From the third space.

"And the one who has received mysteries in the orders of the First Mystery who is in the third space, has the power to go to all the lower orders below him and go through them; however, he does not have the power to go to the regions above it or passing through it."

                                                                 Of the spiritual Three Times.

"And he who has received mysteries of the first spiritual Three Times, who rules over all the twenty-four mysteries, which rule over the space of the First Mystery, region of the expanse of the universe of which he will speak to you - he, therefore, who has received the mystery of the spiritual Three Times, he has the power to go down to all the orders that are below him, however he does not have the power to go to the heights of the orders that are above him, that is, to all orders of ineffable space. "

"And he who has received the mystery of the second spiritual Three Times has the power to go to the orders of the first spiritual Three Times and go through all of them and all the orders that are in them; however he does not have the power to go to orders highest of the spiritual Three Times.

"And he who has received the mystery of the spiritual Third Three Times, who rules over the spiritual Three Times and the three spaces of the First Mystery all together, has the power to go to the orders that are below him; yet he does not have the power to go up to the orders that are above him, that is, to the orders of the space of the Ineffable."


                                                                         Of the greater mystery

"And he who has received the greatest mystery of the First Mystery of the Ineffable, that is to say the twelve mysteries of the First Mystery all together that rule over all the spaces of the First Mystery, - he who received that mystery therefore has the power to pass through all the orders of the spaces of the spiritual Three Times and the three spaces of the First Mystery and all its orders, and it has the power to go through all the orders of the inheritances of the Light, to pass them from outside to inside and from inside to outside and from top to bottom and from bottom to top and from height to depth and from depth to height and from length to width and width to length - in a word, he has the power to remain in the region that pleases him, in the Heritage of the Kingdom of Light. "

"And amen I say to you: That man will be king as the world dissolves on all orders of the inheritance of the Light. And whoever receives that mystery of the Ineffable which I am."

                                                         From the Gnosis of the Greater Mystery.

"That mystery knows why the darkness has risen and why the Light has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the darkness of the darkness has risen and why the Light of the lights has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why chaos has arisen and why the Treasury of Light has come."

"And that mystery knows why the judgments have appeared and why the Land of Light and the Inheritance of Light region have emerged."

"And that mystery knows why the wicked have arisen and why the meek have stood up."

"And that mystery knows why the punishments and judgments have arisen and why all the emanations of the Light have risen."

"And that mystery knows why the fire of punishment has arisen and why the seals of Light, so that the fire does not harm them, have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why anger has arisen and why peace has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the calumny has arisen and why the songs of the Light have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the prayers of the Light have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why perversity has arisen and why deception has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the curse has arisen and why the blessing has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why crime has arisen and why the vivification of souls has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why adultery and fornication have arisen and why chastity has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why sexual intercourse has arisen and why continence has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why insolence and ostentation have arisen and why humility and meekness have risen."

"And that mystery knows why the crying has originated and why the laughter has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the slander has been raised and why the good report has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why appreciation has arisen and why contempt has come."

"And that mystery knows why gossip has arisen and why innocence and humility have ensued."

"And that mystery knows why sin has arisen and why purity has come."

"And that mystery knows why strength has arisen and why weakness has been presented."

"And that mystery knows why the movement of the body has arisen and why its usefulness has come."

"And that mystery knows why poverty has originated and why wealth has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the freedom of the world has appeared and why slavery has come."

"And that mystery knows why death has arisen and why life has come."



                                                                             Chapter 92

It happened then when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples that they rejoiced with great joy and happiness when hearing it. Jesus continued his talk again saying: Pay attention now even more, oh! my disciples, so that I can tell you about the complete Gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable. "

                                              From the Gnosis of the Mystery of the Ineffable

"That mystery of the Ineffable knows why pitiless has arisen and why mercy has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why ruin has appeared and why the eternal God has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the reptiles have appeared and why they will be destroyed."

"And that mystery knows why wild beasts have arisen and why they will be destroyed."

"And that mystery knows why the cattle have happened and why the birds have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the mountains have risen and why the precious stones in them have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the matter of gold has been raised and why the matter of silver has originated."

"And that mystery knows why copper matter has been raised and why iron matter has originated."

"And that mystery knows why lead matter has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the matter of the glass has arisen and why the matter of the wax has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why herbs, that is, vegetables, have arisen and why all substances have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the waters of the earth and all things in it have arisen, and why the earth has also appeared."

"And that mystery knows why seas and waters have arisen and why wild animals in the seas have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the matter of the world has arisen and why the world will soon be destroyed."



                                                                                   Chapter 93

Jesus went on to say to his disciples again: "Even more, oh, my disciples and brothers, be sober with the spirit that dwells in you, that understands and comprehends all the words that I will speak to you; for from now on I will speak to you about all the Gnosis of the Ineffable. "

"That mystery knows why the west has arisen and why the east has risen."

