WHAT DOES IN MEAN TO BE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR?By Sarah BiermannWhat does it mean to be a “Conscious Creator”? What most people imagineis that we will be able to use our conscious mind in a way that hasn’tworked before. Suddenly our affirmations will begin to work really well. Wewill say out loud, “I choose to be wealthy!” and it will happen, just like that.Sorry, folks, that’s not what it means.You have been creating your experience, your reality. Whether you likeyour creation or not, you are the one who created it. The problem is thatyou have been creating unconsciously. You are under the influence of masshypnosis. You unconscious mind is full of memories (even past life andcellular memories), decisions and beliefs that prevent you from having whatyou desire with the conscious mind. There are many implants and programsthat limit and control your ability to create consciously. But you are not avictim here. You either created the implants, or willingly received them. Wehad to have them or we could not have played the game of physical realityon Earth.And now the game is changing. We are completing our stint as limited,unconscious creators. We have been functioning with limited capacity.There is something new that is happening. It has not been done before andit is different then what we think it is. A part of our selves has been dormant.Now it is waking up. But since we are unfamiliar with this part, we have ahard time recognizing it.Historically, we have been working with three parts. We have a body, amind and spirit (breath of life from source). Our being is separate from this.It is the true self, our piece of God. There is a fourth part that we have beenunaware of. This fourth part is able to create in the other realms AND bringthose creations back to the Earth realm. And you wonder why it has beenso hard to create what you truly desire?We’ve been handicapped! Sincethe part that easily manifests (brings into physical reality) our creations hasbeen inaccessible, we’ve been trying to create using our conscious mind.Yikes, that’s a lot of work with little reward. I don’t know about you, but Inever got much (if any) result from positive affirmations (conscious mind).And because the conscious mind is linear it always requires the effort ofgoing through all the steps.The MindLet’s talk about the mind. The good news is that our minds can processbillions of bits of information per second. This means that it has access to,and the ability to process and affect a lot of data and information. The badnews is that the majority of that amazing processing power is in theunconscious mind, not the conscious mind. The unconscious mind is thedeepest level of consciousness, that individuals are not directly aware of,but still affects conscious behavior. The conscious mind is the part thatmost of us think of as being our self. We don’t consciously (with ourconscious mind) know what the unconscious mind is doing. We only seethe results of those activities. Sometimes we like the results, often we don’t.It seems the unconscious mind has a mind of it’s own!CONSCIOUS MINDActs on it’s own volition.Sets goals, judges results and likes totry new things.Thinks abstractlyConceptually based (this is the partthat reads self-help books and doesaffirmations, etc.)Short-term memory (average is 20seconds.)Time bound - thinks in past and future.Limited processing (approx. 2thousand bits per second)UNCONSCIOUS MINDActs out of habit. Monitors operationsof the body. Prefers the familiar.Thinks literallySensory based (gets data andcommunicates through the senses).Long-term memory. Stores pastexperiences (like ability to drive a car).Attitudes, values & beliefs.Timeless – present time onlyExpanded processing (approx. 4billion bits per second)It’s called the conscious mind because that is what we are aware of. We know thatthere is an unconscious mind because something has to be keeping the heart beatingand sometimes we behave in ways that we would not choose consciously. Also, theunconscious will send us messages via our dreams. This is an interesting point inlearning to become aware of and work with the unconscious part of our selves. Theunconscious communicates with images and symbols. I’m sure you have experienceda dream moment when a small thing happened that you knew meant a whole lot.Suppose you are having a pleasant dream and you hear phone ring.Suddenly, youare full of fear and you know that a disaster is about to strike. It is possible, whenworking with the unconscious mind, to use symbols and images to represent hugeamount of information that the conscious mind cannot understand or process. See thelist above. The conscious mind can process 2 thousand bits per second versus theunconscious minds ability to process 4 billion bits per second!Look at the list again. Do you