Peaceful Purification of the Debt and Balances to restore a Divine Order
Written by Jeremiah Zebulon Strickland
WE now have time for no time, and the limits are being removed. WE have come to this world to be the flow, not the resistance. WE do notcome to receive anything any longer from this world as it has been, only toallow for our lives to shape the way this world understands and experiencesPure Love.
The intensities are surmounting any previous level for this world. The Light now flowing in waves is pure bliss. When one becomes selfrealized to the angelic purity it has been created in, the soul rejoices as theharmony of actualization can occur. When one is preparing to embody the higher self as an incarnate being,such as many of us have done (or are in the process of doing), there is aneeded purification process. This process occurs in sequences as phases oftransformation. The transformation is the complete and full exaltation of thesoul.
One of the results I wish to speak upon that resulting from exaltation, is the need for currency with value, not an attached debt to it.This debt collection system has never been intended to provide the needs of therace, only to support a few. There is a dire need now for us all to bring our Lighttogether for the renewal of self esteem for the world. A dire need for us tocombine our energies and manifest that which is truly ours to claim, Our DivineHeritage, we are the Heirs to a throne. WE are the ones who are to be exaltedabove the Lord to much higher levels than ever before, however this cannot comewith a system of unviable means. It takes us to step out with Divine Faith andfly with Divine Grace. Who are we waiting on, can anyone tell me? I feel a needto step it up and begin manifesting that which I feel we need, I set intent fora more viable system of currency to manifest to allow the old to fold away intonegative entropy or transmutation, whichever the old system of energy wishesand choose.
I love us all so much; it takes great enduring the less than desirable to allow for the desirable to be prominent. I know this will betaking place very soon, as we are now moving into a space that the old has noplace. We are the ones we arewaiting for, we have always been the ones we have been waiting for, we haveonly not been ready to be the ones we are waiting for, we have been allowingothers who do not have our best interest or highest good in mind, only theirown fear has been important to them. WE choose now to be in service to all ofcreation or only self now. Even those of us who choose to be in service to onlyself, become in service to all of creation, for this tree of life, as theMother/Father allow us to be. Those of us who have chosen to allow Divine Willto be our only course of action are Blessed infinitely. Those who chooseServicing Self will never attain more than an eleven d consciousness. This ishow it has been for an extremely long amount of time, even before the time matrixwas created in this space.3/4/2010
Peaceful Purification of the Debt and Balances to restore a Divine Order
Written by Jeremiah Zebulon Strickland
WE now have time for no time, and the limits are being removed. WE have come to this world to be the flow, not the resistance. WE do notcome to receive anything any longer from this world as it has been, only toallow for our lives to shape the way this world understands and experiencesPure Love.
The intensities are surmounting any previous level for this world. The Light now flowing in waves is pure bliss. When one becomes selfrealized to the angelic purity it has been created in, the soul rejoices as theharmony of actualization can occur. When one is preparing to embody the higher self as an incarnate being,such as many of us have done (or are in the process of doing), there is aneeded purification process. This process occurs in sequences as phases oftransformation. The transformation is the complete and full exaltation of thesoul.
One of the results I wish to speak upon that resulting from exaltation, is the need for currency with value, not an attached debt to it.This debt collection system has never been intended to provide the needs of therace, only to support a few. There is a dire need now for us all to bring our Lighttogether for the renewal of self esteem for the world. A dire need for us tocombine our energies and manifest that which is truly ours to claim, Our DivineHeritage, we are the Heirs to a throne. WE are the ones who are to be exaltedabove the Lord to much higher levels than ever before, however this cannot comewith a system of unviable means. It takes us to step out with Divine Faith andfly with Divine Grace. Who are we waiting on, can anyone tell me? I feel a needto step it up and begin manifesting that which I feel we need, I set intent fora more viable system of currency to manifest to allow the old to fold away intonegative entropy or transmutation, whichever the old system of energy wishesand choose.
I love us all so much; it takes great enduring the less than desirable to allow for the desirable to be prominent. I know this will betaking place very soon, as we are now moving into a space that the old has noplace. We are the ones we arewaiting for, we have always been the ones we have been waiting for, we haveonly not been ready to be the ones we are waiting for, we have been allowingothers who do not have our best interest or highest good in mind, only theirown fear has been important to them. WE choose now to be in service to all ofcreation or only self now. Even those of us who choose to be in service to onlyself, become in service to all of creation, for this tree of life, as theMother/Father allow us to be. Those of us who have chosen to allow Divine Willto be our only course of action are Blessed infinitely. Those who chooseServicing Self will never attain more than an eleven d consciousness. This ishow it has been for an extremely long amount of time, even before the time matrixwas created in this space.
There is only ever the Self, in all we are. When we surrender our ambitions, our intentions, even our beliefs to the all that isbenevolent and light, we allow for purity to enter us. When we allow purity toenter us, we allow for the offspring of love to flourish in the innocence wehave all been created in, only allowed it to slip our awareness shortly, onlyto remember ourselves again.
When one can truly let go of the pain, the hurts, the dis-appointments…
Enter the White tiger of the heart, the one who is protective and pure, all peaceful warrior. This allows for resourcefulthinking, economical Well Be-ing, as well as the wisdom to properly utilize anynatural resource gifted us by our hearts, as blessings of service to the Motherof ALL Creation. With this there can be no fallacies, no short comings, all isperfect and in Divine Order, as it has always been. Fly with Me now….
Written in the moments of pure love from my heart for us all.
Jeremiah Zebulon Strickland
JzS ~ Yirmeyahu
There is only ever the Self, in all we are. When we surrender our ambitions, our intentions, even our beliefs to the all that isbenevolent and light, we allow for purity to enter us. When we allow purity toenter us, we allow for the offspring of love to flourish in the innocence wehave all been created in, only allowed it to slip our awareness shortly, onlyto remember ourselves again.
When one can truly let go of the pain, the hurts, the dis-appointments…
Enter the White tiger of the heart, the one who is protective and pure, all peaceful warrior. This allows for resourcefulthinking, economical Well Be-ing, as well as the wisdom to properly utilize anynatural resource gifted us by our hearts, as blessings of service to the Motherof ALL Creation. With this there can be no fallacies, no short comings, all isperfect and in Divine Order, as it has always been. Fly with Me now….
Written in the moments of pure love from my heart for us all.
Jeremiah Zebulon Strickland
JzS ~ Yirmeyahu