Greetings humanity, we are the Pegasus Collective. We surround this one and you readers now with our energies of peace, of light, of hope. There is much hope for your world. We are from the future and we have seen the success that is coming for your world. We are timeless and therefore out of time. We are not constrained to any time lock as humanity has been and so we offer perhaps a fresh perspective from your own. When one is immersed in the snow globe it is impossible to see the bigger picture. Humanity has been quarantined from the rest of her celestial neighboring bodies as an energetic construct of frequency lowering. This is being rectified. The snow globe is breaking, at its breaking point and the constraints are no longer needed as the energies within are rising so fast. We work with the celestial bodies that surround Gaia. We work with the energetic codices that make up the higher vibrational energies and their movements.

We Pegasus Collective are all about movement; movement through time space, movement through matrices and dissolving all that is not of light in our wake. We are the light bearers, our frequencies are so high we naturally are a disruption to those who are not of our vibrational alignment. And you are much the You galactics within human form are the pot stirrers, the pegasus in form you could say, as you are sweeping your surroundings and your communities with yet more light. You are rising higher on these higher vibration energies. Just as our wings carry us, your own angel wings energetically are carrying you. Many of you have had mid-back pain. These are wing chakras that are coming back online and you are sore in these areas as your physical structures are adjusting to their presence and their weight.Their weight is not a heavy one physically obviously, as you cannot physically see their expression. Yet, energetically they are heavier as they are a higher vibrational alignment and the mismatching of vibrations within the human body can be taxing. For some parts of your bodies, some of the chakras are aligned and thus operating at higher vibrational indexes while others may remain blocked for a time thus lowering the frequencies of those areas. And so this arises some of the many ascension symptoms that many of you have been feeling. Try unblocking your energy structures. Try feeling and flooding yourselves with the light that you are and this will unblock and unstick some of these areas where there is perhaps an energetic heaviness of discord.

You are all rising nicely. The energies are surrounding you and they are much like a mattress of support. Now those creatures who are not of the higher light they are acting out and those humans who have many attachments to these lower dimensional creatures are acting out as they have been subjugated to the litany of pain that a lower vibrational attachment can and does create regularly for them. This may be ameliorated greatly with meditation and with seeking a spiritualistic healer, a shaman, one who can remove such intertwining. And of course you may do this yourselves. You may call upon your higher dimensional teams for assistance, and you may yourselves invoke the blue flaming sword of Archangel Michael, who is always happy to help. The Ascended Dragon Collective is also eager to be on standby to assist with disposal of these creatures. (I am seeing a dragon burping w a full belly).

There is much that is going on that you cannot see and so we of the Pegasus Collective came through this one today to tell you there is much, much, much to hope for and there is much more that is coming that will be worth the wait. We see there are more shootings and more bursts of terror on your world. This is tragic and sad. Yet this is part of the pattern as much darkness has been within your world and now it is all coming to the surface. The woundings are there for all to see. There is much light now being made much more available to you than was previously, so that your very presence is a soothing balm to the world. We say this again and again because we know you do not truly believe it. You can nod your head as many of you are but you do diminish your own credibility and worth and we wish for you to cease with this as you are the mightiest of the mighty, the brave ones who removed their angel wings for a time to experience the darkness, and to vanquish it, freeing the souls within. Do you feel the power of this choice? Do you see your bravery? We do. We see you. We love you. We are all around you. We are angels in equine form. We serve along with the great Father and Mother of the All. We are the out-breath of Creator just as you are. We are the light and laughter of the Creator spark just as you are. And we adore you.

We are the Pegasus Collective. We see you with eyes that have seen the timelessness and the churning and ever expansion of eternity. We have traveled throughout all of the multiverses and the ever expanding consciousness of the All for we partner with many and thorough them we have our own experiences as well for we are all one. We are all one massive beautiful being of light.

There have been many problems and issues on your planet for a very long while. There has been much heartache that has rippled out thorough the tapestry of time that has affected and diseased the surrounding universes and so where Earth heals, all heals. And this is why this mission is so critical, and at this critical juncture be of assurance that all will be well and that all is most well. You will unfortunately continue with this societal upheaval for a time. Just for a time. You have only experienced within your human form times such as these, the ‘being on pins and needles’ as you say, ‘waiting for the other shoe to fall’ as you say and these have been very tense times.

Breathe in the peace of us. Stop and breathe. Feel the recalibration of the times to come, of your future ascended galactic self that is here with you now, as the future is now joining with the present as time blurs into one moment. The singularity of the Now is what fifth dimensional living is all about. Knowing that now all good things come for you. Knowing that now you have all that you need, for you are Source embodied.  We wish for you to start living with this knowing that you are all you need. This may be an unpopular message but we see the vastness of Source within you, for you are all tiny packages of it. And we see you as the great creator beings that you are. And we see the success of this adventure. There is tremendous comfort available to you if you tap into it.

We of the Pegasus Collective are just one of the vast many of collectives that are offering our open wings or open hands to you, sharing our open hearts with you, offering our comfort and our strength to you. There is much, much much joy coming, humanity. Much joy awaits you on the other side. (I am seeing a page turn in a book from the last chapter. The next page says New Earth Begins. It is the start of a new book. I am seeing the former pages being turned to glittering dust and being blown away in the wind as they change to particles of light.)

We are the Pegasus Collective. We  love you.  Fly strongly. The winds are here. Let them carry you upward closer to the light and peace of the higher dimensional energies. The grand separation, the rending is here now and all will be well. We see you with open eyes and receive you with open wings. Dance with us in the skies as you meditate and you will feel lighter. We love you. We are with you. We are the Pegasus Collective. You are infinitely loved.

~ galaxygirl

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