Chapter IX
When in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon's temple, the high priest sang the terrible
Mantra I.A.O., the temple drums resounded to prevent the profane from hearing the
sublime I.A.O.
The great Master Huiracocha says, in the Gnostic Church, the following:
“Diodorus said: know that among all the gods, the highest is I.A.O.”
“Aides is winter; Zeus begins in spring; Helios in summer, and in autumn I.A.O. returns to activity, who works constantly.”
“I.A.O. is Jovis Pater, he is Jupiter
“I.A.O. offers the substantial wine of life, while Jupiter is of the Sun.”
- Ignis (fire, Soul).
- Water (substance water).
- Origo (cause, air, origin).
Huiracocha says: “I.A.O. is the name of God among the Gnostics.” The Divine Spirit is
symbolized by the vowel O, which is the eternal circle. The letter I symbolizes the Inner Being of each man, but both are intertwined with the letter A, as a support point. This is the powerful Mantra or magic word that must be sung when we are practicing Sexual Magic with the
priestess wife.
The sound of the three powerful vowels must be prolonged, like this: IIIIIIIIIII, AAAAAAA,
OOOOOOO, that is, lengthening the sound of each vowel.
. Inhale to the count of twenty, hold for the count of twenty, and then
exhale the air vocalizing the letter I. Count to twenty with each exhalation. Repeat the
same for the letter A. Then continue with the letter O. This is seven times. Then continue
with the powerful archaic Mantras: Kawlakaw, Sawlasaw, Zeesar.
Kawlakaw makes the Spirit Man vibrate.
Sawlasaw makes the human terrestrial personality vibrate.
Zeesar makes the astral of man vibrate. These mantras are very ancient.
The Divine Savior of the world, when he practiced with the priestess in the pyramid of Khafre,
sang with her the powerful sacred Mantra of fire The Lord of all worship
practiced in Egypt with his Isis. He combined this Mantra with the five vowels I.E.O.U.A.
The first is for clairvoyance. The second is for the magical ear. The third is for the heart chakra, the intuitive center. The fourth is for the solar plexus or telepathic center. The fifth is for the lung chakras. These confer the power to remember past reincarnations.
. With these Mantras we bring sexual fire to the chakras during the practices of Sexual Magic.
Returning now to I.A.O., which as we have already said is the name of God among the Gnostics,
we will add the following: the vowel I vibrates the Pineal gland and the Embryo of Soul that every human being carries incarnated. The vowel A vibrates the physical vehicle, and the formidable O makes the sexual organ vibrate, wonderfully transmuting the seminal liquor, until it is converted into Christ energies that ascend victoriously to the chalice (brain).
The Gospel of Saint John begins by singing to the Word: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” “And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not understand it. Gospel of Saint John).
The word John is broken down into the five vowels, thus: IEOUA, IEOUAN (John). The entire
Gospel of John is the Gospel of the Word.
There are people who want to separate the Divine Word from Sexual Magic. This is absurd. No one
can incarnate the Word excluding Sexual Magic. Jesus, who is the very incarnation of the
Word, who is the same Word made flesh, taught Sexual Magic precisely in the
Gospel of Saint John. It is necessary now to study the Gospel of Saint John, chapter 3, from
verse one to twenty. Let us see:
“Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a Master come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him. ’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Assuredly, truly, I say to you, Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.. ’”
Here, dear reader, is a sexual problem. Being born has always been and will always be sexual. No one can be born from theories. We have not known the man born from some theory or hypothesis. Being born is not a matter of beliefs... If we were born just by believing in the Gospels, then why have not all the students of the “Bible” been born? This matter of being born is not a matter of believing or not believing. No child is born from beliefs. One is born from the sexual act. This is a sexual matter. Nicodemus was ignorant of the Great Arcanum and answered in his ignorance, saying: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? Jesus answered: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”
It is necessary, dear reader, that you know that the water of the Gospel is the semen itself and that the spirit is the Fire. The Son of Man is born of Water and Fire. This is absolutely sexual.
“That which is born of the Flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not marvel at what I said to you: you must be born again (it is necessary that the Master be born within ourselves). The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so is everyone born who is born of the Spirit.”
