
Now that everyone has had a few weeks to assimilate and evaluate through their own personal experience the most powerful influx of Light the World has ever known, I would like to share with you some information from On High that may enhance your understanding of what has actually taken place.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that the Portal of Light that was opened during the amazing Eclipse Series in September 2015, and the Collective Cup of Consciousness that was formed by Humanity through the synchronicity of myriad outer-world events that coincided with the Eclipses, an unprecedented Global shift of consciousness was cocreated in the Realms of Cause by the I AM Presences of Humanity en masse.

This shift into a higher consciousness will manifest through every man, woman, and child in ways that are specifically aligned with his or her individual Divine Plan. But for the first time ever, the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were associated with this shift of consciousness were INSTANTLY ANCHORED IN THE WORLD OF EFFECTS, which is the physical plane of Earth.

These Divine Templates reverberate with the profound Truth that HUMANITY IS ONE WITH ALL LIFE. They also pulsate with the reality that DIVINE LOVE and REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE are foundations for every facet of Life abiding on the 5th-Dimensional New Earth, onto which we are all Ascending. The Company of Heaven want to assure us that now that we have transcended the grip of our human egos, the ability to tangibly manifest these Templates in our individual life experiences is going to be easier than ever before.

As is always the case, whenever there is a tremendous influx of Divine Light everything that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed. This surfacing negativity is always reported in the media, so from outer appearances it looks like everything is getting worse. However, nothing could be further from the Truth. The problem is that we can easily see the things that conflict with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed, but what we cannot see as easily is the incredible Light that is pushing those things to the surface.

The Company of Heaven has asked me to share with you the inner and outer world Activities of Light that took place during the Eclipse Series in September 2015, so that you will clearly perceive the bigger picture and the tangible evidence of Humanity’s shift of consciousness.

The various Activities of Light that I mention in this article occurred synchronisticly during the two week period embraced by the Solar Eclipse on September 13th and the Lunar Eclipse on September 28th. Humanity’s unified consciousness and these heartfelt events brought this unprecedented facet of the unfolding Divine Plan to a glorious fruition.


As you read these words, remember I AM sharing this information through the patterns of Divine Love and Reverence for All Life associated with the Templates for the New Earth, which are now anchored in the world of form. This means that we must transcend the misinformation and disinformation about separation and duality that our human egos previously manipulated us into believing.

There is no such thing as “us and them,” so if we are dealing with prejudice, fear, hatred, anger, or distrust regarding any person, place, condition, or thing, then we are reflecting the obsolete beliefs of our fragmented and fear-based human egos which are no longer viable. This includes negative beliefs and attitudes we may have formed about various races, nationalities, religions, governments, life styles, or people we disagree with in other ways.

When we continue to focus on the negativity Humanity’s human egos miscreated on the old Earth, we actually empower the pain and suffering those miscreations have caused. Those are the very patterns that we are transcending and that we must now Love FREE and transmute into Light through the invincible might of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

As we begin, I AM going to ask you a huge favor. While reading this article, instead of resisting the information or negating the people who are involved in the outer-world events because of your preconceived ideas, imagine that every single one of these people is Divine and functioning through the full Divine Potential of his or her I AM Presence.

As difficult as that may be to comprehend, that is exactly what occurred through each person’s multidimensional consciousness during these events. That is true whether the person was consciously aware of it or not. Only by realizing that the I AM Presence was in command of the billions of people involved in the outer-world events that brought this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition will you even begin to get a glimpse of the magnitude of what has occurred on this sweet Earth.


Whenever there are millions or billions of people focusing on outer-world events that involve the raising of consciousness by opening people’s hearts and turning their attention to a Higher Power, a collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness is formed. This Chalice of Light actually opens a portal through which Divine Light from the Realms of Cause will flow to answer Humanity’s prayers and enhance Life on Earth in wondrous ways.

During the unique Eclipse Series we experienced in September, many incredible events took place in perfect synchronicity that accomplished just that. These events involved Celestial Alignments, World Religions, World Governments, Corporations, Nongovernmental Organizations, and Grass Roots Movements from around the World. Literally billions of people participated in these Activities of Light.

Through these various events and Humanity’s focused attention a Chalice of Light was formed that cradled the entire Planet Earth. This collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness opened an enormous Portal of Light that now bathes every particle and wave of Life on Earth in higher 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light than we have ever been able to receive. This is the Crystalline Light that comprises all manifest form on the New Earth. This is the Divine Light that was utilized by the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to God Victoriously accomplish the amazing facet of the Divine Plan we experienced in September 2015.

