Crystalai Ó 2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com
Elenin will bring us high intesity polarized light that is out of phase with our space time dimension. The light from Elenin will phase lock into the wavelengths of Earth. The two sets of wavelengths that appear polarized because of two separate sets of space and time will time warp into oneness. The light from Elenin is about thirty degrees out of phase with Earth. Any matter that is out of phase with our dimensional view of reality cannot be seen. Only matter vibrating at the same frequency can occupy space in our perception of the universe.

The light brought by Elenin includes all wavelengths. In other words it is bringing the ultra violet blue wave length of zero point energy. This ultra violet blue wave length is out of sight and out of mind at the present time in our "world" of perception. The blue wave of all wavelengths in phase with earth will align into the wave lengths of Elenin which is 30 degrees out of phase with the earth.


When Elenin's EM field creates a time cloak for the earth, the earth can't be in space time. The earth will go to superposition where space-time is inverted. It will go to the second dimension of time. The second dimension of time is the real reality-the non-material world. The spiritual place that existed before our universe.

Elenin is shifting the quantum particles of electromagnetic energy that is presently invisible to our eyes. This new electromagnetic field places our quantum particles - our cells down to the molecular level, atomic level and omniparticle level into a complete new reality of superposition where space-time is inverted.

What else does the Swiss Franc tell us about this new reality?The 50 Swiss Franc tells us that our broken chromosones are being repaired and restoring our original DNA.

The red and blue circular lines   represent broken chromosomes.  The out of phase energy reboots the body by tearing down the DNA and restructuring.
The 100 Swiss Franc tells us that we are mutating in a ten foot tall species as we ascend into time space.

This will all take place before November. The 200 swiss franc shows huge tsunami waves and skyscrapers crashing into the ocean. This will take place in New York and maybe the Pacific Rim as well.

The 1000 swiss franc shows God looking down at us in our new perfect bodies with our chromosones repaired into 12 DNA.

You may view the Swiss Francs at this link:

"You must know beloved one, you are no longer separate from the Divine Mind. Your human mind is now ready to co-create with an organic dance of joy. Your consciousness is ready to expand to the farthest reaches of the Universe. When you Focus, you will allow yourself to be present. From here your form will serve while it is needed and change as it is needed. This process is the Divine Blue Print of the Divine One as humanity itself freeforms into its next evolution.

Transcendence into Etheric Substance.

Eyes radiate the conscious command into the frequencies of the being that is 
standing right in front of them.
The brain radiates, the bodies radiates
We ignite commands from consciousness into the frequency field of the energy.

Our energy is locked in grids inside of the earth and inside of our body.  These 
grids are now unlocked by the time shift of the earth.

Transcendence into Etheric Substance. This is the truth that sets us free. Eternal 
life is made of etheric substance. The process of ascension is transforming the 
body into etheric substance--the crystal golden dust substance. This creates the 
light body. Mass is being transformed into a more etheric silica based substance.
We are being transformed into the fifth dimensional etheric substance. This body 
can take on any form it desires--any age--any height and weight. It may travel to 
any dimension. It may return home or stay in etheric matrix.  

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Blood of Christ- the etheric liquid chemical substance of New Earth

The hydrolaise mist becomes a light water vapor. It gently comes down from ceiling as a mist on 
the body It is pale green and aqua colors. It has a twinkling or sparkling in the air. It has veins full of 
multi-colored heliotalic irradescent sparkling light of pastel shades. This is the blood of the Christ-
the Lava Flows from the Eye of God-the Eye of Alure- the always opened eye of Source –the 
Cosmic Eye that forever keeps the Cosmos in Balance.

The eye of the Cosmos connects to every smaller structure of Spirit and light and matter that are 
within the body of the Cosmos so from the core of the cosmos there is now coming in a light and a 
wave as it enters into our system. It is actually making the air run like water. The air is taking on a 
texture. A hydrolaise infusion is coming in.

