Chapter XVIII
What we call Ordinary Waking Consciousness is fast asleep.
Ordinary waking Consciousness relates to the five senses and the brain. People believe that they have an awakened Consciousness and that is absolutely false. People live daily in the deepest sleep.
Supraconsciousness is an attribute of the Spirit. The faculty of the Super-consciousness is intuition.
It is necessary to force the Super-consciousness to work so that the intuition becomes powerful.
Let us remember that an organ that is not used atrophies.
People who do not work with Superconsciousness
have atrophied intuition. Polyvoyance is intuitive
clairvoyance. It is divine Omniscience. This Eye is
located in the pineal gland. There resides the thousand petals lotus.
There resides the Supra-consciousness. The pineal gland is located in the upper part of the brain.
Whoever wants to develop Supra-consciousness must
practice internal meditation. Concentrate on the
Divine Mother who resides in the depths of your Being.
Meditate on her. Fall asleep begging her to put
your Supra-consciousness into activity. Meditate daily.
Meditation is the daily bread of the wise. With
meditation you will develop Superconsciousness.
You need memory to remember inner experiences. Do not spill the semen. Know that millions of
microscopic brain cells exist in semen. You must not lose those cells.
Fix your breakfast with sour fruits and ground almonds with honey. In this way you will provide the brain
with the atoms necessary for memory.
While the body sleeps, the Ego lives in the internal worlds and transports itself to different places.
In the internal worlds we are tested many times. In the
internal temples we receive the Initiation. It is
necessary to remember what we do outside the body. With the instructions given in this book, every
human being will be able to awaken Consciousness and remember their internal experiences.
It is painful to know that there are many Initiates who work in the great temples of the White Lodge while
their physical body sleeps, and yet they do not remember anything because their memory is atrophied.
Here you have the exercises for the development of
memory. Practice intensely. Force the subconscious
to work. Awaken the Consciousness, activate the
There is clairvoyance and pseudo-clairvoyance. The
Gnostic student must make a clear difference
between these two forms of ultrasensitive perception.
Clairvoyance is based on objectivity. Pseudo-clairvoyance is based on subjectivity.
Understand by objectivity the spiritual reality, the Spiritual World.
Understand by subjectivity the physical world, the
world of illusion, that which has no reality. There is also the intermediate region, the Astral World, which
seems to be objective or subjective according to the degree of spiritual development of each one.
Pseudoclairvoyance is called imaginary perception, fantasy, artificially evoked hallucinations, absurd
dreams, astral visions that do not coincide with concrete facts, the reading of one's own thoughts
unconsciously projected into the Astral Light, the
unconscious creation of astral visions later interpreted
as authentic realities, etc., etc.
It also enters the field of pseudo-clairvoyance, subjective mysticism, false mysticism, pseudo-mystical
states that have no relationship with intense and clear
feeling in other words, false religious projections.
unconsciously projected into the Astral Light
There are four mental states that lead the neophyte to the ineffable peaks of objective clairvoyance:
First: deep sleep. Second: sleep with dreams. Third: waking state. Fourth: Turiya or state of perfect
Really only the Turiya is the true clairvoyant. It is impossible to reach these heights without being born
in the Causal World. Whoever wishes to reach the state of Turiya must study in depth the semi
conscious psychic processes that are in fact the origin of many forms of self-deception, auto-suggestion
and hypnosis.
The Gnostic must first attain the ability to stop his thoughts, the ability not to think. Only those who
achieve this capacity will be able to truly hear the Voice of the Silence. When the Gnostic disciple
reaches the capacity of not thinking, then he must learn to concentrate his thought on a single thing.
The third step is the correct meditation. It brings to mind the first flashes of the new Consciousness.
The fourth step is contemplation, ecstasy or Shamadi. This is the state of Turiya (perfect clairvoyance)
In the Gnostic Movement there are only a few Turiyas. We make this clarification. It is necessary to
know that, with some very rare exception, there are only pseudo-clairvoyants and subjective mystics.