On September 13th we experienced a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse. This was the beginning of the first Eclipse Series that Humanity would experience unimpeded by the paralyzing grip of our human egos. Millions of people including indigenous people around the World and Lightworkers from every walk of Life are very aware of the opportunities provided by Eclipses, Equinoxes, Solstices, New Moons, and Full Moons and they take full advantage of them. These are powerful Celestial events that greatly intensify a person’s ability to add to the Light of the World.

At Sundown on September 13th, within the full embrace of the Solar Eclipse the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, began. This is a celebration of New Beginnings that draws the focused attention of millions of Jews around the World. Ten days following Rosh Hashanah the Jewish High Holy Day of Yom Kippur is honored.

The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called the Days of Repentance. This is a period of time meant for introspection. At Sunset on September 22nd Jews began Yom Kippur, which is the Jewish Day of Atonement. This Holy Day ended at Sundown on September 23rd in the midst of the influx of Light from the September Equinox.

At Sunset on September 21st the Annual Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca began. This spiritual gathering is called the Hajj and draws millions of Muslims from around the World. This is a week long Pilgrimage and this year it lasted until September 26th. The Divine Intent of this Pilgrimage is an outer-world demonstration to honor God. The millions of Muslims who do not make the trip to Mecca focus on God and support the sacred ceremonies of those who have made the Pilgrimage. This event was also empowered by the influx of Light from Solar Eclipse and the September Equinox.

Important Note: This year there was a tragic situation that occurred during the Hajj. That sad event took the lives of 700 Pilgrims and injured many more. There are several sacred ceremonies that take place during the seven-day Pilgrimage, and most of them are peaceful and filled with Light and Love. But unfortunately, during a particular ceremony at the Hajj people are stirred into a frenzy and end up trampling each other to death.

This tragedy has happened on several occasions during the ceremony in which people pick up stones and throw them at a pillar that is supposed to represent the devil. During that ceremony the Pilgrims spew forth hate and anger as they throw stones at the pillar symbolically killing the devil. “Where our attention is, there we are.” Whenever we choose to hate or want to kill any part of Life, we become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. If we make that fateful decision, we will always experience the negative ramifications of our returning energy

During the incredibly powerful days between the Eclipses there were several Hindu Holy Days as well. It has been said that Hindus have a Holy Day for every day of the year. In Truth, that is probably an understatement. Throughout that important time millions of Hindus from India and around the World focused on a Higher Power and opened their hearts in compassion and Love.

Another synchronistic event that occurred during that time is President Xl Jinping’s trip from China to visit President Obama. Even though this was a political trip the intent was to focus on China’s collapsing economy and the devastating effects pollution is having on the quality of Life for the peoples of China.

These important factors deeply concern everyone in China and President Jinping’s trip drew the attention of hundreds of millions of his countrymen. The predominant religion in China is Buddhism, so millions of Buddhists were also intimately involved in cocreating Humanity’s Collective Cup of Consciousness during that time.

And of course, during that auspicious time Pope Francis made his historic Pilgrimage to the United States of America. Hundreds of millions of Christians and probably billions of other people around the World focused in one-pointed consciousness as Pope Francis served as a selfless Messenger and an Instrument of God.

He also served as a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity and volunteered to be the Open Door for the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth. These were the Templates that were associated with the unprecedented shift of consciousness taking place within Humanity during that Cosmic Moment. It was this unified effort between Heaven and Earth that allowed the Templates of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life to be instantly anchored into the physical plane through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.


Pope Francis arrived in the United States of America on September 22nd which was the Eve of the September Equinox and the beginning of Yom Kippur. He did not schedule any events that day in honor of the Jewish High Holy Day.

In order to understand the significance of the Pope’s trip to North America, it is important to know what this country symbolically represents in the unfolding Divine Plan. The original Divine Intent of this country was to model the microcosm of the macrocosm for Earth. We were to be an example of the New World and a Higher Order of Being on this Planet. All of our sacred documents indicate just that. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights all decree for every person the right to Freedom, Equality, Oneness, Happiness, Prosperity, Justice, and Unity through Diversity.

AMERICA is actually an anagram for the I AM RACE. That term represents a Race of God Conscious people functioning within the full dominion of their I AM Presence. The I AM RACE is composed of every single race, religion, nationality, culture, creed, gender, and life-style. In other words, the entire Family of Humanity living together reveling and honoring our diversities while striving to fulfill our highest potential as Sons and Daughters of God with Love and co-operation.

Needless to say, in most instances the manipulation of our fragmented and fear-based human egos forced us into co-creating the opposite of those high ideals. But this is a New Day, and we have Birthed a New Earth. Now it is time for the Love-based pattern of the New Earth to be activated within the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity. The first step of this process is anchoring the Templates for the New Earth into the physical plane, so that the I AM Presence of every person has easy access and can reflect these patterns of perfection into Humanity’s hearts and minds as we lift up in consciousness.

