

Beloved Mother Mary is an exponent of the Feminine Aspect of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. She represents the Divine Mother Principle on Earth, and she has accepted the responsibility of holding the Immaculate Concept, which is the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension in the Light of every single person on Earth.

In order to assist us with the critically important and unprecedented process of transforming our Earthly Bodies and the Body of Mother Earth into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Radiant Beauty, Mother Mary has given us a Life-transforming invocation.

During the December 20-21, 2014, New Moon Solstice, Mother Mary joined with the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity and our Mother God to anchor on Earth NEW and higher frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity than Humanity has ever been capable of receiving.

This Light was absorbed by the I AM Presence of Awakening Humanity and secured into Earth’s Crystal Grid System through the Heart Flames and Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras of willing Lightworkers.

Now Mother Mary is making this unfathomable Light available to every man, woman, and child in Earth through the sacred invocation that she refers to as The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity.

This sacred Rosary is designed to recalibrate Humanity’s DNA structures into higher 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Crystalline Solar Light than we have ever experienced.

Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is moment by moment being modified by Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms, and emotions.

When Humanity’s I AM Presences join together to collectively imprint the genetic codes for the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity onto our DNA through our 5th-Dimensional Twelve Solar Chakra System, these patterns ignite every cell in our bodies and lift us into alignment with our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.

This Crystalline perfection is then secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, our transformation will take place in what will be perceived as “the twinkling of an eye.”

Humanity’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras and the corresponding Solar Meridians that radiate through our newly activated 5th-Dimensional Solar Spines are unique and radiate Light in new ways. Each of our 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is a sphere of Light, a radiant Sun, that pulsates with all Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity simultaneously. These multi-colored, multi-faceted spheres of Light are referred to as Circles of the Sacred Twelve by the Company of Heaven.

In our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine, every Chakra reflects ALL of the Divine Qualities and Aspects of Deity ALL of the time. But, if we want to amplify one or more of the Aspects of Deity for a particular reason or in a particular situation, we simply ask our I AM Presence to increase that specific Divine Quality, and it will instantly expand through all Twelve Chakras simultaneously.

Our I AM Presence always monitors the situation, and when the appropriate amount of Light has been projected through our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, the Circle of the Sacred Twelve will return to perfect balance in each Solar Chakra.

We can amplify one or more Aspects of Deity through our Twelve Solar Chakras anytime we want to, and we can do that as often as we like according to the need of the hour and our service to the Light.

The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity is a Gift from Mother Mary that is designed to help each and every one of us greatly accelerate our Ascension process by assimilating and projecting into the world of form the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity.

The Divine Intent of this wondrous Gift is to utilize the Light of God to seal our bodies permanently in the Immaculate Concept of Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, and Radiant Beauty.

This invocation is stated in the first person so that we will each experience this Gift of Light personally and tangibly, but know that whenever you invoke this Rosary you are simultaneously invoking the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity on behalf of every person on Earth, because we are One and there is no separation. So listen to your heart and invoke this amazing Light as often as you feel prompted to do so.

And we begin…

Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity one by one:

The 1st Solar Aspect of Deity is Sapphire Blue.
This exquisite frequency of Light is now descending from the very Heart of God and entering my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. The Blue Light flows down my Spinal Column and radiates through each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sapphire Blue Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity are: God’s Will, Illumined Faith, Power, Protection, and God’s First Cause of Perfection.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity is Sunshine Yellow.
This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Yellow Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sunshine Yellow Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Christ Consciousness, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding, Perception, and Constancy.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity is Crystalline Pink.
This resplendent Pink Light flows forth from the very Heart of God and enters my Crown Chakra. As the Pink Light from the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into blazing Pink Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration, Tolerance, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:
“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 4th Solar Aspect of Deity is White.
This beautiful White Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful White Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant White Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity are: The Immaculate Concept, Purity, Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, and Ascension.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 5th Solar Aspect of Deity is Emerald Green.
This Emerald Green Light descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Emerald Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into resplendent Emerald Green Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Illumined Truth, Healing, Consecration, Concentration, and Inner Vision.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 6th Solar Aspect of Deity is Ruby-Gold.
The Ruby-Gold Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Ruby-Gold Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into magnificent Ruby-Gold Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace, and the Manifestation of the Christ.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 7th Solar Aspect of Deity is Violet.
This exquisite frequency of Violet Light descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It now flows down my Spinal Column radiating through each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming each one into a radiant Amethyst Sun.

The Divine Qualities of the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, and God’s Infinite Perfection.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 8th Solar Aspect of Deity is Aquamarine.
Aquamarine Light now flows from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. It descends down my Spinal Column and pulsates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into exquisite Aquamarine Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Clarity, Divine Perception, and Discernment.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 9th Solar Aspect of Deity is Magenta.
This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Magenta Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Magenta Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, and God Confidence.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 10th Solar Aspect of Deity is Gold.
Beautiful Gold Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful Gold Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant Golden Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, and the God Supply of ALL Good Things.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 11th Solar Aspect of Deity is Peach.
This exquisite Peach Light now descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It flows through my Spinal Column radiating into each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into beautiful Peach colored Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, and Joy.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

The 12th Solar Aspect of Deity is Opal.
The Opal Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Opalescent Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into sparkling Opal Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transformation and Transfiguration.
My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

“Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb “I AM.” Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.” (Pause)

Each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is now pulsating with the Infinite Light and Divine Qualities associated with my Father-Mother God’s Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. From this moment forth, my I AM Presence will perpetually bathe my Earthly Bodies and all Life evolving on this Planet with this scintillating multi-faceted, multi-colored Light from the Heart of my Father-Mother God.

Now with the assistance of Beloved Mother Mary and my I AM Presence, the multi-faceted 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity pulsating within my Chakras lift me into the full embrace of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies as I decree:

I AM the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality, NOW made manifest and sustained by Divine Grace. (Repeat 3 times)
It is done! And so it is.
Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.

God Bless YOU,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Link: https://higherdensity.wordpress.com/2015/01/09/patricia-cota-robles-2015-was-birthed-in-a-star-burst-of-light-1-9-15/
By Patricia Cota-Robles, 01/09/2015

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