notice that description of the unconscious mind soundssimilar to the description of our Higher Self (I call it the Greater Self)? It’s able tounderstand and work with a whole lot more information then our human self. TheGreater Self and the unconscious mind have the long-term memory. It’s the GreaterSelf that knows remembers all our lives and sets up the “lessons” and otherexperiences here on Earth. The unconscious mind and the Greater Self are notconstrained by time. They are always in “now”. They do not need to go from step oneto step two, etc. They see the whole and can jump from step one to step twenty-onewithout having to go through all the effort of the middle steps.You’re aware that we are going through the Ascension process. Perhaps you’ve heardthat we are moving from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. But perhaps what youdidn’t know is that the different dimensions are nothing more then differentconsciousnesses! And a different consciousness is nothing more then a differentawareness. We are moving into a whole new kind of awareness so we will haveconscious access to more of the unconscious mind. The way we access thatinformation is by consciously using our senses and images because that’s how thispart gets data and communicates. (This is what the Expanding Your Being meditationCD is all about. This exercise is the foundation of ImagiCreation work. First, you areguided toward becoming more conscious of our previously unconscious parts throughexpanding your awareness. Then I show you how to use your imagination, images andphysical sensations to transform your reality.)Why is it important to become aware of these parts? Because this is the part of us thatcan create in the world. Remember the dormant fourth part? This is it.This leads us to the brain. There is a correlation between the two minds and the twosides of the brain, called hemispheres. The left side is called the logical mind. It is incharge of speech and language, it likes words. The right side prefers images orpictures. The left side likes order and control and the right side is spontaneous andfree. The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by the corpus callosum, which isa network of nerve fibers, like fiber optic filaments. This is the only way hemispherecommunicates with and has awareness of the other hemisphere.Please view the presentation by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on my website www.limitlessone.com. Click the “Videos” page from the menu on the left.) She talks about herexperience of having a stroke in her left hemisphere and the different “personalities” ofthe two hemispheres.)This separation of the hemispheres is ending. (I personally have experienced oddsensations in my skull recently, like something is moving in there. It’s a little freaky.)This joining of the two sides of the brain is a physical manifestation of the change inconsciousness we are going through. As we become expanded in our awareness andconsciousness, the brain is changing too. This is something completely new. I said atthe beginning of this article that being a Conscious Creator is not what we think it is. Itis something completely new!Dr. Bruce Lipton has done some amazing work with biology. This is the science thathe says will not be commonly know for 10-15 years. Evidently, the nucleus, in whichthe DNA is located, is not the control center or brain of the cell as has been believed.Protein sheaths surround the separate DNA molecules. If the sheath is in place thenthe DNA is not expressed. Once the protein sheath is lifted then the information in theDNA is activated. The DNA is not self-activating! It does not choose to turn on or off.So the DNA is more like a library of potential expressions than the brain that choosesthe expression.But what chooses the expression? Where is the brain? The lifting of the DNA sheaths,as well as the other functions of the cell, are controlled by a complicated system ofsignals received from the cell membrane. The signals are received from outside thecell, from its environment. These signals can include hormones, nutrients or toxins.Once the signal is received, the cell reacts. But this doesn’t mean that we have nocontrol over our bodies because the way the cell interprets the signal is based on itsfilter. Dr. Lipton says there are two basic filters, love and growth or fear and protection.These filters are controlled by our beliefs.This is scientific evidence that our beliefs control our biology and our DNA! Look againat the list above. Where are the beliefs located? In the unconscious mind. Ourunconscious mind controls our biology and our DNA!So, with this new information you know that you are not a victim of your genetics. Justbecause cancer runs in your family, and you’ve heard that there is a cancer gene, thisdoesn’t mean that you have