. The so-called witches move within the hyper-volume of the curved space in which we live. The curvature of space does not belong exclusively to planet Earth. The curvature of space corresponds to the infinite starry space. If the cyclones constitute by themselves a proof of the terrestrial rotation movement, it is also very certain and exactly logical that the rotation of all the suns, constellations and worlds, is a concrete proof of the curvature of space.

 The White Magicians also know how to put their physical body in a "Jinnas" state. Jesus walked on the

waters of the Sea of Galilee cleverly taking advantage of hyperspace. The Buddha's disciples, taking advantage of hyperspace, could cross a rock from side to side. In India there are Yogis who, taking advantage of hyperspace, can pass through fire without getting burned. Peter, using hyper-space, escaped from prison and saved himself from the death penalty.

 The great yogi Patañjali says, in his aphorisms, that by practicing a Samyasi on the physical body, it becomes like cotton and floats in the air.

 A Samyasi consists of three beats. Concentration, Meditation and Ecstasy. First, the yogi concentrates on his physical body; second, he meditates on his physical body, causing sleep; Third, full of ecstasy, he gets up from his bed with his body in the "Jinnas" state. Then it enters hyperspace and, escaping from the law of gravity, floats in the air.

 The devotees of darkness (witches and drones) do the same with the Black Magic formulas.

 The White Magicians penetrate with their body in a state of"Jinnas" (  Putting the physical body into and on the higher dimensions of the 4th, 5th dimension) within a dimension of a superior type.

The Black Magicians, with their physical body in a "Jinnas" state, enter a dimension of a lower type.

 In all of Nature there is an always infinite subtraction and addition of dimensions. We leave a dimension

to enter a higher or lower one. THAT IS THE LAW.


The kingdom of those of black magic is the abyss of failures. The kingdom of light is the region of the gods.

In the kingdom of light only those who have reached the supreme chastity can live.

 In the abyss, chastity is a crime, and fornication becomes the law.

Whoever sees the elegant hall of Yahvéh-Semo will be dazzled by the luxury and joy. There he will meet

thousands of black magicians endowed with a terrible evil beauty. The inexperienced Soul that penetrates

these regions of evil could be lost along the path of error and fall forever into the abyss of perdition.

Nahemah's evil beauty is dangerous.

 In the temples of light we only see Love and Wisdom. The dark ones can no longer enter there because

they live in a dimension of an inferior type.

 The beauty of Nahemah is fatality.

Those who loved so much, those beings who swore eternal love could have been happy; unfortunately, enchanted by the beauty of

Nahemah, they adored another's woman, and fell into the abyss of despair.


In the hall of Yahweh- Semo the beauty of Nahemah shines fatally.

The Black Magicians have a sacred symbol. That symbol is the copper pan. The White Wizards have the

Holy Cross as their sacred symbol. The latter is phallic. The insertion of the vertical phallus into the

formal uterus forms a cross. The cross has the power to create. There can be no creation without the

sign of the Holy Cross.

 Animal species interbreed, atoms and molecules interbreed to perpetuate life.

 The blessed roses of spirituality bloom on the cross of the Perfect Matrimony. The Perfect Matrimony is

the union of two beings: one who loves more, and another who loves better. Love is the best religion

available to the human race.


Black Magicians hate the Perfect Matrimony. Nahemah's fatal beauty and Lilith's sexual crimes are the

fatal antithesis of the Perfect Matrimony.

 The White Magician adores the Internal Christ. The Black Magician worships Satan. This is the ego, the reincarnating ego. Actually, the ego is the same Specter of the Threshold. He incessantly reincarnates to satisfy desires. The ego is memory. In the ego are all the memories of our former personalities. The ego is Ahriman, Lucifer, Satan.

 Our Real Being is the Internal Christ. Our Real Being is universal in nature

  Our Real Being is impersonal, Universal, Divine; transcends all concepts of ego.

The Black Magician fortifies his Satan and bases his fatal power on him. The shape and size of Satan

results from the degree of human malignancy.

 When we enter the Path of the Perfect Matrimony, Satan loses his volume and ugliness. We need to dissolve Satan.

This is only possible with the Perfect Matrimony.

We need to rise to the Angelic state. This is only possible by practicing Sexual Magic with the wife

priestess. The Angels are perfect men. Perfect Beings.


