

Outer-World Signs Of The Birth Of The New Earth…Wow!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - March 19, 2013

The New Pope, Asteroids, Meteors, Comets, Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun, the Vernal Equinox, and the International Day of Happiness
Since the Birth of the New Earth and the Shift of the Ages which we experienced over the December Solstice in 2012, people have been wondering what in the world is happening. I have been encouraging all of you to pay attention and to look for outer-world events that indicate we have gone through a quantum shift of consciousness.

It is important to observe that indeed powerful changes are taking place on a daily basis. There is certainly no shortage of signs that things are changing at warp speed. If you will just reflect on what has happened in the first three months of 2013, you will be amazed. This year has been heralded as the year of New Beginnings, and it is definitely living up to that declaration.

KNOW that you are an awakening Child of God. Please open your heart and mind and contemplate the following information through the “new eyes and new ears” of your true God Self, your I AM Presence. When you see the bigger picture from this higher level of consciousness, everything will make perfect sense.

So far this year we have experienced an unusual influx of asteroids, meteors, comets, and extremely powerful solar flares. This may seem like just a coincidence, but nothing is happening by accident. The Elemental Kingdom is the Divine Intelligence that magnetizes the unformed primal Light substance into the matrixes that form all physical matter, including asteroids, meteors, comets, and solar flares.

What the Elemental Kingdom creates is always a reflection of Humanity’s consciousness. Moment by moment, as Humanity expresses our thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs the Elemental Kingdom brings them into manifest form in perfect Divine Order.

The reflection of Humanity’s positive thoughts and feelings manifest as positive, life-enhancing experiences in our lives. Humanity’s negative thoughts and feelings manifest as challenging and often painful experiences in our lives. Our negative thoughts and feelings also manifest as inclement weather conditions and cataclysmic earth changes.

But it is important to understand that even during the most catastrophic event, there is not a blade of grass or a grain of sand that is moved without the deliberate intent of the Elemental Kingdom. So why are asteroids, meteors, comets, and extreme solar flares bombarding the atmosphere of this planet since the Birth of the New Earth?

Well, the psychic astral plane is a sea of negativity that surrounds the Earth. This very dense and oppressive forcefield of energy was formed through the negative thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs Humanity has expressed since our fall from Grace aeons ago. This very negative forcefield of Humanity’s human miscreations is the “dark tunnel” people consistently report passing through when they go through a near-death experience.

This is the “veil of illusion” or “the veil of maya” that is often talked about in sacred scriptures.
The distorted energy that is seething in the psychic astral plane from all of Humanity’s miscreations was originally our Life Force - our Gift of Life from our Father-Mother God. Tragically, Humanity took that precious Gift of Life and distorted it into gross mutations through the abuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling and misuse of our free will.

Now we are responsible for transmuting that energy back into Light. This must be done before the patterns of perfection for the New Earth can tangibly manifest in the physical plane.
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have told us that it has been very difficult for Humanity to transmute the energy in the psychic astral plane because it is so very dense. In order to make this transmuting process easier, awakening Humanity has been invoking assistance from the Elemental Kingdom.


Whenever an asteroid, a meteor, a comet, or a solar flare passes close by the Earth or enters the atmosphere it literally shakes the ethers and shatters the dense energy in the psychic astral plane. Then, when Lightworkers invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame, it can easily blaze in, through, and around the negative energy and transmute it back into Light.

This must be a co-operative effort. The Elemental Kingdom is shaking the ethers and shattering the dense thought-forms and behavior patterns in the psychic astral plane; however, it is embodied Lightworkers who must invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame in order to purge these patterns and transmute the energy associated with them back into Light.

Only then will the patterns of perfection for the New Earth physically manifest on Earth. Needless to say, it is time for all of us to redouble our efforts in invoking the Violet Transmuting Flame.

The Pope
Another outer-world sign that took place after the Birth of the New Earth was the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on February 11, 2013. This unprecedented event captured the attention of the entire world and created a collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness through which the Company of Heaven could intensify the purging of the abuse of power, the corruption, the perversion, the deception, the manipulation, the greed, the suppression of women, and the separation and duality associated with all of the world religions.

