
Credit: historicalhorizons.org
Archangel Michael has been urging us to become leaders. He reminds us that, if Gaians don’t do so, an important piece of the tapestry will be missing.

So it’s no surprise that we also see him and others of the Company of Heaven emphasizing communication, a vital aspect of leadership.

Galea, Communication Officer aboard the Neptune, made a distinction recently between Perro and heart-to-heart communication that I found very helpful. And I wanted to review that distinction wth you. She told Heavenly Blessings host Suzi Maresca:

“As you know, sweet Suzie, the language of Perro is informational, factual[. It] has no tinge of this heart-centeredness. But within that, the heart-centeredness is the understanding that the individuals involved in the communication are not at a place emotionally, mentally, physically, etcetera, to engage in such a depth or a genuine level of communication.”

Most forces fighting in galactic wars probably were in no condition to speak lovingly. Speaking factually was a compromise.

“Perro was developed… oh, thousands, several twenty thousands of years ago during… well, the end of the intergalactic conflagration. And it was introduced in the very beginning of the intergalactic negotiations, as a way for various planetary and galactic systems to be able to state their situation and the facts without the emotional charge.” (1)

Det. Jack Webb of Dragnet was famous for saying, “Just the facts, ma’am,” with an expressionless face. That attitude is Perro. Archangel Michael told me that we spoke Perro in my hearing room at the Immigration and Refugee Board. We used neutral words, refrained from judging before all the evidence was in, and accorded everyone in the room equal status and respect.

Where we departed from Perro was that we allowed the emotional aspect of a claimant’s experience to be heard. I assume that Perro doesn’t venture into those waters. Galea continues:

“You can well imagine, with entire planetary systems and their civilisations destroyed – and the belief that each planet was right – that there was a need for a non-charged form of communication, that eventually led to a true ability to be able to enter into an expanded form of communication – which is what we do with you right now.

“Now, the reason I mention Perro this morning is that it is useful still upon planets where there is a strong presence of conflict, because there is this, can we say, incorrect assumption by various beings – whether it is interpersonal, intergovernmental, intercultural, it matters not – that they are the sole proprietors of Truth.

“And, of course, there is only one Truth. And the journey for all of us, for all beings, is to remove the lenses, the filters that take the Truth and then apply it in ways that are convenient.”

Galea talks freely in ways I could not speak in my hearing room. “There is only one truth, sir, and, when we remove our filters….” My decision would have been thrown out by a higher court in record time. So the grounds or basis for doing things this way might not be something that our society, as it exists today, would go along with, just yet. Galea adds:

“Perro still has a role in terms of communication upon beloved Gaia. But we, in our conversations – which we are truly treasuring… This is the best assignment I have ever had! And we want to be able, and we will continue to speak in the true form of communication – heart-to-heart.”

You can call it heart-to-heart communication or speaking from the heart. You can call it drawing on heart awareness or heart consciousness. No matter what you call it, it’s speaking from the fount of love.

To speak of the “heart” I consider to be a slightly more western practice and to speak of the “Self” a slightly more eastern. But they’re both the same: the heart and the Self are one.

However modern audiences probably warm up more to discussions of the heart, which is why I think the Company of Heaven has spoken almost exclusively in terms of it. Discussions of the Self are few and far between in the channeled literature.

Galea goes on to say:

“We speak to the collective, but we also speak – always – to each person’s heart: that there is a recognition of the heart awareness and the universal desire, not only to be acknowledged or accepted, honoured – but to be loved.”

This way of communicating is to be found around the multiverse, she says:

“This is not unique to your civilisation. It is an intergalactic, inter-universal, multi-universal, Omniverse, way of being. And even in situations where the frequencies or the vibrations or the Light quotients – however you consider this – may not be identical or completely compatible, by approaching communication in this way from a personal heart-centeredness, we have found that the doors of true relationship [have flung open?]…

“Because that is the entire purpose of communication: it is first and foremost the anchoring, the establishment and the [continuation] of relationship. Yes, of course, we use communication in many forms to share information, science, culture, healing – it matters not. But our first priority in any form of communication is relationship.”

Heart-felt communication begets and sustains relationship. Now this is all new to me. Less than a year ago I would have heard these words blankly and I still feel as if I’m tightrope-walking in this area. Galea adds:

“[Heart-to-heart] is the way that we communicate with you, and with one another, whether it is fleet to fleet, planet to planet, species to species – it is from that place of astounding reverence, respect for the individual or the collective that we talk to. And that is borne out of also knowing innately the deep respect and reverence for our sacred self.”

It sounds to me as if both ways of communicating have their usefulness. I’ve noticed in my readings with Archangel Michael that he’ll be very sweet and loving at one moment and then, when a difficult informational question is asked of him, he’ll assume a much more factual and neutral tone. That may be an example of switching from one form of communication to the other.

We’re being challenged, in this new Galactic University we’re all enrolled in, to learn Perro 101 and Heartfelt Communication 102. We have the schoolbooks out and the term ends so quickly it sets our heads a-spin. A month from now, it’ll be on to the next topic as we prepare to welcome the new neighbors and get on with the business of building a new world and a new life.

All channeled material used here is copyright by the Council of Love, Inc., 2015, and is used by permission.


(1) “Transcript: Galea, Communications Officer ~ Part 4, July 14, 2015″ at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/07/23/transcript-galea-communications-officer-part-4-july-14-2015/. All other quotations are from the same source.


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