It seems like the more other worldly news that comes out , the more that is hidden from us. Even my most favorate Radio Station is missing some of this stuff. But coast to coast AM does better than any other but they are falling a bit behind , so I have to step in. It seems the real news is hidden from us .I have to go to many sites on the Net to get my source's. I will try to mix it all together each week, earthly news and news from the higher realms.

Last week we heard of yet another explosion at Fukashima nuke plants # 4 melt down. And now finally they are admitting to the melt down of the first three, so they have been lying to us all along and I stated that several months ago. I believe there will be more melt downs as planet-X gets near and before Japan falls into the ocean, as it is already broken in half and cause a 1000 ft tsunami in the Pacific. Its not over yet and it is already the worst melt down yet!

Next we have a series of major Quakes also not being reported in the main stream, most in the ring of fire, 6.5 in Japan and 7.4 in Alaska and most serious a 7,2 in Yellow Stone Park. Which can turn out to be very dangerous in the next month or so as Planet-x gets closer. Not only will it wipe out 600 sg.miles of the USA but also will darken the earth with ash when it cause's the super volcano to blow.

NEXT WE HAVE A HUGE CMC from the sun and a huge mother ship or plant-x setting next to it,Nasa is trying to hide.Knocking out a USAF Base in Alaska and there back up.The object next to the sun looks like another small sun as filmed in Russia this week and last week in Sweeden. Next week we should have some more disaters before Planet-X leaves again and comes back in a couple of weeks to cause more trouble!

The chemical disaster in Joplen Mo. is still being covered up. Several thousands in Hospital and 3 or 400 dead, But Govt. refuses to release dead bodies. This happened after the tornado earlier this month. I believe it was bio-chemicals stored for use in the chem trails, that got released.CNN mde a comment on film, ck u-tube. It seems we are only being feed the bad news of human behavor and all the propaganda from the Dark Cabal trying to keep us in fear as they try to start WW3. Wars and rumors of wars.. Next week News from the higher realms.Be Safe Adonai

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  • yes there is footage from Russia last wk. I blogged it on my FB site. I have seen similar ones over the years but planet-X IS GETTING BIGGER ,getting bigger every year. The rests of us should be able to see it by or before it returns big time Aug.3. Then the controlled media will tell us all that it is swamp gas!
  • Any footage of the second sun near our own ?
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