no control over whether or not that gene is expressed.Psychological studies have shown that cancer patients tend to have long-term,unresolved anger and resentment. The emotions are the filter colors the signal thatremoves the DNA sheath that activates the DNA and creates cancer.It will take a while for this new information to filter down to the masses. Just yesterdayI took my high-school aged son to buy supplies to make a model of DNA. He had beentaught the same thing I was taught in high school 30 years ago. The nucleus (whichmeans the DNA) is the control center of the cell. Also, the DNA is unchangeable and itcontrols our biology.The following is from the October 2006 edition of the Beacons of Light from SteveRother and the Group"There is the rewiring of mankind which is beginning today. The two halves of the brainthat had to be separate to give you the illusion of the field of duality are starting to jointogether. Instead of having small, synaptic pathways that move back and forthbetween the halves, as you evolve as humans, the two halves will become one. Theillusion and the veil actually exist between the two halves of your brain, for the left sideis the marker of time. It gives you the illusion of living in a field of duality and gives youthe illusion of linear time, which gives you a path to follow.It gives a spirit a game toplay as a human. Your right brain is the all-creative brain but does not have anyconcept of time. It has no concept of boxes that things fit into. That is the other side ofthe brain. Those two are beginning to grow stronger with this rewiring. It is not simply acase of new or improved synaptic pathways between the two; it will be a blending ofthe two as the human animal evolves to contain a higher vibration of spirit...for it is notthe human that is evolving. It is the spirit that is evolving, causing the human shell, thebubble of biology, to change to accommodate it. That is happening now, with greatanticipation from our side of the veil.Yes, there will be turmoil. There is always turmoil when humans are confronted withchange. That is why you are here. You can be called into action with the knowledgethat can bring calm to a changing planet. We also wish to mention that we arespeaking as if today is a line in the sand. There are many of you who have been goingthrough this rewiring process for years, especially those of you who call yourselvesLightworkers."Reprint Permission Notice: Copyright 2006 Lightworker. This information is meant tocirculate and may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, under two conditions: 1That this copyright notice be included with the published material. 2. All rights,including copyrights of translated material, remain with the original copyright holder,Lightworker. Further information from the Group may be found at:http://www.Lightworker.com . Thanks for helping to spread the Light!We learned from Dr. Lipton’s work that our beliefs can change our biology. So if wechange our beliefs, our consciousness, the biology can also change. When webecome aware or conscious of more of our mind, the biology matches that change byconnecting the two sides of the brain. How cool it that!The bottom line is that we are shifting from trying to create through the kind ofmethods the conscious mind would use, to the kind of creating the unconscious mindwould use. Refer to the list again. The conscious mind is linear or time bound, likeswords and concepts, and has limited processing capacity. The unconscious mind istimeless, likes images (this is your imagination side), gets data via the senses and hasa expansive processing capability.No wonder people have spent years (decades) in classic psychotherapy. Thattechnique uses the conscious mind and words to make changes. The conscious mindis not where the underlying beliefs are held, and we know the unconscious beliefs arewhat control our reality. To try to go through each belief, which can have informationfrom many lifetimes, cellular memory etc. with the part of our mind that can onlyprocess at 2 thousand bits a second is slow work. There is a new way developing,using the language of the unconscious mind.This does not mean that the unconscious mind is taking over. Remember what theGroup said. The two sides of the brain are joining as one. We have focused so long onbeing aware of only the conscious mind and now we need to also be aware of theunconscious part.How do you become conscious (aware) of the unconscious? Look again at the listabove. The unconscious mind gets data and communicates via the senses and withpictures. The trick is to get the conscious mind to shut up long enough for this type ofcommunication happen. It wants to get in there and analyze and understandeverything.It is very common, especially when I first start working with someone for him or her towant to