QUESTION: I'm always feeling really tired, I'm rarely excited, active or motivated, I get random body aches and I'm only 21 yrs old. I feel I'm too young to be feeling this way all the time. I've been, and still am, going through alot of family issues and stress. Over the last year I've been trying to work on myself because I've been fighting depression & panic disorder since elementary school. From things I've been through as a child. I have been on medicines for both things, I'm not anymore, and at the moment I'm ok but I feel there has to be a way to genuinely fix these problems of mine. Do you think there is anything that has to do with the energy I carry, is there something I could do to help release this negativity?
ANSWER: Please be aware that this is very common for many right now because humanity is in the process of clearing and releasing LIFETIMES of stored pain. This pain is stored in the cellular memory of our muscles, as well as, our chakras/energy fields/subconscious. The key is to acknowledge you have this pain, and recognize that it does originate from previous and current circumstances....directly related to our emotional and mental vibrational levels ~ which when contracted blocks off the vibrational flow of SPIRIT from entering into our body. In order to heal we have to make CHANGES in our relationships, jobs, environment, thought system, diet and OVER ALL state of well being. Many people will remain in denial about their stored pain, because in order to heal it, we will have to face it, and deal with it, and make the changes necessary to provide a safe, high vibrational container (physical body) for our soul to live in. All pain is a symptom from our soul that something is out of alignment within our being and many of us have been "out of alignment" for many, many lifetimes. This pain is rising up for us to face our "soul lessons" and "soul wounds" so we can heal them. Self honesty, forgiveness, life style changes, positive environments, positive thinking/feeling AND energy work from energy healers such as reiki, pranic healing and dna theta will greatly assist us in removing the blocks within our energy fields that create pain in the physical body.
Pain, Trauma and old cellular memory is rising to the surface to be healed! It is time to release it ~ we are moving into a period called the "Golden Age" where the time of pain, and painful karmic learning lessons are over. It is time to release what no longer serves our highest soul growth so we can regenerate and heal our being in all time frames and dimensions. In order to heal, our stuff must come up. ~Sabrina
The "Raise Your Vibration" book will greatly assist you in healing your emotional, mental and physical wounds helping you to raise your vibration so you can increase the amount of spiritual life force energy that is able to flow through your being. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
ART BY: Mlhail Korubin-Miho "It Is Over"
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