"And that mystery knows why the south has arisen and why the north has risen."

"Even more, my disciples, listen carefully and keep your sobriety so that you listen to the total Gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable."

"That mystery knows why demons have appeared and why mankind has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the heat has arisen and why the good weather has come."

"And that mystery knows why the stars have risen and why the clouds have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the earth deepened and why the water came to it."

"And that mystery knows why the famine has arisen and why the triviality has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the white frosts have arisen and why the healthy dew has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the earth dried up and why the water came above it."

"And that mystery knows why the powder has arisen and why the delicious freshness has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why hail has arisen and why pleasant snow has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the west wind has risen and why the east wind has risen."

"And that mystery knows why the fire from above has risen and why the waters have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the east wind has risen."

"And that mystery knows why the south wind has risen and why the north wind has risen."

"And that mystery knows why the stars in the heavens and the discs of the light watchers have arisen and why the firmament with all its veils has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the archons of the spheres have arisen and why the sphere with all its regions has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the archons of the Aeons have arisen and why the Aeons with their veils have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why tyrant archons of the Aeons have emerged and why repentant archons have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why servers have arisen and why deans have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why angels have arisen and why archangels have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the masters have arisen and why the gods have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why jealousy at height has arisen and why concord has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why hatred has arisen and why love has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the discord has arisen and why the concord has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why greed has arisen and why renunciation of everything has arisen and the desire for possession has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why gluttony has arisen and why satiety has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the pairs have arisen and why the odd ones have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why irreligiosity has originated and why fear of God has arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the watchers of Light have arisen and why the sparks have arisen."

"And that mystery knows why the Three Times powerful has arisen and why the invisible ones have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the ancestors have arisen and why the Puritans have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the great Obstinate has arisen and why his fidelity has come."

"And that mystery knows why the great triple power has arisen and why the great invisible ancestor has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the thirteenth Aeon has arisen and why the Middle Region has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why Middle receivers have emerged and why Virgins of Light have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the ministers in the Middle have arisen and why the Angels in the Middle have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the Land of Light has arisen and why the great receiver of Light has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the guardians of the Right region have emerged and why their drivers have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the door of life has arisen and why Sabaoth the worthy has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the region of the Right has arisen and why the Land of Light, which is the Treasury of Light, has appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the emanations of Light have arisen and why the twelve saviors have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the three gates of the Treasury of Light have emerged and why the nine guardians have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the Twin Savior has arisen and why the three Amens have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the five Trees have arisen and why the seven Amens have appeared."

"And that mystery knows why the mixture did not exist has arisen and why it has been purified."



                                                                                 Chapter 94

And Jesus continued again saying to his disciples: "Even more Oh, my disciples, be sober and bring each one here the force to feel the Light before him, because you can perceive it with confidence, because from now on you I will truly speak of the entire region of the Ineffable and what it is like."


                                                                    The disciples lose courage.

It happened then when the disciples heard Jesus pronounce these words that gave way completely discouraged.

Mary Magdalene then came forward throwing herself at the feet of Jesus, kissed them and wailed aloud said: "Have mercy on me Lord, because my brothers have listened to the words that you have spoken to them and have been discouraged. Therefore, my Lord, with regarding the Gnosis of all the things that you have spoken so that they are in the mystery of the Ineffable, I have heard that you have told me: “From now on I will begin my talks with you about the total Gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable, "-This word that you have said you have mentioned to us to be completed. For this reason my brothers have listened and have not perceived the way you spoke to them. Regarding the word that my Lord spoke to them, if the Gnosis of all this is in that mystery, where is the man who is in the world, who has the ability to understand that mystery with all his Gnosis and the symbol of all these words that you have spoken? "



                                                                                 Chapter 95

And it happened when Jesus heard Mary say these words and realized that the disciples had begun to lose their spirits, who encouraged them by saying: "Do not grieve my disciples any more, for the mystery of the Ineffable believing that you will not understand. Amen I say: that mystery is yours and of everyone who hears you, so that in this way they renounce all the things of this world and all the matter that is in it and also renounce all the perverse thoughts and all the cares of this Aeon .

                              Jesus explains that this mystery is simpler than all the mysteries.

"Now therefore I say to you: For to him who renounces the world and all that is in it and submits himself to divinity, that mystery will be closer than all the mysteries of the kingdom of Light and will understand it sooner than everyone and more easily than everyone else. He who reaches the Gnosis of that mystery will renounce this world and the things that are in it. "

"For this reason I have said to you in another time:" All you who are burdened with your burden, come to me that I will give you life, because my burden is soft and my yoke soft. "Now therefore, the one who receives that mystery He will have to renounce the world and the things that are in it. For this reason, my disciples, do not grieve believing that you will not understand that mystery. Amen I say to you: That mystery is understood much sooner than all the mysteries. Amen I say to you: That Mystery is yours and everyone who renounces the world and the things in it. "

"Now listen carefully to my disciples, companions and brothers, that I must impel you on the Gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable in relation to what I have spoken with you, because in reality I have come as far as I can tell you about the complete Gnosis in the expansion of the Universe, since the expansion of the Universe is its Gnosis."

