Chapter XVI

                                                               THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS


It is necessary to know that humanity lives with its Consciousness asleep. People work dreaming. People walk the streets dreaming. People live and die dreaming.


When we have come to the conclusion that everyone lives asleep, we understand the need to awaken. We need the awakening of Consciousness. We want the awakening of Consciousness.




The cause of the deep sleep in which humanity lives is fascination.


People are fascinated by all things in life. People forget themselves because they are fascinated. The drunk in the bar is fascinated by alcohol, the bar, pleasure, friends, and women. The vain woman is fascinated in front of the mirror by her own charm. The rich miser is fascinated by money and property. The honest worker in the factory is fascinated by hard work. The father of a family is fascinated by his children. All human beings are fascinated and dream deeply. When we drive a car, we are amazed to see people throwing themselves onto avenues and streets, heedless of the dangers posed by cars. Others openly throw themselves under the wheels of automobiles. Poor people... they walk asleep... they seem like sleepwalkers... They walk around dreaming of danger to their own lives. Any clairvoyant can see their dreams. People dream of everything that fascinates them.




During sleep, the Ego escapes from the physical body. This exit of the Ego is necessary for the Vital Body to repair the physical body. In the internal worlds, we can assure you that the Ego takes its dreams to the internal worlds. In the internal worlds, the Ego is occupied with the same things that fascinate it in the physical body. Thus we see the carpenter during sleep in his carpentry shop, the policeman guarding the streets, the barber in his barbershop, the blacksmith in his smithy, the drunkard in a tavern or saloon, the prostitute in a house of pleasures, given over to lust, etc., etc. All these people live in the internal worlds as if they were in the physical world. It never occurs to any living being to ask themselves during sleep whether they are in the physical world or the astral world. Those who have asked themselves such a question during sleep have awakened in the internal worlds. Then, with amazement, they have been able to study all the wonders of the higher worlds. Only by accustoming ourselves to asking ourselves such a question from moment to moment during the state called waking can we come to ask ourselves such a question in the higher worlds during the hours devoted to sleep. It is clear that during sleep we repeat everything we do during the day. If we get used to asking ourselves this question during the day, during our sleep at night, when we are out of our body, we will find ourselves repeating the same question. The result will be the awakening of Consciousness.




The fascinated human being does not remember Himself. We must remember ourselves from moment to moment. We need to remember ourselves in the presence of any representation that might fascinate us. Let us pause before any representation and ask ourselves: Where am I? Am I on the physical plane? Am I on the astral plane? Then, take a little leap with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment. It is logical that if you float, it is because you are outside the physical body. The result will be the awakening of Consciousness. The purpose of this question, at every moment, is to impress it on the subconscious so that it may act later during the hours devoted to sleep, during the hours when the Ego is truly outside the physical body. Know that in the astral plane, things are seen just as they are here on the physical plane. People, during sleep and after death, see everything there so similarly to the physical world that they don't even suspect they are outside their physical body. No deceased person ever believes they have died; they are fascinated and dream deeply. If the deceased, during life, had practiced remembering themselves from moment to moment, if they had fought against the fascination of worldly things, the result would be the awakening of Consciousness. They would not dream. They would wander in the inner worlds with their Consciousness awakened. Those who awaken Consciousness can study, during the hours of sleep, all the wonders of the higher worlds. Those who awaken Consciousness live in the higher worlds as fully awakened citizens of the Cosmos. They then coexist with the great Hierophants of the White Lodge.


Those who awaken Consciousness can no longer dream here on this physical plane, nor in the inner worlds. Those who awaken Consciousness cease to dream. Those who awaken Consciousness become competent researchers of the higher worlds. Those who awaken Consciousness are enlightened. Those who awaken their Consciousness can converse familiarly with the Gods who initiated the dawn of creation. Those who awaken their Consciousness can remember their countless reincarnations. Those who awaken their Consciousness consciously attend their own cosmic initiations. Those who awaken their Consciousness can study in the temples of the Great White Lodge. Those who awaken their Consciousness can know in the higher worlds how their Kundalini is evolving. Every Perfect Marriage must awaken its Consciousness to receive the guidance and direction of the White Lodge. In the higher worlds, the Masters will wisely guide all those who truly love each other. In the higher worlds, the Masters give each person what they need for their inner development.




