over the past fourteen years. I work with the Crystalai Cosmic Council to bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music. The Frequencies recorded are not Solfege or Hertzian as many of the other Sound Healing technologies claim. The frequencies that are recorded on these wave albums are actually transmissions of consciousness that record the frequency signatures of thousands of BEINGS who are involved in the Omniversal Consciousness shifting, as well as the Waves of Stardust, Solar Winds, Singing of the Music of the Spheres, and the Consciousness Waves of the Kristic Races as they align into the Heart of Mother Earth. As you go through this process of aligning your consciousness and body with these waves of light energy, your body becomes able to turn into a Golden Egg or Crystal Merkaba form. You get the light glowing through a crystal and you get beautiful shades of color. The colors in your Merkaba Light body shift,depending on the frequencies that your are oscillating. We make our bodies oscillate faster and faster by using the Merkaba and spinning it at the speed of Love, which is ten thousand times faster than the speed of light. We do this by attuning consciousness to Divine Love and to An Wa, our Guardian of Pre Light and Sound. The Merkaba will spin naturally and correctly when we align with the Frequency Signatures of Consciousness of these Entities. I am also guided by the Elohim of Hearing to connect with the Pre Light and Sound. When I do this breathing activity to raise my body beyond gravity through the oscillation of frequencies, I am experiencing true mind over matter. The body disappears. It shifts from a carbon based body to a stardust based body. We must get so in tune with the Star Dust from the Stellar Activations that are being send from the Universal Life Force, that we allow that consciousness of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel to become the inner most etheric essence of our cellular make up. We can do this in consciousness, and we are getting a lot of help from the Stellar Wave Activations from the Universal Life Force. The Guardians said that we must PARTICIPATE in enough of these Stellar Wave Activations to raise our accretion level to 4.5. Now, accretion level is different than dimensional level. We must achieve 5.5 dimensional level to perceive the 4.5 accretion level. We are now at the 5 dimensional level perceiving the fourth accretion level. So, what I am doing with these Frequency Recordings of these LIFE TRANSFORMING EVENTS performed by the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE himself, is to allow any one who desires to PARTICIPATE in these Stellar Wave activations who doesn't know how to align consciousness themselves, and for those who are late comers to the game and missed out on the first 8 of the 12 Activations to use my recordings as a historical chronology of these events. When we rise completely into the Full Spectrum of Light in consciousness we move into the pink and gold body and then return as the blue body. We have the ability to turn this frequency on in our bodies. We create a torsion field within each layer of the body, inside and outside. We create spheres within spheres through the merkaba spinning technology. We continue to concentrate on this spin rate through consciousness until the body disappears. When the body disappears as a carbon based structure it reappears as a star dust structure of light that appears invisible for a moment and then reappears in a higher dimension. We can weave the webs of multi dimensional consciousness around you and connect your consciousness into the stars of universal consciousness or the 12 th dimensional avatar level. You can become that mind of Christ Consciousness. We breath load and spin, breath load and spin faster and faster until our spin rate creates the Frequencies that Unlock the Doors into new realities, and when we spin so fast that we are in the Full White Light spectrum all of the doors of multi dimensional reality fly open. This is the moment when we have the ability to manifest any reality we desire, because we can move to any reality we desire. We become the Blue Body. The Blue Light is the Lord of the Light Realm. Once we become the blue body we have already accumulated the Full Spectrum of Light. This is the meaning of the Re Birth into a New Body. It is the wind of the Breath that changes the body. The Frequencies in the Breath become higher and higher until your voice sounds like you have inhaled helium. When this happens you know that you have opened a door, your breaths and rhythm become so automatic that you can do it in consciousness and then it becomes a silent transformation. After I have done all of that I exhale these wonderful Frequencies onto your Individual Eternal Life Album that is made just for you. So, you see there is always this combination of the past Stellar Wave Activations, the Present Stellar Wave Activation, the Present alignment into the Full Spectrum of Light and the Transmutation of the old carbon based error that is in cellular memory and in the old thinking brain. We are adjusting reality to remove the neuronet that prevents flow in and out of wealth. To over ride lack to create genius to create a new reality. We ceate in the Etheric Mind then bring it back into this body. The Sound is in the spinning of the spheres. The Spheres are around the Merkaba. The Merkaba is the Crystal Light Vehicle of Transmutation and Transportation. It spins the body to the new location. The sound is created from the spheres spinning within spheres