There will be sparkles on the skin where the skin crystals interact with the hydrolaise. See it-touch 
it-feel it. The texture in the air is some where between air and water and it is substance you can 
both swim in and breathe. It is a natural substance on Urtha and on Ascension Earth.


The first stage to returning to the Christed State is to glide, bi-locate and slide to New Earth.

Preparation for slide to bring Base Pulse Rhythm of Bodies up to what is needed to enter the 
density three zone—the slide zone of ascension for biological slide into Aquafaria Zone 3. Imagine 
or see on the ceiling there is an Aqua Mist spreading out. This mist is a healing mist. Hydrolaise 
mist. The hydrolaise mist becomes a light water vapor. It gently comes down from ceiling as a mist 
on the body It is pale green and aqua colors. It has a twinkling or sparkling in the air. It has veins full 
of multi-colored heliotalic irradescent sparkling light of pastel shades. This is the blood of the Christ-
the Lava Flows from the Eye of God-the Eye of Alure- the always opened eye of Source –the 
Cosmic Eye that forever keeps the Cosmos in Balance.

The eye of the Cosmos connects to every smaller structure of Spirit and light and matter that are 
within the body of the Cosmos so from the core of the cosmos there is now coming in a light and a 
wave as it enters into our system. It is actually making the air run like water. The air is taking on a 
texture. A hydrolaise infusion is coming in.

There will be sparkles on the skin where the skin crystals interact with the hydrolaise. See it-touch 
it-feel it. The texture in the air is some where between air and water and it is substance you can 
both swim in and breathe. It is a natural substance on Urtha and on Ascension Earth.

Focus on the ceiling. The ceiling is now disappearing and opening to another reality field. Imagine 
that there is a great doorway opening from the center outward. On the other side of that doorway it 
looks like daylight. Imagine now we are moving upward through the ceiling and when we get to the 
ceiling what we see on the other side is a shield emerging and collecting onto a beautifully pearly 
white sandy beach. The sand is white crystal like crushed diamond color but it is very soft.

Inhale and hold for a moment. Push upward and feel the body and the Eiradonis body rising upward 

Journey with the Eiradonis.  Push body clear up to ceiling by breathing upward.

See your body staying on the ceiling, but see your Eiradonis body go over onto the beach.

See an Aquafarion who will meet you in an orb on the beach and in your room.
An 8-foot diameter orb will descend in front of us.

As the orb comes closer, the orb emits three tones.
These tones interface with the Cousha crystals in your body.

These are the tones of the Cousha. There is a set of tones for each of the transfiguration points.

Each body has a set of corresponding tones that are unique to itself.

When the Master Tones of the Cosmos - the Cosmic Coushas come into the body – the Body's 
Coushas will respond.
There are 3 anchoring waves from the Crystal Temples of Sirius B in Density 2 Edons. This braid of 
energy will bring the Base Pulse Rhythms of the Aquafarion shields up progressively in a very fast 
activation to the transfiguration point 3 base pulse rhythm. It will occur as the tones are uttered. 
When you hear the tone. Listen quietly to try to hear the back tones of your own Cousha crystals.

Feel the tone going into the pineal and surrounding the pineal. This code will allow for the removal of 
the timekeeper crystal that was planted in the pineal. 

The pineal gland never completed its Christic birth cycle because that time keeper crystal being in 
there the Eye of Allure never opened in our heads because of this.

If the Eye of Allure cannot open in the body neither can the Alurian Chambers allowing the original 
birth point place between yourself and consciousness field of God Source directly.

As we pull this implant out of the pineal we put our right hand on your forehead as we listen to this 
tone. As the tones activate the release, curl your etheric hand around the pineal gland and there will 
be a little pop feeling where you reel a thing come into your hand. Pull it out like a thorn that was 
stuck in the foot.

Pull the etheric hand into the physical hand and release the implant into the golden flame God 
Source energy.

After the implant is removed a burst of energy will be felt in the head opening a doorway.

When the doors are opened the Akashic Records will come in from behind you and fill the body—
the cells –the blood with the living records of life.

