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Part 3

Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi

Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.

The article series is structured in different parts which are not necessarily connected to each other. They provide an overview of the current developments. 


Activation of Light Warriors (Commander)

Since October 2019 some light warriors who are incarnated on earth, and whom some are also commanders, were called to the GFOL fleet ships for a special mission which started on 01.01.202.  Since then they have been working closely with Light Forces in teams for different tasks.  Many groups were formed with these special tasks – and in each group there is one Light Warrior incarnated on the surface.  It does not matter if you are aware of this meeting in your day consciousness or not.

Most of them have no access or awareness of their being part of a group in day-consciousness due to protection they are receiving, but they are part of this operation.  All of these Light Warriors work in a special in-between timeline that stabilizes the positive timeline – many Starseeds are already very much decoupled from the old 3D matrix world, making it harder for them to stay in the old matrix.  This is very noticeable to them in many areas of their daily routines, day consciousness or the 3D environment.

Offense of Light Forces since January 2020

A series of major operations started as planned on 01.01.2020 and will continue throughout 2020 and beyond with further operations in the lower atmosphere as well as directly on the surface.  It is also important to know that Light Forces allow things to happen more from their perspective in the current time – superficially – including the imposed quarantine and the restrictions of the Dark side.  They allow it to a certain degree for certain reasons.

The situation is precarious… but for Light Forces it is manageable as long as the surface population remains calm and Starseeds follow their mission.   The surface population and the Starseeds are not directly subject or exposed in the direct line of fire between the Dark and Light sides.  Therefore, Light Forces are also using the current situation to keep the surface population outside these fields, so that they can freely perform all operations with the other factions.

The Light Forces and other factions continue to focus on removal of negativity, cleaning and stabilization together.  For this purpose, there are dedicated squadrons which are specially positioned and ready for operation.  The apparent or perceived disorder or confusion is actually extremely minimal … it is rather a sorting and filtering from the perspective of Light Forces.

Weakening Communication Structure of the Dark Side

Some weapon systems are already defused, deactivated or have a reduced effect which has been achieved through certain information transmissions from the Light Forces.  For the Dark side, however, these weapon systems are still visible – their reporting systems however indicate an operating status that is not reflecting the reality.  Several sleepers, who were active for the Dark side – consciously or unconsciously – have been successfully deactivated by the Light Forces as well – but in such a way that they were or are not aware of it.

Again, the control systems of the Dark side display or indicate an operating status that is not reflecting the reality.  Meanwhile the whole information structure is weakening for the Dark side and they become more and more aware that their reporting systems can no longer produce reliable data or provide actual information.  The Light Forces have full control over all information structures of the Dark side.  Some parts are already taken over directly and completely, parts are allowing information to flow within the Dark structures.  The Dark side, however, is not able to see which ones work or not.

The reaction is now openly visible – the last resort that remains for the dark side is an open series of attacks against the surface population which makes the hostage situation more and more visible for everyone.  This means that the cosmic war is now visible on the surface of the planet – an open war against humanity, against life, the planet and therefore also against the creation.  It is also more and more openly visible which person belongs to which side.

Attack Against Humanity

The Corona Virus and its current promotion is a distraction of the Dark side from their actual goals and intentions and other exotic weapons and weapon systems they utilize.  Their goal of full control, the achievement of full enslavement – also through expropriation (direct/indirect) – and the beginning of massive depopulation.  It is a large-scale attack against humanity performed with several parallel and/or successive strikes with other weapon systems used by the Dark side.  This also includes the 5G network.  The Light Forces and their allies are still taking care of it however, to eliminate all these systems one by one.

Defense Against Complete Subjugation

Due to the current situation and the increasing isolation caused by the Dark side, a side effect has been created resulting in the best conditions for the Light Forces and their allies to enable this great purification process.

Complex Mesh of the Dark Side

Why these massive measures? In the past, the Light Forces have continually tried to implement a different yet permanent solution via negotiation and reasoning, sometimes with success and sometimes without.  Any arrangements or agreements made were rarely followed by the Dark side. Their network is unimaginably complex, pervasive and huge – it is completely interwoven like a mushroom mesh.  Almost all key positions or decision-making positions are interwoven with them as well.

The Dark puts guardians in these critical positions who have been indoctrinated or corrupted.  These guardians may include sleepers with organic and artificial clones, hybrids, mixed creatures physical and not physical. The Dark side eventually realized the best way to maintain the populace in its’ unacknowledged hostage stage/situation was through the complete implementation of an artificial intelligence-based quantum technology.  To fully consolidate their aim for total control and complete subjugation of the surface population, it would also encompass directly influencing the lifespan and health status of humanity via their food, water, air, medicines, health systems, etc..