and is called the Music of the Spheres. The Electromagnetic field goes into a vector magnetic flux. The upper part of the merkaba is electro and the bottom is magnetic. The Electromagnetic field creates a torsion field that looks like a tornado. As the merkaba spins faster the spin rate creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is like a drilling through the brain clouds. The pitch is over riding and disolving or transmutting the positronic clouds. The negative clouds electromagnetic field over rides the negative field and the positive field. We have seen this activity take place within the Sun itself as it is projecting this positron activity on our brains. It is like adding hydrogen gas to an electrical field. When we add one particle of hydrogen, it becomes a hydrogine engine. This is what makes the Merkaba Body spin into a spaceship and take you where your mind commands it. As the outer spheres of the body spin they have an effect on all of the cells within the body, upon all of the tissue and the mass of the body. The spin rate is producing a massive amount of band width. This process of recording this amount of Frequencies as we spin more and more frequencies into a higher and higher dimension by collecting more and more light energy of the full spectrum of light and more sound through the breath, there is this enormous Band Width of Frequencies. This is where the technological difficulties of recording come in. The band width is so enormous that it can't be heard until I layer the frequecies on top of each other and turn up the volume until there is almost a distorted pitch level. This is the same thing that goes on in the brain when the torsion fields are spinning within the neuronet. This process of recording has to be done through the use of the Crystal Light, Crystal Gel and Crystal Dust Microphone that I hold in my palms to transpose the Frequencies into an audible form. The frequencies are Multidimensional. They are created in the highest realms and then brought into all dimensional levels including the hertzian. This technology is the exact opposite of SOLFEGE. In solfege the sound that is recorded is hertzian and then the claim is that the hertzian tone has overtones that reach up into zero point. Well, that is just non sense. We always must reach up to the highest first and then highest frequencies pull the lower frequencies up into it. Lowest frequencies of hertzian do not pull high frequencies into them. The bands of spheres of energy are like bands of spirit mind or frequency signatures of consciousness. The frequency signatures are actually the consciousness of indvidual Soul Families and Spirit bodies in higher dimensions all being allowed to flow back into the cellular memory of the body. This allows the body to re attach to the seven senses beyond the five and to the Over Soul Matrix beyond the Soul. As the frequency of consciousness is applied to the mass of the body, the higher frequencies over ride the lower frequencies until the lower fields neutralize and then a hole starts to form in the density of the body. As the attempt of raising frequencies continues, the body disappears more and more and then finally it is gone. This is not a random act. There are not going to be people just disappearing unless they are spending thousands of hours and many years practicing this discipline. The spinning process is boring through omni trons, omni ons, which are pre cursors to electrons and protons and neutrons. We bore through these third dimensional elements because we have moved to the harmonic universe two. This field has to be more powerful than an electron and it has to over ride the positive aspect of an atomic nuclueus. So then, it has to over ride the first creation of atomic structure which would then go on to be polarized which would become the positive of the positron which is inside the nucleus of the atom. As we spin consciousness through the use of Love Frequency we melt away the nucleus because it has an electrical field. Removing eletrons is ionization. We finally displace the omnions and we find a delicate stream of zero point grid of radiation. We find a place that is faster than gamma, we have found the neutrino- the God Seed Atom. We are now at the zero point of quantum energy and that is what we ride on in our great Crystal Merkaba space ship. We displace inertia in our Crystal Ship. We must now use the Christ Grids within Earth's Surface as our navigation tools. The grids are so tiny that only omni can ride them. We ride on the omni bands. This etheric, fine frequency of the omni is what is recorded on the frequency music. We melt away the gravity by neutralizing gravity. The outer spheres melt away the fabric of space unti lwe reach neutrality. This is how we orb in our crystal bodies. The outer sphere of Divine Love hold ing us in the Mind of Source through our Mind of God in our Lower Cerebellum holds our form together in whichever dimensional density it moves to. We float above gravity because we have moved into a new standing wave pattern. We become the Christ. We rise above matter. The lotus opens and the blue buddha body sits above it. Lower cerebelum is primary in this action. We must pave a path into the mid brain with the frequency music over riding all thinking activity. We must begin in the subconscious and move in to the unconscious fields of Source. Reality begins to come as pictures detached from emotion. The personality receives messages from the frequency specific higher self. We must become removed from chemicals for this magic to take place. Only