The base pulse rhythm of the original out breath from God Source at the original point of Christic 
birth is made of the frequencies
Ka Ha Ra Sa Ta Ha La.

This tone is recorded with the God Source frequencies of creation to the melody of Joy to the 
World. This is the true source of joy that Abraham spoke of. We must align with this source of joy. 
Our purpose for being here knowing and being this source of joy. Feel it – know it – be it. In this 
divine flow of the energy of joy we can create mansions, kingdoms, universes.

This is the original breath of the God Source Frequency (the highest Frequency) breathing into the 
first spark of creation the Christ Light Frequency.

In the ascension process the body pops into a Light Frequency that is inhaled into God Source and 
pops out in its Multidimensional Christ Consciousness able to appear on any Dimension.

One more tone is needed in this process. It is layered in frequencies of Source Energy, Crystal 
Light Energy, Etheric Self Energy, and Oneness Energy and sung to the tune of Deck the Halls. 
This is the activation code for Prana and for the Aqualene Sun Activation aligning us through 
Oneness to the Ascension Earth, and to all dimensional realities.

Re a Vea Ru Christalo
Re a Vea Ru Christalo 
Re a Vea Ru Christalo 
Re a Vea Ru Christalo 
Re a Vea Ru Christalo
Rea Vea Rea VA

Finally, sung to Silent Night is:

Meta Blende Sunu Ake

Meta Blende Sunu Ake means I state and affirm with unshakable conviction the will to be the Christ 
Star Body in the Christed Transcended State option of returning as fully Christed Being.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Our crystal cells have not danced for a very long time. Our entire cellular 
structure was frozen a very long time ago. This frozen structure only stays frozen 
as long as we continue to plug into the third dimensional ice box, instead of into 
the higher dimensions of light and sound where the etheric freedom of crystal 
light is pouring down from above.

It is time to thaw out. Our crystal cells have transformed into a density structure 
that has absorbed the density and stupidity of the man made world of illusions.

These illusions must crumble back into nothingness. In order to dissolve these 
illusions, we first must believe that they are illusions that were not designed to be 
to our benefit. We must stop believing that there is something good in the 
structures of our churches, our government, our hospitals, schools, our societies. 
We were brainwashed to give our energy to these structures. And they are not 
structures of truth and love. They are structures created for one purpose, and 
one purpose only--to take our energy away.

Those who created those structures have no energy source of their own. They 
chose not to go all of the way into the Christ Consciousness of the 12th 
dimension and beyond. They chose to stop at the 11th dimension and to take 
energy from those who had gone into the Christ Consciousness. This doesn't 
mean that those who went as far as the 11th dimension weren't very great 
entities. This means that they chose not to become one with Christ Light. Instead 
they continuously strove to remove this Light structure. They removed the Christ 
grid from our Earth and in turn used the energy of the Angelic Humans as their 
source of light.

Those entities can never continue into the 12th dimension until they do a 
complete restructuring. Unfortunately, they morphed us into this structure that 
couldn't complete its atonement with Christ Dimension until now. The grid that 
was blocking the 12th dimensional frequency from Earth is gone and Christ is 
back both in the form of light, the entity Yeshua ben Joseph and the ascension 
portal that he created into the 12th dimension.

Now, these man made structures that have blocked our light into the Christ must 
crumble and leave room for the complete light to come in. Until now our churches 
and families have said, well it is better that you just suffer it to be so now so we 
don't get hurt and we just fit in nicely.


The journey of collecting the frequencies from the Christ Grid within the Earth's Crust, the Cosmic Grid in the Earth's Heart, aligning that energy into the Merkaba and then spinning the Merkaba up to the 14th Dimensional Frequency of Helium and then over into the Solar Winds creates the same Photonic Conversion in Frequency Wave Lengths as the Comet is creating. The Merkaba is then woven into the DNA in the body to transpose the body within the photon belt into the Neutron Body that we will become. This is in all of the meditation journies-- especially the NEUTRON.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse


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