In this Golden Age of Light, we now have the opportunity to deepen our connection to the many Beings of Light around us that appear as Orbs of Light. These Beings of Light are gifting us with the opportunity to experience their vibrational signatures as we tune into these intricate designs of cosmic consciousness and spherical celestial Light.
In their highest frequency, Orbs of Light hold the energy signature of the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Angelic Beings, Nature Spirits and faeries, as well as aspects of our own multidimensional Selves.
Further to this, many Orbs of Light are either discarnate Beings viewing earth prior to incarnating or Souls leaving Earth most commonly in the form of a sphere, octahedron or star tetrahedron. Their unique geometric design creates their own Merkaba Vehicles of Light.
At the time of the Equinoxes, Solstices, Full Moon, New Moon and the many astrological and planetary activities of Light, as we deepen our connection to one another in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, we can amplify the frequency experience of these many Orbs of Light.
Another way to amplify and experience, feel and sense these magnificent Orbs of Light and Celestial Beings are through the creation of our own pyramids of Light.
The energetic pyramids of Light amplify sound and color signatures in a harmonic resonance that assists us to tune into the Orbs of Light through the many sound and color spectrum frequencies they bring forth to us in this Golden Age of Light.
For the Orbs of Light are here to activate our Light frequency; to inspire, enlighten, transform and heal, offering their unique signature of Divine Love co-creatively in acknowledgment of our own magnificence and Light.
As we tune into the higher dimensional frequencies of the New Earth Templates, and the One Reality of All That Is as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we experience a new language of communication through the energy of the Light Orbs, allowing us access to various dimensions of Light and the Christed Timelines.
We are co-creating our Heaven on Earth, and doing so with the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High that appear to us vibrationally; through our own gifts of knowing, seeing, sensing and through these many Orbs of Light.
Attunement to the Orbs of Light
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and the many Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
the Highest Light I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I now visualize a beautiful golden Pyramid of Light
anchored and activated around my energy body.
I now connect through the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
to the Light Workers, star seeded ones and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in the Golden Age of Light.
I now bring my focus to a Portal of Light found just above my crown chakra,
connecting me to the Sun and Solar Core,
and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta,
our Solar Logii and God Parents for this Solar System.
Initially now, as I focus on the Sun above the crown chakra,
I experience myself wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames of Solar Service,
lifting me into the Solar Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love, the New Earth Templates and now, the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
I now sense a beautiful Pink Orb of Light activating at this Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the qualities of Divine Love and openness within my heart, mind and body.
This Pink Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
and now, within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Red Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the quality of Divine Will and empowerment within my heart, mind and body.
As this Red Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I focus on activating this beautiful Red Orb of Divine Will and empowerment
within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Orange Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the qualities of healing, insight and understanding within my heart, mind and body.
As this Orange Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating these qualities within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Lavender Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the qualities of peace, harmony and forgiveness within my heart, mind and body.
As this Lavender Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating these qualities within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Purple Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
activating the dormant DNA to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow.
As this Purple Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating the dormant DNA of all Life in remembrance of their magnificence and Light, within and through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful White Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the qualities of protection and clarity within my heart, mind and body.
As this White Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating these qualities within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Silver Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
amplifying my ESP gifts and a deeper sense of purpose and passion in my service work.
As this Silver Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating the ESP gifts of all Humanity within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Golden Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
bringing through the qualities of One Unity Consciousness and tolerance within my heart, mind and body.
As this Golden Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to activating these qualities within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Platinum Orb of Light activating at my Sun Portal of Light,
activating the timelines of my Highest Potential through the merging with my multidimensional Selves.
As this Platinum Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to the activation of the Christed Timelines within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a beautiful Diamond Orb of Light activating at this Portal of Light,
linking me into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and my Heart's dreaming.
As this Diamond Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,
I bring a focus to the activation of our collective Heart's dreaming within the Unity Grid of Divine Love in the Golden Age of Light.
I now experience a personal attunement to the Orbs of Light and Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
activating the sound and color frequencies that I need in this Now,
as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
I now ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
while keeping my connection open to all the Beings of Light from On High,
and in much appreciation of the Orbs of Light, and my ability to communicate with the many Beings of Light from On High.
I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I Am a Master Being of Light,
co-creating Heaven on Earth
I Am All That I Am.
Orbs of Light Attunement by Anrita Melchizedek
This is a Galactic who wanted to be seen and waited until I got my camera there were 5 pics taken as it flew around the room and then out thru the wall. The blue color and shape distinguish it from any other orbs I have seen. It communicated with me telepathicly its message was "not long now"
I have always been able to see spirits and they come to visit often. These are mostly discarnate human spirits I am empathic and feel their feelings. Some are lost souls wanting to know what to do next. Some are just curious because they know I can see them. Some are Galactics and some are elemental spirits. They come sometimes just to be seen and sometimes to let me know I am never alone.
WOW, Those are great pics of Orbs, Thanks a lot, did you take these pics yourself and what do you believe that they are? I have seen thousands but only a few close up and I think there are many different kinds including ufo's but most seem to be a form of life unknown to us before this age. Can you communicate with them? Do they have a message? Adonai
These are just some of my light being friends.