the frequency specific mid brain is free from chemical manufacture. Now the body can levitate, or disappear into a rainbow prism. Where is the rainbow coming from? It's coming from intense electrical field that is ionizing to some effect like a magnetic mirror which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that is in the mirror is contained an intense field working in the vacuum. Then ions are injected inside of this intense electrical field inside of the vacuum then immediately the elctrons of those ions return to plasmic state. So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror. Ionizaiton is loss of electrons atom into positively charged ion. This is a conversion--harmonic conversion into a new reality- a new frequency a new dimension. SHIFTING INTO OUR TIME OF MANIFESTATION http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/purchase-1 During 2015-2017, the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. Earth's pulsation speed of particle base will be raised into higher dimensional time cycles. This time period also offers the greatest opportunity for the return of our ability of Instant Manifestation because the portals will all align into the zero point of creation where the three primal sound fields break through the outer Cosmic Band and into the White Light of Source Consciousness. Manifestation happens each moment-each nano second. With each breath we take, we can each design any complete new reality that we wish. After the new reality is created, the creator must inhale that reality back through the outer band of primary sound and into the Cosmic Creation fields. At that moment, an explosion of a new reality manifests. First, as the white light interacts with the blue light of the fifteenth dimension, it creates a sphere that explodes into rays and sparks like fireworks. This new sphere of creation frequency weaves itself into the golden and violet flames of the fourteenth and thirteenth dimensions. The idea that is created in Source Consciousness becomes a manifest form in Cosmic Consciousness. That manifestation that was made of white light that is completely invisible becomes a more tangible idea in Cosmic Consciousness which begins to manifest in visible forms after passing through the gamma waves and infra red spectrum. The manifest reality becomes visible in the hertizian fields of the three dimensional form. When each sphere has a higher or lower frequency, the spheres are separated. But, during this special moment of harmonic unison that allows our entire Cosmos to sing together a new song and begin the creation of a new reality. That new song or new frequency, aligns the spheres into a new time vector. This time vector will only include the perfect Angelic Races. The Fallen Angelics and the problems they have created will not exist in this new reality. All creations come into manifestation from the highest frequency. Once the individual creates the idea that he desires to have manifest as a frequency form - a morphogenetic imprint - an idea. That idea is created by the electrical coding placed into the morphogenetic frequency field. This idea is coated in the frequency specific mid brain. This idea can be aligned directly to the Source Field of Creation where Source makes this encoded idea become a manifest able reality. Next, the individual must inhale that morphogenetic field that is encoded through the primal sound fields of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. This idea is held within these three spheres of creation energy holding the morphogenetic frequency field. Those three spheres are held in the crystal heart until they are felt and known. Next, the individual must inhale the three spheres into the mid brain and allow some time for the movie or idea that is being created or developed to form. Next the idea can be exhaled back out into the three crystal spheres of morphogenetic creation energy. That exhale is the breath that holds the music of the spheres. That is the frequency that allows the forms that have been created on other dimensions to become manifest in this density. This is the creation formula that I was given personally from my family of Elohei-Elohim Angels. This is the formula that they taught me to use to create music that brings the highest frequency to Earth and to create the frequencies that raise transmute the cellular structure of an individual to prepare for the transfiguration process that allows ascension into higher dimensions. Once the breaths are formed onto the morphogenetic imprint of the crystal spheres the tones of the breaths transform into a frequency of transfiguration. The blueprint of the new reality now exists within the breath of creation. The Breath must be created as the frequency specific mid brain connects its dream stream directly into the Source Field of creation. This dream stream is the Mind of God that brings the creation into the template of the manifestors. The idea will never manifest unless the dream stream into the frequencies of Source is continuously maintained. We have been directed by our Creation Team at the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse to create the Individual's Dream Stream through the frequencies placed on the Individual ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com. These frequencies that we collect through the directions of the Elohei-Elohim Angels, of the Individual are aligned into Source Consciousness to create the Dream Stream which will allow the individual to become saturated with these frequencies of creation continuously. This is