Source: Galactic Federation – SaVi



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 969px) 100vw, 969px" width="969" height="545" />

By Dr. Katherine Horton, JIT

EDITOR NOTE: This article serves as a reminder of what is a stake, however, there is actionable intel that white hats are fighting back. We are right in the middle of that fight right now! Be aware! Be prepared! Don’t fear as there is good fighting back and we’re winning bigly! [Think of the Fed being moved into the US Treasury as an example]

No, This information is real, this is not an April’s fools Joke…

Get ready…If the bad guys win this current battle your world is about to be turned UPSIDE DOWN! The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is starting to lose its grip on America. The American people are tired of being lied to. Smart Americans are “waking up” in droves to the reality of our nation’s leadership and financial critical condition. They’re tired of been propagandized, controlled and imprisoned by an illegitimate totalitarian regime that trashes our Constitution, Bill of Rights and is stamping out our individual liberties.

The Globalists are completely lawless and getting ready to arrest, throw into jail and murder anyone who gets in their way to fulfil their plan. If they win they soon will suspend our 1st Amendment rights and take absolute control of the Internet. Patriotic voices and religious “extremists” who contradict the government’s official narrative, will be censored and silenced. Any journalist who tries to conduct an honest investigation will be arrested and thrown in jail.  You can also say “goodbye” to your guns.

This will result in total chaos and upheaval in America. But this is only a part of the story, keep reading… Total Global financial collapse will be forthcoming along with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. The “death of the dollar” has been talked about for many years but will be finally realized. Don’t get duped into believing that the “2015 Shemitah” was supposed to be the final doomsday for the dollar.

Don’t worry, the dollar’s funeral is coming as is the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION. First will be the 2020 – a time of incredible darkness that will descend on the American people and indeed the world! The consequences of what’s coming for the average American are nothing less than catastrophic, yet many still have no idea whatsoever of what is about to happen.

Bank closures, riots, cities burning, starvation, chaos, Martial law, gun confiscation, FEMA camps, Constitutional rights obliterated, globalist takeovers, disease, despair, gangs, lawlessness, crime, you name it and much much more could soon be unfolding. Add to this the certainty of the coming regional/Middle-East wars involving China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, the world stands at the precipice of World War 3. Again sadly, most of the population is completely totally unaware of what could happen because relatively few people follow Alternative Media. They get their nightly dose of government propaganda from NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and CNN. What is also interesting is Economic and War cycles are coming to a climax in 2018 – 2020. Casualty rates could be astronomic.

A little humour helps ease the pain of having to live in our world today. Laughter is therapeutic. But what is getting ready to happen is deadly serious business – even life-threatening business! America wants to implode Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. is at war with Americans. It’s a titanic struggle to the finish of good vs. evil to determine the winner. Let us all do our part for the battle to end well and so there’s not much blood spilt.

Pray for the candidate’s physical safety. Have you prepared for the FUTURE SHOCK that is coming? If so, you won’t panic when PANIC sweeps the globe. The PERFECT STORM is truly mind-boggling. It’s unusually ominous and is rapidly approaching: -when markets across the world plunge because the $225 trillion debt bubble explodes; -when the banking system collapses because of the 4.25 quadrillion Derivatives market and the Central Bank scams of “QE” printing money to infinity!

-when your local bank steals all your money you’ve deposited (called “BAIL-INS”) because it has to else it will go bankrupt;

-when the entire world launches into a major Global Financial Crash & Global Great Depression;

-when food, medicines and commodities because scarce and prices SKYROCKET!;

-when domestic terrorism breaks out across multiple cities simultaneously;

-when Global War breaks out fueled by the Middle East conflicts;

-when rampant domestic violence and the Global Chaos of 2020 unfolds;

-when the New World Currency of 2020 thru 2021 is unveiled; -when the GREAT VIRUS PANDEMIC of 2020 is unleashed;

-when the total WORLDWIDE POLITICAL UPHEAVAL OF 2020 takes place.

Evil is exploding exponentially as Lucifer is unleashing his dominions to furiously prepare the world for his arrival – the day wherein he will be “revealed” to every living human being on the planet as “God.” The false god for sure to be followed by the REAL GOD.

The wicked are becoming more wicked and the righteous are becoming more righteous – just as the Bible predicted. Mark these words… If we don’t make a DRAMATICALLY CHANGE now. Millions will be standing at death’s door. Chaos will be coming and will be going to spread far and wide.

Democracy as we know it in Britain and the U.S. is only a few hundred years old. The majority of Europe and the rest of the world has been ruled by powerful elites with absolute power. Domination is by means of force. The high cabal of the New World Order would like to see this model reinstituted.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs functions at the behest of the British monarchy. They have spun off their American counterparts–the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. The Bilderbergers are their creation. Hundreds of humanistic study institutes in the U.S. also promote their theories.

The Committee of 300 is comprised of a hierarchy of the Freemasons, the American Eastern Liberal “Establishment,” the European Nobility, the Order of Skull and Bones and the Illuminati.

