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Dear Patriots of the U.S. and wider world,


In America, you will not be seeing justice and retributions against the evil globalist cabal, UNTIL, the retribution phase, is activated....And until November 5th, the military will not act publically, against the cabal operatives, in ways that demand justice, in spite of the justice system being corrupt and not being served, sufficiently..All three letter agencies are corrupted, as well as government....The military branches do serve the US constitution, but are under orders to allow the great awakening phase to play out, BEFORE, the retribution phase commences....And that phase will be after Trump is re-elected, under military controlled free and fair elections...Paper ballots, voter IDs, citizens only, etc.....A scenario is planned, allowing the military to take charge of elections....Why any deep state cyber attack, false flag, is frankly stupid of the dark minions...But we know the psychology of such mad and desperate globalists....

The military is currently amassing vast amounts of evidence against the cabal, and it's Biden regime....The people are awakening...even the dems and undecided voters.......Moreover, if the white hats took actions to overthrow the Biden regime, at this juncture, the optics would be counterproductive....They are under orders to await Trump's re-instatement...under voter mandate....A landslide victory, to show the deep state, they lost the people....
Then and only then will you see the retribution phase of military arrests, roundups and trials, under military tribunals, conducted against the baddies.....Then you will see them in pain...💀

THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY........No other structures, can complete this job....🎖️

Earth Alliance comprises several militaries, in several leading nations of the world....As well as a great variety of motley specialists in a variety of fields of service and talents....What you might call "white hats."

Earth Alliance works with the GFL, via the GFL Ground Crew, sector liason teams, of international interlocutors.

In military parlance, the deep state and Biden regime, is part of an insurgency and Trump and his backers, are the counter-insurgency....And this includes the people.....and the greatest weapon a US citizen can use, is the vote......So vote Trump 2024....🫡

Noting that although the deep state/dark cabal have been in power over America, since the Federal Reserve act of 1913, they have ramped-up that power, over several decades, faked election; Nov 2020, culminating in their frenzy of Jan 2021, in which they committed to an overthrow of President Trump, on January 6th.....Using all their evil assets and fake news, to throw blame on the wronged party....It was not until the 20th that he officially "stepped down," but secretly remained Commander-in-Chief, under emergency powers...He is still in charge, to this day....But under secret protocols..

Officially, that was the magic point at which the TRUE US military patriots became activated, under emergency powers......secretly initiated under a plan to eventually take down the traitors...
Trump was overthrown on election day of November 2020 and that overthrow was completed on January 6th, of 2021.....But, the dark cabal have been on the back foot, ever since...and failed with their various schemes, including the scamdemic...
They even expected the military to counter them and that is why they set up barriers around the White House, using controlled assets...Paranoia...
Of course, the white hats did not act then...They are more stealthy and cunning than that...Far, far more stealthy and secretive, then their critics would believe them to be.....

All the MSM propaganda talk about January 6th being Trump supporters is utter balloney, as that was largely an FBI operation....And if Trump was President on the 6th, why would he "overthrow" himself..?? All rubbish and projection, by crazy people...

As for the latest installment......Notice how Trump only gets stronger, every time the cabal and minions attack him......This is part of the great awakening phase of planning.......And I've told you where that leads to....Patience is a virtue, as they say....;-)
And notice how some of these weird pedo celebs, such as de Niro, are getting crazier and crazier, as Trump gets closer to sending them to jail, when he gets back into official power...Hehe..!! foaming at the mouth, Robert de Niro...(And I even enjoy his movies, such as Taxi Driver..)
How the once mighty will be falling from grace, en masse....Biden, Obama, Clintons, et al....

So, I hope everyone is on focus, about what is happening to Trump, at his political show trial and fake conviction...?? Remember that the Earth Alliance patriots are in control, over this entire show....A show to demonstrate deep state skullduggery...To wake up those dems and undecided, who are still wondering about all this....It becomes more and more obvious, that the DEEP STATE IS ON TRIAL, not Trump......And voters will convict them, in November....A two-tier justice system is on display....An innocent President Trump, demonstrating how corrupt and evil, the criminal dark cabal and minions, actually are.....So all should rejoice, as EVERYTHING IS GOING TO PLAN......

And when Trump is accused, of a non-crime, his poll ratings just go higher...Imagine when he goes to prison...? EVEN HIGHER....A 2-day stint, in jail to mop up November votes, of those who remain on the fence about all this...So when Trump is re-elected, it will be a landslide....Maybe no jail time, albeit, if the cabal want to treat him like Jesus, bearing a cross, whipped and wearing a crown of thorns, more fool them...

Rejoice, the deep state blunder into the traps set for them, time after time.....

Hard work for all concerned.......But we are winning and the dark enemies are losing....

BRAVO, DONALD TRUMP....You are greatly loved by the good people of this world and off world, also...👏🏻Meladrin hi zabarin sa.....(Sirian for; "because yes, we are all one..!")😇WWG1WGA

And so I bid you selamat majon...! (Sirian for rejoice)


Col. Drekx Omega.

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  • There was another black-ops sniper, in the nearby woods, who shot into the crowd and interestingly, several people were injured, but did not reveal this to the authorities, or media...(Maybe told to keep quiet...?) So the reports talk of Trump being injured, plus the death of a fireman and two others...But there were several injuries from a bullet that past through people in the crowd, even knocking a lady's purse from her hand, or some such personal possession...It struck a bleacher railing...Someone managed to film the bullet trajectory....and was an initial shot, before the Thomas Crooks shooting...

    This vid is from a witness who saw the returned fire upon the water tower, plus the woods....Snipers do climb trees to attain shots....She says this sniper escaped..

