Uploaded by BZRiger on Oct 26, 2011

I have been excited about capturing UFOs with my video camera for some time. I am out at night 2,3,4,5 in the morning enjoying the stars communing with all I can see and the unseens. 

But as of yet I have not been in the right place at the right time or perhaps its the right vibrational frequency. Until today. And I needed the cameras on the International Space Station, ISS to be my optical eyes.

Perhaps this is a small part of what Wanderer of the Skies mentioned in his message on Oct 25 "Shortly, your work, and these messages, will reach a much larger audience than even you thought possible at this stage of the game due to several factors that are presently being executed within your media and government channels."

This was a video I captured today with Camtasia from the NASA ISS live stream feed on U stream Oct. 26, 2011 3:38PM ET . At first it looks like fuzzy optics or maybe a bunch of sun flare on the lens. 

But if you look closely you will see movement. About 7 sec right side lower thirds you will see the solar panel on the ISS come into view. You will also notice the big orb seems to subtly pulsate. The other orbs move just fractions of amounts...

At the 3:00 mark you see 7 pillars of colored light appear on the right hand side of largest orb.

That is when mission control starts to pay attention to what we are seeing in the feed and they change the contrast so that the picture goes dark. For some reason today it was gradual.

The footage is just raw capture until they go dark, at the 3:34 mark then I switched the remainder of the feed to infrared view. You can see lots of small and large orbs-objects. Then mission control figures they better shut it down and their standard still image is put up instead of live stream.

I'm not sure which filter to use to counteract NASA changing the contrast... Any suggestion and I will try that setting on the part of the feed that is dark.


















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  • Wow!!!! Amazing footage.  

    I've often seen these "green, red, blue" flickering objects in the sky and always thought they could be the "ships", but the one time I did catch a glimpse of them close up, they had those same colors :)

    Thanks, this is phenomenal Rosie :)
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