stay in the conscious mind and it’s linear thinking. Let’s say Jane has a bigissue that she wants to work on. I’ll guide her into the expanded state (see below) andask her to perceive the issue. “What do you notice?” I’ll ask. Since I am able to trackwhat is going on “in there”, I can see the black, hard, cold ball that her unconsciousgave her. Unfortunately, Jane’s conscious mind won’t let her see it. (Psychology is aconscious mind creation, and Jane has had years of therapy.) So, instead of seeingthe black ball she says, “It’s about my childhood and the way my father verballyabused me. There’s a lot of anger and shame.” It may be true, but working throughthings this way is slow, hard work, and it’s not very affective. The “issue” is located inthe unconscious mind and you can’t communicate with that part with words andconcepts. You need to use senses and pictures!Eventually, Jane is able to get to the picture. And I’ll guide her to use other senses. Isit hot or cold, smooth or rough, what does it smell (and even taste) like. This brings upmore information. A part of her knows what it means that it is cold, hard, and smellslike creosote. It takes a bit of faith at first to believe anything is happening. Withpractice, and experience of results, it becomes normal and accepted.At this point I’ll ask, “What is it going to take to shift this?” The answer will appear, likemagic, from the unconscious. Perhaps a warm, pink liquid will flow over the ball andgradually dissolve it. Perhaps she needs to pick it up and love it. What ever is the firstthing that pops into your mind is the answer. If you edit, or try to do something thatmakes sense to the conscious mind, then it’s not going to work.I can hear you now. “It can’t be that easy!” Yes, it can. Yes, it is! Yes!Haven’t we been complaining that it shouldn’t be so hard to create here? I told you thatit’s not what you think.A client wanted to perceive angels and the “unseen” realms. She had read books andtried to open her third eye, yet it wasn’t working. In one session, everything changed!Here’s what she wrote:"ImagiCreation work is fabulous! One of the main things that I wanted to workon was my ability to perceive the "unseen" world. Right at the end of my sessionI suddenly noticed that the room was full of angels! At my massage class laterthat week I "saw" a young man helping my partner do massage. When I told herwhat I saw, she started to cry. Her son had died two years ago and she felt hispresence frequently. He asked me to tell her that he was fine and that he lovedher. It was an amazing experience for both of us."D.H. Corte MaderaIt can be that easy!Developing your feeling/perceiving senses.Think about someone whom you love. Notice that you get an instant feeling. You don’thave to go through the list of his/her hair color, eye color, etc., or remember everyinteraction that you have had with him/her. You get a feeling sense of the whole.Practice feeling/perceiving different people. Switch back and forth until you have asolid awareness of that feeling sense. Now, try feeling a pet, a plant, a favorite paintingor photo. Do you notice that you can perceive them without analyzing them? It canhelp to switch quickly, so your conscious mind doesn’t have time to interfere (it’s sucha pest). This is the same awareness that you can use to perceive other things in theenvironment.Most of us habitually keep our attention at only about 10-15 feet from our bodies (atbest). It may take some practice to expand that awareness farther. Count Saint-Germain suggested that you spend time gazing at the horizon. I used to live in a housethat had a fabulous view of most of the San Francisco Bay Area. Just standing on mydeck and gazing into the distance would alter my consciousness.Also spend time focusing your attention on something tiny, like a grain of sand ofspeck of dirt. Try alternating back and forth, close and far until you can perceive bothsimultaneously. (Alternating from focusing on distant to close is also good exercise foryou eyes/vision.)Feeling your brain and creating connections.Take a moment now, close your eyes and breath deeply into you belly and relax.Put your attention to the left side of your brain. Use that general feeling sense toperceive the energy there. Does if feel full or empty, hard of soft, warm or cool? Don’tanalyze, just feel.Now put your attention on the right side of your brain. How does this feel? Is it differentfrom the left side? How does your body feel when you focus here?Now feel both sides of your brain. Imagine the neurons (nerve cells) connecting thetwo side of the brain. Ask your body to create more neurons. Imagine and feels thoseconnections growing. Set your intention that this process will continue at the optimumspeed for you.But what about creating stuff in the "real world"?The ability to instantly