Actually, most mystical schools and all spiritualist movements are full of delusional pseudo-clairvoyants
that cause more harm than good. Those are the ones who call themselves Masters. Famous reincarnations abound among them.
The John the Baptists of which we know more
than a dozen, the Mary Magdalenes, etc., etc. This class of people believe that Initiation is like blowing
and making bottles, and based on their supposed mastery and their absurd visions created by their
morbid mentality, they prophesy and excommunicate others at will, as they want, slandering people
and qualifying others as Black Magicians, or assuring that certain people are fallen, etc., etc.
We are in no way willing to continue accepting the gossip of the hallucinated or the madness of the dreamers..
We propagate intellectual spiritual culture, decency,
chivalry, logical analysis, conceptual synthesis, academic culture, high mathematics, philosophy,
science, art, mistic, etc., etc.
Actually, the subjective clairvoyant transfers his Dream
Consciousness to the waking state in order to
see his projected dreams in others. The latter change
depending on the dreamer's mood.
In the past we were able to verify that, when some pseudo-clairvoyant agreed with all our ideas and
concepts, they saw us as angels or gods and then they
praised and even adored us. However, when
the concept changed, when the pseudo-clairvoyant became enthusiastic about a new school, when he
read a book that seemed wonderful to him, when he listened to a speaker who came to the city, when
he decided to change the organization, the school, then he accused us of being Black Magicians. , he
saw us as demons, etc. With this it is demonstrated that these pseudo-clairvoyants are only dreamers
who see their own dreams projected in the Astral Light.
Those who really want to reach the ineffable heights of true and legitimate clairvoyance must be very
careful of the danger of the self-deceived and submit to
authentic esoteric discipline.
The true and legitimate clairvoyant, the one who has
reached Supra-consciousness, never boasts of
being clairvoyant, never saying so. When he advises, he does so without implying to others that he is
relying on his clairvoyance.
All Gnostic sanctuaries must beware of those people who praise themselves and call themselves
All Gnostic sanctuaries must develop the maximum
vigilance to protect themselves from spectacular
pseudo-clairvoyants who, from time to time, appear on
stage to slander and discredit others, assuring
that so-and-so is a sorcerer, that so-and-so is a Black
Magician, and that so-and-so fell , etc. It is urgent
to understand that no authentic Turiya has pride.
Really all those who say: "I am the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Napoleon, etc."
they are fools prouds, deluded pseudo-clairvoyants,
We are nothing before the terrible and glorious
majesty of the Father.
What I am saying is not an allegorical
or symbolic matter, I am speaking literally,
crudely, a terrible reality.
It is really the ego that says: "I am the master so-and-so, the reincarnation of the prophet so-and-so, etc., etc."
Certainly the animal ego is Satan. It is the self, the devil ego, who feels like a master, mahatma,
hierophant, prophet, etc., etc.
Consciousness, subconsciousness and
Supraconsciousness are summed up in one thing: Human consciousness.
It is necessary to awaken the Consciousness. Whoever awakens the Consciousness becomes a Supra-consciousness, reaches the heights of
the Supra-consciousness, becomes a true enlightened
clairvoyant, a Turiya. It is urgent to turn the subconscious into conscious and fully awaken the Consciousness.
It is necessary that the totality of Consciousness awakens absolutely. Only one who has the totality of
his Consciousness awake is a true clairvoyant, an
enlightened one, a Turiya.
The so-called infraconsciousness, unconsciousness,
subconsciousness, etc., are only different forms or
zones of the sleeping Consciousness.
It is urgent to awaken the Consciousness to be enlightened, a clairvoyant, a Superconscious.
Beyond the three known dimensions, such as length, width and height, there is the fourth dimension:
this is Time, and beyond Time we have the fifth dimension: this is Eternity. However, we assure that
beyond Eternity there is a sixth dimension that is beyond Eternity and Time. In this sixth fundamental
dimension, total liberation begins.
Only the one who awakens in all the six fundamental dimensions of
space is a true clairvoyant, a Turiya, a legitimate enlightened one.