Humanity today has strayed far off into the lands of illusion and into the
fogs of glamour where we have lost our true sense of divine identity. There are
so many who are struggling to overcome the misery and sense of emptiness by
seeking out the comforts of the material world when they have only to look deep
within themselves to find ones own inner God that has always been within us all
as the Higher Self. Until humanity begins to grow spiritually we will be living
in our own self made hell of suffering and such agony of mind such as never been
seen before in the whole evolutionary history of our species upon this man
bearing globe of such dense materiality which we so identify ourselves with,and
which is the cause of all our suffering.

When will humanity come to the realization that the untold misery in the
world is caused by a wrong sense of who we think ourselves to be?
It has been
said that ``as a man thinks in his heart So is He``

As souls we all have behind us countless thousands of incarnations, going
back into the unfathomable and distant past through many cultures and
civilizations ,and therefore have the unbelievable knowledge,experience ,and all
of the wisdom of the ages stored up within us all . Through meditation and the
art of self realization we can come into direct contact with this accumulative
experience and spirituality gained through out our countless incarnations down
through the long eons of time`s and places for now unknown to our waking and
undeveloped minds. The Higher Self within us all is the divine witness of cosmic
and human evolution, physical,emotional ,and mental, and spiritual .

The element of genius and prodigy to be found in some units of humanity is
the result of a close contact with ones own soul ,and shows that some souls [
``old souls``] have had much more incarnational experience than others ,and have
tread far along the path of spiritual evolution.
The Great Buddha has said
that if we identify ourselves with thing ,ideas, ,and if we keep clinging on to
those things which keep us from learning as to who really are ,and our part to
play in the grand scheme of our responsibility as co-creators with the divine``
Universal Mind```.
In order to evolve, humanity must learn to identify
themselves with their own inner God ,that divine being who is ,and stands as the
divine light that sits deep within all things ,and deep within the core of the
human soul

We are now living in a very material kind of mentality in that so many human
beings identity with the cheap and fleeting dreams of earthly desires,and when
they are coming to the Autumn of their life they do not want to just let go even
though they know of the fact that they are about to pass away ,and for some
reason they have the illusion that they can bring all earthly delights with them
into the after death state.
We all must learn to identify with that which
shines within us all and the soul who has stored up many secrets of magic and
the command over the elementals such as we did during the Atlantean root race
going back many millions of years covering countless thousands of incarnations.
Through the art of meditation and through the methods of Self Realization become
ever adopted by greater numbers of the human race, we will see the vibration
level of our world lifting up to a slightly higher octave than it was years ago.
This work requires many who are people of Good Will ,and the work of the
initiates all linking up upon the mental planes ,and must therefore, learn to
work towards group initiation which My Friends is so much easier said than

Much of what is known as mental illness is the result of many lives of
identifying with that which is not the real inner Self. Life after life the
individual develops a sort of morbidity of identifying with just about anything
except for his own inner divinity ,and thus after many incarnations there comes
a point where the ray of ,and with the higher self ,is severed ,and then one
becomes a Lost Soul which remains in a state of ``avichi``,or a sort of ``mental
hell``which can exist in or out of incarnation. Such a person has then no true
spiritual awareness or identity and begins to think of themselves as somebody
else ,like Napoleon , Jesus, the devil himself, and so on .
One can remain in
such a state for untold eons,, in or out of the body until they come to the
realization that they must call back their higher self that had fled long ago
and begin anew where they left off many incarnations ago before they began to
identity themselves with that which they are not.

Their are many great spiritual teachers now coming back into incarnation to
lead the way for all of mankind ,and to teach the art of self realization that
all may find what they are really seeking in life ,and that is knowing beyond
all doubt as to who they really are and the way they we will always be as divine
As we continue with spiritual evolution we will wrestle our way
continually into greater expanding awareness of our selves until we we can have
a ``mind to embrace the cosmos``and to evolve our way into an ever expansion
that will continue through out eternity like an ever opening flower under the
sunshine of the divine soul..

Selfless Service to ones fellow man will go a long way in the development of
our higher spiritual nature ,thus bringing us into a closer rapport with with
our inner beauty as humans begin to aspire towards all that is beautiful and
true .Becoming one with ones inner God brings bliss and enables us all to give
more freely towards each other.
Clearly we are living in very dangerous times
indeed ,and so we all must comfort each other and heal ourselves through prayer
and uplifting thoughts ,as they are very powerful and do have an effect on each
other and upon our environment.
Take a moment out of each and every day to
remind and affirm to oneself of our innate divinity and to to learn a mantra
known as the - Prayer For The New Age -

I am the creator of the universe
I am the Father and Mother of the
Everything came from Me

Everything shall return to Me
Mind ,Spirit, and Body are my Temples
the Self to realize in them
My Supreme Being and Becoming

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