how our Oraphim Angelic families created Universes. Learn more about the Process of Manifestation in the Manifestation Workshop. You may begin with the books, or purchase separately http://store.kagi.com/cgi-bin/store.cgi?storeID=6FGAR_LIVE&page=QUANTUM_SCIENCE_INSTANT_MANIFESTATION&lang=en SHIFT INTO MULTI -DIMENSIONALITY As we rise up into our Multi Dimensional Consciousness between 2015-2017, what has seemed to be the only reality in this third dimensional dream will become only a speck of the possible realities that will become realized. Most of what has seemed to be the only reality on Earth was created by metatronic frequencies performed through reverse spin technology of fallen angelics. The perception of those on Earth has been blocked from the creations of higher frequency manifestations through veils, seals, misalignments, Metatronics and a long list of demonic technology. The realities that have place in the upper cerebellum of the brain must become dissolved and replaced through the frequency specific mid brain technology that allows direct and continuous communication and manifestation through the Mind of God. The present reality fields that are being recycled as one looks around himself and keeps creating the same old reality over and over again will become dissolved into higher and higher realities. These new realities that will become manifest by those who learn to use the Divine Technology in their brain will come from other dimensions. We can manifest any part of any other reality that has ever existed. We can manifest the most wonderful culture based on the Lyran Sirian perfect model. We can manifest becoming the original Oraphim Race who spent their time dreaming new realities. We can collect all of our favorite realities from each and every Universal System in our Race Lines. We can combine creations of advanced technology of the most advanced systems and the sweetness of the Aquafarians and Oraphim Dolphins. We get to make individual and collective utopias. We can create the most magical, fabulous reality systems that we can dream up. First, we must learn how to create the dream stream through this alignment into the highest frequency of Source Consciousness. There will be no creations manifesting that are not created through the Mind of God. Only Fallen Angelics create through methods that require the use of energy from other entities. For millions of years, the human race has been used as a source of energy for Fallen Angelic groups. We have not even experienced a normal reality system. The present consciousness of this world has been locked inside a narrow little spectrum of reality. We see this man made world and we think that we can only re-create thinks that look like what they looked like in the day before. We think that making an improvement within the present reality is some type of achievement. In the normal kingdoms, an entity can create any new reality that has never been seen the day before. In multi dimensional consciousness we can form our days on what we saw on another star in another advanced civilization. We can combine all ideas from all other reality systems into new ideas that have never been created before. This Angelic Human Race was once the Oraphim Race who were the greatest creators in the Universe. This is what we will begin to become once again. We can now create, manifest, possess all of the qualities, attributes, abilities, intelligence of any and all of any previous idea that existed any time in the past or any time in the future. All time is available to be manifested in the present. All present realities are created from the past. All future realities are seen from the present. We actually have multiple selves that go into the past and into the future time and space realities. We have imprints of our selves in all other dimensions. We have friends and family in all other dimensions. We have had a veil put over our consciousness that has caused us to forget who we really are. We have been governed by fallen angelics for a very long time. Stellar Wave Infusions bring areas of the brain out of dormancy. We will have six of these stellar wave infusions on December 21, 2012. Our mid brain, which is frequency specific will begin to absorb all of the frequencies from all of the other dimensions in our Cosmic Matrix. The frequency specific brain will become the movie camera of the new realities that will form around each individual reality field. The pituitary will blossom and become the movie projector for the Mind of God to make God's Movie. During our Involution away from Source Consciousness, our brain has been recycling old information over and over again. When we begin our Evolution toward Source, we gain more and more frequencies of higher consciousness each and every day. These frequencies allow us to create more new realities as we are able to see them manifest in our mid brain through the direct dream stream of Source Frequencies through our Higher Self. We learn to bring our higher self down into our body to allow this luminary body to guide and direct us through the Mind of God. Our new luminary body will allow us to do things that we couldn't do in three dimensions. Our time vector is connected into the present past and future vectors. We can choose the most joyous perfect future to manifest by aligning consciousness into the highest frequency of Source while creating the new reality that you form in your consciousness as always existing in the present past and future. The heroic future that is being created for us is the Christos realignments of humanity