Upon awakening from normal sleep, every Gnostic student should do a retrospective exercise on the dream process, to remember all the places they visited during the hours of sleep. We already know that the Ego travels a lot to where we have been and everything we saw and heard. The Masters instruct their disciples when they are out of the physical body.


It is urgent to learn to meditate deeply and then practice what we learn during the hours of sleep. It is necessary not to move when we wake up because this movement agitates the Astral Body and we lose our memories. It is urgent to combine the retrospective exercises with the following mantras: RAOM-GAOM. Each word is divided into two syllables. The vowel O must be accented. These mantras are to the student what dynamite is to the miner. Just as the miner makes his way through the bowels of the earth with the help of dynamite, so too will the student make his way into the memories of the subconscious with the help of these mantras.




The Gnostic student must be infinitely patient and tenacious because powers cost a lot. Nothing is given to us for free. Everything is difficult. These studies are not for the inconstant, nor for people of weak will. These studies demand infinite faith. Skeptical people should not come to our studies because occult science is very demanding. Skeptics fail completely. Unbelievers cannot enter the Heavenly Jerusalem.




The first state of Consciousness is called Eikasia.


The second state of Consciousness is Pistis.


The third state of Consciousness is Dianoia.


The fourth state of Consciousness is Nous.


Eikasia is ignorance, human cruelty, barbarism, excessively deep sleep, an instinctive and brutal world, a subhuman state.


Pistis is the world of opinions and beliefs. Pistis is belief, prejudice, sectarianism, fanaticism, theories in which there is no direct perception of Truth. Pistis is the Consciousness of the common level of humanity.


Dianoia is the intellectual revision of beliefs, analysis, synthesis, conceptualization, cultural-intellectual consciousness, scientific thought, etc. Dianoetic thought studies phenomena and establishes laws. Dianoetic thought studies inductive and deductive systems with the purpose of utilizing them in a profound and clear way.


Nous is perfect awakened Consciousness. Nous is the state of Turiya, perfect deep inner illumination. Nous is legitimate objective clairvoyance. Nous is intuition. Nous is the world of divine archetypes. Noetic thought is synthetic, clear, objective, illuminated.


Whoever reaches the heights of noetic thought fully awakens Consciousness and becomes a Turiya.


The lowest part of man is irrational and subjective and relates to the five ordinary senses.


The highest part of man is the world of intuition and objective spiritual Consciousness. In the world of intuition, the archetypes of all things in Nature develop.


Only those who have penetrated the world of objective intuition, only those who have reached the solemn heights of noetic thought, are truly awakened and enlightened.


No true Turiya can dream. The Turiya who has reached the heights of noetic thought never claims to be wise; he is too simple and humble, pure and perfect.


It is important to know that no Turiya is a medium, a pseudo-clairvoyant, or a pseudo-mystic—all of which abound like weeds today in all schools of spiritual, Hermetic, and occult studies.


The state of Turiya is very sublime and can only be achieved by those who work in the fiery Forge of Vulcan throughout their lives. Only Kundalini can elevate us to the state of Turiya.


It is urgent to learn how to meditate deeply and then practice Sexual Magic throughout one's life to reach, after very difficult trials, the state of Turiya.


Meditation and Sexual Magic take us to the heights of noetic thought.


No dreamer, no medium, none of those who enter a school of occult teaching can instantly reach the state of Turiya. Unfortunately, many believe this is like blowing and making bottles, or like smoking a cigarette, or like getting drunk. Thus, we see many hallucinated mediums and dreamers declaring themselves clairvoyant masters, enlightened ones. In all schools, even within the ranks of our Gnostic Movement, there is no shortage of individuals who claim to be clairvoyant without really being so. These are the ones who, based on their hallucinations and dreams, slander others, saying: so-and-so is fallen; so-and-so is a Black Magician, etc., etc.


It is important to note that the heights of Turiya require many years of mental training and Sexual Magic in the Perfect Marriage. This requires discipline, long and in-depth study, very strong and profound inner meditation, sacrifice for humanity, etc., etc.



Typically, those newly introduced to Gnosis are filled with impatience; they want immediate phenomenal manifestations, instantaneous unfoldings, enlightenment, wisdom, etc.