manifest at will does exist. It is possible. However, there are avast array of beliefs, implants and overlays (really large implants) that prevent us fromexpressing this ability. So, “Yes we can and no we can’t”.You’ve heard that Jesus could turn water into wine and made fishes and loaves ofbread appear out of nowhere. Not to mention walking on water. (I dreamed of walkingon water last night. It was really fun!) There are yogis that can levitate and there is awhole new crop of children with amazing abilities. Yet, most of us are unable toachieve these feats.I believe that we can manifest articles at will. Well, I guess I don’t completely believethat because I haven’t quite done it. But I have done something close.Last year I really wanted a long, raspberry colored, silk skirt, and I wanted it to beinexpensive. I could totally imagine it, so soft and fine, yet it doesn’t hang flat.“Where is it?” I asked.Into my mind popped the image of Macys Department Store. So, I went to the storeand headed in the direction that felt “right”. There on a sale rack was the perfect skirtand in my size! There was nothing like it anywhere else in the store. The skirt was onsale, marked down from $200 to $25! It was perfect. When I took it to the clerk shecommented that she didn’t remember seeing that skirt in the store before. Curious.So here’s the question. Did that skirt exist before? Did I create it and put it is the store,as I suspect? If that’s true, why didn’t I just create it in my closet and save time andmoney? I guess I am not congruent (definition: Corresponding to or consistent witheach other or something else) with that happening.I was able to be congruent with theidea that the perfect skirt could exist at a store at a low price. I have experienced thatbefore. I am not (yet) congruent with the idea of it appearing in my closet (for free). Ifthat did happen, if I can really just create stuff, if I’m really that powerful then, ______?Oh my God, my whole life would change! My whole reality would change. I’d have tochange, a lot. My mind gives me all kinds of exciting, but also frightening scenarios. Icould create a new car! But, how would I register it? How could I explain? (Evidently,it’s easier for me to create a new car by having my old one stolen and collectinginsurance. Silly me!) I could create a house, but then I’d have to move, too much work.What if people found out? I’d be swarmed or maybe committed! Ew, maybe I’d becrucified. It’s happened before.Have you read Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Richard Bach? Ihighly recommend this book. Though it is short and was written way back in 1977, it isbrilliant and absolutely timely. Richard meets the Messiah who is spending his lifegiving airplane rides from the fields of rural America. He doesn’t want the messiah jobanymore. Every time he had performed miracles, like spontaneous healing, he wassurrounded by people grabbing him and demanding that he heal them. It alwaysturned out bad, real bad.There are beliefs and implants, pictures and feelings stored in the unconscious mind,that prevent the spontaneous manifestations from happening. But, I can miraculouslycreate if there is a possibility in my mind that I didn’t actually do it.Here’s another example. Recently, I went to Hawaii for a friend’s wedding. I have adrawer (I’m not telling you where) in which I stash money. I know I had put onehundred dollar bill my sister gave me as a gift to get a massage, and there wasanother hundred from something else, maybe a third. I also stuffed twenties in there.That’s what the Automatic Teller Machines spit out and I would grab one or a few and,without counting them, put them in the drawer.Occasionally, I take the bills out and just enjoy them. I’ll actually toss them on my bedand play with them and savor them. Unfortunately, I was raised to believe that moneywas bad and dirty and only selfish people loved (and had) money. Sigh… Berkeley inthe 1960’s and 1970’s was really like that. I am now learning to really like money. Byenjoying and savoring the actual bills, I’m teaching my unconscious to love money.Anyway, I thought that I had about $400 or $500 dollars in there. I hadn’t counted,however.When I went to Hawaii, I grabbed $300 spending money. Our first day on the island, Ipaid with a check for the major food shopping for everyone in the house and peoplepaid me back in cash. So I ended up with cash in my wallet when I got home. I went toput some cash back in my drawer and was surprised to discover that there were 3hundred dollar bills and many, many twenty dollar bills still in there. It seemed as if Ihad at least as much money in my drawer when I got home as before I took out $300!If I had carefully counted the money, and knew exactly how much money was in mydrawer, I wouldn’t have been congruent with there being more money in there. Mylogical mind went blank when I found more money in the drawer. It was like a blip onmy memory. Did I have that money in there? Did I put more $100 bills than Iremembered? Is there some logical explanation for this?Have you ever had the experience of not knowing what happened? If reality doesn’tmatch what the mind “remembers” then there is a blank, confused place in the mind.That happened when I discovered that my car was stolen. Monday morning, 7:40 AM,I exit my back door to drive my son to school. My car is not in the driveway!