Pope Francis’ historic Pilgrimage to the USA was Divinely orchestrated to perfectly coincide with all of the events that were simultaneously taking place in the Celestial Realms and the outer World. The purpose of his Pilgrimage to the USA was to provide a Global focus of attention that would exponentially expand the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness.

As billions of people followed Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage step-by-step, the Light of God flowed into the people, places, conditions, and things he touched, and created the sacred space that paved the way for the instantaneous anchoring of the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth.

On September 23rd Pope Francis met with President Obama at the White House and was honored at a Welcoming Ceremony. The White House is the home of the President of the United States of America who is considered to be the leader of the Free World, which is the highest political office on the Planet.

As millions of people focused on that meeting, Lightworkers in embodiment and the entire Company of Heaven invoked the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Cosmic Law would allow. This precious gift of Sacred Fire from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God flowed through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness with the power and might of a thousand Suns. This gift from On High blazed through the Etheric Records of every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory that any President in the United States of America has ever expressed that was not based in Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.

Once that purging was complete the Templates for the Immaculate Concept of Divine Government were anchored in the physical plane through the Heart Flames of Humanity’s I AM Presences. The Templates for Divine Government associated with the New Earth reflect a government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of every person involved.

Since the USA is representing the microcosm of the macrocosm these patterns will now filter into the hearts and minds of World leaders everywhere as their consciousness is raised and their I AM Presence takes full dominion of their lives. Day by day, we will witness evidence of World leaders finding new ways of responding to outer-world challenges with Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life.

After the meeting at the White House, there was a Papal Parade followed by Midday Prayers with US Bishops at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. During that meeting with the Bishops, another powerful Activity of the Violet Flame took place during which the Etheric Records of the abhorrent abuse of power and religious fanaticism associated with ALL World religions at one time or another throughout history were purged and transmuted into Light. That cleansing paved the way for the anchoring of the Immaculate Concept of the Templates of the New Earth associated with Spirituality, Religion, and Devotional Worship based in Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life.

The last thing Pope Francis did that day was to celebrate a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This is the largest cathedral in North America and it is among the ten largest cathedrals in the World. The Immaculate Concept is the Divine Blueprint for the highest potential of any facet of Life.

Mother Mary is the Keeper of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept and recently this Sacred Fire was increased to the highest frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Humanity is capable of receiving at this time. The purpose of this gift from Beloved Mother Mary is to help all of us accelerate our Ascension process.

During the Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the Light of God flowed through Humanity’s Chalice of Light and intensified Pope Francis’ and Humanity’s I AM Presences’ ability to serve as the Open Door for the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were being anchored on behalf of ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.

On September 24th Pope Francis addressed a joint meeting of Congress involving both the Senate and the House of Representatives. A Pope had never addressed this body of politicians before. During the Pope’s speech, another Violet Flame Activity took place that transmuted into Light the Etheric Records for every politician in USA associated with any form of government at national, state, or local levels back to the inception of this country.

Through the I AM Presence of every person, this purging expanded to include every government around the World from all time frames and dimensions. This powerful cleansing paved the way for the anchoring of the expanded patterns for Divine Government around the World.

After his speech to Congress, Pope Francis went to a homeless shelter and had lunch with poor and homeless people. He also visited the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. which selflessly take care of suffering and downtrodden people everywhere.

During the Pope’s visit, another Violet Flame Activity took place to purge and cleanse the Etheric Records associated with the greed, abuse of power, apathy, separation, and duality that would have ever allowed this unconscionable kind of pain and suffering to exist in the first place. That purging once again cleared the way for the anchoring of the Templates of the New Earth that are based in Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life.

Once these patterns of perfection are tangibly manifest through the hearts and minds of all Humanity, the inhumane behavior and the lack of compassion and Love that allowed this level of pain and suffering around the World will no longer exist.

Later that afternoon Pope Francis traveled to New York. That evening Pope Francis prepared for his Divine Mission in New York City by praying the Evening Prayer at a Vespers service at the renown St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

On September 25th Pope Francis addressed the United Nations General Assembly. The UN consists of 193 Member States from around the World. This year the United Nations is celebrating its 70th Anniversary and there were more countries in attendance than any time during the past 70 years. The Under Secretary of the UN said that 2015 is the most historic year since the foundation of the UN. He said this is due to the fact that during this general session the UN would adopt a set of 17 Global Goals designed to end extreme poverty by 2030. The three main objectives of the goals are to:

End extreme poverty by 2030
Tackle inequality everywhere
Vigorously address Climate Change
The 17 Global Goals Set by the UN in 2015 to End Extreme Poverty by 2030

End poverty in all its forms everywhere
End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable modern energy for all
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development
Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global partnership for sustainable development
As Pope Francis spoke to the UN Representatives from 193 countries around the World, a Violet Flame Activity took place that transmuted the Etheric Records of Humanity’s behavior patterns from all time frames and dimensions around the World that caused the need for these Global Goals in the first place.