The reality is different. Nothing is given to us for free. Everything is difficult. Nothing is achieved with curiosity, instantaneously, quickly. Everything has its process and its development. The Kundalini develops, evolves, and progresses very slowly within the Aura of the Mahachoham. The Kundalini has the power to awaken Consciousness. However, the awakening process is slow, gradual, natural, without spectacular, sensational, emotional, or barbaric events. When Consciousness has fully awakened, it is not something sensational or spectacular. It is simply a reality as natural as that of a tree that slowly grew, developed, and unfolded without shocks or sensational events. Nature is Nature. The Gnostic student initially says: I am dreaming. Then he exclaims: I am in the Astral Body, outside the physical body. Later, he attains Shamadi, ecstasy, and enters the fields of paradise. At first, the manifestations are sporadic and discontinuous, followed by long periods of unconsciousness. Later, the fiery wings grant us a continuously awakened Consciousness without interruptions.

                                                                       Chapter XVII

                                                              DREAMS AND VISIONS


Gnostic students must learn to differentiate between dreams and visions. Dreaming is one thing, and having visions is another. No truly "awake" Gnostic can dream. Only those whose Consciousness is asleep live dreaming. The worst kind of dreamer is the sexual dreamer. Those who live dreaming of carnal passions waste creative energy foolishly in the satisfaction of their fantastic pleasures. Typically, such people do not progress in their affairs. They fail in every way. They fall into misery.


When we contemplate a pornographic image, it offends the senses and then passes into the mind. The psychological self intervenes in these things by stealing the erotic image to reproduce it on the mental plane. In the world of the mind, that image is transformed into a living effigy. During sleep, the dreamer fornicates with this living effigy, which, like an erotic demon, tempts him to satisfy his lust. The result is nocturnal emissions with all their horrible consequences. No true devotee of the path should visit movie theaters because they are dens of Black Magic. The erotic figures on the screen give rise to mental effigies and erotic dreams. Furthermore, movie theaters are filled with diabolical elementals created by the human mind. These malignant elementals damage the minds of the spectators.


The subconscious mind creates fantastic dreams in the land of dreams. The quality of dreams depends on the dreamer's beliefs. When someone believes we are good, they dream of us seeing ourselves as angels. When someone believes we are evil, they dream of us seeing ourselves as devils.


Many things come to mind as we write these lines. In the past, when we, the brothers, worked in some countries, we were able to observe that while our Gnostic disciples believed in us, they dreamed of us as angels. All they had to do was stop believing in us to later dream of us as demons. Those who today swore before the altar to follow and obey us admired us with great enthusiasm and dreamed of us as angels. Often, it was enough for these students to read any book or listen to any lecturer to join a new school. Then, when they stopped believing in us, when their concepts and opinions changed, they dreamed of us becoming devils. What was the clairvoyance of these people? What became of their clairvoyant dreams? What kind of clairvoyant is this who sees us as gods today and tomorrow claims we are devils? Where is the clairvoyance of these dreamers? Why do these people contradict each other? Why did they swear today that we are gods and tomorrow that we are devils? What is this?


The subconscious is a screen on which many internal films are projected.


The current subconscious sometimes acts as a cameraman, other times as a director, and also as an operator who projects images in the background of the mind.


It is obvious that the projecting subconscious often makes many mistakes. No one ignores that erroneous thoughts, unfounded misgivings, and even false dreams arise on the screen of the mind.


We need to transform the subconscious into consciousness, stop dreaming, and awaken Consciousness.


Those who have awakened are incapable of dreaming; they live in the internal worlds within an intensified vigil, while their physical body sleeps in bed. These are the authentic enlightened seers.


We frankly cannot accept clairvoyants who have not awakened Consciousness. We cannot accept clairvoyants who have not engendered the Christ Astral, the Christ Mind, and the Christ Will. Clairvoyants who have not awakened their Consciousness and do not possess their Christ vehicles only see their own beliefs and concepts in the internal worlds; in short, they are useless.


Only those awakened clairvoyants, only those clairvoyants who already possess their Christ vehicles, are worthy of true credit. They are not dreamers. They do not err. They are truly enlightened. Such people are indeed true Masters of the White Lodge. The visions of this class of sublime men are not mere dreams. These are Masters of perfection. This class of Masters can no longer dream. This class of Masters can search into the memories of Nature and read in the sealed archives of creation, the entire history of the Earth and its races.


Anyone who follows the Path of the Perfect Matrimony must live alert and vigilant, like a sentry in times of war. During the hours of sleep, the Masters test their disciples. The dark ones attack us during sleep when we are working on the Great Work. The Masters awaken the Consciousness of the disciple when they are going to test him in something.




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