This event specifically involved the Roman Catholic Church, but if we step back to see the bigger picture we will understand that this Church is serving as a surrogate for the purging of all of the distortion associated with every organized religion. As the patterns of perfection for the New Earth filter into Humanity’s consciousness, we clearly know that any religion that functions from a consciousness of separation and duality is not reflecting the profound Truth of Humanity’s Oneness and the Reverence for ALL Life.

This Truth was originally the basis of every world religion. Throughout history, at the inception of each New Age, the Sacred Knowledge that eventually formed the various world religions was projected into the mental and emotional strata of Earth by our Father-Mother God.

This was done in order to assist Humanity in our evolutionary process.
The problem is that it was never the intent of our Father-Mother God for these waves of Truth and Divine Guidance to be crystallized into the divisive world religions we are experiencing today. The Divine Intent was for this progressive Sacred Knowledge from On High to enhance Humanity’s evolutionary progress Age by Age, just as our advancement through our Earthly school system is intended to educate us.

So how does the election of a Pope reflect the Birth of the New Earth? Well, just look at the man that was elected Pope and the signs of change that he has demonstrated so far. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a conservative Catholic, so he will support some of the old and certainly obsolete archetypes for a while, but look at the outer-world signs of change.


The most tragic thing that happened when we began mis-qualifying our Life Force and creating patterns of pain and suffering is that we closed our Heart Chakra so we would not feel so much pain. That fateful decision blocked the portal through which the Love of our Mother God entered the physical plane of Earth.

This forced the Feminine Aspect of God to withdraw her Love to a mere trickle of its original influence in our lives. This tragic event ultimately resulted in Humanity forgetting that we even had a Divine Mother.
We erroneously accepted that even though we were Children of God we only had one parent and that parent was a male, our Father God.

Well, what child is ever birthed without a Mother? Remember, “As above, so below.” Without the Love and awareness of our Mother God, we fell into greater frequencies of chaos and confusion. We began using our masculine power without the balance of our feminine love, which catapulted us into the patriarchal imbalance that is reflected in almost all world religions to this very day.

The Earth is a living, breathing organism and she too reflects the masculine and feminine polarities of God. The masculine polarity enters the Earth as a tremendous shaft of Light in the area of the Himalaya Mountains in Tibet. The feminine polarity enters the Earth as a shaft of Light in the area of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. When Humanity closed our hearts the portal through which our Mother God entered the Earth became practically dormant as well.

For millennia the Company of Heaven has been helping awakening Humanity to remember the existence of our Mother God, and to open our Heart Chakras. The way that most people have reconnected with the Love of our Mother God is through the Holy Spirit. Because of their patriarchal consciousness, world religions have mistakenly taught us that the Holy Spirit is a masculine aspect of our Father God, but now the Company of Heaven of Heaven has revealed the Truth.

The Holy Spirit is our Mother God, the Feminine Aspect of Deity. The Holy Trinity represents our Father God - The Father, the Son and Daughter of God - The Christ, and our Mother God - The Holy Spirit. We always knew that the Holy Spirit was the Love Nature of God and the Holy Comforter, but now we know the Holy Spirit represents our Mother God.

Since our fall from Grace aeons ago the Company of Heaven has been working with awakening Humanity to reopen the Portal of the Divine Feminine in South America. With the focus on the Virgin of Guadalupe over the past 500 years, and the attention that has been given to South America during the past 25 years because of the completion of the 5,125 cycle of the Mayan Calendar, millions of people have travelled to the sacred sites surrounding the Portal of our Mother God adding their Light and Love to this reopening process.

On December 12, 2012, the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year of the new millennium - 12-12-12 - the day celebrated as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Portal of our Mother God was at long last opened to full breadth.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born and raised in Argentina, which like all of South America, is held in the radiance of the Portal of our Mother God. In spite of the patriarchal stance of the Church, his mission has been over-lighted by the Holy Spirit.

Cardinal Bergoglio dedicated his service to the auspices of Mother Mary and lives a life of compassion and Love. He denounced the pomp and circumstance of a Catholic Cardinal in order to serve the poor and those who need him the most. He refused to live in the Cardinal’s Palace and rented a small apartment for himself. He cooked his own meals and refused the chauffeured car allotted a Cardinal in exchange for riding the bus to work.

When Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope he chose the name Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi. To grasp the significance of that choice, we need briefly to look at life of Saint Francis.
Saint Francis was born into a wealthy family, but rejected his wealth to serve the poor. One time Francis was in an old church, and as he prayed before the crucifix on the altar he heard what he perceived to be the voice of God.

God said, “Francis, rebuild my church.” Initially Francis thought God was asking him to rebuild the old church he was in, but he soon realized that the Church of God is not a lavish edifice, THE CHURCH OF GOD IS THE PEOPLE.
Saint Francis was well aware of the Elemental Kingdom and worked hand and hand with the animals and nature. He was never ordained into the Catholic priesthood, but he is one of the most venerated religious figures in history.

On July 16, 1228, Francis was pronounced a saint by Pope Gregory lX. He is known as the patron saint of animals and the environment.
Pope Francis is the first Pope to choose to be named after Saint Francis of Assisi. When he was introduced as the Pope to the throngs of people gathered in Vatican Square, the first thing he did was bow and ask the people to bless him. Then he prayed the three prayers that he knew every Catholic child and adult would know.

He chose those prayers so that people around the world could pray with him. The first prayer was the Hail Mary, the second was Glory Be To The Father, and the third was the Lord’s Prayer.
The following day, the first thing he did before officially addressing the gathering of Cardinals as the new Pope was to go to the chapel alone where he prayed for 30 minutes to Mother Mary, asking for her blessings and Divine Intervention in his mission.

When Pope Francis addressed the Cardinals, instead of sitting on the white Pope’s throne, he stood amongst the Cardinals as their brother and received their blessings. He said, “I Am asking all of you to help me rebuild God’s church.”
Pope Francis chose to conduct his first mass on Saint Joseph’s Feast Day, March 19, 2013. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church. The Company of Heaven revealed to Humanity a long time ago that Joseph, who was Jesus’ father and the husband of Mother Mary, was one of the embodiments of Saint Germain.

Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This Sacred Fire, which is the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity, will be the predominant influence on the planet during the Age of Aquarius. How appropriate to have the first Pope after the Birth of the New Earth begin his mission under the auspices of Saint Germain. His words at the first mass were also profound in Light of this Cosmic Moment and the shifts of consciousness that are taking place.

When he spoke to the 300,000 people gathered in Vatican Square and the millions tuning in from around the world he said:
“I Am asking all of you to assume the role of protectors. We are all protectors of Creation, protectors of the Plan of God which is written in Nature. We are protectors of one another and of the environment. But it is not allowed that signs of destruction and death accompany our journey in this world.”

As I close this segment of my article about Pope Francis, I would like to share with you the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. I have had this prayer hanging in my office for 40 years.

The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow Love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, Light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to Love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Amen, Amen, Amen

The Vernal Equinox
March 20, 2013, is the birth of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the birth of Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. But most importantly, it is the time of year when day and night are equally balanced. This celestial alignment creates the opportunity for a tremendous influx of Light. This Vernal Equinox, the first since the Birth of the New Earth, the Company of Heaven and Lightworkers all over the world are joining together to pave the way for the physical transformation of this blessed Planet.

People everywhere are anchoring the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through their thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs. This is the first of many influxes of Light that will take place during the next three years which will transform life on Earth in glorious ways. Our mission during the Equinox is to stay focused on the Light, to work with the Elemental Kingdom and the Company of Heaven, to empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and to envision the life we want to co-create for ourselves, our families, and all Life on this sweet Earth.

The First International Day of Happiness
We are being given an additional opportunity that will assist all of us in fulfilling the goals we are striving to accomplish during this very special time on Earth. The United Nations has declared March 20, 2013, the First International Day of Happiness.

On this day, people all over the world are going to be empowering visions of Happiness and co-creating opportunities for Happiness for themselves and their loved ones. Happiness is a Divine Attribute of our Father-Mother God. Invoke Happiness into your life, and through your heart and mind become the Happiness you want to experience in the world.
These are miraculous times, onward and upward we go! God Bless ALL of YOU!

This is a powerful YouTube that we have created to assist with raising the consciousness of ALL Humanity. This is the perfect time to watch it.
Patricia Cota-Robles
www.eraofpeace.org New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

 Raising Consciousness

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


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  • Wow! What a video!

  • She is excellent And one to follow
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