Chapter X

                                                                             DIRECT KNOWLEDGE


Everyone who studies occultism-esotericism wants direct knowledge, wants to know how it is going, wants to know his

own internal progress.

The greatest aspiration of every student is to be able to become a conscious citizen of the superior worlds

and study at the feet of the Master. Occultism is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

. The human race has its internal powers completely damaged, atrophied.

Human beings spoiled not only their physical senses, but

also, and what is worse, their internal faculties.


That has been the karmic result of our bad habits.

The student searches here and there, reads, rereads every

book on occultism and magic that falls into his hands, and the only thing that the poor aspirant achieves is

filled with terrible doubts and intellectual confusion.


There are millions of theories and thousands of authors.

Some repeat the ideas of others. The former

refute the latter, all against one and one against all; between

colleague and colleague they ironize and

fight each other, one against the other, and all really against

each other.

Some authors advise the devotee to be a vegetarian; others tell him not to be. Those advise you to practice breathing exercises; they tell you not to practice them. Etc. The result is frightful for the poor seeker. Can't find what to do. 

 He longs for the light, begs, cries out and nothing, nothing,

absolutely nothing. What to do?


We have met highly mystical individuals, "heroes of groups."

Many of them are vegetarians, teetotalers, virtuous, etc., etc., but, in general, they are very sincere,

they want the good for their followers, but they

sigh like everyone else, they suffer, they cry in secret.


The poor things have never seen what they preach. They do not know their Guru, they have never had

the joy of conversing with him personally.

They have never seen the planes of Cosmic Consciousness,

planes or superior worlds of which they

make such beautiful diagrams and interesting descriptions.


We, the Brothers of the Temple, feel true pity for them and try to help them. That is what we try to do; but all useless They hate everything that is sex. Anything like sex. When they are told about the Perfect Matrimony they laugh and protest

angrily defending their abstention. Those poor blind guides

of the blind need someone to guide them.


They suffer a lot because they do not have the joy of

enjoying direct knowledge. They suffer in silence

so as not to demoralize or disappoint their followers.

We, the Brothers of the Temple, frankly love and pity them.


It is necessary to stop theorizing.

The opium of theories is more bitter than death. The only

way to regain lost powers is Sexual Magic.

The Great Arcanum has the advantage of regenerating man.

The human being needs to regenerate and this is not a matter of authors or libraries.

We need to work with the grain, with the seed. Just as

the lizard can regenerate its tail and the worm its tail, so too

can man regenerate his lost powers.

These animals can replace their lost tail with the sexual

force they possess.

Thus, with that sexual force, man can restore, reconquer his internal powers; by that path can the suffering pilgrims reach

direct knowledge.

Then they will become true enlightened

priests for their fraternal groups. The path is

Sexual Magic.

Every guide must be clairvoyant and clairaudient.


Next we give an exercise for the development of

clairvoyance and secret hearing. After having these

faculties it is good to stay for periods among the deepest

jungles, away from urban life. In the peace of

Nature, the gods of fire, air, water and earth teach us their

ineffable things.

It is not about living only in the jungle. "What is the saint doing in the forest?"

But we must have good holidays in the country. That's all.


It is of vital importance for spiritual progress, the perfect

mental balance. Almost all aspirants to

esotericism easily lose their mental balance and fall into the

most absurd things.

Those who want direct knowledge must be concerned with

keeping their mind in perfect balance.



The great Master Huiracocha teaches a very simple practice

to see the Tatwas (Tatwa is the vibration of the


The exercise is as follows: insert the devotee's thumbs

between the ears. Close your eyes and cover them

with your index fingers. Cover your nose with your middle

fingers and finally seal your lips with your ring and

pinky fingers. Under these conditions, the student must try

to see the Tatwas with the sixth sense. This eye

is between the two eyebrows.

Yogananda, who gives the same exercise as Krumm Heller,

advises that the Mantram OM be used in

addition. Yogananda says that the devotee should rest his

elbows on some cushions. These will be on a

table. The devotee at the table, with his face to the east, will

do this practice. Yogananda advises that the

chair where the devotee sits for this practice should be

wrapped in a woolen blanket. This reminds us of

Apollonius of Tyana who wrapped himself in a woolen cloak

to completely isolate himself from disturbing


Many authors give this exercise and we consider it very

good. We believe that with this practice clairvoyance

and magical hearing are developed.