“Where’s the car?”First thing I think is that my son (who is almost 16, legal driving age in America, andwho has started driver training) has moved the car to do a Halloween trick on me. But,he is also confused, telling me that the car is not parked on the street. Then my mindsearched for an explanation and presented me with the idea that (somehow) I gotreally drunk or something last night and parked the car around the corner. For the lifeof me, suddenly I could not remember what I had done the night before! I had amoment of panic, “Oh my God, I don’t remember what happened last night!” (Perhaps,a flashback to college?) Then, with effort, I was able to retrieve the memory of theprevious evening.Folks, I’m a single mother of three school age kids. Sunday night’s activities includedmaking and eating dinner (pasta, corn and salad) and trying to get the kids to clean up,take showers etc. There was no wild partying (oh well…).Once I finally recalled the previous evening, I had to acknowledge that my car hadbeen stolen. Yep, somebody stole my car!The reason I told you that story is that when I was presented with a situation that wasnot congruent with my expectations, I had the experience of being confused andunclear of my memory. This is exactly what happened when I found the “extra” moneyin the drawer. I bumped into something that did not fit my version of reality and couldnot remember how much money I had before.The unconscious mind will not allow magic to happen because of all the fear aboutwhat could happen next and what we believe it would really mean.Here’s a list of some of the beliefs I have found in myself and others.“If I really had the power to create consciously (to manifest money, cars, skirts, mydesired body etc.) then…"• People would find out and I’d be put in a mental hospital or burned at the stake(again!) or crucified!• The government would find out and experiment on me, or make me do badthings for them.• I’d have to acknowledge that I created my current reality and could no longerblame anybody or anything else.• I’d have to make changes in my life, like leave my spouse, move house, confrontmy parents, etc.• I’d have to be perfect in all aspects of my life, no more excuses for a “bad hairday” or being sick, or saying “no”.• I could create something really bad when I’m angry or hurt. I could hurt or killsomeone I love.• I’d have to be so very careful and cautious, all the time.Let your imagination play. Imagine that you have just discovered that you can instantlymanifest whatever you wish. You can do it! See the picture, feel it, be it.What happens next? What happens when you tell your friends or family? Do younotice any anxiety or outright fear? Go with it. What's the worse case scenario? Havethere been lives in which you did have "magical" powers? What happened? Thesememories and scenarios are preventing you from magically and consciously creatingnow.What decisions or vows did you make, based on those experiences? How did youjudge yourself because of what happened?Step back from the drama and trauma and see the big picture. Perhaps imagine your“after life review”, or expand to your Being/God Self and view the experience fromthere.At your new level of consciousness, is it safe for you to have these powers again? Areyou ready to let those old beliefs go?Feel all the limiting beliefs and emotions that came up and un-create it all, now!Breathe and let it go! Notice how you feel with all that BS gone.You will probably need to go through this process several times. Check back inregularly.In your daily life, notice what you do create. Acknowledge your abilities and havegratitude. With time, the logical mind will accept the new reality of instantmanifestation, just like my mind had to accept the new reality of a stolen car. If you letgo of control, like when I didn't count the money in the drawer, you are more likely tohave miraculous experiences.Welcome to Conscious Creatorhood!
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"The baddies try to keep Georgescu, the future president of Romania, out of office because 1) He wants to get rid of the globalist agenda 2) He is highly critical of the European Union and NATO 3) He pleads for peace between Russia and Ukraine.

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