Paxton Robey: Wake Up Now!


One of my dear friends ask me for some insight about this confusing and sometimes frightening “shift energy” which has enveloped us all. This lady is viewed by her fellow lightworkers as a person who is “awake” and “very spiritual”.

It is obvious to all of her friends that she is a spiritual leader. In this “Aquarian Energy” many people have symptoms in their bodies which are downright scary. Many people find themselves dizzy and disoriented. Many have little to no energy to do the things which must be done.

A few people are constantly “wired”, working like crazy and only needing a couple of hours sleep at night. Others feel like they are losing it, going off their rocker, so to speak.

The energy is common to all lightworkers, but it is unique in its effect on each of us. Only you know how it has affected you.

One thing we all have in common is that our guidance doesn’t want us to miss the boat when it comes to awakening, and awakening now while the “awakening time” is at hand. Your guides are undoubtedly using the energy you have been experiencing to get you too to step up your seeking for answers.

When I went inside to get some insight for my friend I got a surprise. Her guides gave me a message which was as much for me as for her. Turns out it was for you also. It was for all lightworkers. I will let this story unfold just as it occurred.

She wrote to me: I read on one of your posts how you looked into the health of someone and could see that there was nothing physically wrong with them, that their symptoms were connected to the shift. I wonder if you could look within for me, I am constantly tired, have the mild symptoms of a flu and cough and achy.

My reply to her: Goodness! Sometimes I go inside and get very little for people. But your guides just started pouring message after message through for you!!

First, your symptoms are there because someone is trying to get your attention! You are fine. There is nothing significant wrong with your body.

You will feel like moving very slowly for quite some time. This is part of a long term project having to do with the shift.

They want you to slow your life down (obviously). They want you to take significant steps to move up the ladder of awareness. Forget about how far you have come in this life. While that is very important we don’t want to get hung up on it because you have a long way to go!

And you are going to go a very long way in a very short time. They are going to see to that! You are the one who gave your guides power of attorney to do whatever was necessary to turn you into a master in this life. They take that power of attorney very seriously.

They want you to overhaul your beliefs. Get more in tune with “everything is possible now”.

They want you to strengthen your faith. Your helpers can do for you absolutely anything you ask of them.

They want you to reevaluate what is important in your life. We don’t have time to focus on foolishness. Only what truly serves you and mankind is of value. Reevaluate even those things which you thought were very important.

They want you to truly discover the value of silence and peace. They can knock you out completely if necessary. Why not volunteer for a “doing nothing” time each and every day and avoid frightening your family and friends who might think you were really “sick”.

They want you to live in the present and abandon the past. You will need to ponder this request for a while to get the depth of it.

They want you to TRUST your own inner guidance and not look to outside authorities for answers. Keep asking inner guidance for more clarity. Keep saying to inner guidance “I don’t get it. Be more explicit.” Ask. Ask. Ask. Demand answers which you can understand from guidance.

They say “We aren’t fooling about this being BIG SHIFT time.” Pardon the bluntness, but they say “it is time to get with the program”.

Miracles happen only when we are in a state of miracle readiness.

They say “You have no freaking idea how much you are loved, treasured, and needed in this universe”. It is time! Open! Love! Be! Heal! Shine! Transform! Quit fooling around with unnecessary things.

Well I must say you have very expressive guides. They are marvelous. They absolutely will not let you fail! They are committed to having you express the God/Source that you are!

Many, many blessings dear one!!

Her reply to this message: Wow! Wow! WOW! I have to say I have read this through twice and will no doubt read it many, many more times. I get waves of goose bumps when I read the messages “Everything is possible now,” that just spoke to my inner truth through loud speakers!

I know it but I drift away from it with the day to day distractions of life. “It is time to get with the program” as they revealed. I have been dithering, wondering if I am qualified enough or ever will be to share, shine, heal, transform, this is my own self doubt and it is obviously blocking my expansion.

Meditation daily has been the whisper in my heart throughout reading and contemplating your wonderful message. It makes me laugh that they are so expressive. I’m not surprised. They talk to me that way also. They really love the opportunity to take the platform when I am writing. I know their words flow through me and talk to me as I write. I often can’t keep up with how much they have to say and it is always very passionate and expressive.

I often go back and trim because I think it will overwhelm folks that read it! And I do wonder if I am really connecting or am fooling myself, (self doubt). Lately the writing flood gate has re-opened; it stopped for weeks prior to me writing to you, but for days now I have been able to reconnect. I gather getting me to reach out to you may well have been why I was slowed down and felt washed out.

This message was to give me a kick in the rear! I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to do this, truly a blessing and an immeasurable gift. PLEASE share this with the world! It will touch many, that I am sure of! I am an eager student of the universe who has a tendency to hold back.

I see you and so many light workers living your truths in every way and know that I need to be where you all are. From over here it seems like a long way to over there but in truth “everything is possible NOW!” I am going to go within, meditate and ask lots of questions and TRUST the answers. SINCERELY, many thanks and many blessings to you and yours xx

Post log: So, that is the story. There are many messages here for each of us. Personalize it to fit your own situation. If you have symptoms of any type, by all means you may want to have them checked out by a health care professional. But in any case listen to your own guidance and follow your own guidance.

Don’t be too surprised if you go to a professional and they can’t find anything wrong with you.

Psychosomatic I think they call it. The healer within can get you moving on the fast track to wholeness and awakening.

I was discussing this message with a friend when he said “but isn’t it arrogant to believe you have a holy mission on Earth?” It is not arrogant. It is TIME! The Christ lives in each of us.

It is TIME! Let it shine!

Source:“Wake Up Now!” by Paxton Robey, not dated,

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