Chapter 107
John continues his interrogation.
And when the Savior had said this, John continued again saying: "My Lord, be patient with me if I ask you insistently and do not be upset because I interrogate you about all things with security and certainty to know the way in which we must proclaim your teaching to humanity."
Of the suitors who receive the mysteries.
And the Savior answered saying to John: "Ask all the things that you wish that I will reveal to you face to face, without similarities openly and with certainty."
And John answered saying: "My Lord, if we go out proclaiming your teachings and arrive at a city or a village, and the men of such a city come to meet us without us knowing who they are, and they admit us to each other with great deceit and farce and they take us to their homes and wanting to put to the test the mysteries of the Kingdom of Light and they deceive us by making us suppose that they long for the things of God and we give them the mysteries of the Kingdom of Light and later we realize that they have no merits to deserve the mysteries and we know that they have deceived us and made a spectacle of the mysteries region by region testing us and also our mysteries, what will happen to such a thing then?
And the Savior answered saying to John: "If you come to a city or village, in any house that you enter and receive you, give them a mystery. If they deserve it you will win their souls and inherit the Kingdom of Light; but if they do not they deserve it and they deceive you and they also make a public spectacle of the mysteries putting you to the test and also the mysteries, invoke then the First Mystery of the First Mystery that has mercy for each one and say: You, Mystery which we have granted to these souls Wicked and perverse who do not deserve it, return to us and make them forever unaware of the Mystery of your Kingdom. And shake the dust off your feet as a witness against them, saying: May your souls be like the dust of your house. I say: At that moment all the mysteries that you have given them will return to you and all the words and mysteries of the region as far as they have received images will be taken from them. "
An old sentence explained.
"With regard to such men I have said to you similarly once: To the house that you enter and you are received tell them: Peace be with you. And if they deserve it, let your peace be with them, and if they do not deserve it, leave May your peace return to you, - that is, if these men deserve the mysteries and truly long for the things of God, grant them the mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, but if they are deceivers with you and unknowingly deceive you and if you grant them the mysteries of the Kingdom of Light and then they make the mysteries a public spectacle and they test you as well as the mysteries, then exercise the First Mystery of the First Mystery and it will return to you all the mysteries that you have given them and they will be unaware of the mysteries of the Light forever. "
"And such men will not be led back to the world from that moment onward. More amen, I tell you, their dwellings will be in the midst of the jaws of the dragon of outer darkness. And yes, even at the moment of repentance they renounce the world and the things that are in him and all his sins present complete submission to the mysteries of the Light, no mystery of the Ineffable who has mercy for all forgives the sins of each one. "
Chapter 108
Mary questions Jesus.
It happened when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples that Mary venerated Jesus' feet by kissing them and said: "My Lord, supposing that a worthy and admirable brother whom we have prepared with all the mysteries of the Light, and this one has a brother or a relative and in general any man, whether he is a sinner or not, and such a man has disembodied and the heart of the good brother is afflicted and cries for him because he is judged and punished, what can we do, Lord, to get them out of the punishments and of rigorous trials ?.
And the Savior answered saying to Mary: "Regarding this I have already told you in another time, however pay attention that I can say it again so that you may be perfected in all the mysteries and know you as" The perfect in all fullness. "
How the souls of those who have disincarnated
they can be helped by those of the earth.
"Thus, all men who are sinners or non-sinners, not only do you want them to be removed from violent trials and punishments but to be set apart towards a righteous body that can find the mysteries of Divinity so that it progresses and inherits the Kingdom of the Light, then practice the third mystery of the Ineffable and say: Take the soul of this or that man of whom we think with our hearts, out of the punishments of the ruling archons and lead him immediately before the Virgin of the Light, and in each month that the Virgin seals it with a higher seal, and in each month that the Virgin of Light pours it into a just and dignified body so that it progresses in the heights and inherits the Kingdom of Light. "
"And if you say this, I am telling you: Everyone who serves in the orders of the judges of the archons or rulers, accelerates the delivery of that soul from one to another until they lead it before the Virgin of Light. And the Virgin of Light seals it with the sign of the Kingdom of the Ineffable and gives it to its receivers to pour it into a just body so that it finds the mysteries of the Light so that it is worthy and continues to the height and inherits the Kingdom of the Light. Here is what you asked me. "
Chapter 109
Maria continues her interrogation.
