Peace Is the Tempo of the Creator
When you are feeling pressured and overwhelmed by your world, immediately focus on what you Love. Take that vibration of what you love (whether it is a flower, a song, a child, a puppy, a giggle, a memory) and place it into what brings you sadness what hurts. Love will change the molecular content of the experience. Embed the essence of love what saddens you. Like a rainbow after a bad storm, look for the blessing. Shift the molecules. What you see as a roadblock is but a personal molecular declaration that has not yet shifted into a state of grace.
You are the director and the conductor of the concert of your life. Understand that the Quantum within the vibration of love can dissolve obstacles and move mountains. Nothing is impossible when you saturate it with the living energy of love. Immediately call in the energy of grace to something that hurts you. Hand it over to the divinity within yourself. Grace is a lighter fluffier energy and you will feel a lifting immediately.
Shift everything that seems to be an obstacle. When something angers you, immediately train yourself to think of something that brings you joy, or someone that you love and then re-focus the energy of anger into a higher vibration. You will break down the Walls of Jericho with the soundings of your heart and the voice of love.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217