Truly, he who is born of the Spirit shines for a moment and then disappears among the
crowds. The crowds cannot see the Superman. The Superman becomes invisible to
the crowds. Just as the chrysalis cannot see the butterfly when it has flown, so the
ordinary, ordinary man loses sight of the Superman. Nicodemus did not understand any of
this and answered and said: “How can this be done? Jesus answered and said to him: You are the
Teacher of Israel and do not know this?” Nicodemus really knew the Holy Scriptures because
he was a Rabbi, but he did not know Sexual Magic because Nicodemus was not an Initiate. Jesus continued
saying: “Assuredly, truly, I say to you, we speak what we know and testify to what we have seen, and you do not receive our testimony.” Jesus gave testimony of what he knew, what he had seen, and what he had experienced for himself. Jesus practiced Sexual Magic with a vestal from
the Pyramid of Khafre. This is how He was born. This is how He prepared Himself to incarnate the Christ. This is how He was able to incarnate the Christ in the Jordan.
We all know that Jesus, after leaving Egypt, traveled through India, Tibet, Persia, etc., and then
on his return to the Holy Land he received the Venustic Initiation in the Jordan. When John baptized the Master Jesus, then the Christ entered into the Soul of the Master. The Christ became human. Jesus became divinized. From this divine and human mixture results that which is called the Son of Man (the Superman).
If Jesus had not practiced Sexual Magic in Egypt, he would not have been able to incarnate the Christ either.
He would have been a good Master but not the living model of the Superman. “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” With this the Grand Master confirms that we are talking about earthly things, about the practice of Sexual Magic. Without this one cannot be born. If people do not believe in earthly things, how could they believe in heavenly things?
“And no one has ascended to heaven, but He who descended from heaven, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.”
The ego- cannot ascend to heaven because it did not descend from heaven.
The self the ego is Satan and must inevitably dissolve. That is the Law.
Speaking about the Sacred Serpent, the Grand Master said: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the desert, so it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up.” We need to lift the
serpent on the staff just as Moses did in the desert. This is a matter of Sexual Magic
because the Kundalini only rises with Sexual Magic. Only in this way can we raise the Son of Man,
the Superman within ourselves. It is necessary that the Son of Man be lifted up
“So that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”
The rational homunculus, wrongly called man, does not yet have the authentic vehicles
Astral, Mental and Causal ones; he is really only a ghost. It is necessary to practice Sexual Magic,
to live the Path of the Perfect Matrimony to engender the Astral Christ, the Mind Christ and the Causal Christ.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
We affirm that true faith and belief are demonstrated by deeds. He who does not believe in
Sexual Magic cannot be born even if he says “I believe in the Son of God.” Faith without works is dead.
Whoever does not believe in the Sexual Magic taught by Jesus to Nicodemus, does not believe in the Son of God.
They are lost.
“And this is the condemnation: because the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light (hates Sexual Magic), and does not come to the light, so that his works may not be reproved (discussed). But he who
does truth comes to the Light, so that his works may be made manifest that they are done in God.”
All this is textual from the sacred Gospel of John. It is necessary to be born on all planes. What does a poor man or woman do, full of theories, practicing exercises, etc., etc., without being born in the Astral? What good is it to work with the mind if they do not yet have a Mental Body? The human being must first generate his internal vehicles and then he can practice what he wants and study what he wants. However, we must first generate the internal vehicles to have the right to incarnate the Soul and later the Word.
When the legitimate Astral is born, we become immortal in the world of the 24 laws. When the authentic Mental is born, we become immortal in the world of the 12 laws. When the true Causal vehicle is born, we acquire immortality in the world of the 6 laws. When we reach these heights, we incarnate our Human Soul and become true men.
These Christic vehicles are born through sex, it is a sexual matter. As above, so below. If the physical is born through sex, the superior vehicles are born through sex.
Everyone who engenders his Christic vehicles, incarnates his Soul and then speaks in the golden word. This is the language of power that man spoke in that ancient land where the sons of fire were worshipped and which was called Arcadia. This is the language in which the entire Universe speaks.
A divine language and of terrible power. In this mysterious language the Angel of Babylon wrote the terrible MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN, at the famous banquet of Balthazar. That same night the sentence was carried out and Babylon was destroyed and the King killed.
Much has been said about the universal language, but we can only speak it when we incarnatethe Soul.
Then the Kundalini blossoms on fertile lips as a word.