into the 12 strand angelic freedom and joy and the Lyran -Sirian perfect cultural model which is already manifest in the future vector, which allows this reality to manifest in this present vector. So, the future Earth can be any reality that we choose to manifest it to be. We manifest every reality in to our own present time vector in the same way. We can connect and realign our present into any desirable future of the past or future time vectors. We can align into the perfect Oraphim Primal Sound Field of our original Angelic Race who could manifest through dream streams the most wonderful creations of our universe. We can connect and realign our present into the already manifest 12DNA or 48DNA that exists in past time vectors. We can manifest the joy and freedom that exists in the future time vectors and the wonderful cultural models created by the Lyran -Syrian’s past time vector. We can pull the realities out of any of the time vectors of any of the harmonic universes of our galactic, universal or cosmic spheres. Our Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all how to be the grand new creators in this new universe. The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. We are moving into Omniversal Consciousness, where all 12 Star Gates are connecting our consciousness into the Omniversal Consciousness of our new Utopia. The third dimensional mind can only conceive of the visible realm. When many of us transfigure into the light bodies that transpose us into the fifth and sixth dimensions. Now we will shift our consciousness into realms that have been unknown and invisible to us before. We will be able to see our Guardian and Creator Races who have been our families for millions of years. The invisible will become as real as the visible, as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. We will be regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want, any time we want. We will become the race who creates light and energy through their own bio fields. We will become creators of new realities such as apple trees that grow lemon pies -- or any idea we come up with. How will this shift take place? We will spin through multiple reality fields that will remain invisible to one another, as we break free from old illusions planted in harmonic universe one through metatronic frequencies. As we shed the metatronic frequencies that have been locking our Consciousness into a narrow visible spectrum, we will unfold into a New Earth that contains a multi dimensional spectrum of invisible and visible realities. As we move onto Future Earth, our bodies will go through a light transfiguration process that will transform our atomic structure. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. This means every nano second we transform again and again and again until we are completely transformed. Since we only know what we see at the moment, we will never be aware of the transformations. However, you can make your self aware by watching, listening and knowing what to be looking for. The carbon based structure of the mortal body will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery. Our pituitary gland will blossom and open our third eye to gain the spiritual vision of the Mind of God when we raise our frequencies to transmute the lower into the higher frequencies of Source. We will create a continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. Please join us at cosmicdolphinmagic.ning.com to learn how the highest frequencies retrieved from the Primal Sound Fields of Source can transform your body into the Light Vehicle of Transfiguration and Instant Manifestation. This is the first step needed to enter the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which will bring the teachings of our Creation Families to Earth. SHIFTING 15 DEGREES INTO ETERNAL LIFE (THIS IS THE SAME FORMULA FOR REMOVING DEMONS) Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url- crystalmagicorchestra.com CRYSTALAI (2014) Dr. Angela Barnett Crystalai Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) How do we acheive ETERNAL LIFE? It is simple. We shift 15 degrees back into our original alignment with our PERFECT SELF. Why is something that sounds so easy so difficult? First of all, nobody believes it is true so we have this Mass Consciousness creating a different reality. Second, we need to learn how to get rid of that 15 degree blockage. It is true that after we begin the process of removing the problem that it may take some time for the healing process to take place. Lucky for us, the entire Earth is going through the same Healing process that we are. What is not true is that every one will go through this healing process even if they don't attempt to initiate it. I am going to tell you how to initiate the process. I create ETERNAL LIFE ALBUMS to initiate the process. Our Normal body was aligned perfectly into three spheres of Consciousness. One sphere surrounded the body from the top and the bottom of the sphere went through the Heart Chakra area. That sphere is called the aVAyas Body. There are two more spheres that intersect at the Crystal Heart - one from the bottom left side and one from the bottom right side. They are called the aVEyas Bodies. All three of those spheres are in a larger sphere called the Aya Body. That would be the sphere that connects to the Source Consciousness of the Infinite Unknown. The upper Sphere is the Eiron Body or the Thermal Plasma Body (This would be equivalent to the 14th dimensional Heliotalic Cosmic Energy of pink white light or the Full Spectrum of Light