And Mary answered saying: "So my Lord, you have brought us the mysteries to the world so that man does not die for the death appointed by the archons or rulers of Destiny, - whether they are destined to die by the sword or the waters or the tortures and acts of violence that are within the Law or through any other death - you have brought us then the mysteries to the world so that man does not die for the death designated by the archons of Destiny but so that die suddenly if you do not have to endure suffering through such forms of death? Because there are too many who persecute us by your name and if they torture us we can pronounce the mystery to leave the body immediately without having to endure any suffering. "
How the one who has the mysteries can leave the body without suffering.
The Savior answered saying to all his disciples: "Regarding this word about which you ask me, I have spoken to you in another time, however listen carefully that I can tell you again: Not only you but everyone who manages to accomplish that first mystery of the First Mystery of the Ineffable, - that you practice and realize it in all forms and all its types and all its seasons, realizing it will not leave the body until after you have achieved it in all its forms and all its types, only then every time evoking his name will save himself from whatever the Archons of Destiny have appointed for him. And at that moment he will leave the Archons' body of matter and his soul will become a great stream of light and soar to the heights. and he will penetrate all the regions of the archons and all the regions of light until he reaches the region of his kingdom. And in no region will he give answers or apologies because he is without signs. "
Chapter 110
After Jesus had said this, Mary continued. She threw herself at the feet of Jesus and kissing them said: "My Lord, I still have something to ask you. Reveal it to us and do not hide it from us."
Jesus answered Mary: "Ask what you want to ask, I will reveal it to you openly and without similarities."
Mary continues her interrogation.
Mary then said: "My Lord, you have brought the mysteries to the world because of poverty and wealth, and because of weakness and opulence, and because of ....... and healthy bodies, in a word of all the aforementioned, so that if we go through the different regions of the Earth and they do not have faith in us and they do not pay attention to our words and we carry out any of the mysteries in those regions, will they really know that we proclaim the words of the God of the Universe?
The Savior answered saying to Mary in the midst of the disciples: "In relation to this mystery you are asking about, I have given it to you in another time, however I will repeat it for you":
The mystery of the resurrection of death.
Actually Mary, not only you but any man who realizes the mystery of the resurrection of death, - the one who cures demons and all pain and all diseases and the blind and the crippled and the one-armed and the dumb and the deaf , which I have given you in another time, the one who receives that mystery and realizes it, - only then, if he asks for all things, poverty and wealth, weakness and opulence, a healthy body, and for all the cures of the body and the resurrection of death and for the healing of the crippled and the blind and the dumb and the deaf and all the diseases and pains, in a word, whoever performs that mystery and asks for all the things that I have just mentioned, will immediately come then to help him. "
The frenzied disciples before the sublimity of the situation.
When the Savior said this, the disciples came forward and exclaimed together saying: "O Savior, we are frenzied by the great realities that you tell us and because you have endured our souls, they have pressured us to leave us towards you because we were born of So, because of the great realities that you tell us, our souls have been delirious and pressured us excessively, longing to leave us towards the region of your kingdom."
Chapter 111
How the disciples should proclaim the word.
When the disciples said this, the Savior continued again saying to them: "If you go to cities, kingdoms or countries, proclaim first saying to them: Always seek without ceasing until you find the mysteries of light that will lead you to the Kingdom of Light. Tell them: beware of the doctrines of error. For many will come in my name and say: I am he. And they will not be, and will lead many astray. "
What mysteries will the disciples give.
"So then, all those who come to you and have faith in you and pay attention to your words and do what is worthy of the mysteries of the Light, give them the mysteries and do not hide them from them. And for the one who deserves the mysteries greater, grant them to them. And for the one who deserves the lesser mysteries, also grant them and do not hide anything from any of them. "
"On the other hand, the mystery of the resurrection of death and the healing of the sick, do not give it to anyone, nor instruction from him, since that mystery belongs to the archons with all their names. For this reason, do not Give to no one, nor instruction from him, until you establish faith throughout the world, so that if you come to cities or countries and they do not receive you well and have no faith, and do not pay attention to your words, you can awaken the dead, heal the crippled and the blind and multiple diseases in those regions. And through all of them they will have faith in you, so that you proclaim the God of the Universe and have faith in all your words. For this reason I have not given you that mystery until you establish faith throughout the world. "
When the Savior had said this, he continued his talk again and said to Mary: "So, Mary, pay attention to the word related to what you have asked me: Who restricts man until he sins? Pay attention now:
Of the constitution of man.