At first, the devotee will see nothing but darkness. However,

the more you try to practice, your clairvoyance

and magical hearing will slowly but surely develop.

At first, the devotee will only hear his physiological sounds,

but little by little he will hear more and more

delicate sounds during the practice. This will awaken your

magical ear.

Instead of indigesting the reader with so many contradictory

theories, it is better that he practice and develop

his internal faculties. The regeneration process must go

closely associated with the esoteric exercise.


Science says that an organ that is not used atrophies. It is necessary to use these organs of clairvoyance and magical

hearing. It is urgent to exercise with these organs and

regenerate them to achieve internal fulfillment.

These practices are not against any religion, sect, school or

belief. All priests, guides, instructors of all schools

and orders can do these exercises to develop their faculties.

This way they will be able to lead their respective

groups better.


The awakening of the internal faculties must go hand in

hand with the cultural, intellectual and spiritual



The clairvoyant must also develop all his chakras so as not

to fall into serious errors.

Most clairvoyants have made big mistakes.


Misused clairvoyance has produced divorces,

murders, adultery, robberies, etc., etc.

The clairvoyant needs logical thinking and the exact concept.

The clairvoyant must have a perfect mental balance.

The clairvoyant must be a powerful analytic. The clairvoyant

must be a mathematician in the research and demanding in expression.

Clairvoyance requires, for its proper functioning, the perfect

development of clairaudience, intuition,

telepathy, presentiment and other faculties.



                                                                                                 Chapter XI

                                                                                      GROW AND MULTIPLY


Genesis said: “Grow and multiply.” The word grow means to transmute and sublimate sexual energy to grow spiritually. The word multiply refers to the reproduction of the human species. There are two kinds of children mentioned in the Bible: the children of God and the children of men. Children of God are those who result from Sexual Magic when there is no seminal discharge. Children of men are those who result from passionate enjoyment with the discharge of semen.


We need to engender children of God and then fight for their spiritual growth.




Children learn more by example than by precept. If we want our children to grow spiritually, we must worry about our own spiritual growth. It is not enough to multiply, we also need to grow spiritually.




Our resplendent Dragon of Wisdom has three aspects. These are: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The Father is light and life; the Son is the water and the blood that flowed from the side of the Lord with the lance of Longibus.

The Holy Spirit is the fire of Pentecost or Fire of the Holy Spirit, called by the Hindus Kundalini, the Fiery Serpent of our magical powers, holy fire symbolized by gold.


We sin against the Father when we tell lies. We sin against the Son when we hate someone. We sin against the Holy Spirit when we fornicate, that is, when we spill semen. The Father is the Truth. The Son is Love. The Holy Spirit is the Sexual Fire.




We must teach our children to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. We must teach our children the law of love. Love is law but conscious love. At the age of fourteen we must teach our children the Mysteries of Sex. Thus, on this triple aspect of holiness and perfection, our children will grow spiritually. Whoever guides his children by this triple aspect of perfection will have laid a foundation of steel for their happiness. However, it is necessary to teach them not only by precept but also by example: we must demonstrate with deeds what we preach.




Modern life demands that we prepare our children more intellectually. It is right that they have a profession in order to live. We need to carefully observe the vocational dispositions of our children in order to guide them intellectually. We should never leave a son or daughter without a profession. Every human being needs to learn some profession in order to live. It is a very serious crime to leave a child helpless and without a profession.




Modern times demand that our daughters receive a solid spiritual and intellectual preparation. It is indispensable that mothers teach their daughters the Mysteries of Sex when they reach the age of fourteen. It is right that they walk the triple path of Truth, Love and Chastity.


The modern woman must have a profession in order to live. It is necessary for fathers and mothers to understand that their daughters also need to grow spiritually and multiply with the Perfect Marriage. However, everything should be done decently and in order. Parents should never interfere with the Marriage of their daughters. However, I repeat, everything should be done within the law and order. It is necessary to reproduce with chastity and grow spiritually. That is the path of the Perfect Marriage.

Archangel Samael- Planetary Logos of Mars


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"Errrrrr, now he's the litigious vigilante, "Foxman." Gawd 'elp uz...!!"
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                                                                                                       Chapter X                                                                             DIRECT KNOWLEDGE Everyone who studies occultism-esotericism…
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