There are two types of Sexual Magic: White and Black; the positive and the negative.

Sexual Magic with ejaculation of semen is Black Magic.

Sexual Magic without ejaculation of semen is White Magic.

No White Magician ejaculates the semen. The White Magician walks the Path of the Perfect Matrimony.

.The White Magicians mix the solar and lunar atoms within their own sexual laboratory.

That's what the Perfect Marriage is for. Bless the woman.

Blessed be love.

The great battle between the Black and White Magicians has its roots in sex.

The tempting Serpent of Eden and the bronze Serpent that healed the Israelites in

the desert are opposite each other.

When the Serpent goes up, we become angels; when it goes down, demonds. During Sexual Magic the three breaths of the pure Akasha

that descend through the Brahmanical Cord. When the Magician spills the semen, he loses billions of solar atoms, which are

replaced by billions of diabolic atoms that the sexual organs  collect with their nervous movement that

follows the spilling of the semen. The satanic atoms try to ascend to the brain through the Brahmanic

Cord, but the three breaths of Akasha precipitate them into

the abyss.

When they collide with that special atom that resides in the coccyx, the Snake awakens and heads

downwards to form, in the astral body, the devil's tail.

The Angels are perfect men. To rise to the angelic state, the

Perfect Matrimony is needed. Demons are wicked men.

There are two sexual magics: white and black. Those who

practice White Sexual Magic never spill semen in life. Those who practice Black Sexual Magic spill the semen.

In Tibet are certain sects that spill the semen. These dark ones, after spilling the

semen, collect it with a special instrument from between the female vulva. Then they reabsorb it through

the urethra using a black power, a variety of the Vajroli Mudra.

The Shadow Magicians believe in this way to mix the solar and lunar atoms to awaken the Kundalini. The

result is that the spinal fires, instead of going up through the medullary canal, go down towards the atomic

infernos of man and become the tail of Satan.


The White Magicians mix the solar and lunar atoms within the same sexual laboratory without committing

the crime of spilling the seminal liquor.

This is how the Kundalini awakens positively and rises victoriously through the spinal canal. This is the

angelic way.

The White Magician aspires to the Angelic state. The lords of the dark face want to reach the degree of


The Souls that follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony merge with their Internal God and rise to the

Kingdom of the Superman.

The Souls that hate the Path of the Perfect Matrimony separate from their Internal God and plunge into the abyss.

The White Magician raises the sexual energy through the sympathetic cords of the spinal cord. These two

cords wrap around the spinal cord to form the Holy Eight. These are the two witnesses of the “Apocalypse”.



Remember that the chalice is the brain. You need eagle eyesight and fiery wings.

The dark ones fight to get you off the Royal Path. Know that

the three most serious dangers that await the

student are the mediums of spiritism, the false prophets and prophetesses, and sexual temptations.

This is the Path of the Razor's Edge; this Path is fraught with danger, iside and out.

Live alert and vigilant like the watchman in the time of war.

Do not be surprised by those who consider sex as a purely animal function without spiritual transcendence of any kind. In general, the false prophets hate sex, and exhibit new doctrines that surprise the weak, and after fascinating them, they  lead them to the abyss.

Do not let yourselves be confused by the false words of the dark ones; remember that spirit mediums

often serve as a vehicle for black entities. These are presented presuming holiness and advising against

the Path of the Perfect Matrimony. Usually, they claim to be Jesus Christ or Buddhas, etc., etc., to deceive the naive.

Beware of the temptations that lie in wait for you. Be prudent and vigilant.

Remember that in sex is the great battle between the powers of light and darkness.

Everyone who enters the Path of the Perfect Matrimony must be very careful of these three very serious dangers. The dark ones tirelessly fight to get you off the Path of the Perfect Matrimony.

Do not be seduced by those sublime doctrines that advise spilling the semen, because they are of Black

Magic. The king of devilish atoms awaits in the coccyx the opportunity to negatively awaken the Snake

and direct it downwards. With the spillage of the semen, the Black Atomic receives a formidable

electrical impulse sufficient to awaken the Snake and direct it towards the atomic infernos of man. Thus

man becomes a demon. This is how he falls into the abyss.

Archangel Samael Aun Weor. Planetary Logos of Mars

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