After this purging, the patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life from the New Earth, which are necessary in order for the victorious accomplishment of these goals, were anchored through the Heart Flames of Pope Francis, the United Nations members, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

I know that the goal of ending extreme poverty around the World by 2030 sounds like an impossible task, but it is not. When goals of this nature are expressed and actually committed to by people and countries around the World they have a very powerful effect. In the past 25 years, more people have been lifted out of extreme poverty than in the last 200 years. During that 25-year time frame, extreme poverty has plummeted from 52 percent of the World population to less than 20 percent, and childhood deaths from disease has been cut in half.

Sacred Ceremony at One World Trade Center

After his speech at the United Nations, Pope Francis participated in a sacred ceremony at the new One World Trade Center. This is the location known as “ground zero” where the two World Trade Center Towers were attacked in September 11, 2001. This was a beautiful and moving ceremony where 15 leaders from various religions gathered on stage with the Pope. Each spiritual leader recited a short meditation or prayer. The Divine Intent of this nondenominational gathering was to Awaken the reality of Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for all Life within every World religion.

During the prayers another Violet Flame Activity took place to purify the Etheric Records associated with prejudice, fear, hatred, anger, or distrust regarding any person, place, condition, or thing. This included the consciousness that perpetuates terrorism or any harmful behavior in which Humanity participates in the name of God. Once this cleansing was complete the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that reflect Eternal Peace, God’s Infinite Abundance, Compassion, Mercy and the Oneness and Reverence for All Life were permanently anchored through the Heart Flame of every person’s I AM Presence.

Following the invocations, a beautiful Choir consisting of young men and women sang the song “Let There Be Peace On Earth” on behalf of the Earth and all her peoples. The words were changed from: “With God as our Father, Brothers all are we” to “With God as Creator, Family all are we” which was just perfect.

Pope Francis met with the Families of those who died on 911 and gave them each a gift of Mother Mary’s Rosary. This provided for Mother Mary the Open Door through which she could expand the Flame of the Immaculate Concept to heal the pain and suffering for these Families, and for all of the Families around the World who have suffered through war and the distorted consciousness that led to the atrocities associated with terrorism, prejudice, fear, hatred, anger, and distrust.

The Pope’s Other Activities in New York

After the ceremony at the One World Trade Center the Pope visited Our Lady Queen of Angels school which is an institution that has been providing grade school level education to the East Harlem community for over 120 years. During this visit the Violet Flame transmuted the Etheric Records that have perpetuated the inequality in Educational opportunities for poor people and people of color not only in the USA but around the World.

This Activity of the Violet Flame also purged the distorted perceptions that have blocked girls from being educated in many parts of the World. Once again, the patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for all Life for the New Earth were anchored in the physical plane. When these patterns reach a critical mass within the hearts and minds of Humanity the inequality of Education will not be sustainable in any way.

After the Pope’s visit to Harlem there was a Papal Motorcade through Central Park where 80,000 people lined the streets to send him Love and to wish him well. Pope Francis’ final public event in New York City was a Mass celebrated before a sold out crowd at Madison Square Garden.

Pope Francis’ Mission in Philadelphia

On Saturday, September 26th, the Pope departed for Philadelphia, there he celebrated a Mass at the Basilica of St. Peter and Paul before visiting Independence Mall and joining The World Meeting of Families. Standing in front of Independence Hall, and using a lectern that was used by Abraham Lincoln, Pope Francis spoke about Loving Families and the critical part they play in the lives of incoming children and the healing of the Planet.

The World Meeting of Families is an intercultural celebration of Family Life around the World that has taken place in different countries over the years. Over 18,000 representatives from around the World were present at the gathering in Philadelphia. As Pope Francis spoke, the Violet Flame flowed through Humanity’s collective Chalice of Light and transmuted the Etheric Records associated with any behavior within Family Life that does not reflect Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life. When the purging was complete the patterns for Divine Loving Family Life were anchored through the Heart Flame of every person’s I AM Presence.