Their interest is in the eradication of the middle class. They desire only rulers and servants. “No national boundaries” is their mantra. The U.S. Constitution is a major stumbling block for these people.

Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust this group. Putin understands the threat as well and has brought the Soviet Union to an apex of nuclear strategic capability.

Let’s now analyze in detail the genocidal Plan the incredibly evil NWO has been carefully preparing for you and your love ones. That is if you do nothing…

Few people around the globe know of this website and even more claim the organization doesn’t legitimately exist at all. Despite the overwhelming suppression of its significance, WikiLeaks documents have revealed it was legitimately used as reference material in a Stratfor report on the technological capabilities of The People’s Republic of North


Deagel’s reports, in particular the aforementioned research on North Korea, was also provided to the President during Presidential Dialy Briefings. Deagel thus provides information which is subsequently used by global intelligence communities and governments.

Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and clients, according to their own website:

  • National Security Agency
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO – OTAN)
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • OSCE
  • Russian Defense Procurement Agency
  • Stratfor
  • The World Bank
  • United Nations (UN)

This highly regarded intelligence organization has a grim outlook for the United States in the coming years including a 78%-83% decrease in population. In fact, it predicts a similar, cataclysmic fate for the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Japan, and Denmark, and more U.S. allied nations:

Year: 2013, Population: 316 million, Forecast 2025: Population: 69 million

I know many Australian readers will be curious as well, and for their reference, their population will be cut in from 23 million to 15  million.

To make matters even stranger a statement on Deagel’s forecast page can found be which was made by the authors on October 26, 2014, which apparently claims the population shifts are due to suicide and dislocation and assure us they are “not a death or satanic cult”:

Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God’s word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.

Note This website is adjusted and updated frequently accordingly to how well their current Planned USA 2018-2025 genocidal plans are going.

After carefully analyzing the numbers note which are the countries most affected and which are the winners. Most importantly note which ones are losing the most. Most people don’t know that the NWO archetype ALWAYS MOVES WEST (originally started in Babylon, following Assyria, Egypt, Rome, Paris, London, Spain, last the USA…and it is now China’s turn. This is why the controllers of this world slowly moved and transferred all USA industry carefully there for the last 50 years. Unfortunately for the Western cultures, that “industries migration process’ has now been completed.

It is utmost important to note that the NWO Satanic sects are not solely composed by Americans, Europeans or Asians origins but they are a collection of international multi-cultural Cabalistic and Illuminati crime syndicates. Ruthless and dangerous crime Syndicates, Cartels, Families or crime Covens who are the culprits of all wars, drug running, distribution (Legal & illegal drugs) money laundering, corruption, all human child and sex trafficking and basically all international criminal activities that are ailing our beleaguered world. In short, they are an ancient and deeply-secretive multi-cultural cult of death hiding behind many masks in positions of elite wealth and power in every country around the world.

Two of the most dangerous of those interlinked groups are the “Blue bloods” (Global Royalty) and The “Elders of Zion”(Khazarian Mafia), In essence, they are an ancient but powerful conglomerate of global Satanic cults of “Death”. You may read a detailed document clicking the link below which spells their NWO control plans in great detail. It is important to remember that no matter what mask they chose to wear in whatever country they reside in, their common denominator is they are all part of the same cults of: Death=Baal=Satan=Leviathan=Lucifer=Devil=Shaitan=Demon=Prince of Darkness, among many other names attributed by different cultures throughout human history…

Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zionism: The New World Order Zionist Plan To Dominate The World


According to the current Satanic controllers of the world, the USA NWO/Illuminati World Domination championship time is over. The plan presented here is their preferred way of domination used by them numerous times for thousands of years since ancient Babylon. This is their perfect system of domination and enslavement, first the raising and then the carefully manufactured total collapse of civilizations… but ONLY AFTER they have carefully leached, stolen and moved the entire country’s wealth to their next country victim farther WEST.

Now more than ever we need to listen to the monumental speech, given as a warning to America by to Robert Welch, leader of the John Birch Society, about the decline of America due to Communism, a speech that will sound eerie familiar since most of his warnings have already come to pass:

Robert Welch Speech (Greatest Speech in America, 1958)

Their idea of their NWO only works if they convince you that it is YOU the problem, that it is humanity as a whole and not them THE VIRUS of this planet. Their last move is to infect you with “The Virus of The Anti-Christ” which is “FEAR”! Remember that “God Is Love” and “Darkness/Evil is FEAR”, are you already infected with the 666 Virus?  Knowing these plans, are you just going to sit frightened in a corner somewhere just observing and doing nothing while allowing this great USA nation and our unalienable freedoms to be overrun with evil? Make your own conclusions after carefully analyzing the following data…

For details by countries click the link below:

Updated Depopulation Murder Rates in the Forthcoming Planned Global Genocide 2018 – 2025 as forecast / announced by


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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