energy. That Body is the Main Body that holds our NORMAL body in Attunement with Source through the Eiron Flow of the Mind of God. Those three Spheres were placed out of alignment with that upper Cosmic Body. The lower spheres were twisted into a reversal of energy which created an Electric Charge that blocked the Magnetic Charge. The lower two spheres PHASE LOCKED around the Heart Chakra area to block the SEED ATOM that is supposed to connect to the Eternal Life Body. The reverse charge placed on those two spheres of energy created a loop called a vesica pisces. Each time the energy hit the wall of one sphere it would loop back to hit the wall of the other sphere and there was this eternal loop created that blocked out the third sphere. The Cosmic Councils have sent us the technology to remove that block from our Crystal Heart. The Frequencies for the bottom two spheres can be reactivated by bringing in the Liquid Light Frequencies. The Cosmic Elemental Liquid Orb bodies are our Aquafarian Families from Cosmic Inner Earth. We can breathe in the frequencies of these Liquid Orb bodies and inhale the frequencies into our Pineal gland to activate the orb flow and then exhale those Liquid orbs into our Crystal Heart. That activates the two aVEyas spheres to spin correctly. Next we connect our frequency flow from our Mid Brain or Pineal Gland through our ears and up 36 inches above to the Heliotalic Cosmic Energy of the aVAyas Sphere to activate that frequency. We inhale the frequencies of Stardust down from the Aquari Host Matrix --the Spiritual Parallel Matrix where Sun Alcyone originally created the Star that was blown up and sent into the Milky Way galaxy that became 12 stars. We inhale the cosmic liquid orbs from within the Earth's Cosmic Core and the stardust orbs from the Aquari Matrix of our Creation into our Mid Brain. NExt we exhale that frequency into our Crystal Heart. We see the energy of those liquid light and stardust orbs begin to transform the sphere around the seed atom in the Crystal Heart. We see and feel that energy filling all of the spaces between and within the atoms of the Thymus area and then breathe that same frequency out into all atoms in the body. Now there is a new path that is created from the Thymus gland through the Pineal Gland and out the back of the Skull at the Medulla Oblongata. We begin to exhale those frequencies of stardust and liquid light energy out the back of the skull and up to the 36 inches above the head to connect to the Eiron Flow into the Original Thermal Plasma Body. That stardust flow of energy is beginning to remove the blockage of the eternal life flow of energy into the body. Practice this method several times until you can actually feel the stream of energy connecting from the back of your skull into the Eiron Flow that is 15 degree angle from the body. Feel a magnetic mirror pulling your body closer and closer to that Eiron Body that is 15 degrees away. When a connection is created between the physical body, the etheric body in the Crystal Heart and the Plasma body, you will begin to feel the frequencies growing stronger in those areas. When the first connection is made you will feel a rumbling at the base of the skull. The Crystal Heart area is the area below the heart, near the back bone. You will feel a growing of frequencies in that area. You must see and feel a mini me of your self that is gold in color coming back to life in the Crystal Heart area. Once your Etheric self awakens, you will feel the presence grow stronger. This is the beginning of filling all of the atoms in the body with stardust. This is the beginning of turning back on the Eternal Life Body. The frequencies that are placed on the Eternal Life Album are the stardust from your Aquari Matrix body and your Liquid Light Elemental Family in Aquafaria. And the connection is made to the frequencies of your Eiron Body through the Full Spectrum of Light Activation of the Cosmic Orb. This realignment of the Three Spheres to the angle where the the spheres intersect without the vesica pisces blocking the flow is the Frequency Alignment that is required for atunement into the Median Earth. We will slide into the Median Earth reality when our bodies become orb activated through the alignment of these three spheres. The more we breathe the crystal light from the Eiron Theramal Plasma body, the Crystal Stardust and the Crystal Gelaisic Hydrolaise from the Inner Earth Aquafarian light orbs and exhale those frequencies into the atoms of the mid brain, crystal heart and then into 82% of the atoms in the body, the closer we are to our new alignment with our NORMAL REALITY. Once we have shifted into Inner Earth we can orb beyond this Matrix into the Omniverse. The reason that the Cosmic Councils are giving us this technology at this time and are helping us align into the liquid light elemental orbs and the stardust orbs through activations within the Earth's body and the Sun's Rays is because we are being prepared to be Evacuated from this Earth and moved to the Median Earth between 2022 and 2047. The Evac must be complete by 2047. The Median Earth is an exact replica of this Earth, but is at the 15 degree particle spin difference. It is the Inner Domain. We are now on the outer domain. We are already fifth dimensional. We already have the ascension tools to align our bodies into our Normal Reality. Now, it is time for us to get to work and make it happen. Everything you need to know to obtain Eternal Life is at crystalmagicorchestra.com Namaste, Crystalai

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