"But now pay attention that I can talk progressively about the Gnosis of that mystery."

                                 From the separation and emanation of the forces of the Universe.

"That mystery knows why the five Helpers have separated themselves and why they have appeared from the Fatherless Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the great Light of Lights has separated itself and why it has appeared from the Fatherless Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the First Commandment has separated itself and why it has been divided into the seven mysteries and why it is called the First Commandment and why it has appeared from the Fatherless Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the Great Light of the Impressions of the Light has separated itself and why it has exalted itself without emanations and why it has appeared from the Father's Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the First Mystery, that is to say the mystery twenty-four of outside, has separated itself and why it has imitated in itself the twelve mysteries according to the number (quantity) of the numbering of the Uncontainable and Unlimited, - and why it has appeared from Fatherless Orphans. "


                                                      Of those in the second space of the Ineffable.

"And that mystery knows why the twelve Immovable have separated themselves and why they have established themselves with all their orders and why they have appeared from the Fatherless Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the resolved have separated themselves and why they have established themselves by dividing themselves into twelve orders and why they have appeared from the Fatherless Orphans, who belong to the orders of the space of the Ineffable."

"And that mystery knows why the incomprehensible, who belong to the second space of the Ineffable, have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father's Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the sincere twelve have separated themselves and why they have established themselves after all the orders of the undesignated, being themselves irrepressible and unlimited, and why they have emanated from the Fatherless orphans. "


"And that mystery knows why those not designated have separated themselves - which have not designated themselves or made themselves known according to the economy of the One and Only, the Ineffable, and why they have emanated of Father's Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the Super-profound have separated themselves and why they have distributed themselves, being a single order, and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the twelve orders of the Ineffable ones have separated themselves and why they have divided themselves into three parts, and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why all the imperishable, being twelve orders, have separated themselves and why they have established themselves, having spread in a single order, and why they have divided themselves and formed different orders, being uncontainable and unlimited, and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans. "

"And that mystery knows why the insurmountable have separated themselves and why they have exalted themselves, being twelve unlimited spaces, and they have established themselves, being three orders of spaces, according to the economy of One and Unique, the Ineffable, and why they have emanated from Father's Orphans. "

"And that mystery knows why the twelve Unstoppable, who reside in the orders of the One and Only, the Ineffable have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans, until they were taken to the space of the First Mystery, which is the second space. "

"And that mystery knows why the twenty-four myriads of those who sing praises have separated themselves and why they have extended themselves outside the veil of the First Mystery, which is the twin mystery, seen inside and outside. of the One and Only, the Ineffable, and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans. "

"And that mystery knows why all the Uncontainable have separated themselves, the ones I have just named, who are in the regions of the second space of the Ineffable, which is the space of the First Mystery, and why those Uncontainable and Unlimited have emanating from the Father`s Orphans. "

                                                                Of the first space of the Ineffable.

"And that mystery knows why the twenty-four mysteries of the spiritual First Three Times have separated themselves and why they are called the twenty-four spaces of the  First Three Times Spiritual and why they have emanated from the  Second Three Times Spiritual."

"And that mystery knows why the twenty-four mysteries of the  Second Three Times Spiritual have separated and why they have emanated from the  Third Three Times Spiritual."

"And that mystery knows why the twenty-four mysteries of the  Third Three Times Spiritual - that is, the twenty-four spaces of the Third Three Times Spiritual- have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the five Trees of the  First Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have extended themselves, standing one behind the other and also limited to each other with all their orders, and by what have emanated from Father's Orphans. "

"And that mystery knows why the five Trees of the  Second Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."


"And that mystery knows why the five Trees of the  Third Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the Unstoppable of the  First Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the Unstoppable of the second  Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the Unstoppable of the  Third Three Times Spiritual have separated themselves and why they have emanated from the Father`s Orphans."

"And that mystery knows why the  First Three Times Spiritual below - those residing in the orders of the One and Only, the Ineffable - has separated itself and why it has emanated from the  Second Three Times Spiritual."

"And that mystery knows why the  Third Three Times Spiritual - that is, the  First Three Times Spiritual above - has separated itself from itself and why it has emanated from the twelfth  Pro - Three Times Spiritual, which is in the last region of the Father`s orphans. "

"And that mystery knows why all the regions that are in the space of the Ineffable and all those that are in them, have extended themselves and why they have emanated from the last shore of the Ineffable."

"And that mystery knows for itself why they have separated themselves to emanate from the Ineffable - that is to say, the one who governs all and extends them according to his orders."



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