Chapter 100
When the Savior finished saying all this to his disciples, Andrew went ahead and said: "My lord, do not be angry with me and have mercy on me. I ask you to reveal to me the mystery of what I will ask you because it has been difficult for me to understand it"
The Savior replied saying: "Ask what you want to ask that I will reveal it face to face and without similarity"
Andrew interrogates Jesus.
And Andrew answered saying: "My lord, I am amazed and extremely amazed at how the men of this world with the body of this matter, even when they come from this world, can pass through these firmaments and these rulers and all the lords and all the gods and all the invisibles and all of the entire region of the Right and all the greats of the emanations of the Light and enter all of them inheriting the kingdom of the Light. This I do not understand. "
The disciples and the forces are of the same mixture.
When Andrew said this the spirit of the Savior awoke in him and exclaiming said to him: "How long will I have to bear you? For how long will I be indulgent with you? Then you still have not understood and remain in ignorance? You have not yet understood that you and all the Angels and all the Archangels and the Gods and the lords and all of the entire region of the Right and all the greats of the emanations of the Light and all its glory, -are all one with another of one and the same texture, the same matter and the same substance and that all of you are from the same Mix.
And at the command of the First Mystery the Mixture was constrained until all the greats of the emanations of the Light and all their glory were purifying themselves, and until they were purifying themselves from the Mixture. And they had not purified themselves from themselves but had purified themselves out of necessity according to the economy of the One and Only, The Ineffable.
They really had not had any ailments nor had they transformed themselves or poured themselves into bodies of different kinds from each other, nor had they had any affliction
Of the Trans-corporation and purification.
"You in particular are the residue of the Treasury and you are the residue of the region of the Right and you are the residue of the region of those in the middle and you are the residue of all the invisible and all the rulers; in a word, you are the residue of all these. And you are in great sufferings and afflictions in your being poured from one to another in different kinds of physical bodies. And after all these sufferings you have fought and fought with yourselves having renounced all things in the world and what is in it, and you have not stopped searching until you find the mysteries of the Kingdom of Light that have purified you and led you towards more purified Light, highly purified, that has turned you into purified light. "
Of the mysteries that purify.
"Amen I say to you: For the love of the human race, since this is material, I have unfolded myself and I have brought them all the mysteries of the Light so that they may be purified, since they are the residue of all the matter of its matter, but not a single soul of the human race would be saved and be able to inherit the Kingdom of Light if it had not brought them the mysteries that purify because the emanations of the Light do not need the mysteries since they are purified , but the human race does need them because all this is nothing but material waste. Therefore, I have told you on other occasions: "The healthy man does not need the doctor but the sick." - that is: Those who dwell in the Light does not need mysteries because they are purified lights, but the human race does need them because they are residues.
Therefore, preach to all by telling them not to faint seeking day and night until they find the mysteries that purify, to renounce the things of the world and what is in it. Because the one who buys and sells in this world and the one who eats and drinks from his matter and the one who lives by his interests and associations, accumulates other things to the rest of his matter, since all this world and everything in it and all its associations are material residues, which will be investigated on its purity.
For this reason I have told you in another time: "Renounce the things of this world and what exists in it so that you do not accumulate other things besides what you already have." Proclaim therefore the entire human race telling them to renounce the whole world and its associations so that they do not accumulate other things besides those they already have and add to them that they do not stop looking day and night for the mysteries that purify and that they do not appear until they find them as they will purify them and take them to the purified Light so that they reach the height and inherit the light of my kingdom. "
Those who are purified will be saved.
"Now therefore, Andrew with your brothers and co-disciples, due to your renunciations and sufferings that you have endured in each region and for your changes obtained in each region and by your loved ones from one to another body of different class and by all your afflictions, and because after all this you have received the mysteries that purify and you have become a purified light, highly purified; for this reason you will reach the height and penetrate all the regions of the great emanations of the Light and you will be kings in the Kingdom of Light forever. "
They will finally be higher than all powers.
"But if you come from the body of matter and you reach higher reaching the region of the rulers, then the rulers will be overwhelmed with shame in front of you, because you are the residue of their matter and you have become more purified light than all of them And if you reach the region of the Great Invisible and the region of the Middle and those of the Right and the regions of all the great emanations of the Light, you will then be venerated among all of them because you are the residue of their matter and you have become more purified light than all of them. And all the regions will praise you until you enter the region of the kingdom.
This is the answer to the question you have asked. Now therefore Andrew, do you still doubt and don't know? "
Jesus forgives Andrew's ignorance.
"When the Savior said this, Andrew clearly understood and not only he but all the disciples understood exactly that they would inherit the Kingdom of Light. And they threw themselves at the feet of Jesus exclaiming out loud and lamenting supplicants before the Savior they told him: "Lord, forgive our brother the sin of doubting."
The Savior answered them saying: "I forgive and I will forgive; that is why he has sent me the First Mystery to forgive everyone's sins"
Chapter 101
Of the members of the Ineffable.
"And those who deserve the mysteries that dwell in the Ineffable, which are not known, - these exist before the First Mystery, and using a similarity and likeness so that they can understand it, I will say that they are like the members of the body of the Ineffable. And each exists according to the dignity of his glory: The head according to the dignity of the head and the eye according to the dignity of the eyes and ears according to the dignity of the ears and the rest of the members of the body (in the same way) so that matter is manifested: There are a multitude of members but only one body. I have really spoken of this in model and similarity and likeness, but not in a true form, nor have I revealed the word indeed, but the (unique) mystery of the Ineffable. "
The Savior is his treasure.
"And all the members who are in it - according to the word with which I have compared it - that is, those who dwell in the mystery of the Ineffable, and those who dwell in it and also the three spaces that are after them according to the mysteries - out of all these I really am his treasure, next to which there is no other treasure that has equal in the world, yet there are still more words and mysteries and other regions."
Of the dignity of those who have received the mysteries.
Now therefore, blessed is he who has found the words of the first space that is outside; because it will be a god who has found these words from the mysteries of the second space that is in the middle; and he is a savior and an irrepressible who has found the words of the mysteries of the third space that is inside, and he is more outstanding than the Universe and those who are in the third space, because he has found the mystery in which they are and in the one that they remain, therefore he is like them. On the other hand, the one who has found the words of the mysteries that I have described to you according to the similarity that they are the members of the body of the Ineffable, - Amen I say to you: That man has found the words of these mysteries in truth divine, he is the first in truth and is like him (the First, the Ineffable) because through those words and mysteries. . . and the Universe itself remains because of the former. For this reason the one who has found the words of those mysteries is like the First, because it is the Gnosis of the Gnosis of the Ineffable in relation to what we have spoken today. "