    A THIRD Water Tower shooter witness! This lady claims there were two shooters too!
    The pyramid backdrop with the eye of Horus at TRUMP RNC Rally 👁 https://rumble.com/v575pxo-the-pyramid-backdrop-with-the-eye-of-horus-at-trump-rnc-ra…
  • The photo is not clear, but you can see the prime professional hitman, at the top...Sniper tactics is to attain the highest elevation spot....He was stalked by both a SF white knight sniper, below him on the tower, PLUS another SF sniper, near the fence, at ground level, as witnessed by a civilian bystander...
    Then taken out, before he could kill Trump...Two shots...

    Correction to the photo...Not "muzzle flash," but telescopic lense reflection...

  • This Greg Reese report was posted 15-hours ago and at last (as I expected) shows evidence, supporting all that I earlier exposed, about the water tower sniper being taken out, BEFORE he could kill Trump.....Listen to the eye witness describe events in the area of the water tower and also, see footage of the assassin positioned at the top of the tower, getting into position.....The sniper was a special forces good guy, taking out the baddie, on the tower....And saving Trump from the kill shot, that would have come, in spite of Thomas Crooks' lame efforts.

    Evidence of Multiple Shooters at Trump Assassination Attempt
    Greg Reese More questions and no official answers https://gregreese.substack.com/ Historically, government assassinations are often carried out with…
  • I wonder how many individuals that work for these mainstream media outlets have a future in Gitmo or somewhere else behind bars since the media is filled with tons of trash. Mainstream media definitely needs a deep cleaning.
  • CBS News are worried about the "conspiracy theory" making the rounds, that there was a second shooter, located at the water tower, involved in the Trump assassination plot....It's making the rounds now and causing panic among mainstream media outlets...Rule of thumb......When they try to squash a new story, or theory, always dismiss their attempts....as anything MSM says, the opposite is usually the truth....I'll link it for the laugh...

  • Notice how she keeps ducking, rather than shielding...

  • Randy said:
    "Logic tells me there was probably only one shooter, or the casualties would be greater."

    Drekx response:
    And I would suggest that the audio evidence does suggest, not only one shooter, but three, including the USSS counter sniper duo, who took out Crooks with a single shot, as well as the proven distant shots from the water tower, which were NOT INCOMING, but shots six and seven, fired at the professional sniper, which prevented him firing at Trump....

    So logic does indeed suggest that casualties would have been higher, including Trump, if that shooter had fired, even one round.....So this indicates that the shots, six and seven, were not fired by him, but into him (a double-tap) and his body forensics removed from the scene, by white hats...Witnesses may come forward, regarding this...People near the tower at that time...

    All this focus on the patsy, Thomas Crooks, reminds me of all the JFK assassination "investigation" focus, placed upon Oswald......The expression, look over here, not over there, springs to mind...Exactly......

    Moreover, observe the amateurish (yet deliberate) way, the USSS placed the very small agent, a female ducking her head, JUST IN FRONT OF TRUMP, to "shield" him from fire....Fire they were expecting from someone other than Crooks...as he had been shot..

  • He suggested that rounds six & seven were incoming distant shots....? However..How about shots that were not actually incoming rounds, but the sounds of a distant special forces double-tap, upon the professional sniper (not Crooks,) on the water tower....?? The sound was a gun rapport, incoming, but no additional rounds came in. SF simply took out the sniper, at that further out, tower location...And of course, no additional caualties in the crowd were reported, as those erratic shots were from Thomas Crooks only, causing the Trump injury, plus two others and a single death......Immediately following this, the distant water tower sniper was hit, before he could fire any incoming...So what you actually heard, was him being taken out by SF, with a double-tap...
    The professional sniper, at water tower, was also surprised by Thomas Crooks firing his shots, too soon....

    New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump campaign event
    And only one bullet grazed Trump-https://www.brighteon.com/a2ec2cff-0d92-4870-9629-e1fa9eb3fb09
  • Observing Alex Jones' reactions to the assassination attempt on Trump, it's admirable that he seeks truth, but he must learn to calm down, more....He would attract a wider audience, if he delivered his lines with more focus and less emotion. He must cultivate a calmer approach to his work, or it will effect his health; mental and physical...

    And I remember how Jones and Infowars had to take a back seat, to the MORE IMPORTANT Q drops, of 2017....and he did not like it at all, as Alex assumes himself to be the prime custodian of knowledge, anent these deep state shenanigans, when in fact, he is NOT actually in the US army signals intel loop, unlike the Q-team, who were and still are...Nor is Alex Jones privy to 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️......Nor Sirian intelligence..🌌

    And he keeps bringing up tactical nukes, in vehicles, within lead shields, etc....he did this during the January 2017 presidential inauguration ceremony, of Trump...It never happened then and will not happen now...Calm down Alex....and try some yoga, and/or breathing exercises...Meditation...Maybe some music....? Maybe try better sex...? Whatever....😆 LOL

    The best warriors in this spiritual, psychological and physical war, are the ones with nerves of steel and blood like ice water, under stressful situations...Alex Jones could learn a lot, as he's the opposite...Also, it's not all just about Alex Jones and his oufit, as he thinks it is....A lot happens beyond his radar and "sixth senses.." As for GFL Ground Crew, Alex Jones just thinks we're a bunch of spooky phantoms, spectres and ghosts....More fool him..🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
    And Jones describes the Q team and it's supporters, as "Q-tards." Not so good of him....Simply because he may not have access to certain intel...

    But some of Alex Jones' style and material, hits home in truth and I'm going to promote his Rumble vids, that strike home accurately...
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