Greetings friends, This is a up date on the end of the negative matrix that we talked about before. It seems that Jesus and the spirit realm has kept there promise to rid us of Lucifer and the fallen Angels. The un-Christed ones have been captured and the negative energy of the matrix has been completely neutralized as of May 3rd. They can no longer steal Gods energy from the Christed light workers, old or new, as the last of them await trail. Things down here are not the same anymore. The cleanup has started in ernest to rid the planet of the left over negative energys.
But our jobs now as light-workers and warriors will be much easier, which is a blessing because we need all the positive energy we can muster up to not only deal with our own Deprograming. But the Deprograming of the sleeping survivors, starting with the lightworkers, so that as many as possible of the original 250,000 may wake up. And in so doing we may all make the Ascension Program a complete reality. Our mission has up to now been greatly hampered. I want to shout and cheer for the''war both in the heavens and on earth is over''. Lets celebrate this very special occasion as soon as we can.
Problem is I don't know if we have time for a party, as time itself is speeding up as well. But do put the word out that this Great News comes from Sananda and Ashtar, so I believe its true. Also they say we should start to feel the Christ energy now as it returns. Jesus is head of the Christ office and the valves have been opened full throttle, take in as much as you can handle. I myself have begun to feel and remember these energies from long ago before we neared the 50% mark of negativity. Which we are more than Lucky to survive as some planets didn't make it far past that mark. But we are special. Thats why our father Michael created Jesus to save us.
The ascended Masters have also been busy, not only in the spirit realm but down here on the planet as well. They are nearly finished with the preparations of installing the new benevolent world gov't called (FON) the Federation of Nations. There human partners are now in place to take leadership when Discloser and Contact is made, which also looks to be on schedule by or before summer in the west. The new world currency backed by precious metals are also in place and ready to be distrbuted. And of course the federation of light is also very involved in all of this and are ready to take there places. The time peroid of mid June to mid July is still holding strong. I believe we must stick to this time table because of the coming of planet-X,ELEnin and the Great Disruption and Earth Changes it will bring.
Many people including myself have asked Why is it all so complcated. Why don't our allies in the spirit realm and Space brothers just come out and tell us there plans in detail. That way we can have more hope and strength in doing our part. No one person or group down here seems to have the total picture. Why is it so secret and mysterous? People are pointing the finger at each other ,saying its going to happen this way,and others say no its this way. then others ask, what in the world is happening, whats going on. Some of the light workers are just waking up as we take off at warp speed. Fasten your seat belts, I have been studing this sense I recieved my first visions 40 yrs ago. And I still don't understand it all, but I have a very good idea.
This Paradigm shift as it is called has many different stages many of which is departmentalize . Like the governments top secret projects except its not the different depts that the secrets are kept from but just us. And now you ask why just us light workers. The main reason is so that the dark cabal dosen't get a hold of the plans and spoil them. They have already done every thing in there power to stop this Ascension of earth and us. Even though the know they are losing and we know they have already lost. So if they told all of us what is going on then the Dark cabal would know too. And now the time is very critical as planet-X draws near in the next months starting in Aug 3. I will give greater details in my next blog coming soon.
The next thing is that there are many different programs that we have chosen as our mission. Not all of our missions are the same. For example some beings are going to completely ascend the human Angel body and become ascended Masters. Others will become light beings in 5th dimensional bodies,And others will become one of the 7 levels of the fourth dimensional bodies, which will be have as light or dense as this one were now in. And they will want to leave on the ships to the new earth. And some of these may want to come back to the old earth when she is healed. And course there are a few light workers who are not ready for any of the above and they only came to help out for a little while and like many others who choose to come to earth at this time ,will take leave of there bodies and return back to school from which they came , moving up to the next level from this earth experience.
This is probably the most asked question, will I make it and how far will I make it and of course its all up to you to remember what you choose and then to reach that goal, with help from your Mentors. Of course there are many other questions and dept's to talk about but to much info can do harm so I will address them latter and you can ask me questions to this site or to the new one Kerrie created just for that purpose called ''OUR MENTOR" or my web site and e-book thats for sale that talks all about this stuff; No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth;(JC) Be Safe, blessings,awaken ,Adonai rev,joshua
thank you dear one
I am full of positive energies
I look forward to meet my starfamily very soon
I feel happy
love and respect
mother Anette Henning