When humanity left paradise after having spilled the semen, it then forgot the divine language that like a river of gold runs majestically through the thick forest of the sun. The roots of all language belong to the primitive divine language. The only way to speak again in the divine language is through Sexual Magic.
There is a close relationship between the sexual organs and the creative larynx.
In the old mystery schools, the Initiates were forbidden to recount the old antediluvian catastrophes,
for fear of evoking them and bringing them to a new manifestation. The old
Hierophants knew that there is an intimate relationship between the elements of Nature and the Word.
The work entitled “Logos Mantra Magic” by the great Rosicrucian Gnostic master Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller is a true jewel of occult wisdom. The great master ends in this work by saying the following: “In ancient times there was a school of Mysteries in which a ring appeared on which
was engraved the image of Iris and Serapis united by a snake”; and Dr. Krumm
Heller: adds “Here I summarize everything I have said in this book.”
In the eighth lesson of the “Zodiac Course,” Dr. Krumm Heller wrote a paragraph that
scandalized many know-it-alls. After the death of the master, they have tried to adulterate
this paragraph, in their own way, each one according to their theories. Let us now transcribe the paragraph
as Master Huiracocha ( Krumm Heller ) wrote it. Let us see:
“Instead of intercourse that leads to orgasm, sweet caresses, loving phrases and
delicate touches should be reflexively lavished, constantly keeping the mind away from animal
sexuality, maintaining the purest spirituality, as if the act were a true religious
“However, the man can and should introduce his penis and keep it in the female genitals, so that
both may experience a divine sensation, full of joy, which can last for hours,
withdrawing it at the moment when the spasm approaches, to avoid the ejaculation of semen. In
this way they will have more and more desire to caress each other.”
“This can be repeated as many times as desired without ever becoming tired, because on the contrary, it is the magic key to being daily rejuvenated, keeping the body healthy and prolonging life, since it is a source of health with this constant magnetization.”
“We know that in ordinary magnetism, the magnetizer communicates fluids to the subject and if the first has these forces developed he can heal the second.” “The transmission of the magnetic fluid is usually done through the hands or the eyes, but it must be said that there is no conductor more powerful, a thousand times more powerful, a thousand times superior to the others, than the male member and the vulva, as receiving organs.”
“If many people practice this, strength and success spread around them for all those who come into commercial or social contact with them. But in the act of divine, sublime magnetization to which we refer, both men and women are reciprocally magnetized, being for each other like a musical instrument that, when pulses, releases or draws prodigious sounds of mysterious and sweet harmonies. The strings of this instrument are spread throughout the body and the lips and fingers are the main pulsers of it, on condition that the most absolute purity presides over this act, which is what makes us Magicians in this supreme instant.”
So far, Dr. Krumm Heller.
This is the path of Initiation. By this path we reach the incarnation of the Word. We can be Rosicrucian students, Theosophists, Spiritualists. We can practice Yoga, and there is no doubt that in all this there are wonderful works and magnificent esoteric practices, but if we do not practice Sexual Magic, we do not engender the Astral Christ, the Christ Mind, the Christ Will. Without Sexual Magic we cannot be born again. Practice what you want, study in the school that you like the most. Pray in the temple that you like the most, but practice Sexual Magic. Live the Path of the Perfect Matrimony. We are not against any holy fundamental religion, nor against any school, order or sect. All these sacred institutions are necessary, but we advise you to live the Path of the Perfect Matrimony. The Perfect Matrimony is not opposed to religious living, nor to the esoteric practices of holy yoga. The Gnostic Movement is made up of people from all religions, schools, lodges, sects, orders, etc., etc.
Remember, beloved reader, the sacred jewel with its I.A.O. The I.A.O is hidden in the GAIO. Work
with the I.A.O.
The Priest, the Master of every Lodge, the disciple of yoga, all, all, will achieve Birth, will achieve
preserving their true chastity, if they practice Sexual Magic.
Blessed be the I.A.O., blessed be Sexual Magic, blessed be the Perfect Matrimony. In Sexual Magic is found the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders and yogas. Every system of Self-Realization without Sexual Magic is incomplete. And therefore is useless.
Christ and Sexual Magic constitute the Supreme Practical Synthesis of all religions.
Archangel Samael-Planetary Logos of Mars.