On Sunday, September 27th, the Pope met with the Bishops at St. Martin’s Chapel and several of the people who had been sexually abused by clergy in the Catholic Church. During that meeting the Violet Flame transmuted the Etheric Records associated with sexual abuse of every person who has ever experienced such an atrocity, in any time frame or dimension. That cleansing paved the way for the Immaculate Concept of new Templates involving Loving Relationships, Divine Sexuality, and Reverence for All Life to be anchored in the physical plane.

After that Activity of Light the Pope visited Curran-Fromhold Correction Facility. During that facet of his Pilgrimage, the Violet Flame expanded through all of the Etheric Records associated with crime of any kind, violence, corruption, greed, and the abuse of power that resulted in harming any person, place, or thing on Earth.

These are terrible things that people do to cause pain and suffering. They are the behavior patterns that the masses of Humanity consider evil. Actually, anything manifesting on this Planet that is less than Heaven on Earth can be considered evil. Evil in all its forms is nothing more than the absence of Love. The Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth are all based in Divine Love, therefore none of the painful patterns from the old Earth are sustainable on the New Earth.

Later that day, Pope Francis celebrated the closing Mass for the World Meeting of Families before an audience of over 1,000,000 people. That brought the Divine Plan for his Pilgrimage to the United States of America to God Victorious fruition. During the Mass, the Templates of Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for All Life that were anchored in the physical plane during the Pope’s Pilgrimage, were permanently secured within the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence.

That evening the Pope departed from Philadelphia on his return journey to Rome.

Global Citizens

Just before the incredible influx of Light from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and Wave X, another Global event took place that exponentially empowered the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that had been anchored in the physical plane through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness. That event was called the Global Citizens Festival.

On September 26, 2015, 60,000 people gathered for a six-hour event in Central Park in New York City. Simultaneously, there were events of that nature taking place in 110 other countries. The intent of these gatherings was to raise awareness and to inspire Global action in order to fulfill the 17 goals set by the United Nations to end extreme poverty by 2030. The people attending these events could not just buy a ticket, they had to go Online and sign a pledge to take deliberate action in their own communities to assist with one or more of the 17 goals.

The event in Central Park was televised around the World and millions of people participated by unifying their hearts and minds with the various presentations. There were music concerts and speakers from myriad spectrums of Life all of which were committed to healing the Earth and solving the problems facing Humanity.

There was a call in number for people around the World to call in and make a pledge promising to take action to make a positive difference in their communities, their country, and their Planet. They kept a running total of the calls throughout the day and by the end of the six-hour event 92,061,708 people had called in to make a pledge of action. Amazing!

In addition to the individual people who took part in this event there were representatives from many major corporations and governments who also committed to take positive action to bring awareness and inspire action from their employees and people they are connected with around the World.

President Obama spoke to the crowd via a large screen on stage. Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden were there in person and spoke. Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono, Leo DiCaprio, Steven Colbert, Hugh Jackman, Mark Zuckerman, Kerry Washington, Richard Branson, and many others all encouraged the peoples of the World to become active in the mission of ending extreme poverty by 2030.

At the end of the day, the CEOs of various Global corporations also joined the effort to accomplish this critical facet of manifesting the New Earth. There were CEOs from the international mobile phone industry, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Ted Talks, the Movie Industry, Virgin Group, AOL, Comcast, MSNBC, and many more. Wikapedia committed to translating the UN’s Global Goals into every language on the Planet.

These corporate leaders asked for governments and corporations around the World to form a Global Alliance to fulfill this mission. People everywhere were asked to: hold our leaders accountable, make commitments and take action to improve the quality of life for all Humanity, and to BE a Global Citizen never a bystander.

The Powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the 3rd Blood Moon, and Wave X

On September 27-28, 2015, we experienced not only an extremely powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse involving the third of three very rare Blood Moons, we also received an influx of Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core of the Universe called Wave X that bathed the Earth with frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light beyond anything Humanity or the Earth had ever experienced.

The synchronicity of these two events occurring during the culmination of the unprecedented events of the previous two weeks seemed like a miracle, but they were orchestrated to perfection in what the Company of Heaven refer to as Divine Timing. According to the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, these spectacular Celestial events succeeded in raising the consciousness of the masses of Humanity and recalibrating our DNA in ways that are truly beyond the comprehension of our finite minds.

We were told by the Beings of Light that the combination of the Lunar Eclipse and the influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X would catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we had ever experienced. The influx of Gamma Rays received from WAVE X actually raised the frequency of Humanity’s DNA in ways that did and will continue to result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever occurred in any System of Worlds.

How very Blessed we are, Thank You God.

Posted By Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


Source:Evidence of Humanity’s Shift of Consciousness. By Patricia Diane Cota Robles, October 22, 2015, at http://www.eraofpeace.org/news/

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