"The child is born, the strength is weak in him and his soul is weak in him and also the false spirit is weak in him; in a word, the three together are weak, without any of them he would not perceive anything, be it good or the evil due to the weight of forgetfulness that is very serious. Furthermore, the body is also weak. And the child delights in the world of the archons, and the force attracts for itself the portion of the force that is in the delights, and the soul attracts for itself from the portion of the soul that is in delights; and the false spirit attracts for itself from the portion of the evil that is in delights and in its greed. And on the other hand the body it attracts for itself the matter that it does not perceive to be in the delights. Fate, on the contrary, takes nothing from the delights because it is not mixed with them, but leaves again in the condition in which it came into the world. "
"And little by little the force, the soul and the false spirit grow and each one perceives according to his nature. The force intuits to try to obtain the light from above; the soul, on the other hand, aspires to seek the region of righteousness that is mixed, which is the region of mixing; and the false spirit, on the other hand, seeks all perversities and greeds and all sins; the body, on the contrary, perceives nothing unless it obtains force of matter. "
"And immediately the three develop meaning, each according to their nature. And the remunerative receivers designate the servants (liturges) to follow them and to be witnesses of all the sins that they commit, with the purpose of obtaining a form or method to punish them in trials. "
Of the false spirit.
"And after this the false spirit conceives and perceives all the sins and evil with which the archons of the Great Destiny have ordered and done for the soul."
"And the inner force incites the soul to seek the region of light and complete Divinity; and the false spirit drives the soul away and continually compels it to do all its acts of bad living, all its grievances and all its sins and is persistently adjudicating them to the soul, being hostile to it, forcing it to commit all its evils and all these sins. "
"And he initiates the retributive servants to bear witness to all the sins he will commit. Furthermore, if he rests at night or in the day, he disturbs her in his dreams with the greed of the world, making her long for all things in the world In a word, he induces her towards all the things that the archons order for her and that are hostile to her, forcing her to do what she does not like. "
"So, Mary, this is actually the enemy of the soul, who forces it until it commits all sins."
The state of the soul of the sinner after death.
Therefore, if that man's time is complete, destiny appears first and leads him to death through the archons and their chains with which they are tied to Destiny. "
"And later the remunerative receivers arrive and lead that soul out of the body. And some time later they spend three days with it circulating through all the regions and sending it to all the Aeons of the world. And the false spirit and destiny follow it, and the force returns to the Virgen of the light. "
"And after three days the remunerative recipients guide that soul down, to the Mind of chaos, and when they bring it down to chaos, they deliver it to those who punish. And the remunerative receivers return to their regions according to the economy from the works of the archons regarding the rise of souls. "
"And the false spirit becomes the recipient of the soul being destined for him to transfer it according to the punishment for the sins he has committed and is in great enmity with it."
"And when the soul has concluded the punishments in the chaos according to the sins that it has committed, the false spirit leads it out of the chaos, being destined for it to transfer it to each region for the sins that it has committed, and it leads it to the way of the archons or rulers in the middle. And when he reaches them they ask him about the mysteries of destiny, and if he has not found them, they ask his destiny. And the archons punish that soul according to the sins of which is guilty. I'll tell you the type of his sins in the expansion of the Universe. "
"Therefore, when the time of that soul's punishments in the trials of the middle archons is finished, the false spirit leads the soul out of all the regions of the middle archons and brings it before the sunlight according to the mandate of the First Man, LEW, and brings her before the Judge, the Virgin of Light. She examines her and finds that she is a sinful soul and throws her light power for her right position and for her body and her sense common, - of which I will speak to you in the expansion of the universe. And the Virgin of Light seals said soul and gives it to one of its receivers who pour it into a body that adapts to the sins it has committed. "
"And amen I say to you: They will not absolve that soul of the changes of body until it has gone through its last return according to its merit. Later I will tell you about all this and the type of bodies into which it will be poured according to the sins of each soul, when I speak to you about the expansion of the Universe. "